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The Hera report on people engagement is now online

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The Hera report on people engagement is now online
Costruire insieme il futuro

Team up. For the Hera Group this is a real philosophy, which every year leads to many concrete projects, through which our multiutility collaborates with citizens, institutions, companies and the third sector in favor of the areas in which it operates, to protect the environment and for the benefit of future generations. Because each of us can be a positive protagonist of their time.

At the heart of the third edition of the report "Building the future together" are the many shared initiatives to concretely take action together in favor of sustainability. Beside the overview of the initiatives carried out in 2019 and the results achieved, the report also tells how the Group - together with workers, suppliers, institutions and the local community - addressed the 2020 health emergency, showing once again how important it is to operate in a logic of profound integration with the local territory, guaranteeing the continuity of essential services and the safety of people and processes.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111