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External growth

External growth 1 accordion H1 2023


Hera's history demonstrates the effectiveness of the model for expansion that has allowed the Group to quintuple its size over 20 years, since its establishment, with a significant contribution coming from M&As (40% of growth created with M&As).
Further M&A operations are also foreseen in the new Business Plan to 2028


The model was designed to be "open" to external growth, with an inclusive governance that allows the group of shareholders to be widened, taking in new shareholders in exchange for the contribution coming from their business activities. The Group's diversified set of shareholders, unique in the multi-utility sector, facilitates this kind of expansion.

The strategy of expansion through M&As represents an important source of value creation. Since the transactions were carried out with non dilutive multiples, shareholders can rely on the extraction of synergies (which lead to the creation of value) from mergers that make the most of scale economies and cross selling. In the past, this strategy has guaranteed an average increase in the Ebitda of merged companies coming to +25% in less than 5 years.

The strategy of external growth through M&As marks the transactions with "Mono-business" target companies and "Multi-utility" companies.

In the first case, Mono-business companies mainly include those involved in free market activities (waste treatment and energy sales) and generally owned by private entrepreneurs, which allows a transaction for a "cash" acquisition. As regards the geographic scope, even though the market is national and not local, Hera concentrates its areas for potential expansion along the Adriatic coast for activities in Commodity sales. In the waste treatment market, instead, the scope is national, since plants that are close to the customer are strategic (to reduce costs in logistics). Hera is indeed the nation's leader in this sector, by quantity of plants and volumes managed.

In the second case, Multi-utility companies are mainly owned by local authorities (Municipalities), with geographically localised activities that often concern concessions for services (water, waste collection, gas and electricity distribution). The geographic scope involves areas bordering with the reference area, i.e. North-Eastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Triveneto regions), since the speed and amount of the synergies that can be extracted from mergers are increased by geographical proximity. These transactions can take the form of mergers with the "partner" company in which the owners generally prefer to become Group shareholders. These transactions are usually carried out with exchanges of shares between the parties.

Hera will continue to focus on M&A transactions, selecting investments that offer potential synergies and are complementary to the Group's current activity portfolio: particular attention will go so selecting the targets (multi-utilities, in addition to companies involved in energy sales and waste treatment) in parts of the nation held to be strategic for each activity.

The projections included in the new plan to 2028 are based on a market analysis and the Group's track record. The goal for 2028 is for growth through M&As to contribute to Ebitda with +100m€.

The ways in which this target will be reached depend on the opportunities offered by a market which is still highly fragmentary and contains an excessive number of small-medium enterprises with a sub-optimal size, that have difficulty in remaining effectively and efficiently on the market. The wide range of options concerns all sectors in which the Group is active, i.e. multi-utilities, energy sales or waste treatment.

Hera Group's focus on core business areas (Water, Waste, Energy) and streamlining of company structure has resulted in a major divestment/rationalization policy.

Divestments/rationalizations are underpinned by the following strategies:

  • Streamlining/financing development
  • Organizational focus

The numerous rationalization operations were in response to the need for a more efficient governance structure able to deliver significant cost savings.


M&A track record

EstEnergy Electricity and gas sales 16/12/2024 100%
TRS Ecology Waste services 30/07/2024 70%
SOELIA Distribution networks 11/06/2024 100%
ASCO TLC IT-TLC 27/09/2023 100%
Tiepolo srl Energy efficiency 06/07/2023 100%

F.lli Franchini Srl

Electricity services



A.C.R. di Reggiani Albertino Spa

Waste services



Macero Maceratese

Waste services



Con Energia S.p.A.

Energy sales

13/04/2022 100%
Gruppo Vallortigara Waste services 09/09/2021 80%
Recycla SRL Waste services 30/06/2021 70%
EstEnergy (Joint Venture with Ascopiave) Electricity and gas sales 19/12/2019 52%
Pistoia Ambiente Waste management services 30/07/2019 100%
Cosea Ambiente Waste services 09/05/2019 100%
CMV Servizi Gas distribution 26/02/2019 100%
CMV Energia e Impianti Electricity and gas sales 26/02/2019 100%
Sangroservizi Electricity and gas sales 20/03/2018 100% Gas distribution 07/03/2018 100%
Blu Ranton Electricity and gas sales 08/02/2018 100%
Teseco Waste services 30/01/17 100%
Aliplast Waste services 11/01/17 100%
Gran Sasso Electricity and gas sales 06/10/16 100%
Julia servizi più Electricity and gas sales 08/04/16 100%
Geo Nova Waste services 29/12/2015 100%
Waste Recycling Waste services 23/12/2015 100%
Alento gas Gas sales 26/01/2015 100%
Ecoenergy Waste services 27/11/2014 100%
Amga Udine Multi utility 25/06/2014 100%
Fucino gas Gas sales 13/01/2014 100%
Est Reti Elettriche Electricity distribution 12/12/2013 100%
Isontina Reti Gas Gas distribution 30/09/2013 100%
AcegasAps Multi-utility 25/07/2012
Analyst presentation
Sadori Gas sales 14/04/2011 50%
Enomondo Biomass combustion plant 11/01/2011 40%
Aimag Multi-utility 12/10/2009 25%
Tamarete Energia CCGT 17/12/2008 32%
Megas Trade Electricity and gas sales 28/07/2008 100%
SAT Multi-utility 16/10/2007
Marche Multiservizi Multi-utility 23/07/2007 41.8%
Aspes Multi-utility 28/06/2007
Enel electricity distribution grid in Modena Electricity distribution 27/06/2006
Geat Distribuzione Gas Gas distribution 29/06/2006 100%
Meta SpA Multi-utility 24/06/2005
Analyst presentation
Ecologia Ambiente WTE 06/07/2004
Analyst presentation
SET CCGT 15/12/2004 39.0%
Calenia Energia CCGT 28/09/2004 15.0%
Agea SpA Multi-utility 27/07/2004
Analyst presentation


2023 0 7 5 0 0 12
2022 4 4 3 0 0 11
2021 2 1 9 0 0 12
2020 8 1 5 0 0 14
2019 8 1 5 0 0 14
2018 2 5 5 0 0 12
2017 8 2 10 0 0 20
2016 5 4 4 0 2 15
2015 9 8 9 0 2 28
2014 5 7 8 2 - 22
2013 12 4 11 - - 27
2012 9 2 2 - 1 14
2011 9 2 2 - 1 14
2010 3 3 4 3   13
2009 11 12 8 4   35
2008 6 1 7 1   15
2007 6 2 6 3   17
2006 24 3 7 3   37
2005 23 3 18 2   46
2004 14 4 29 0   47
2003 26 4 11 0   41

External growth 2 aggiornamento pagina H1 2023

Page update 26 March 2025

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111