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Saving is as easy as drinking a glass of water

Testata Storia Acqua

Storia Acqua

Choosing to drink tap water every day is simple and helps you save money while doing good for the environment. Join us in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Water is a precious commodity, which is why at Hera we are committed to protecting it and promoting its proper use. Over the past few years we have invested locally to upgrade our plants, but also to provide information tools that can help citizens become more aware of water use and help them save money.

Lina, a mother from Bologna, decided
to share her experience with us.

By changing her habit, she managed to save almost €600 for year, and is convinced that her story can inspire other people to adopt such positive behaviour.

"One day, on my way home from work, I heard a news story on the radio saying that Italians are among the world's biggest consumers of bottled water. […] At home it's up to me to make ends meet and listening to that report I thought that maybe by cutting the consumption of bottled water and switching to tap water we could save a lot of money, not to mention the effort of carrying the crates of water and the plastic we could avoid.

I was skeptical, I feared that the tap water was not good, that it might taste bad or even hurt my family's health, so I looked for information. After studying the matter online, I discovered that these are myths to be debunked, and the tasting test dispelled any doubts.

Thanks to Hera's In Good Water report, I found that our household tap water is subjected to almost 2,600 analyses every day and in 99.9% of cases it meets the regulatory requirements.

Acqua lavandino bicchiere

At first, it wasn't easy to convince everyone, my husband kept buying a few crates of water from time to time and the children supported him. Slowly, however, I managed to convince them that there wasn't any difference between tap water and bottled water.

The savings was what ultimately convinced my husband. In fact, adopting this new approach, one thousand litres of water cost us only €2.35, compared to the €370 we would have spent by buying the same amount in bottles.

To save even more money, I started using the Consumption Diary in my reserved area. By doing so, I can compare my water consumption with the average consumption of families similar to mine and find new solutions to waste less and less water. Now, for example, when I wash the vegetables I leave them to soak in a bowl and after rinsing them, I use the water to water flowers and plants. I think that if everyone behaved like this, we could save a lot of water and also a lot of money. It's really simple, you just have to pay a little attention.

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Sustainable management of water resources

Climate change, population growth and increasing exploitation of water resources are progressively deteriorating the natural hydrogeological cycle, quality of water, and people's health. The European Union, also through the Directive 2020/2184, has therefore strengthened its commitment to increasing the quality of drinking water and guaranteeing universal access to such water. In fact, efficient management of water resources generates benefits not only for health but also for the economy and the environment.

With regard to the national framework, although 95.7% of Italian municipalities have urban wastewater treatment systems, 339 of them (equivalent to 1.6 million citizens) are still excluded. Furthermore, in 2020 Italy ranked second in Europe for drinking water consumption at household level, with 153 m3 per inhabitant per year (twice the European average), and the first in the world for bottled water consumption.

The Hera Group plays a key role in Italy, managing the integrated water service in 228 municipalities, for a catchment area of over 3.6 million inhabitants.


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Last update: 23 October 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111