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Mission and values

Testata Mission and Value

Mission and Value

Mission and value

What we are called to achieve today and in the future

The Hera Group wants to be the best Italian multi-utility for its customers, workers and shareholders, by further enhancing an original business model capable of innovation with strong local roots, while respecting the environment.

For Hera, being the best multi-utility means representing a reason for pride and trust for: 

  • customers - so that by constantly listening to them they receive quality services that live up to their expectations; 
  • the women and men who work in the company - so that they are the protagonists of the results thanks to their expertise, their involvement, and their passion; 
  • shareholders - so that they can be sure that the economic value continues to be created for the company while respecting the principles of Social Responsibility; 
  • the reference local area - so that its economic, social and environmental wealth is fostered for a sustainable future; 
  • suppliers - so that they can be key players in the value chain and partners in growth.

The definition of our mission stems from a participatory process that involved some workers from different company areas and 15 mayors of member municipalities, with the goal of exchanging different opinions and identifying the main values in which the reference stakeholders can identify.


Values: the values in which we identify

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A Group of honest and loyal people

In its external and internal relations, Hera is a company in which considerations of legality, correctness, honesty, fairness and impartiality represent a common way of feeling and acting. In sharing these principles, long-lasting relationships with customers and suppliers, overall transparency in relationships with third parties, and fair recognition of the work of collaborators are established.


Sincere, clear messages to all stakeholders

Hera is committed to keeping all stakeholders clearly, fully and rapidly informed as to all actions at every corporate level. It shall provide this information fully, with all due clarity, in a timely manner. For Hera, being transparent means adopting management tools open to dialogue with its interlocutors with the aim of corresponding to the expectations concerning information and knowledge of the economic, social and environmental impacts of its corporate activities.


Shared commitment to the good of the company

Working at Hera entails a commitment to establishing a relationship of trust with colleagues and, more in general, with all stakeholders. Applying oneself with loyalty and effectiveness in order to achieve corporate goals with the awareness of one's tasks and responsibilities is considered essential.


Doing what we say we'll do

Being coherent means that everyone is called upon to implement the company’s mission, values and operating principles on a daily basis, in every action taken. These are the foundations of strategic planning, company goals and operational management.

Missione and values

The lines of conduct we adopt to achieve our strategic objectives

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Customer satisfaction is a fundamental element for the growth of a group that wishes to be considered as a solutions provider, capable of understanding its client’s needs and guaranteeing top-quality services. Hera’s daily activities are aimed at supplying consistent and reliable responses to the expectations of its customers. Hera’s organisation, professionalism and corporate culture evolve, since listening to and serving the customer are their point of reference.
Hera operates to ensure continuity of service to its customers while improving the resilience of the networks and plants managed through risk analysis and management.



Hera is committed to quickly pursuing the goals set, by introducing the principle of optimisation in every activity: in managing human resources, time, financial and technological resources.

Mission and values video

Missione and values

Page update 8 October 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111