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Welfare and Life at Hera

TESTATA Welfare and initiatives for employees

Welfare and initiatives for employees

Welfare and initiatives for employees 1 video

Welfare and initiatives for employees


We have created HEXTRA, an integrated company welfare system that aims to augment the well-being of individual employees and their families. The plan envisions the payment of the same flexible welfare fee for all employees that the company will use to give everyone the chance to create their own welfare package (by choosing from the right to the reimbursement of certain medical expenses, supplementing their contractual pension fund, buying goods and services such as cinema/theatre subscriptions, gym memberships or extra professional training packages or obtaining reimbursement for their children's education expenses).

HEXTRA includes certain projects developed in conjunction with the Asphi Foundation to develop the skills and potential of people with disabilities

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Welfare and initiatives for employees 3 accordion

The year 2016 has seen the launch of HEXTRA, the integrated company welfare system for all Group companies, aligned with the company's culture and values and capable of boosting our employees' personal and family well-being from the economic and social perspective.

The initiatives and services proposed are classified within the following macro-categories:


Health and Healthcare



Insurance and Social Security



Educational support / Assistance for children



Individual Services



Well-being and Income Support



Hera Solidale


The new Plan introduces a flexible welfare quota, or a "budget" that is the same for all employees, with which the company provides each person with the possibility of choosing from individual initiatives offered within the six macro-categories. For example, you can obtain a reimbursement for certain medical expenses incurred, supplement your contractual pension fund, purchase goods and services like a cinema/theatre pass, a gym membership or extra-professional training courses, and obtain a reimbursement for your children's educational expenses.

In addition, there is an additional per-capita investment for employees with school-age children, which provides an additional quota to be used exclusively for educational expenses, from the nursery to university.

Welfare and initiatives for employees

Page update 15 February 2021

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111