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Hera for a smarter use of energy

TESTATA Hera for a smarter use of energy

Hera for a smarter use of energy

Hera for a smarter use of energy

Thanks to ISO 50001 certification and the intense energy improvement plan, we were able to reduce our consumption by 5.1% compared to 2013 and the further efficiency initiatives we have already identified and planned will enable us to achieve an overall saving of 5.9%, thus exceeding the 5% target set for 2020.

Our domestic and business customers can count on a range of offers with energy efficiency solutions to which in 2019 we added the "Consumption Diary", a free report, based on the principles of behavioural economics, that was redesigned, with the collaboration of the Politecnico di Milano, to make customers aware of energy savings. At the end of 2019, 20% of our customers benefit from Hera Comm's energy efficiency services. 

Decarbonisation has become a distinctive feature of our light and gas offers in the free market: in 2019 we launched Hera Impronta Zero which, in addition to providing 100% renewable electricity, guarantees that the greenhouse gas emissions that arise from natural gas consumption are offset by purchasing carbon credits. On the internal front, we are committed to reducing our impact on the climate by purchasing renewable electricity for all major Group companies, producing 6.5 million cubic metres of biomethane from organic waste at the S. Agata Bolognese plant, and reducing the carbon intensity index in energy production by 22%.

What is ISO 50001 certification

ISO 50001 is the international standard for Energy Management Systems (EMSs). It is an internationally developed standard that helps businesses improve their energy performance, increase their efficiency and reduce their impact on the climate and the environment. The standard sets specific minimum criteria that the EMS must meet. In short, it can be summarized as the concept that, in response to a precise management commitment to adopt a specific energy policy, the company organises constant monitoring capable of assessing what (which type of energy source), how much (m3, kWh, etc.), where (in which plant or section of plant, building, etc.), and how (if the energy performance is efficient or if it can potentially be improved) it consumes energy. This is done in order to identify improvement measures and to assess whether these measures pay off economically within a reasonable timeframe.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111