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Our Approach to shared value

TESTATA Che cos'è per noi

Our approach

What is for us

“Porter and Kramer, in their well-known 2011 article published in the Harvard Business Review, state that companies can create shared value with policies and practices that strengthen their competitiveness while responding to the needs of the communities in which they operate and to societal challenges.

In 2016 we embarked on a journey to define what 'Creating Shared Value' represents for the Hera Group, starting from what Porter and Kramer suggested and integrating it with the 2016 European Union Communication on Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Our business, by its very nature strongly integrated into the social and economic fabric of the local area, creates shared value when it generates operating margins and, at the same time, respond to the drivers of the 2030 Global Agenda on Sustainable Development. Such drivers are the ''calls to action'' aimed at change, necessary for the future of the planet, and incorporated in global, European, national, local policies and megatrends.

Ever since 2016, the Hera Group's approach to sustainability has combined Csr with a Csv perspective, resulting in activities and projects that:

  • improve our environmental and social sustainability performance related mainly to the businesses we run (also, but not only, in relation to the laws and regulations of our industries) - Csr;
  • generate operating margins by responding to the Global Agenda drivers - Csv.

Page update 05 June 2023

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111