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Integrated waste management

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Integrated waste management


We are the leading operator handling waste management in Italy. We serve 188 municipalities in five regions (Emilia-Romagna, the Marches, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Tuscany) for a total of 3.2 million citizens

We work on behalf of Municipal administrations through a service Contract for urban hygiene activities, in this way guaranteeing an integrated waste management system.

With the company Herambiente we govern a complex system of municipal and special waste recovery and disposal plant such as to meet the needs of the area served. We also offer companies made to measure solutions for the integrate management of waste and energy resources through a Global Service Management approach, with the aim of improving the performance of our customers in terms of sustainability and efficiency. 

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Integrated waste management accordion 1

The Herambiente Group is the waste treatment leader in Italy. Its role has been consolidated over the years thanks to our companies that operate on the Italian and international market, able to effectively treat all types of waste. We offer our customers custom packages to meet all of their requirements, such as integrated environmental services or the planning and execution of reclamations of contaminated sites, in this way contributing to the protection of the environment, and of the health and safety of workers and citizens. 

Responsibility for the environment. The responsibility environment

Herambiente’s experience allows us to play a leadership role for a path leading to the circular economy, with the objective of pursuing standards of efficiency and profitability, and high percentages of recycling and recovery of material and energy. To do this, we make available innovation, skills and plants that are distinguished by their reliability, state-of-the art technologies and high environmental performance.

Our strategy is centred on the integration of the various sectors along the value chain. Over the years, Herambiente has evolved while continuing to pay attention to efficiency, while aiming at integrating people in the different business lines, at digitisation, while encouraging innovation and the sharing of knowledge, and while promoting process and design synergies. (I would wait for the final text on the new mission for this part).

The ecological transition represent a huge opportunity and Herambiente is already at wok on this, looking for new solutions guaranteeing greater sustainability.

Watch the video with the testimonies of those who work to help have a cleaner world.

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Our services for companies:

  • Herambiente Industrial Services: we are a company dedicated to the environmental needs of companies, and thanks to our increasingly efficient processes, we are a single partner from waste collection to its treatment. We make available to companies fully customized solutions, such as turn-key services for managing industrial waste, in order to find the most advantageous destination for each waste in full compliance with the complex environmental legislation.
  • Reclamation service: thanks to our consolidated know-how and high standards of quality and safety, we guarantee advice and services that are always attentive to environmental sustainability, such as customized analyses to find economically efficient solutions. Our engineers following the reclamation and decontamination projects from the very beginning, providing a range of services for the environment such as characterisation and design, reclamation and implementation of safety measures technologies, and environmental due diligence.
  • Aliplast: we are the first Italian company to manage the entire plastic cycle in-house. By customizing products, we can guarantee a complete service, from the pick-up of plastic waste and transportation up to its transformation into a reusable material.
  • Utilities market:we manage the entire recovery chain for waste deriving from separate collection, as well as the treatment of UNDIFFERENTIATED and special urban waste.

Do you want a customized solution for your company? Learn about our services on the Herambiente website (enter link →


The mission of the Hera Group’s Environmental Services is to make the environment where we live a better place, one that is pleasant and safe. In order to reach this goal, we also collect abusive waste and carry out urban decor interventions in collaboration with the municipal administrations for whom we work. We guarantee increasingly virtuous waste management by identifying custom solutions based on the specific characteristics of the areas such as, for example, cleaning beaches or washing arcades. Our service comes out of the study and analysis of the best management practices and has allowed us to establish an organisational model based on an actual consolidated wealth of knowledge and decades of experience.

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Integrated waste management accordion 3

Our Waste Management System (SGR) features the following main services:

The different collection solutions

  • Area collections: addressed to household users and small non-household users, they are widespread throughout the area and can be made through: 
    • roadside containers
    • door to door collections at the homes of citizens who, equipped with a separate waste collection kit supplied by Hera, put out their waste on pre-established days and times based on a calendar.
  • Home collections at “target” users: are addressed to non-household users that produce specific waste similar to urban waste (e.g. cardboard in stores, glass or cans in coffee bars, organic waste in canteens and restaurants...);
  • Separate Waste Collection Centres: also known as Ecological Stations, are infrastructures present in almost all municipalities Hera serves that complete the service offered to citizens to deliver their urban waste separately. Citizens can deliver a wide range of categories of urban waste (also determined hazardous waste), in addition to delivering bulky and heavy waste, to these centres. In some towns, also innovative infrastructures such as the Ecomobile furniture collection centres and the Ecoself self-service collection points are active. A discount system that rewards delivery of various categories of separated waste is also contemplated. 
  • Roadside collection: this service is supplied using Basic Ecological Islands, i.e. roadside containers divided by chain (unseparated, organic, plastic, paper, glass) or Underground Ecological Islands. The opening of the containers in some areas might require the use of the “emerald card”. 
  • On-call service: with the home pick-up service, free of charge on call and by appointment, citizens can get rid of bulky and green waste. 
  • Collection at businesses: this service entails collecting several types of hazardous waste such as batteries and drugs from specific businesses. We are also progressively promoting roadside collection and collection at shopping malls of WEEE (waste from electrical and electronic equipment) and exhausted vegetable oils.

Road sweeping and cleaning

The cleaning of the public areas and spaces of towns is another important activity that guarantees urban decor. We follow pre-established schedules on the basis of Municipal Service Agreements or on the basis of reports received from citizens, in this way ensuring a different frequency and quick intervention based on the local area needs.

We also provide complementary services in order to guarantee maintenance works in the most important areas with the highest traffic or interventions coinciding with cultural and sports events.

Urban waste disposal

We are the leading operator in Italy for waste treatment and we devote ourselves to promoting the efforts put forth by the citizens in separate waste collection as best we can. An important part of our integrated waste management process is represented by the complex plant system of Herambiente. All waste collected on the territory is first taken to a selection centre in order to improve it in terms of quality and to separate its scraps, then it is sent to the recovery platforms or to the treatment or disposal platforms if it is not recoverable. To learn more about it, visit the Herambiente website.

Integrated waste management accordion 2

In 2017 Herambiente's strong propensity for the circular economy and environmental protection led it to acquire Aliplast, a centre of excellence in Italy in the recycling of plastic waste.

With a single common goal: to make the plastic cycle as sustainable as possible, maximising customer satisfaction.

we are the first Italian company to manage the entire plastic cycle internally. Thanks to a customisation of our products, we guarantee a complete service, from the collection of plastic waste, to transport, up to the transformation into new reusable material. Thirty years of experience working alongside producer companies allows us to guarantee a complete service, from the collection of plastic waste, to transport, up to the transformation into new recycled products with high standards of quality and performance on a par with virgin products.

Aliplast's targets

Aliplast serves customers in many fields: food, cosmetics and detergents, furniture, automotive, construction, household appliances, and paper, and identifies the perfect product, through its internal laboratory and its R&D technical staff, pursuing precise objectives:

  • studying the most suitable materials and processes to perfectly customize the products;
  • developing new products with specific technical characteristics for particular uses;
  • researching and defining product innovations and technologies aimed at improving sustainability performance.

By doing so, it gives our customers reliable and integrated solutions that complete and close the sustainability loop: from the collection and recovery of plastic waste from production waste and scrap to the regeneration of new plastic products that have nothing less than the original raw material.

Go to Aliplast website


In advance in reaching European targets

The results recorded in 2022 allow us to confirm the targets regarding packaging recycling and reduced landfill use, proving that we are almost 10 years in advance in meeting EU circular economy targets. The goal of decreasing waste delivered to landfills has in fact already been met in our territory (3% in 2023 as compared to a maximum 10% target in 2035) and the target set for packaging recycling (66% in 2025 as compared to the 70% target in 2030) has already been surpassed. We are also close to meeting the overall recycling rate target (61% in 2022 as compared to a 55% target in 2025, 60% in 2030 and 65% in 2035).

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Key figures

ENVIRONMENT 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
no. municipalities served 194 190 190 188 187 174 187 187 189 188 188
millions of inhabitants served 3,277 3,311 3,323 3,300 3,310 3,135 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200
segregated waste as % of total waste 52.6 54.0 55.4 56.6 57.7 62.5 64.6 65.3 65.3 67,8 72,2
urban waste collected (000 ton) 2,011.0 2,037.0 2,040.0 2,047.7 2,039.0 1,980.3 2,037.4 1,915.3 2,200.0 1,900 2,000
waste treated (000 ton) 6,219 6,426 6,225 6,867 6,802 7,293 7,175.1 6,600.0 6,800.0 6,900.0 7,700.0
no. of waste-to-energy plants 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9
Ktonnes/year of waste treated by waste-to-energy plants 1,372.9 1,393.9 1,390.3 1,336.3 1,305.4 1,309.80 1,259.9 1,275,4 1.205,20 1,180.2 1,275
GWh/year of electr. power prod. by waste-to-energy plants 974.0 980.0 961.0 992.0 952.8 943.5 927.0 852 775 866.9 868
landfills in use 13 11 18 7 8 8 11 9 9 10 9
no. of composting plants/digester 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13
number of selection plants 5 7 6 9 15 15 15 14 15 17 17
plants 78 78 80 82 92 89 95 90 100 100 101

(Source: SR 2023)

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111