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How we measure Shared Value

TESTATA How we measure Shared Value

How we measure Shared Value

How we measure Shared Value

Our approach to 'Creating Shared Value' also includes a practical measurement system: the measurement of the "shared value" Ebitda - Gross Operating Margin - generated during the year by our Group's activities in response to the Global Agenda priorities

Starting from 2019, the measurement of the "shared value" Ebitda is also verified by the same independent auditors that verify the Sustainability Report. The calculation methodology includes specific criteria that analyse the businesses we operate, consistently with the drivers we have identified, and the impact areas to create shared value. For more information on the methodology see the Shared Value Report.

Shared-value EBITDA for 2023 was 776.0 million euros (51.9% of the Group’s total EBITDA) up 16% compared to 2022. Such result is in the trajectory of the industrial plan constructed so that the Shared Value Ebitda is 64& of the total to 2027 and 70% to 2030.

How we respond to the global scenario

The Shared value Ebitda generated in 2023 comes mainly from activities and projects that respond to the "call to action" of the "Global Agenda" for the driver environment aimed at regenerating resources and closing the circle (about 54% of the total shared value Ebitda), where the important role of value creation emerges through activities related to the sustainable management of water resources and the transition to a circular economy. About 36% of the shared value Ebitda is instead achieved through activities in areas that aim to "pursue carbon neutrality", such as energy transition and renewable and the promotion of energy efficiency. Finally, the Hera Group generates about 33% of Shared value Ebitda in areas that aim to "enable resilience and innovate also thanks to innovation and digitalization and its contribution to economic development and social inclusion attentive to the environment and stakeholders.  


The total of the Shared value Ebitda does not correspond to the sum of the Ebitda of the single drivers because of activities related to more drivers.

Page updated 15th April 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111