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Innovators by nature

TESTATA Innovators by nature

Innovators by nature

Innovation is a process that transforms an idea into a replicable and sustainable good or service with a value. Innovating does not simply mean inventing or designing, but it involves research, intuition, discovery, progress and improvement. And knowing how to envision value in the current and future context. Innovation generates progress and developments that take place both as evolution and improvement of a current state, and as a break or strong discontinuity with respect to the existing one. That is why we talk about two types of innovation: 





When it brings advances in existing technologies, processes, products or services

When it occurs discontinuously with respect to the past, sometimes even in a destructive way or such as to totally replace the existing one

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Innovators by nature

At Hera Group we have always believed in the value of innovation. In sustainable innovation, respectful of the environment and people, which knows how to respond to the needs and requirements of today and tomorrow.


Innovation: a commitment and our strategic pillar


We can add data or key-facts on the topic of innovation.

Ours is a widespread innovation model, because each department is responsible for its own innovation initiatives: from the review of processes to the identification of new services, from efficiency tools to the launch of new operational models. Thanks also to the support of services and tools such as IT and connectivity. 

This is why we have set up the  Central Innovation Department, a think tank that analyses the main market trends, identifies the areas of greatest interest, evaluates and proposes projects and solutions to individual departments and supports developments with Information and Communication Technology technologies and tools. 

It includes the IT systems, the connectivity and telecommunications services (managed by Acantho subsidiary), and the Development Department, which identifies scenarios and possible action areas and proposes engineering projects, and technological and digital innovation projects. 


Fields of intervention in innovation

The main areas of innovation in our Group, consistent with our business plan, are:

Circular economy

Customer experience

Digitalization and data analytics (Utility 4.0)

Smart city

Aimed at environmental sustainability, the valorisation of materials and the maximization of waste or scrap recovery.

To understand the needs and desires, expressed or not, of consumers and guide concrete actions to increase their satisfaction level.

With initiatives related to the implementation of new technologies - especially information technology - for the digitalization, automation and flexibility of processes, and for the valorisation and use of data.

To introduce technologies aimed at improving the liveability of cities and the services provided to the community.

Furthermore, in order to encourage and boost innovation, we have activated social innovation initiatives, involving both external stakeholders - through HeraLAB - and internal - through the Heureka initiative.



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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111