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Case study
The satisfaction of our stakeholders is a fundamental element for Hera Group's growth.
We want to provide solutions that meet people's needs and offer high quality services, while always respecting the environment and the communities we serve.
Our mission? To be closer to citizens and increasingly effective in achieving our commitments. By combining our efforts with those of the public, we can build the future together.
Find out our Case Studies, which you can also find them in the full version of the Sustainability report (Non-financial disclosure)
Energy - Pursuing carbon neutrality
The development of photovoltaics in landfills
In July 2023, the new photovoltaic system in Galliera (Bo) was commissioned, built on a closed landfill and made up of 2.5 thousand panels for a total installed power of 1 MW. The expected electricity production is 1.4 GWh per year and will be totally fed into the grid, leading to an expected benefit of 600 tonnes of greenhouse gases avoided each year.
In addition, in the early months of 2024, Hera obtained authorisation for the construction and operation of another photovoltaic system on a closed and restored landfill in Castel Maggiore, which is also in the Bologna area. The new system will contain almost 6.5 thousand panels for a total power of approximately 4.2 MW, which is set to produce around 6.6 GWh of electricity per year, which is equivalent to around 3,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases avoided each year. The plant will be divided into two sections with a power of 3.2 MW and 1.0 MW (the latter may be dedicated to a renewable energy community).
Finally, the authorisation process is also underway for the construction of an additional 7.5 MW photovoltaic system at the Ravenna landfill.
The construction of photovoltaic systems on exhausted landfills is promoted by the Emilia-Romagna region and by national legislation through incentives and simplifications since these projects also offer an opportunity to avoid consuming soil, given that they are developed on areas that are difficult to use for other purposes, for example for cultivation.
These initiatives are another example of how much the Hera Group strives to be a key driver on the path towards the energy transition and the electrification of consumption, with innovative tools for energy efficiency and self-production.
The development of photovoltaics in landfills contributes to the achievement of targets 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 and 13.2 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The development of energy parks and agrivoltaics
The Energy park project is an innovative model of sustainable development, which combines energy transition and attention to the environment in the same area, forming an integrated, green infrastructure for the generation of renewable energy and the protection of biodiversity.
The project has four pillars:
- The production of renewable energy in synergy with agriculture using agrivoltaic systems;
- Safeguarding the ecosystem by protecting and expanding biodiversity;
- The conversion to sustainable agriculture by promoting best agricultural practices;
- The creation of an area for the community through the creation of an urban forest.
Energy park initiatives have been launched in Bologna and Faenza during 2023.
A site for construction was identified in Bologna near via Stalingrado, which Hera has acquired. The project will use an area of 70 hectares and will see the installation of 20 thousand bifacial photovoltaic panels with a total power of approximately 14 MW which will allow the generation of over 20 GWh per year (consumption of 7,400 “typical” families), reducing Bologna’s carbon footprint by approximately 9,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases and increasing the city’s energy self-sufficiency.
In Faenza, the land owned by Società Agricola le Cicogne Srl, established by the Fondazione Banca del Monte e Cassa di Risparmio Faenza and by Crédit Agricole Italia, has been acquired. The dimensions are similar to the Energy Park in Bologna.
The authorisation procedures prior to the operational and construction phase of the Energy parks are set to be launched in 2024.
In 2023, thanks to a partnership with Orogel, a Cesena cooperative leader in Italy in the production of fresh frozen vegetables, the Horowatt company has been established to produce renewable energy and promote the energy transition.
Horowatt’s first area of intervention concerns the construction of a 5.1 MW agrivoltaic system which will be built on approximately 13 hectares of land near the Orogel plant in Cesena and will be able to produce approximately 8 GWh each year, equal to 25% of the overall energy needs of the industrial plant. The photovoltaic panels will be mounted on metal structures at a minimum height of 2.1 metres above the ground to allow agricultural activities to be carried out below. In addition, thanks to an integrated automation system with sensors on the land, the panels can be oriented not only to adapt to the position of the sun and guarantee maximum energy efficiency, but also to respond to specific agricultural needs, for the benefit of the crops underneath (“Agriculture 4.0”).
The plant will pave the way for additional future initiatives aimed at developing a new agriculture model, which combines food production with energy production without soil consumption in a sustainable manner.
Authorisation to carry out the works and to then start constructing the plant should be obtained in 2024.
Thanks to these initiatives, Hera will be able to initiate concrete actions in the field of renewables and sustainability, pooling its best skills and experience to support residents, businesses and public administrations towards the energy and environmental transition.
The development of Energy parks and photovoltaics contributes to the achievement of targets 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 and 13.2 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The development of the hydrogen supply chain: hydrogen valleys
Hera Group is implementing “Hydrogen valley” projects in Modena and Trieste where green hydrogen will be produced from renewable sources to support decarbonisation in industrial sectors, SMEs and local transport and at the same time promote the reuse of disused industrial areas, thus contributing to the sustainable management of the area and promote the development of local economies.
In particular, the IdrogeMO project in Modena, carried out in conjunction with companies Herambiente and Snam, consists of:
- A photovoltaic system of 6.3 MW of power, divided into 5.3 MW of ground-mounted photovoltaic units, which will be built on the slopes of the disused landfill in Via Caruso, and 1 MW of floating photovoltaic units, located on the body of water located north of the project site. This system will also come with a battery energy storage system (BESS);
- A green hydrogen production system using a 2.5 MW power electrolyser which will lead to the production of approximately 400 tonnes of green hydrogen per year (approximately 13 GWh) and compression and loading systems in hydrogen tube trailers.
The overall cost of the project is 20.8 million euro, approximately 94% of which is financed by the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) through financing line 3.1 (“Hydrogen production in abandoned industrial areas ( Hydrogen valleys)”) which falls under Mission M2 (“Green revolution and ecological transition”) Component C2 (“Renewable energy, hydrogen, network and sustainable mobility”). Authorisation procedures are set to begin at the beginning of 2024, with the plant being commissioned in 2026.
In Trieste, AcegasApsAmga has signed a partnership agreement with Hestambiente to also participate in the NRRP M2C2 Inv.3.1 tender.
The project, submitted to the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, involves the installation of a platform with an annual production capacity of 370 tonnes of renewable hydrogen (approximately 12 GWh), of which approximately 116 tonnes are produced thanks to the energy of a dedicated photovoltaic system of at least 4.5 MW of power which will be installed in a degraded area (“Ex-Esso”) within the Trieste Site of National Interest, allowing an area with otherwise unused production potential to be maximised. The photovoltaic system will be equipped with an energy storage system, suitably sized, which will allow maximum use of self-produced electrical energy during the hours of lower or no energy production.
The initiative also envisages industrial symbiosis between the hydrogen production platform and the waste-to-energy plant in Trieste which involves the reuse of the purge water from the evaporative cooling towers of the waste-to-energy plant as part of the renewable hydrogen production process.
For the Trieste project, a loan of 14 million euro has been requested from the Region to partially cover the entire investment. The construction of the plant and its commissioning are expected to be completed by 2026. Letters of intent were also signed with Trieste Trasporti S.p.A., CoSELAG (Local Economic Development Consortium of the Julian Area) and Adriafer S.r.l. to use renewable hydrogen mainly in the sectors of local public transport, rail and road transport in the port and dry port logistics of the port of Trieste, and in road transport serving the industrial area of the province of Trieste.
For the construction of the portion of the plant intended solely for the production of renewable hydrogen, AcegasApsAmga also obtained financing amounting to 1.5 million euro from the European tender “HORIZON - JTI - CleanH2 - 2022-06-01: Hydrogen valleys”. AcegasApsAmga is a partner of the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) consortium, financed by the aforementioned European tender, which aims to create an economic, social and industrial ecosystem based on the hydrogen supply chain. This ecosystem, thanks to the collaboration between companies, research institutes and public bodies from Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Croatia, aims to become the first cross-border hydrogen valley. In this context, AcegasApsAmga proposes, in addition to the initiative described above, an asset readiness study to evaluate the possibility of introducing a mixture of renewable natural gas and hydrogen with gradually increasing percentages of hydrogen into the current natural gas distribution network.
For both Modena and Trieste projects, participation in the NRRP tender in 2023 has been successful with the entire available funding being awarded; the design of the hydrogen and photovoltaic systems, necessary to start the authorisation process, could therefore begin.
In 2024, the authorisation process should come to an end and the activities relating to the main works and supplies will start being awarded.
The development of the hydrogen chain contributes to the achievement of targets 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 and 13.2 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The development of smart grids
Hera and Gridspertise, Enel Group company dedicated to the digital transformation of electricity grids, have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at developing future smart grids.
This agreement concerns the trial of an integrated system for collecting and measuring data from Hera Group’s gas devices and Gridspertise’s smart meters in electricity grids. The multi-service gas-electricity integration tests will be carried out in Italy on the network managed by Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the Hera Group’s distribution company.
Thanks to this activity, the two companies will combine their expertise and achieve technical synergies in the area of network digitisation. In particular, Hera will be able to count on its experience in the field of gas smart meters, where it patented the advanced NexMeter, the first of its kind internationally in terms of technology and safety functions adopted and of reducing ghg dispersion into the atmosphere as well. Gridspertise will provide its most innovative solutions for an integrated management of metering data to help develop new smart and sustainable grids, to accelerate the digital transformation of electricity infrastructures. In recent months, Gridspertise has signed agreements with the Hera Group for the supply of 435 thousand smart meters and concentrators, as well as an innovative remote management system that will be used in the trial; at the same time, Hera has made plans to install 310 thousand gas NexMeters by 2027, 250 thousand of which are already operational, and 449 thousand 2G electric meters, 149 thousand of which have already been installed.
The result is a package of network management solutions whose key element consists in facilitating the energy transition. Based on the results of the trial, the two companies will evaluate joint participation in future tenders, which will also be held outside Italy, in which hardware and software solutions for gas and electricity metering will be sold. This collaboration may also extend, at a later stage, to solutions concerning the integrated water cycle, in terms of both metering and smart water grids.
The results of this collaboration may also interest multi-utility companies abroad, thus extending the outstanding technology conceived and developed in our country to international markets.
In Trieste, AcegasApsAmga is performing interventions on the electricity distribution network to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by enabling an increase in the electrification of final consumption and increasing the “Hosting capacity” of the grids, i.e. the system’s ability to accommodate more energy electricity generated from renewable sources.
The proposed actions aim to guarantee a solid development basis for initiatives aimed at ports (cold ironing, advanced logistics platforms, integration of renewable energy sources) and the related integration into the urban fabric with its own requirements, all in conjunction with developments set out in Terna’s strategic plan for the reinforcement of the high voltage electricity grid in the Trieste area.
The characterisation of the smart grid has its origins in the adoption of innovative software solutions, guaranteeing the full effectiveness of the construction, adaptation and enhancement activities of the planned physical grid assets.
In 2023, the focus was on the design and procurement of the main plants and infrastructures, while in 2024 the work to lay the new medium voltage lines and upgrade the “Cacciatore” primary substation will begin.
In addition, 1,130 robotized secondary substations will be in operation by 2023 to support the electrification of consumption and the widespread generation of renewable energy. The target for 2027 is to robotize 1,260 secondary cabins.
The development of smart grids contributes to the achievement of targets 7.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 11.3 and 17.17 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Hera for Bologna carbon-neutral city
The Hera Group is one of the main partners of the Municipality of Bologna in the commitment that the municipal body has signed as part of the launch of the “Climate City Contract” with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in Bologna by 2030.
To achieve this, various interventions have been discussed, which aim to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and which will be included in the Action Plan prepared by the Municipality.
Expansion of district heating networks through the interconnection of CAAB-Pilastro and Berti-San Giacomo systems: the project involves connecting four currently separate district heating systems by laying approximately 8.3 km of network and increasing the potential of the thermal generation section at the Frullo waste-to-energy plant for the power supply of the four interconnected systems. The project allows heat to be recovered so it can be used for district heating purposes for approximately 108 GWh/year. The CAAB-Berti interconnection is expected to be commissioned by 2025. 53% of the project is financed by NRRP funds.
Power-to-gas (see “The development of biomethane“): the project involves the construction of an experimental plant at the Idar water purification plant in Bologna consisting of:
- a biological methanation reactor for the production of biomethane from green hydrogen produced in an electrolyser and from the sewage sludge and biogas from the digesters;
- a membrane upgrading system for the production of more biomethane from biogas still coming from the digesters.
Overall biomethane production is estimated at 1.1 million cubic metres each year. The plant is set to be started up by 2025. 84% of the project is financed by NRRP funds and is carried out in partnership with the company Pietro Fiorentini.
Energy Park for the Tecnopolo Manifattura (see the case study “The development of Energy parks and agrivoltaics“): the project involves the construction of a 14 MW Energy park which includes:
- a shared area of land for both agriculture and agrivoltaic panels for virtuous and synergistic agricultural and energy production for the local community;
- a wooded area for the absorption of carbon dioxide, the protection of biodiversity and a recreational space for residents.
The project is set to be completed by 2030.
Photovoltaic system at the San Vitale aqueduct plant in Calderara di Reno: the project involves the construction of a photovoltaic system of approximately 4 MW at the Hera’s aqueduct plant in San Vitale. Commissioning is expected by 2025.
Energy efficiency improvement in process sections: a series of energy efficiency interventions implemented between 2018 and 2022 at the Group’s plants, networks and facilities such as:
- Idar water purification plant (electricity consumption reduced by 459.8 MWh/year);
- Bologna’s primary aqueduct system (reduction in electricity consumption of 796.1 MWh/year);
- District heating plants (reduction of 63.9 MWh/year in electricity consumption and of 440.6 thousand cubic metres/year in methane gas consumption);
- Installation of LED lamps at Hera’s facilities (reduction in electricity consumption of 116.0 MWh/year);
- Gas distribution networks (reduction in electricity consumption of 72.6 MWh/year and methane gas consumption of 36.4 thousand cubic metres/year).
Production of biofuels from used vegetable oils: circular economy project with the aim of collecting and giving second life to used vegetable oils in order to produce biofuel of plant origin. The oil coming from urban collection and catering in the municipal area is transformed into HVO (Hydrotreated vegetable oil) biofuel at the Eni Biorefinery in Porto Marghera (Ve). The initiative allows approximately 131 thousand litres/year of biofuel to be produced.
Production of biomethane from urban organic waste (also see “The development of biomethane“): production of biomethane (and quality compost) from the organic portion of solid urban waste in the Sant’Agata Bolognese plant, now active since 2018. The biomethane produced is introduced into the network and marketed as a transport fuel, to power public and private vehicles, including some Hera waste collection vehicles and the Tper local public transport fleet used in the Bologna area (including the shuttles that connect Bologna Airport with the City).
Hera for Bologna carbon neutral city contributes to the achievement of targets 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 11.3, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 13.2 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Aliplast measures the carbon footprint of its products
In order to provide information on the carbon footprint of certain products, since 2018 Aliplast has been carrying out a broad calculation of the carbon footprint of five product types: PE granules, PE films, PET granules, PET plates, PET flakes.
Aliplast commissioned this study in order to carry out research on the environmental performance of these products, as regards global warming, and to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions related to a functional unit of each product (set at one kilogram), in order to identify the phases of their life cycle showing the highest environmental criticalities and intervene so as to reduce their environmental impact. The European impact methodology EF v3.0, developed by the Joint Research Centre for the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative, was used. One of the outcomes of the LCA is the amount of CO2 equivalent, whose calculation method is the IPCC 2013 Gwp 100, contained in EF v3.0.
The project involved analysing the greenhouse gas emissions of Aliplast products and comparing them with those of the corresponding virgin products. The result, expressed in kg of CO2 equivalent, states that in 2023, a production of roughly 100 thousand tonnes including PE granules, PE films, PET granules, and regenerated PET plates, avoided the production of roughly 210 thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent, corresponding to more than 500 thousand barrels of oil. The greenhouse gas savings achieved thanks to the contribution of suppliers and customers who choose Aliplast’s recycled products is comparable to the emissions of approximately 120 thousand cars running on gas and travelling 10 thousand kilometres in a year.
Aliplast’s activities contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 13.2.
Environment - Regenerating resources and closing the circle
European package on the circular economy: Hera anticipates the stages
Hera confirms the goals in terms of packaging recycling and landfill reduction, showing that it is ahead of both European targets related to urban waste.
In the territory served by the Group, in fact, all three main European objectives have been achieved: that relating to landfill (2.7% in 2023 compared to a target of a maximum of 10% in 2035) that for packaging (66% in 2022 compared to a target of 65% in 2025 and 70% in 2030) and the overall recycling rate (61% in 2022 compared to a target of 55% in 2025, 60% in 2030 and 65% in 2035). Data on these last two targets will be updated to 2022 in the coming months and as usual published in the report "On the traces of waste".
The report "On the traces of waste", of which the fourteenth edition was published in 2023, certifies in a transparent and complete way that the percentage of separate collection actually recovered by the company has reached 89%, divided into 78% recycling of matter and 11% energy recovery, the latter provided only in the plastic and green supply chains. The project covered the main materials collected in a differentiated way: green, paper, organic, glass, plastic, wood, iron and metals (aluminium, steel and tinplate packaging).
The report, which covers the entire perimeter served by the Group, reveals a recovery of 95% for green and 71% for plastic and a recycling of matter of 89% for paper, 87% for organic, 93% for glass, 99% for wood, 99% for iron and 93% for metal.
Meeting and exceeding the European municipal waste targets contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5.
Publishing the report “Tracking Waste” contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goal 12.8.
The Hera Group’s commitment to the new plastics economy
Hera is one of the 250 companies worldwide, and the only Italian multiutility company, that in 2018 signed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The Foundation’s initiative is ultimately aimed at tackling the problem of plastic pollution at its source and making the entire supply chain more circular: eliminating disposable products as much as possible, producing and using only recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging and promoting the use of recycled plastic. To this end, the Foundation has created a global movement, involving all players in the supply chain, such as plastic packaging manufacturers and companies that use them to pack their products, large-scale retailers and recycling companies, as well as governments and investors.
In March 2022, in light of the important commitments undertaken by the members of the Foundation, as well as the importance of the topic in the context of the introduction of a new business model based on the circular economy, the United Nations, and in particular UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), started a process aimed at drafting an international treaty binding member states in order to reduce the use of plastic and contribute to the creation of an economic system based on circular production. Three plenary sessions have been held so far; in the last session, a draft of the final treaty was drawn up, which is set to be promulgated in 2025. Two further sessions have already been scheduled and will be held in 2024.
The Hera Group has committed to increase by 2025 (compared to 2017):
- plastics collected in the municipalities served by 30%;
- plastics sorted and sent to be recycled by the Group’s plants by 50%;
- plastic recycled by Aliplast by 70%.
To date, the Global Commitment has gathered more than 500 signatories around the world, including companies active in the different phases of the plastic packaging value chain (around 20% of the global packaging market), governments (over 1 billion people represented) and over 200 associations and institutions including National Geographic, WWF, the World Economic Forum, the Consumer Goods Forum, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), universities and research bodies and financial institutions.
On 31 October 2023, the fifth Progress Report was published, containing data from 123 companies (out of 134 that set their own target when joining the Network) and 17 governments/administrations (out of 24 eligible for reporting). The momentum created around the circular economy of plastics was unprecedented and the early progress made by signatories is significant. Despite this, efforts to eliminate the problem of plastic waste pollution at source must progress to a more ambitious level. The data reported on this occasion by the Hera Group referred to 2022.
The Hera Group’s data at the end of 2023 indicate that the path undertaken is the right one. With regard to the plastics collected in the municipalities served, the Group has reached the target set for 2025 three years in advance, partially thanks to the contribution made by residents who, in recent years, have been engaged and incentivised to improve collection in a rationale oriented towards recycling. With respect to the plastics sorted and sent for recycling in the Group’s plants, there has also been progressive and positive progress compared to the target. However, as of 2023, the performance linked to this indicator will undergo a significant reduction due to the effect of Emilia-Romagna regional law no. 16 of 18 July 2017, which establishes that an amount coming to no less than 30% of municipal waste collected and sorted by type must be managed by an economic operator selected through a competitive procedure in which companies controlled by or connected to the concessionaire (in this case, the Group) cannot participate. In this regulatory context, the Group may only be responsible for managing 70% of the municipal waste collected and sorted by type by the Group itself, which will jeopardise achieving the target within 2025. With regard to recycled plastic, an increase in sales was recorded in 2023, with further growth forecast in the 2022-2027 industrial plan.
The same targets were presented by Hera in the context of the “EU-wide pledging campaign for the uptake of recycled plastics”, the campaign promoted by the European Commission to accelerate the uptake of recycled plastics and reach the European target of ten million tonnes of recycled plastics used for new products by 2025.
Achieving the targets on the plastics supply chain contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5.
Aliplast for Hera Group: recycled plastic products
In November 2019, an experimental circular economy project was launched by Hera and Aliplast, to increasing the reuse of reels made from post-consumer recycled plastic in the production of bags intended for sorted waste collection.
The ultimate goal was to “close the circle” of the lifecycle of these products, increasing their recycling and reuse, so as to increase economic sustainability and reduce their environmental impact as much as possible.
In October 2020, the experimental phase of the project ended and from November 2020 the actual industrialisation of the process began in all the regions managed by the Group with important results: between 2020 and 2023, 6,418 tonnes of reels were produced for bag production.
In addition to the figures, the “HERA Plastic Bags” project has achieved other results with a positive impact on the system itself:
- the quality of the bags is significantly improved as Aliplast itself guarantees technical requirements are met, except in the case of manipulation by the third-party supplier;
- the issue of disputes with third-party suppliers who did not respect product specifications was removed;
- the issue of traceable bags has been resolved;
- the service offered to Hera users has improved, with considerable return in terms of image.
The use of recycled plastic bags for waste collection contributes to UN 2030 Agenda goals 9.4, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4 and 12.5.
Innovative Carbon Fibre Recycling Plant
An agreement has been reached for the construction of the first plant in Italy, and among the first in Europe, to use an innovative pyrogasification process to produce recovered carbon fibre. It will be carried out by Herambiente and the project is the result of a collaboration with the Department of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bologna and Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche.
Currently, carbon fibre waste is almost exclusively destined for landfills or energy recovery. The challenge involved in the project for the plant make it pioneering, because it aims to recover carbon through an innovative pyrogasification process while maintaining the lightness and strength of this fibre, a material that can potentially be recycled countless times.
The advantages of this new technological solution are clear, with a 75% saving on the environmental impact associated with the life cycle (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment) compared to traditional methods of carbon fibre treatment and disposal. In addition, it will result in approximately 160 tonnes of recycled carbon fibre with a 90% energy saving compared to virgin fibre production and a reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere coming to approximately 7,000 tonnes per year
The plant will be built in Imola (BO) and will operate through a complex process guaranteeing a completely clean and reusable outgoing product, ready to be rewoven and impregnated for reuse in the sectors from which the waste comes: automotive, aerospace, nautical and wind energy, to name but a few, but more generally from a market that now shows a 9% annual increase in demand for carbon fibre, which today is almost entirely a virgin raw material.
Construction began in 2023 and will be fully operational in mid-2024. It will have a maximum overall treatment potential (on two lines) of 320 tonnes per year and will operate for approximately 7,000 hours per year; it is also designed to recover syngas from resins and additives: this gas will be reused to generate part of the thermal energy needed for the process in order to maximise energy recovery as well.
The carbon fibre recycling plant contributes achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4 and 12.5, as well as - thanks to the partnership developed - to achieving goal 17.17.
Hera and Eni: partnership to turn cooking oil into biofuel
As part of the transition to a circular economy promoted by the Group, the collection of waste oils has become increasingly visible and important, also leading to significant economic returns. A street collection service for cooking oils started in 2018, using attractive bins specifically designed to collect residual household cooking oil.
The results of this collection feed into a virtuous circular economy project. In fact, under a framework agreement stipulated with Eni, all discarded cooking oil collected by Hera, once processed in affiliated plants, is transported to the Eni bio-refinery in Porto Marghera (VE) where it is transformed into hydrogenated biofuel. Hera then uses this biofuel, by purchasing approximately 600,000 litres/year of ENI Diesel+ (containing 15% bio component) which is used to power 33 compactors for waste collection in the areas served. Starting from 2024, based on the new agreement, Hera will purchase the new HVOlution biofuel made up of 100% bio components to replace Diesel+.
The total number of bins for street collection of discarded vegetable oils in the area served by Hera Spa amounted to 868, distributed over 128 municipalities for a served population of roughly 2.4 million inhabitants. In 2023, used vegetable oils collected by the collection service reached 1,128 tonnes, a slight decrease compared to previous years. This data refers to the amount collected in the areas served by Hera Spa, Marche Multiservizi and AcegasApsAmga.
In addition to the volume from municipal collections, in 2023 Hera increased its collection of vegetable oils from commercial users in the area, which started in 2021. Over the years, in addition to restaurants and companies operating in the food sector, the project also contracted important groups in the catering sector such as Camst, Cirfood, Elior, Road House and Chef Express. More than 1,380 catering outlets were involved in the project. The extension of the project made it possible, in 2023, to start producing hydrogenated biofuel at the ENI Bio-Refinery in Porto Marghera (VE) from an additional 1,236 tonnes of vegetable oils.
In total, the oil collected during 2023 amounted to 2,364 tonnes. This generated significant positive environmental impacts, as shown in the table below.
Quantity of waste cooking oils collected (tonnes) | 1,540 | 2,364 |
Quantity of hydrogenated biofuel produced (thousand litres) | 1,700 | 2,435 |
Greenhouse gas emissions avoided (tonnes of Co2eq) | 4,930 | 6,700 |
Primary energy saved (toe) | 1,500 | 2,040 |
In 2023, Hera was re-certified by Bureau Veritas Italia for AFNOR XP X30-901 for its circular economy projects, already obtained in 2022. The French AFNOR standard is now the main international reference for implementing a management system for circular economy projects. More specifically, the waste cooking oil management project was selected and verified in accordance with the requirements of this standard, which includes, among others, a risk/opportunity analysis. This allowed the foundations of the project to be strengthened by assessments of possible criticalities, such as the risk of spillage and the maintenance of road containers, but also of the important benefits of the initiative, which push for its extension and promotion in the area, as well as on the possible future actions to be introduced in order to reduce risks and broaden opportunities.
AFNOR certification thus confirms that the reorganisation of the exhausted cooking oil recovery process in the areas served by the Hera Group has taken place in full respect of the circular economy, yielding important environmental and economic benefits.
The partnership between Hera and Eni contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 9.4, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4 and 12.5, as well as - thanks to the partnership developed - to achieving target 17.17.
Important new partnerships signed to “close the circle”
In 2023, another two new strategic circular economy partnership agreements were signed with important national entities which, in addition to those signed in past years, make up a total framework of 10 active partnerships aimed at implementing environmental sustainability initiatives and projects.
The first of these two new partnership agreements was signed in January 2023 with Sacmi Imola, the company at the head of the Sacmi Group, world leader in the production and marketing of complete machines and systems for the ceramic, metal, packaging, food and beverage industry and for the production of plastic containers and advanced materials. In 2023, the first projects to exploit materials from a circular economy perspective were launched, including the recovery of used vegetable oil produced by the company canteen intended for the production of hydrogenated biofuel in partnership with Eni, in addition to the collection of glasses from vending machines for the specific recycling of polystyrene in partnership with Corepla through the RiVending project. Analyses aimed at optimising water resources and increasing energy efficiency have also been launched.
The partnership with Autogrill also began in June 2023, a national leader in catering for people on the road, with a dense and widespread network of points of sale located on motorways, stations, airports and also in urban centres throughout Italy. The objective of the agreement is the sharing and implementation of projects in the field of sustainable mobility, circular economy, sustainability and environmental communication, through innovative Business to Community to Consumer - B2C2C approaches, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN 2030 Agenda. The first area of intervention launched involves the identification of solutions to improve the efficiency of waste management, from the collection phase to the treatment phase.
During 2023, as part of the partnership with the Italian Exhibition Group signed in March 2022, the Hera Group’s support continued in activities pivotal to maintaining the ISO 20121 Integrated System certification, relating to the implementation of sustainable event management systems. The certification had already been obtained in 2022 for the Rimini and Vicenza exhibition centres as well as for the organisation of the Ecomondo trade fair event. In addition, the Group provided its support to another IEG site, Palacongressi di Rimini, which also obtained ISO 20121 certification in December 2023.
The partnership with Aeroporti di Roma continues, also signed in April 2022. The Hera Group provides technical support to this company both in the waste sector, to guarantee traceability and increasingly sustainable management of all waste flows produced in the Fiumicino airport hubs and Ciampino, and in the field of the optimisation of water resources, to maximise reuse and make sure they are used efficiently.
In addition, the partnerships with the catering companies Camst Group, Elior and Cirfood continue, by virtue of which the results of the project for the exploitation of used vegetable oils have been boosted and consolidated: from the cumulative collections of the three partners, over 144 thousand litres of biofuel have been produced with a saving of 410 tons of CO2e. In addition, new areas for the exploitation of waste materials are being studied, including in an experimental form, with the aim of increasing the results already achieved in terms of environmental sustainability and circularity, starting with plastic packaging.
In 2023, the collaboration with Aeroporto di Bologna also continued with significant results. Thanks to the ongoing partnership between the Airport and Hera, the results already achieved in 2022 for the separation of waste produced at the airport have improved even more, consolidating the results to over 50% for separate collection, with an increase of more than double compared to the data from 2021, the period prior to the signing of the specific partnership. In the environmental information and awareness process aimed at everyone who produces waste at the airport, the last mile was created in 2023, actively involving passengers too, through little tabs placed near the catering points and in other sensitive points of the airport, in order to remind people to correctly separate waste when placing it in the appropriate containers.
Aimed at developing new paths featuring higher circularity, an ambitious experimental project for regenerating household appliance waste was launched together with Dismeco, which is active in the WEEE recovery sector, with a plant located in Marzabotto, in the province of Bologna. The project aims to test the feasibility of a new way of managing this waste, which allows the washing machines brought as waste to the Group’s ecological stations to be regenerated; in practice, the best preserved washing machines are intercepted in this WEEE flow, in order to experiment with a repair process so they can be used again. The project, developed in agreement with the WEEE Coordination Centre (a consortium that brings together the Collective Systems of electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers) and Dismeco, saw the collaboration of CNA Bologna with the innovative Academy launched at Cna Formazione in Marzabotto, a professional training course for those working in household appliance maintenance. At the same time, the project will therefore be a great opportunity for professional training and preparation and an opportunity to create potential new jobs to support and develop local communities in the Bologna area. In 2023, 109 washing machines were regenerated and donated to organisations and associations in the Bologna Metropolitan City area committed to supporting vulnerable segments of the population.
The project launched in 2019 between Herambiente and Coprob (Beetroot Producers Cooperatives), the only sugar producer in Italy based in Minerbio (BO), continues thanks to the supply of compost from the six Herambiente plants in Emilia-Romagna with quality certification. The compost, obtained exclusively from the separate collection of the organic portion combined with cuttings and pruning, is used in the fertilisation plans for the associated farms, to restore the organic content of soil, which is essential for maximum fertility. The flows managed in 2023 equalled 5,210 tonnes. Unfortunately, the figure decreased compared to 2022 due to the flood in May 2023 which made it impossible to harvest the crops and subsequently work the COPROB members’ land, affected by the events, in time to use the compost.
The agreement between different production sectors with concrete experience in the circular economy offers a comprehensive response to environmental and production issues both in Herambiente plants, with biogas and biomethane production, and in the agricultural sector, confirming the production levels of crops, the quality of agricultural production and a significant improvement in the soil both from a biological and chemical-physical point of view.
In 2023, the Hera Group also continued to partner with Federdistribuzione, the federation representing Modern Distribution companies. Two partnership agreements are in the process of being drawn up, one relating to the circular economy and a second aimed at promoting energy efficiency actions among its own associated.
The partnership with McDonald’s also continued, which, at the end of 2023, saw the creation of a new monitoring system for the separate collection of urban waste in the restaurants included in the scope of the project. The partnership agreement, which expires at the end of the year, has also been renewed for 2024, with plans to expand the partnership to areas relating to waste prevention, the identification of optimal solutions for the and traceability of waste from a circular economy perspective, as well as environmental awareness and communication initiatives aimed at McDonald’s internal staff and customers, with the aim of promoting environmental sustainability and correct waste management.
The projects described here contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, as well as - thanks to the partnerships developed - to achieving goal 17.17.
Production and use of compost from Herambiente plants
Herambiente’s compost is an organic biofertiliser obtained by treating separately collected organic waste at six of its own facilities:
- 1 traditional aerobic composting plant with static heaps at Ostellato (FE), in which only mixed composted soil improver is produced;
- 4 anaerobic digestion plants with final composting of mixed composted soil improver (S. Agata Bolognese (BO), Voltana (RA), Rimini and Cesena plants);
- 1 traditional aerobic composting plant with static heaps at Ostellato (Fe), in which green composted soil improver is produced.
To summarise, the process used in all Herambiente plants involves processing and recovering the organic portion of sorted waste from which soil improver and biogas are produced; in the particular case of S. Agata alone, biomethane is produced, which is fed directly into the Snam network for use in motor vehicles.
In 2022, these plants produced approximately 41.4 thousand tonnes of mixed composted soil improver (63.7% destined for extensive agriculture and fruit growing at local farms, 35.7% for the pellet and soil industry and the remaining 0.5% for small local gardeners) and approximately 5.5 thousand tonnes of green composted soil improver (95% destined for the soil industry and the remainder for small local gardeners).
For years, Herambiente has carried out significant on-field trial activities aimed at researching and evaluating the performance of its biofertilisers. The study carried out with the University of Bologna and the Navarra Foundation, located in Ferrara, compares the organic fertilisers produced by the Group, not only in terms of quantitative and qualitative production performance in extensive and specialised crops (fruit and floriculture), but also the impact that organic fertilisers have on the soil’s microbiological composition and the soil/plant ratio. The results confirm production equal to or higher than the one obtained with chemical fertilisation, but with a significant increase in the organic substances present, leading to a qualitative improvement in production as well as significant resilience of the soil to climatic stress (drought) and other physiopathologies.
Producing compost through aerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion and composting processes in Herambiente’s facilities contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5.
Evaluation and measurement of “circularity” in Hera Luce, Ase, Hse and in new water and gas connections
2017, Hera Luce developed a system for measuring the circularity of public lighting systems, considering their lifecycle based on an analysis of material flows (materials used in relation to their origin and end-of-life destination) and economic flows (costs/revenues at the beginning and end of the lifecycle).
This approach to measuring circularity was already aligned with the indications provided by the Ministry of the Environment (MATTM) at the time, and was later confirmed to be consistent with the most recent international methodological approaches, such as the Circulytics tool developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Hera Luce’s circularity measurement system also anticipated the requirements of the Minimum environmental criteria (MEC) for the public lighting service, approved in March 2018, which introduce an obligation for the bidder to carry out a material analysis.
The measurement system designed acts as a fundamental strategic lever and, along with the awareness-raising process with suppliers, allows the Group to obtain higher scores in tenders and thus gain an advantage over its competitors.
Hera Luce, in order to proceed with measuring its material circularity, has prepared a measurement tool intended both for the actual calculation of material balances and for gathering the input data, providing access to the manufacturers/suppliers of the components used so that they can enter the material data of their products.
This activity made it possible to create a database containing the material data of all products used in the redevelopment projects, and to start raising awareness among suppliers with the aim of directing them towards more sustainable supply chains. The material balance measurement and reporting system was developed in accordance with the requirements set out in a specification for the creation of management systems for the implementation of material balances and was certified by a third party in 2022.
Hera Luce is the first public lighting service company to have obtained this certification at a national level.
The project was also extended to the companies HSE and ASE, which provide energy efficiency services for public administrations and private entities, in line with the Group’s objectives with a view to sustainability and achieving the targets of the UN 2030 Agenda.
In 2020-2021, a circularity assessment model was applied to some simpler and more repetitive assets, in order to optimise them in terms of sustainability by redefining Standards and Procedures. This process consisted of the following steps:
- Project circularity evaluation system: implementation of calculation tools for evaluating the material circularity of networks and plants throughout their lifecycle, as previously foreseen for public lighting with the introduction of Minimum Environmental Criteria (MEC);
- Process optimisation: application of the previously codified analysis system to certain types of assets, with the objective of optimising processes in terms of choice of materials, construction technologies and maintenance methods, aimed at minimising the impact on material consumption and maximising the use of secondary raw materials;
- Creation of new standards and procedures: the results of the analyses developed will be transformed into new standards and procedures for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the evaluated infrastructures.
During 2020, the material and economic circularity calculation tool was implemented, which was subsequently applied to the water connection typology (2020) and the polyethylene gas network typology in 2021.
In 2022, the analysis aimed at maximising circularity and minimising waste production was applied to the plant revamping typology with demolition of the existing one.
The assessment and measurement of “circularity” in Hera Luce, Ase, Hse and in new water and gas connections contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4 and 12.5.
SCART®: the beautiful and useful side of waste
SCART® is the Hera Group’s art and communication project that has been developing a combination of art and waste for twenty-five years. It is a corporate waste art project, created within one of Herambiente’s industrial waste treatment and disposal plants. Today, SCART® is a trademark registered throughout the European Community, designed to breathe new life into some of those many industrial waste products that are disposed of as waste on a daily basis and, thanks to the creativity of the artists collaborating in the project, are transformed into unique, exclusive pieces of art in full respect of the circular economy. The aim is to encourage environmentally responsible behaviour, offering new stimuli to create artistic, design, fashion and performance objects using only and exclusively waste as a raw material. This has led to the creation of furniture, games, musical instruments, clothes, paintings, statues, as well as sets for shows and stage costumes. SCART® is an invitation to think about new intelligent, creative and above all sustainable lifestyles.
The numerous national and international initiatives include, for example, important conventions with the Fine Arts Academies in Florence, Bologna and Ravenna, Brera Milan, the Free Academy of Fine Arts of Rimini, and the Academy of Design of San Marino. A collaboration with the young people at the Sanpatrignano Rehabilitation Community is also important in terms of social profile. The Scart Project, during 2023, involved over 100 students in seminars and workshops held at the SCART® laboratories located within the Herambiente plant complex in Santa Croce sull’Arno e Pisa. These artistic and educational initiatives focus on experimenting with the artistic use of industrial waste and involve not only enrolled students but also many artists specialised in trash art.
Since 2012, the SCART® project has been the exclusive partner for the production of costumes and stage components for Andrea Bocelli’s concert at the Teatro del Silenzio in Lajatico (PI), the small Tuscan town where this great tenor was born. For the 2023 edition, around 150 stage costumes were created which were worn by performers, dancers, extras and the 80 members of the choir. In addition, six statues from the “Business man and woman” collection were permanently positioned on the stage where Bocelli duetted with internationally renowned singers, in front of over 20,000 people who came to Lajatico from all over the world over two evenings in July.
Over the years SCART® has also participated in numerous national exhibitions - Venice Film Festival, Rome at Palazzo Montecitorio and at the Colosseum, Pescara, Verona, Padua, Pisa, Florence, Milan to name a few - and international exhibitions (Berlin 2016 and Hong Kong 2021, Doha in Qatar in 2022).
A big event for the SCART Project, which took place in 2023, was the appearance on the “Viva Rai2” television programme hosted by Fiorello. On 18 March, for world Recycling day, all the sets as well as all the costumes worn by the dancers were taken from the Scart collection. The host mentioned and thanked the Scart Project several times for participating in the broadcast.
Also in 2023, several portraits of famous people were created and handed to them during events organised by the Project. Particularly memorable were those given to the singers Elisa and Emma, the actor Stefano Accorsi, the maestro Andrea Bocelli and the host Rosario Fiorello.
Finally, a Scart exhibition has been underway since the beginning of December in Pontedera (PI) in an exclusive location where 65 Scart works have been displayed. The exhibition is being met with enormous success mainly from schools throughout the province of Pisa and beyond. To date, over 1000 children have visited the exhibition on guided and organised tours, and it has received 4000 visitors during the exhibition’s standard opening hours.
Not only does Scart continue to amaze, it’s also an effective tool to raise awareness of recycling times, sustainability and the circular economy. These are yet more emotions offered by Scart, which after many years of searching for beauty, continues to offer interesting projects.
The SCART® project contributes to UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.8.
All the quality of tap water in one report: In good water
In 2023 Hera published the fifteenth edition of the In buone acque (in good waters report), dedicated to tap water. This report is still the first and only example of a specific report on tap water in Italy and its environmental and economic benefits. The report contains, region by region, analysis data on 29 parameters and non-standard parameters, such as emerging contaminants and asbestos fibres.
The report shows that drinking tap water is an environmentally sustainable choice and is also good for your wallet. In fact, tap water avoids the production, transport and disposal of 305 million plastic bottles and saves 480 euro per year for a family of three.+
For the full contents of the report:
Convention with the University of Bologna for the aqueduct
In 2023, the consultancy contract with the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering of the University of Bologna (UniBo) remained in place, with the aim of analysing the environmental impacts linked to the drinking water supply chain through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Through this collaboration with UniBo, the positive environmental contributions coming from the Group’s various project initiatives will be measured, with efficiency and innovation as the primary targets, and which, based on the LCA analysis results, may be enhanced and extended to other Group companies. Indeed, the choice of materials with which to carry out renovations has strategic importance, and an awareness of the mechanical and environmental performance of different materials is increasingly becoming a lever to orient choices in planning.
In particular, the project initiatives falling under this collaboration that have already been launched include:
- An analysis for the selection of different materials in the aqueduct used for the construction, maintenance and renewal of pipelines. The LCA analysis will identify which materials have the greatest impact on the environment, considering their entire life cycle, from production to operation and maintenance. The analysis carried out revealed that, despite the type of material, the production phase has the biggest impact on the environment, while the maintenance phase has a very small impact.
- Project for the use of ultrasound platforms for the prevention of algae (first project in Italy) in the lagoon basins of the Pontelagoscuro plant. This technology, by inhibiting chlorophyll photosynthesis, makes it possible to reduce the subsequent use of chemical additives to remove algae, which, especially with the increase in temperature, tend to form in increasing quantities. The plant, active since spring 2023, saw positive results during the temperature increases detected during the year. In 2024, the positive environmental impact brought about by the reduction in the use of chemicals for algae removal will be evaluated in more depth, again in partnership with UniBo.
- Installation of smart water metering, a project under development within the Group, aimed not only at acquiring consumption data remotely but also at providing remote users with comparative information on their daily consumption trends and alerts relating, for example, to leakage in the internal system. The rapidity of these alerts and the availability of real consumption data will lead to savings in water resources, which the collaboration with UniBo will quantify. Metering through smart meters could lead to offers of value-added services, which from a LCA perspective can lead to benefits on consumed or lost volumes of water resources.
- Installation at the Pontelagoscuro water purification plant of an experimental plant for the removal of potential emerging pollutants based on nanomaterials (graphene oxide) and valuable membranes recovered from the biomedical sector. The plant, studied and designed as part of the partnership between Hera, CNR and Medica, was financed as a European LIFE project and was an important action following the development of the Water Safety Plan for the Pontelagoscuro supply area: in fact, it allows the potential risk of a possible presence of emerging microcontaminants in the raw water of the Po to be managed preventively, another element that strengthens the multi-barrier treatment approach that the water purification plant already has in place.
The partnership described above between Hera and Unibo contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 6.3, 9.1, 9.4 and 17.17.
The Rimini seawater protection plan continues
The Rimini seawater protection plan was created in 2013 to eliminate bans on bathing following intense rainfall, by implementing structural measures on the sewage-purification system of the City of Rimini. Intense rainfall, in fact, causes the flow rate manageable by the sewage system to be exceeded, making an emergency discharge of untreated water into the environment necessary. The gradual implementation of the measures set out in the Plan will lead to a gradual reduction of critical elements and up to a 90% reduction of the polluting impact, measured in terms of COD not discharged into the environment, compared to the initial state of the system.
From the very beginning of the Plan, mathematical modelling of the sewage and purification system has played an essential role in identifying possible synergies between the interventions and systemically optimising works and management criteria. The modelling activities, in fact, since they can rely on an ever-increasing amount of data and the management feedback of the works as they were built, were able to significantly change the system structure as initially planned.
The evolution of the Plan, from its implementation start-up to the present, has made it possible to pursue not only the environmental protection of the coastline as initially foreseen, but also the hydraulic protection of urban areas in the municipality of Rimini that were subject to flooding. More specifically, in 2014, the Plan included interventions referred to as “Mavone spillway”, “Via Santa Chiara pumping station”, “Ausa dorsal sewerage collector” (the latter financed with 8.5 million euro as part of the public investments related to hydrogeological instability in the initiative known as “Italia Sicura”), as well as the modification of rainwater management in the plant system serving the Fossa Ausa. Subsequently, in 2019 and 2020, the plant engineering systems serving the Colonnella and Rodella Ditches were further optimised, taking advantage of the possible synergies with the sewerage system, which reduced the storage volumes of the tanks, thus also reducing both the investment required and the implementation timeframe, while at the same time strengthening the hydraulic control of the area.
In particular, the construction of the Dorsale Sud was completed in 2022, which, with the implementation of the plant and the laying of new collectors, allows for a considerable improvement in the capacity to collect wastewater from southern Rimini to the purification plant. The completion of this intervention, in addition to improving the overall efficiency of an important sewage infrastructure of the city, introduces a further environmental improvement, essentially due to the increase in the volume of waste water that, in the event of rainfall, can be sent to purification, proportionally reducing the number of activations of the emergency drains of the Ausa and Colonnella I Ditches.
The Plan essentially consists of the ten measures originally planned, to which additional measures due to optimisations introduced have been added, making a total of 14 measures.
The ongoing optimisation of the Plan, with the design improvements made and the indispensable permitting steps required, has meant that achieving the environmental objectives initially planned for 2020 has been postponed to 2026. Note that by that year, the works necessary to reduce the city’s hydraulic risk will also be completed. The postponement in the Plan’s implementation schedule is strictly related to a substantial improvement in its impact on the city, which, as mentioned above, will benefit from a significant improvement in both hydraulic and environmental aspects compared not only to the pre-operational state of the sewage-depuration system, but especially compared to the one expected at the outset of the Plan.
The state of progress of the interventions does not reveal any major criticalities and allows the quality objectives fixed to be achieved.
The situation of the 14 measures is as follows:
1. Doubling of the Santa Giustina purification plant | Concluded | 2016 | Improving the purification process |
2. Conversion of the Rimini Marecchiese purification plant into a storage tank | Concluded | 2018 | Improving the purification process |
3. Construction of the northern backbone to connect the Bellaria purification plant to the S. Giustina purification plant | Concluded | 2016 | Improving the purification process |
4. Completion of sewer network separation in northern Rimini | First section concluded. Second Section divided into 7 Lots. Lots 1,2,4 and 7 completed. Lot 3 nearing completion. The works on Lots 5 and 6 have been awarded. |
2025 | Conversion of five sea outlets to white water discharge |
5. Construction of the southern backbone |
Concluded | 2022 | Reducing the number of openings of the Ausa and Colonnella I sea outlets |
6. Completion of the separation in the Roncasso and Pradella basins | Network separation completed. The works for the water-supply plant serving Pradella reservoir have been awarded |
2025 | Conversion of two sea outlets to white water discharge |
7. Construction of submarine pipeline and hydro-swelling plant for Ausa basin and resevoirs | Concluded | 2020 | Reducing the number of openings of the Ausa sea outlets |
8. Construction of hospital lamination tank | Concluded | 2016 | Reducing the number of openings of sea outlets Colonnella I |
9. Construction of connection pipeline between Fossa Colonnella I and Fossa Colonnella II; Colonnella II tank and Rodella tank and submarine discharge pipeline | 9. Construction of connection pipeline between Fossa Colonnella I and Fossa Colonnella II; Colonnella II tank and Rodella tank and submarine discharge pipeline | 2026 | Reduction in the number of openings of the sea outlets Colonnella I, Colonnella II and Rodella |
10. Sewerage rehabilitation island | Concluded | 2014 | Optimisation of the sewerage system |
11. Ausa beach section | Concluded | 2016 | Improving the usability of the area and environmental conditions |
12. Ausa backbone sewer | In progress | 2025 | Hydraulic risk reduction |
13. Mavone spillway | Concluded | 2018 | Hydraulic risk reduction |
14. Drainage of Via Santa Chiara | Concluded | 2020 | Hydraulic risk reduction |
The interventions completed so far have resulted in significant environmental benefits, reducing the quantities of organic substances (COD/BOD) discharged into the sea during intense meteorological events. The intervention concluded in 2020 for the AUSA reservoir led to a considerable reduction in the pollutant load discharged near the shore, with benefits for the water quality of the coastline. This means that the bathing bans that occur if discharges are opened along a wide strip of the city’s coastline, including both areas where the separation of the sewerage networks has been completed and the stretch of sea adjacent to Fossa Ausa, will no longer apply. From this point of view, to date, 7,000 metres of beach have been “released” from bathing bans, corresponding to almost 65% of the city’s coastline.
Moreover, as a further proof of the Plan’s strong links with the City of Rimini, note that a significant part of the planned works are being integrated with the urban redevelopment project promoted by the Municipality called Parco del Mare (Sea Park), so as to pursue synergies that can provide an overall improvement of the urban structure.
The Rimini seawater protection plan was included among the best practices in the SDG Industry Matrix report published by Global Compact and KPMG in 2017, which reports on business opportunities linked to the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The RSPP, through its interventions to improve the water-sewerage system, reduce marine pollution, upgrade infrastructures and involve municipalities and residents in the project, contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 6.2, 6.3, 6.b, 9.1, 9.4 and 14.1.
More than 24,000 trees planted by 2024
Hera Group has carried out, and continues to carry out tree planting projects in various areas of the regions in which it operates, confirming its commitment to protecting biodiversity and air quality. Since 2012, 23,057 trees have been donated to the territories of Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia thanks to numerous initiatives involving employees, customers and residents served, equalling a total of 2,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide absorbed every year. The plantings were the result of reward mechanisms associated with specific virtuous behaviour, such as delivering sorted waste to ecological stations or requesting electronic bills instead of paper bills.
For example, with the “ECO Trees” initiative, the Hera Group has joined the Emilia-Romagna Region’s project “Planting roots for the future” aimed at planting 4.5 million trees (one per inhabitant of the region). In particular, in 2023 Hera achieved the objective of 10,000 trees planted by 2024 thanks to the partnership with municipalities and other entities participating in the project, by making available resources, skills and surfaces, and thanks to a financial commitment of 250 thousand euro. In this context, the participation of residents was key as it was their choices of efficient energy consumption and sustainable mobility that supported the initiative. In fact, Hera Comm offers its customers a wide range of services and products that allow them to reduce consumption and the related environmental impact, and by opting for these solutions they contribute to implementing the project: every four products purchased, including LED light bulb kits or smart thermostats, for example, corresponds to planting and care of one tree. The same applies to two boilers, two air conditioners or one boiler and one air conditioner, or two means of sustainable mobility such as scooters or electric bicycles.
Finally, the completed projects “Let’s green Madagascar” by Treedom through HeraSolidale, “La Fabbrica dell’Aria” (the generation of air) in the Triveneto area, “Più alberi in città” (more trees in cities) in the municipalities of Modena, Ferrara, Sassuolo and Rimini, “Operazione più alberi” (operation more trees) in Padua, and “Regala un albero” (gift a tree) in Emilia-Romagna, also thanks the active involvement of residents and customers, resulted in 12,870 trees being planted.
The Hera Group’s commitment to the environment does not end here: in fact, other projects to plant trees in the area are being drawn up.
The reported projects contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 7.3, 11.3, 11.2, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.8, as well as – thanks to the involvement of residents, municipalities and institutions – to achieving goal 17.17.
Environmental biomonitoring with bees
The “Capiamo” project uses bees as bio-indicators of environmental quality near industrial facilities. These insects are particularly sensitive to environmental changes caused by pollutants, and are therefore able to signal the onset of any imbalances in biodiversity, the ecosystem and human health in general at an early stage, thus enabling corrective actions to be rapidly planned.
Bees are particularly well-suited for biomonitoring. They are, in fact, social insects that live in large colonies and are easy to breed. In addition, their hairy bodies and regular foraging activity (collecting nectar and pollen) allow individual colonies to take about 10,000 samples per day from the air, water and soil with which they come into contact, bearing in mind that during its daily activity a single bee normally moves over an area of 7 km2. Substances present in the environment thus accumulate within the hive, on the bees and their products (honey, propolis, wax, pollen and royal jelly), making it easy to recover highly representative samples for analysis. Bees, as bio-indicators, offers a lot of useful information in both the short and long term: honey, for example, can be used to assess pollution in the short term, since it is the first product in which contaminants can accumulate. Wax, on the other hand, can be used to assess pollution levels in the long term, since due to its lipidic nature it can absorb and retain non-volatile, lipophilic and persistent contaminants.
In spring 2020, three beehives were installed at the facilities of the waste-to-energy plant in Pozzilli, in order to monitor the area consisting of the eastern part of the Venafro Plain, between the Meta and Matese mountains, where, in addition to the waste-to-energy plant, chemical industries, private health companies, abandoned construction sites and small inhabited agricultural centres are found. This initiative includes two sampling and analysis campaigns per year concerning the bee population, the three hives and their products, as well as medical-veterinary checks to verify their health and productivity, to limit swarming, and to position and remove the honeycombs. Samples collected from the hives (bees, honey and wax) are subjected to chemical analyses at accredited laboratories using certified methods. The information obtained makes it possible to know and quantify the possible effects of the impact of human activities on the environment.
The results obtained show an overall good state of environmental quality. Investigations on honey samples showed an overall absence of dioxins, PCBs and pesticides, while as far as anions (chlorides, sulphates and nitrates) are concerned, their presence is in line with the average values for Italian honey. Analyses on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), whose main source is the combustion of fossil fuels, waste incineration, energy production or asphalt and chemical products, show an environmental condition to which several emission sources contribute, such as traffic, industry, and biomass household heating, typical of the anthropisation of this area, without a significant incidence from the waste-to-energy plant. The metals present are also due to the presence of abandoned construction sites, industry and infrastructure.
In 2021-2022, the project was also extended to the composting plant with biomethane production in Sant'Agata Bolognese (Bo). In spring 2021, three beehives were installed in the plant’s facilities, with the aim of monitoring a larger and more complex area, located in the Bolognese plain bordering with the province of Modena, where large and small scale industrial and agricultural activities are located. This project was carried out in the same way as in Pozzilli: two sampling and analysis campaigns were carried out on the bee population and their products (honey and wax), in addition to medical-veterinary checks on their health and productivity. The samples collected from the hives were then subjected to chemical analyses. The results obtained confirm a state of environmental quality: the honey produced is free of heavy metals such as cadmium and lead, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides, and its pollen profile is typical of the lower Emilian Apennines.
In 2022, the project was launched with the same model at the Serravalle Pistoiese landfill, the results of which highlighted good environmental quality with the production of honey free from heavy metals, lead and pesticides. Activities continued in 2023 and the results of the analyses will be available in 2024.
In 2023 the project was also extended to the Padua waste-to-energy plant and the Cordenons landfill in the province of Pordenone. At the moment the results are not yet available, but significant quantities of honey were produced at the Cordenons landfill.
This biomonitoring project contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 11.6 and 12.4.
Local areas (and Businesses) – Enabling resilience and innovation
“Il Rifiutologo”, the app for sorting waste (and more) gets smarter
"Il Rifiutologo” (The Wasteologist) is a free app with many useful features available online both on Hera’s website and on App stores for smartphones and tablets. Since its launch in 2011 to 2023, it has seen over 1.2 million downloads on Android and iOS operating systems. The municipalities where Rifiutologo was most used in 2023 were Modena (1.2 million log-ins and 73 thousand individual active users) and Bologna (almost 800 thousand total log-ins and 90 thousand users); followed by Faenza in terms of number of log-ins (618 thousand) and Ravenna in terms of number of users (32 thousand); Padua is also worth mentioning with 400 thousand log-ins and 24 thousand users.
Using the Waste Search function, users can check in real time where to take their waste and the door-to-door collections scheduled for their address, and even set a reminder alert for the day and time of each collection. The Waste Search is confirmed as the most used function, with over 3.6 million searches carried out in the last year.
Using geolocalisation, Il Rifiutologo also shows the nearest drop-off points, with complete information on the waste types accepted, opening hours and any discounts offered by the municipality. It also provides additional information on Points of Interest for residents, i.e. special sorted waste collection, mobile collection points, material distribution points and underground drop-off points.
The Environmental Reports function makes it possible for residents to report problems related to, for example, abundant waste or damaged containers, sending photos in real time to Hera technicians. The App later informs the user when the problem has been solved, including through personalised push notifications. In 2023, reports concerning the emptying of bins, street cleaning and abandoned waste reached approximately 240,000, up 23% compared to the previous year. In 2023, the option of sending reports from the Rifiutologo website was also introduced, expanding the channels available to residents and customers.
Barcode scanning, another popular feature of Il Rifiutologo, allows materials to be recognised by means of product barcodes, indicating how to correctly dispose of each package, even if it is composed of different materials; by 2023 the archive contained over 1.8 million barcodes of the most popular products. If a code is not recognised, or if a product is missing, residents can report this via the specific function, so that it can be added to the system. In 2023, partially thanks to the reports sent by residents, 105,000 codes were added to the barcode database, while the number of requests made by scanning the barcode came to about 393,000. At present, the database covers almost the entire circulation in Italy.
Il Rifiutologo can also communicate with Alexa, the artificial intelligence created by Amazon to give voice to the smart devices we all own. Anyone who opens the Alexa app can add the Rifiutologo skill, thus ensuring the availability of a friendly voice from whom to ask for fundamental information on the collection service provided by the Hera Group in their municipality, such as: checking door-to-door calendars and setting voice memos to remind them of the collection days scheduled in the calendar, the "dove lo butto" (where should I dispose it) function, with which the skill can be asked how to dispose of waste in the areas served by Hera, and lastly information on drop-off points and how to have bulky items collected at home.
A new, very useful feature is available from 2022: the option to book a free bulky waste collection service from home directly from the app. To book a pick-up at one’s own address, simply register and with a few clicks the items to be collected can be selected. The app will directly provide the date and time for the pick-up. In municipalities where the service is active, it is also possible to request home collection of prunings via the app. In 2023, more than 31 thousand collection bookings were requested via the Il Rifiutologo app.
The information contained in Il Rifiutologo, the reports from customers and its use contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 11.3, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.8, as well as – thanks to the involvement of residents – to achieving goal 17.17.
Digi and Lode, for more digital services and schools
For the Hera Group, innovation and digitalisation are fundamental, starting with its own services: development of online services, creation of interactive apps for customers and residents, and promotion of dedicated digital channels and services.
The Digi e Lode project, now in its seventh edition, sees customers and the Company working together to digitalise local schools thanks to the promotion of Hera’s digital services (such as signing up for #genHERAZIONI, the new Hera Group programme which rewards sustainable actions, electronic bill sending, online services, applications for tablets and smartphones, and the use of digital self-care areas) under the patronage of 113 local municipalities. Digi e Lode consolidates the contribution that the Group wishes to bring to the area served, in continuity with the corporate strategies that identify innovation, sustainable development of local areas and the activation of partnerships as the central drivers for increasing shared value, in line with the objectives set out in the UN 2030 Global Agenda.
Since the 2023/2024 school year, the project has also been extended to schools in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata and Fermo (now covering the whole area of Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo) and also to the municipalities of Bassano del Grappa, Vigonza, Cittadella, Rubano and Camposampiero, where the Etra Energia company operates.
The project involves all primary and secondary schools, both public and private, in the areas located in Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and Apulia. For the 2023/2024 school year, a total of 197,500 euro has been made available to fund digitisation projects, benefiting students in 79 schools. Since the project began in 2017, the Group has already donated.
In order to participate, customers must activate one or more free digital services offered by Hera Group companies: by doing so, they donate points that can be distributed equally among the schools in their municipality or can be allocated to a specific school (in this case, they are multiplied by five): the Hera Group rewards the schools in the area that achieve the highest score.
The Digi e Lode project contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 4.a and 12.8, as well as – thanks to the involvement of residents and schools - to achieving goal 17.17.
CiboAmico: roughly 138,000 complete meals recovered in Hera cafeterias since the start of the project
Launched in 2009 with the support of Last Minute Market, a social enterprise and accredited spin-off of the University of Bologna active in the fight against waste and in environmental sustainability, CiboAmico is a concrete initiative developed by the company that encourages an expansion of the circular economy, bringing together different entities in the local area to work towards a shared social responsibility, providing concrete help to those who most need it. There are nine company canteens where the project is active: Bologna, Granarolo dell’Emilia, Imola, Rimini, Ferrara, Ravenna, Modena, Forlì and Cesena. Modena and Forlì have been involved since 2023, Cesena since 2024. Recovered meals are donated to local non-profit organisations that provide hospitality and assist people in need on a daily basis.
In 2023 alone, more than 12 complete meals were recovered in favour of seven local non-profit organisations that assist about 220 people every day with these recovered meals, corresponding to more than 5.6 tonnes of food with an economic value of over 49,000 euro. This furthermore avoided the production of 5.6 tonnes of waste, corresponding to the capacity of over 12 bins, and the emission of over 21.3 tonnes of CO2 into the environment. Furthermore, the waste of water, energy and land consumption that were necessary to package those meals was avoided.
Fifteen years after the start of the project, a total of around 138 thousand meals have been donated, worth around 570 thousand euro. This has avoided the production of over 61 tonnes of waste (corresponding to over 133 bins) and the emission of over 250 tonnes of CO2.
Many non-profit organisations in the area are involved and help to guarantee increasingly important results such as: Fraternità Cristiana Opera di Padre Marella – Pronto Soccorso Sociale di Bologna, Fraternità Cristiana Opera Padre Marella Città Dei Ragazzi di San Lazzaro di Savena, Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII in Rimini, Associazione Viale K di Ferrara, Cooperativa Sociale Mano Tesa in Imola, Cooperativa Sociale San Vitale di Ravenna, il Ceis Arte cooperativa sociale Onlus di Modena, Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni 23° di Forlì and Il Cigno Cooperativa Sociale di Cesena. Numerous partner facilities take part in the initiative, where the meals are consumed: Pronto Soccorso Sociale in Bologna, Comunità terapeutica “Gemma Nanni Costa” in San Lazzaro di Savena, Capanna di Betlemme in Rimini, Casa della Donne, Casa Mambro and Mensa in via Gaetano Pesci in Ferrara, the Co-Housing facility for the elderly in via del Tiglio in Sesto Imolese and the cafeteria at the headquarters of the Cooperativa San Vitale in Ravenna, Faber Centro Socio Occupazionale in Modena, Comunità terapeutica di Forno and Il Villaggio della Gioia in Forlì and Il Gruppo Appartamento Il Faro in Cesena.
Moreover, at the end of 2017, CiboAmico went beyond company cafeterias to involve a municipal market. This initiative, proposed by HeraLAB Modena, was promoted together with the City of Modena, and carried out with the collaboration of the Market Consortium. While in the cafeterias the objective was to recover unconsumed meals, the collaboration between Hera and the Albinelli Market retailers, instead, aims to avoid the waste of fresh products which, at the end of the day, may remain in the stalls of the market, food which is still perfectly edible but which, for various reasons, can no longer be sold the following day. Food recoveries from individual shopkeepers take place every Wednesday and Friday when the Albinelli Market is open, and mainly consist in bread and bakery products, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. For these products, which would otherwise be thrown away, there is a virtuous alternative thanks to the cooperation between Modena City Council, the Hera Group, Last Minute Market, and the Market itself. The retailers, in fact, can choose to donate their unsold goods to the Ceis Foundation, which are then recovered and used to benefit people facing hardship. As of 2020, once again in agreement with the City of Modena, food surpluses have also been recovered at Agricola Prima Natura in Via Rainusso. This made it possible to extend the cooperation network to Caritas Diocesana di Modena, which carries out recoveries through its own local structures and parishes. In 2023, thanks to 10 participating retailers, a total of over 2,700 kg of products were collected and reused in Modena.
In 2022, the City of Imola’s initiative “Un s’bota veja gnet - Nothing gets thrown away” was launched. This initiative is promoted by Hera and coordinated by Last Minute Market, and is aimed at recovering surplus food in the city and preventing food waste. In 2023, 18 thousand kg of food products were recovered, including 240 kg of ready meals, from local organisations that take care of people facing hardship. They have joined the initiative and regularly donate surplus food: Interspar Imola, Mensa Hera di Imola, Ecu Imola, CLAI with the Macellerie del contadino in Imola Pedagna and Imola Centro, Crai di Sesto imolese, TeaPack Srl SB, Pasticceria Dulcis cafè, and Autodromo di Imola.
The four local non-profit organisations currently involved are the Coop. Soc. Mano Tesa, the No Sprechi Odv Association, and the Italian Red Cross - Imola Committee and Caritas Diocesana di Imola, which distribute surplus food both at their facilities and to families facing hardship, disabled persons and the elderly.
Waste prevention initiatives such as CiboAmico contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, as well as - thanks to partnerships with non-profit organisations - to achieving goal 17.17.
FarmacoAmico: over 517,000 packages of non-expired medicines recovered since the start of the project
FarmacoAmico is a project promoted by Hera to collect non-expired medicines and create a network of solidarity for reuse in the local area. Intact medicine, still valid for at least six months and in an adequate state of conservation, is reused by non-profit organisations operating in local or decentralised cooperation projects. The aim is to prevent waste production by spreading good practices in waste reduction and supporting organisations that assist the weaker members of the community.
Launched in 2013, in Bologna, FarmacoAmico is implemented in cooperation with Last Minute Market and now involves 33 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna, a region with over 1.6 million inhabitants (equivalent to 67% of the population to whom waste management services are provided in the Region).
In December 2023, the Memorandum of intent for the diffusion of the Farmaco Amico initiative across the territory was renewed by Hera, Last Minute Market and the Emilia-Romagna Region.
In 2023, over 65 thousand packages of medicine were sent for reuse, over 28% more than in 2022, for a total value of over 870 thousand euro. The centralised management of the collection, selection and destination of medicines has given excellent results and has made it possible to optimise shipments of medicines to beneficiary organisations.
In 2023, this project involved a total of 199 pharmacies, 39 more then 2022, and 36 non-profit organisations, some operating in Italy and others abroad, as well as various partners, institutions, trade associations and corporate bodies, amounting to a total of 53 parties.
Since the start of the project, more than 517,000 packages of medicine with a total economic value coming to around 6.3 million euro have been collected and sent for reuse, which partially and potentially corresponds to lower costs for the National Health System.
In 2024, some local meetings are set to be held with the project partners to enhance the initiative and the results achieved, and to expand the initiative.
Waste prevention initiatives such as FarmacoAmico contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, as well as - thanks to the involvement of residents and municipalities - to achieving goal 17.17.
The success of Cambia il Finale continues: 1,070 tonnes of bulky waste collected in 2023
The Cambia il Finale (Change the Ending) project, now in its tenth year, makes it possible to collect all objects in good condition that would otherwise be disposed of as bulky and allow them to be reused, thanks to a network of non-profit organisations distributed over the area served, capable of giving new life to goods donated by residents. The project is linked to a specific Memorandum of Understanding between Atersir and Hera on the management of bulky waste, and is developed in cooperation with Last Minute Market. Goods can be donated by residents to a circuit of non-profit organisations in Emilia-Romagna that collect more or less bulky goods at their own premises or at home, allocating them to flea markets, using them in their own premises or donating them to people in need. All the Hera Group’s communication tools promote the collection of goods carried out by non-profit organisations, in particular its call centre operators, who offer users the possibility of donating bulky items in good condition that they wish to dispose of.
This initiative promotes good habits related to reuse and generates positive social benefits thanks to the activities carried out by the non-profit organisations involved, in line with the Hera Group’s principles of social responsibility and environmental protection. Moreover, it responds to current developments in environmental legislation, which aims at management models based on the concepts of prevention and reuse.
Fifteen non-profit organisations were partners in the project at the end of 2023, distributed throughout the Emilia-Romagna region served by Hera, guaranteeing coverage of all main cities. During 2023, the organisations received 8,950 phone calls from residents willing to donate their bulky goods and carried out around 6,300 collections, totalling around 486,000 items and over 1,070 tonnes collected. The majority of the goods donated were indeed reused, with an average percentage close to 73%. From January to December 2023, around 775 tonnes of bulky waste were thus avoided by this project.
Since the start of the project, more than 5.8 thousand tonnes of waste have been avoided, bringing great savings for the environment and lower waste collection costs.
Moreover, as part of the “Cambia il finale” project, six “Reuse Areas” have been installed in the municipalities of Cesena, Ferrara, Modena, Ravenna and Rimini. These are actual boxes inside Hera’s Collection Centres, where residents can bring furniture and small objects in good condition, which are then collected and sent for reuse by accredited non-profit organisations. In 2023, 702 donations were made by residents, totalling 5,768 items and corresponding to 9,771 kg of goods.
Waste prevention initiatives such as Cambia il finale contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, as well as - thanks to citizen collaboration and partnerships with non-profit organisations - to achieving goal 17.17.
Making environmental and social sustainability go hand in hand
Hera continues to respect its commitment to initiatives dedicated to the support and social inclusion of people facing hardship and in difficult or disadvantaged conditions, through the following initiatives, which have proven to be effective.
The Manolibera (Hands Free) project was created in 2011 out of a collaboration between the Forlì prison, Hera and the Techne training institute, inspired by the idea of some artists who are particularly interested in respect for the environment, eco-sustainability and social rehabilitation. A large room within the Forlì prison was made available to create a workshop, in the form of an original artisan paper mill, where inmates work daily, for 20 hours a week, making greeting cards, Christmas cards, photo albums, photo frames, notebooks, large and small, and other paper artefacts having a high artistic value. The exclusive production methods - entirely handmade, following an ancient Arab-Chinese processing technique - and the refined decorations make these products unique, refined and imbued with a remarkable artistic, social and ecological value that make them particularly appreciated in the wedding planning field. In fact, the workshop has developed a wide range of products for weddings and important events, including elegant invitations and refined thank-you cards, photo albums complete with boxes, precious wedding favours, frames and paintings.
A collaboration with the national prison economy network “Freedhome”, the concept store dedicated to outstanding aspects of Italian prison economics, helps give the project considerable visibility.
The workshop is able to sustain its own operations and provide inmates with appropriate training thanks to the commitment of the social enterprise altremani srl which is tasked with monitoring and verifying the activities carried out in the workshop, while the commercial side is managed with the support of Legatoria Editoriale Berti srl. In 2023, a total of six prisoners were employed in the activity, while over 51 people have been involved since the start of the project.
The experience of the Raee in carcere project continues. This project, launched in 2008, aims to promote social and employment inclusion of disadvantaged people undergoing criminal punishment, with the intention of assisting them in their progress back into legal conditions and the civil life of the community.
The project is currently active at the prison of Ferrara, while the project at the prison in Bologna ended in July 2023.
The project involves the national WEEE Erion consortium, and the social cooperatives IT2 in Bologna and Il Germoglio in Ferrara, and also has the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
In appropriately equipped laboratories inside the prisons, inmates take turns in training and higher education activities, learning the skills and knowledge needed to disassemble large electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE R2 such as washing machines and dishwashers) coming from the collection managed by the Erion Consortium, which also include WEEE from the Hera Group’s collection centres. Since its beginning, this project has enabled 39 ex-convicts to be trained and prepared for work in companies operating in the respective geographical areas, while a total of 117 inmates have benefited in various ways from internships and training courses leading to professional integration. The environmental benefits obtained since the start of this project are also considerable: over the entire period, the workshops have processed roughly 6,299 tonnes of electrical and electronic equipment waste, breaking it down into small fractions that were sent separately and entirely for recovery.
The projects described in this case study contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 8.5, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 17.17.
Flooding in Emilia-Romagna: Hera's response to the emergency
The flood which affected a large part of Emilia-Romagna from 1 to 3 May and from 16 to 17 May had a devastating impact on the region and some surrounding areas. The flood affected 44 Emilia-Romagna municipalities, mainly in the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia. The heavy rains caused 23 watercourses to overflow, resulting in the flooding of an area of 450 square kilometres, while the area of the Tuscan-Emilian and Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines was affected by over 1,100 earthquakes and landslides. The catastrophic events also affected the northern provinces of the Marche region (Pesaro and Urbino, Ancona, Macerata and Fermo), as well as some municipalities in Tuscany (Fiorenzuola, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio and Londa).
In response to this emergency, the Hera Group took immediate action to restore the services managed in the areas affected by the disaster to normal functionality as quickly as possible: gas distribution, electricity, district heating, public lighting and integrated water service, urban hygiene and waste disposal. In particular, continuous monitoring was guaranteed through the immediate establishment of a task force of over a thousand operators and 250 vehicles who intervened on the plant equipment and provided their support to the affected populations, working with the civil protection and law enforcement agencies.
Overall, around 100 thousand tonnes of waste were collected in the affected areas, almost entirely disposed of, generated as a result of the flooding, which is equivalent to the quantity normally collected in the same areas over a period of ten months. In addition, integrated water, gas distribution, district heating and public lighting services were restored for almost all customers. In particular, around 25 thousand users of the integrated water service found themselves without power, while there were 4,550 and 25 thousand damaged light points and gas meters respectively and 15 flooded thermal power plants.
At present, the estimate of the costs generated by the disaster, which takes into account both the first emergency interventions and the financial damage suffered to the plant equipment, amounts to 96.6 million euro, around half of which relates to network services and the rest for environmental services.
In response to the flood, the Group immediately opened its channels with associates, for example the regulatory authority (Arera), the area regulators (Egato), as well as the Emilia-Romagna Region, in order to organise interventions to support families and businesses, and to identify tools to recognise the costs indicated above and to maintain an economic-financial balance.
The Italian Government, with Legislative Decree 61 of 1 June 2023 (converted with amendments into Law of 31 July 2023, no. 100), provided for the suspension of the waste tax (TARI) payment deadlines between 1 May 2023 to 31 August 2023 for the affected municipalities and has asked Arera to regulate the temporary suspension of the deadlines of invoices issued, or pending issuance, or of payment notices becoming due in the above period, relating to gas, electricity, water and waste services. Subsequently, with resolution 390/2023/R/com of 03/08/2023, the deadline of 31 August was extended to 31 October.
In response to this decree, Arera intervened by setting the period for suspending the payment terms of bills as four months (starting from May), introducing the option of paying them automatically in instalments, without discrimination and without applying interest, without prejudice to the ability of customers to arrange to pay in a single instalment, or to pay the amounts due based on an instalment plan to be agreed with the supplier.
According to the various regulatory provisions, the Group promptly activated the communication channels necessary to distribute information relating to the interventions to support families and businesses as required by Arera. In the second half of 2023, over 200 thousand bill instalment plans were granted; in addition to those granted based on Arera’s provisions, more than 5 thousand personalised plans were recognised on the initiative of the Group with different terms than the terms set by the Authority, so customers could plan their finances according to their needs. Starting from December 2023, following the new regulatory changes (Arera resolution 565/2023), an additional information and self-certification collection campaign was launched in order to grant the tariff concessions defined by Arera to the customers most affected by the unforeseen events.
To guarantee the economic-financial balance of operators, Arera also introduced a system of free advances, payable by Cassa per i Servizi Energetici e Ambientali (CSEA), with initial reporting starting from 10 July 2023. Subsequent reports were submitted by the 15th of each month until the end of October. To date, the credit for bills issued and overdue, but not yet collected, amounts to approximately 5.2 million euro for the Group.
With regard to employee involvement, the Group decided to implement a series of special initiatives:
- donations for the affected areas towards civil protection, with a special edition of HeraSolidale, and towards the employees directly involved. In both cases, employees were able to donate through their pay slip and through the welfare system. The overall amount donated, including the amount donated by the company, was approximately 672 thousand euro;
- special coverage for absences caused by inconvenience related to the emergency with paid leave;
- transfer of holiday hours, by employees and the company, to employees directly affected by the emergency situation;
- advance of severance pay for duly justified expenses linked to the emergency situation;
- strengthening of the psychological support service available under the company welfare system;
- recognition of an additional amount of remuneration to meet special service needs;
- information regarding volunteering initiatives launched by companies.
By virtue of the Presidential Decree of 10 July 2023, Army Corps General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo was appointed Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction. On 25 September 2023, the Commissioner issued Ordinance no. 6 which defined the extremely urgent interventions eligible for State funding and the related payment methods. In particular, Appendix A of this decree reports that 374 interventions were carried out by a company of the Hera Group as for a total estimated amount of approximately 75.5 million euro. The ordinance also provides the option to request:
- 40% of the amount as an advance;
- the balance if: a) an inspection certificate, or a compliance certificate, or substitute declaration can be produced, b) if a final works progress report (WPR) and discharged mandates/invoices are available.
As of 31 December 2023, it should be noted that all costs generated by interventions relating to environmental hygiene have been finalised and largely reported to the commissioner, for an amount equal to 29 million euro. Full economic coverage has already been recognised for these interventions.
With regard to the other services, expert assessment activities are underway to evaluate the necessary interventions and the related resources needed to cover them which will first have to come from the insurance policies stipulated by the Group and, second, from the commissioner’s contribution, to make up the difference. In this regard, it is noted that, again at 31 December 2023, the Group received 10 and 16.5 million euro as an advance from the insurance company and the commissioner respectively (after issuing specific sureties by way of guarantee).
Lastly, on 5 February 2024, the Special Commissioner issued a second Ordinance (17/2024) aimed at financing additional safety interventions, including for the integrated water service (nine interventions costing around 13 million euro) and environmental services (an intervention worth approximately 0.3 million euro); as regards the gas distribution service, the safety measures (three interventions costing 3.6 million euro) are set to be financed by another ordinance soon to be issued.
These ordinances, together with Ordinance no. 6 mentioned above, will almost completely cover the estimated costs in relation to the damages suffered by the Group.
With Riciclandino, we help the environment and schools
Riciclandino has been helping our children move towards greater environmental awareness for over eleven years. An environmental initiative dedicated to children and families, it involves all residents who have ties with schools, understood as institutions and communities of people. In this project, points are awarded for the sorted waste brought to drop-off stations, giving schools the opportunity to receive economic incentives. The students’ families can use the Riciclandino card to take their waste to drop-off stations, obtaining a discount on their bills, as provided for by municipal regulations, and offering an incentive coming to the same amount to their child’s school. The added value of this initiative consists in increasing interest towards the environment, and in a shared action that creates and strengthens the civic and social sense of the community. In the 2022-2023 school year, 9 municipalities in the Ravenna area joined the Riciclandino project, and 194 schools were involved, with a total of about 33,244 students. The participating schools were awarded a prize amounting to 43,608 euro for their activity. As part of the project, almost 400 tonnes of waste brought by students and their families were delivered to drop-off stations.
Students and families delivering sorted waste to drop-off stations contributes to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 11.3, 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.8, as well as - thanks to the involvement of schools and residents - to achieving goal 17.17.
Plant visits for over twelve thousand people
Herambiente offers guided tours of its waste treatment and recovery plants, demonstrating its attention to environmental issues and an attempt to promote an ecologically responsible mindset. The guided tours, which can also be booked online from the Herambiente website, were created in order to raise awareness of a plant park that is among the most advanced in Europe in terms of operational and quality standards and to give interested parties the opportunity to learn about the operating and management methods of the plants, in order to ensure the area is respected as much as possible using solutions with the lowest overall impact on the environment.
In 2023, 4,131 visitors visited the Herambiente plants over 181 days. Visits were made to the waste-to-energy plants (2,553 visitors), the selection and recovery plants (849 visitors), the composting and anaerobic digestion plants (630 visitors) and other plants (99 visitors). The data shows significant growth compared to the previous year and is close to the levels prior to the restrictions as a result of the health emergency. Additionally, 394 people took part in the virtual visits.
In the 2022-2023 school year, a total of 1,799 young people visited Hera plants. It was finally possible to re-introduce in-person visits, which had been suspended in the previous three years due to restrictions during the health crisis. The activity, always highly requested by students, offers a journey into the heart of the plants, accompanied by expert teachers and Hera technicians, to offer a first-hand discovery of the main technological cycles of water, energy and waste and Hera’s innovative techniques to ensure the correct and sustainable management of resources.
Another 3,711 students participated in virtual visits to the plants, immersive virtual tours carried out in the classroom with the help of expert teachers. The figure for virtual visits is lower than the previous year due to the reintroduction of in-person visits.
Compared to the previous year, additional plants were added for class visits, including the Bufalini cogeneration plant in Cesena (47 visitors), the district heating plants in Ferrara (145 visitors) and various ecological stations (167 visitors) , making a total of 359 visitors.
A new visit to the Cesena purifier was also introduced, in virtual mode with a live connection, to discover how waste water is treated and to talk about the agricultural recovery project as an example of circular economy (342 student visitors).
There were 1,556 and 152 visits to the AcegasApsAmga drinking water and purification plants respectively, while there were 350 visits to the Marche Multiservizi plants.
Plant visits contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goals 4.7, 6.b and 12.8, as well as – through citizen involvement – to achieving goal 17.17.
Obtained the certification for gender equality
In 2023, certification for gender equality in application of UNI/PDR 125:2022 was obtained. A management system that involved 11 Group companies (Hera SpA, Inrete, Heratech, Hera Comm, Acantho, Herambiente, HASI, Acegasapsamga, Hera Luce, Hera Servizi Energia, Marche Multiservizi) where 81% of the Group’s employees work. The certification involves the measurement, reporting and evaluation of a set of indicators in six areas: culture and strategy, governance, human resources processes, growth opportunities and inclusion of women in the company, pay equity between genders, parenting support and work/life balance. The aim is to fill any gaps that may exist and produce sustainable and lasting change over time, thanks to a specific strategic plan.
The Board of Directors of the Hera Group has approved the Gender Equality Policy which defines the Group’s commitment in this area and has appointed a Steering Committee which ensures the effective adoption and constant monitoring thereof.
The certification brings to an end a process that was started some time ago. Some of the most significant events were the signing of the Charter for equal opportunities and equality at work, launched in Italy in 2009, and the establishment of a Diversity Management working group in 2011, formed by employees from different company areas, and the inclusion in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and in the first places worldwide in the Refinitiv Global Diversity & Inclusion Index.
Certification for gender equality contributes to the achievement of targets 5.1 and 5.5 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Ferrara training center to train employees and suppliers
Following the inauguration in 2022, the Ferrara Training centre continued to evolve in 2023 as a structure created to promote integration between physical and virtual learning environments.
At the beginning of 2023, thanks to the partnership between Inrete Distribuzione Energia, ICIM Spa and Emerson, an industrial partner that operates in the area of gas distribution, the centre was qualified as a suitable location for the certification exams of professionals according to the UNI 11632- PdR 39-2018 standard (responsible for surveillance activities on natural gas distribution plants). In 2023, 12 gas operators were therefore certified, certifying that they possess the knowledge, skill and competence requirements relating to the professional activity of field surveillance activities on natural gas distribution systems, in order to maintain their safety and efficiency and to ensure continuity of service to end users. In addition, again in partnership with Emerson, training courses were developed with certification of the skills acquired, continuing the Hera Group’s commitment in the field of employability and also supporting related companies in the search for qualified resources, with particular reference to technical-operational profiles.
The centre was used as part of the Employability project, launched in partnership with the personnel selection company Manpower with the involvement of 30 operators with an operational profile. This important project for employability has provided the Hera Group with further key resources to overcome the challenges of the energy transition through a training course lasting 80 hours per capita.
In 2023, the planning of a pilot training project in the metaverse was also launched, which will involve the use of headsets for augmented reality simulations. Lastly, a challenging development project for the Training Centre was launched, which will involve the setting up of external spaces, near the current building, equipped with classrooms and teaching areas, for experimental simulation.
The Ferrara training centre contributes to the achievement of targets 4.3, 4.4, 8.3 and 17.17 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Green community rewards sustainable solutions
#genHERAZIONI is the free and open to all customers and residents loyalty programme, which rewards the sustainable actions of everyone who shares the goal of reducing their impact on the environment. It was launched in the summer of 2023 and had around 45 thousand members at the end of the year.
By becoming part of the community, users have the opportunity to play, participate in challenges and learn how to reduce their impact through small daily actions and more conscious behaviours.
By taking sustainable actions and by taking part in initiatives, users can earn coins (ECOcoin), points (PuntiAZIONE) and medals (ECObadge): for example, “Play and learn” gets users involved with weekly winnings, quizzes and challenges to test themselves on issues related to sustainability and efficient behaviours; the “Sustainability stories" offer articles, videos and podcasts with interesting information, insights and food for thought; “Hera world" discusses rewarding actions customers can take. Lastly, there are also specific competitions dedicated to special initiatives such as, for example, some which encourage people to pay attention to their own energy consumption using the Consumption Diary.
ECOcoins can be converted into rewards, while puntiAZIONE points measure the degree of user involvement in the community and allow them to level up. By learning to live in an increasingly green way, users can become sustainability “gurus”. Competitions are also held on the platform with the chance to win more prizes.
In addition, as an extension of the experimental initiatives developed previously to promote and incentivise sustainable behaviour, in 2023 research into implementing a Green community that gives residents the opportunity to purchase renewable energy or shares of photovoltaic panels from Energy parks in the process of being developed. This means residents can take advantage of the advantages of photovoltaics systems even if they are unable to install them on their own roof, while still seeing an economic benefit on their bills with a simple and transparent solution.
During 2024, together with the authorisation phases for the agrivoltaic plants at the Energy parks, this initiative will continue to be developed.
The green community contributes to the achievement of targets 12.8 and 17.17 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Sustainability in managing human resources
Circularity, resilience and sustainability also at Hera Group premises
2023 began with the launch of the new integrated maintenance contract which also involved the implementation of the first efficiency projects required as a technical offer of the contract itself:
- construction of new air conditioning systems in various locations;
- introduction of electricity and fluid consumption meters for all main offices;
- projects to convert lighting fixtures from fluorescent to LED.
Work also continued on the modernisation and reuse/conversion of internal spaces for the Gaggio Montano (Bo) offices, where, after renovations were completed in April and all the staff had been transferred from the Porretta Terme offices (Bo) and Vergato (Bo), work began on setting up the new company car park.
At the Viale Berti Pichat office in Bologna, recovery work continued on an old warehouse of the former agricultural consortium for the construction of the new company training centre. During the course of the works, archaeological discoveries were made (around 60 tombs of various shapes) dating back to the Roman period as well as a section of a road also dating back to the Roman period. This intervention contributes to containing new buildings on virgin soil while keeping the waterproofed surface of the Group’s properties unchanged.
Another significant event in terms of the environment was also the final commissioning of the surface water regulation works and the sewage system of the Molino Rosso office in Imola (activity completed at the end of 2022) which meant the unusual situation could be addressed without any damage from rainfall which, in May, caused floods and devastation in many locations in Romagna, thus preserving the physical location of the Acantho data centre and guaranteeing its full functionality.
In 2023, the new project for reorganising office spaces was also launched, given that with the introduction of remote working there was a clear decline in occupancy of company premises with average attendance rates of around 65% and with minimum occupancy of up to 35% on certain days of the week. This situation led to the need to review the ways company areas are used, to avoid unjustified waste in terms of land occupation and energy resources. During the year, many meetings were held and many comparisons were made with other companies (since the phenomenon is common to other companies) and, most importantly, internal tests were carried out with visits to some departments to evaluate the degree of operational functionality and employee satisfaction. The results were encouraging, as also demonstrated by the level reached in the opinions revealed by the climate survey carried out in 2023 with scores relating to work spaces exceeding 73/100.
In 2024 these methodologies will form the basis for the design of the new office spaces at the offices in Bologna at Viale Berti Pichat and the refitting of the offices in Forlì at Via Balzella.
The projects mentioned here contribute to the achievement of targets 6.4 and 7.3 of the UN 2030 Agenda.
58,000 euro raised by the fifth edition of HeraSolidale
HeraSolidale aims to promote solidarity and support for social projects with the involvement of Hera Group employees and the company itself.
The fifth edition of the project began in September 2023 and will end in March 2026. This latest edition saw the Group’s employees choose by voting four of the ten Organisations selected by the company according to the following criteria: popularity and transparency of the activities, contribution to one or more targets of the UN Agenda for 2030 and areas of intervention relating to Hera services (ancillary criterion). The four organisations chosen by the employees were Fondazione Ant Italia Onlus, Ageop Ricerca, Fondazione Airc and Medici Senza Frontiere. Unhcr was then added for continuing to collect in support of the Ukrainian people, given the continuing conflict.
The projects supported by each of the five organisations are summarised below:
- Fondazione Ant Italia Onlus - project “Supporta il calendario dell’assistenza domiciliare di Fondazione Ant” (Support the Ant Foundation’s home care services): offers free assistance to cancer patients by providing them with suitable care at home and social-health care that is as comprehensive as possible, both for the patient and for their family. Collections will be channelled into the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Triveneto regions.
- Ageop Ricerca - “Oltre la malattia” (after illness) project: provides, through activities supported by Ageop operators and psychologists, help and psychosocial rehabilitation to children and their families, after cancer, through activities and workshops aimed at rediscovering their potential, regaining self-esteem and relational skills.
- Fondazione Airc – “In campo contro i big killer” (fighting big killers) project: concentrates research efforts on the three types of tumours which claim the most victims: pancreatic, lung and brain cancer. The objective of the project is to set up a multi-year scholarship to support young researchers.
- Medici Senza Frontiere – “Donne al centro della nostra azione” (women at the centre of what we do) project: supports projects dedicated to women’s health globally, focusing on three areas: obstetric care, assistance to victims of sexual violence and prevention and treatment of cervical cancer.
Each project is characterised by clear and scalable economic objectives that correspond to concrete and measurable actions.
Group employees can join either by making a monthly contribution deducted directly from their pay slip or through Hextra - the integrated company welfare system. New to this edition of HeraSolidale is the option of donating by occasional deductions from pay slips.
In addition, the Hera Group makes an important contribution acting through the companies Hera Comm, Hera Comm Marche and EstEnergy which donate one euro for every three new customers throughout the three years of the project.
To support the HeraSolidale project, in 2023 the Group also decided to involve employees in donating a symbolic fee when individual employees decide to redeem company mobile phones and tablets for personal use.
In just three months of the project, starting from September 2023, around 58 thousand euro were collected: around 23 thousand euro were donated by employees through payroll deductions and Hextra, and over 35 thousand euro were donated by Hera Comm, Hera Comm Marche and EstEnergy .
The projects mentioned here, through partnerships with interested organisations and public administrations, contribute to achieving UN 2030 Agenda goal 17.17.
Sustainability in the supply chain
Circular economy in the supply chain
Also in 2023, consistently with the “Resolve” model proposed by the Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation, the Hera Group applied the four cardinal principles of circularity (eco-efficiency, dematerialisation, renewability, recyclability) in its procurement, constantly seeking to reconcile them with the objectives of compliance with current regulations on procurement, equal treatment of suppliers, transparency, free competition and supplier rotation.
The principles of the circular economy were either translated into technical reward criteria within tenders using the most economically advantageous bid method, or were included in the technical specifications when planning requirements.
In 2023, a reporting model continued to be applied so as monitor the impact of the initiatives introduced. In particular, coherently with what had previously been done to monitor the use of sustainability criteria in contracting, the technical criteria traceable to circular economy principles were mapped.
In 2023, circularity criteria were established for over 92% of the awarded tenders with the most economically advantageous offer, an increase of 10 percentage points compared to 2022, with an average score of 10.2. The value generated by circular elements stands at 14.3% of the value of 2023 awarded tenders awarded with the most economically advantageous offer.
As of 2021, a lowest-price circularity reporting methodology has been progressively extended to all Hera Group purchases. Applying the new circularity reporting model, it is estimated that in the tenders awarded in 2023 with the lowest price, the value generated by circular elements amounted to more than 12 million euro (it was 10 million in 2022), equal to approximately 4% of the total value.
Overall, considering both most economically advantageous bid method tenders and tenders with the lowest price, the value attributable to circularity elements stands at over 10.5% of the value of all tenders awarded in 2023.
The main tenders awarded at the lowest price with elements of circularity included in the technical specifications are as follows:
- In the private negotiation subject to NRRP financing concerning the reclamation of sections of the water network for the reduction of leaks in the aqueduct networks managed by AcegasApsAmga in the areas of Padua and Trieste, with a starting bid of 4.5 million euro, compliance with the CAM (minimum environmental criteria) for construction envisaged by the Ministry of Ecological Transition was set out in the special tender specifications. In addition, the Type III environmental product declaration (EPD) was required for the products used in the contract, as well as compliance with the Reach regulation relating to the environmental and human health dangers of chemical products. The recovery of material and end-of-life destination was set out, as well as the division of the origin of the material used into % of renewable source and non-renewable source. With regard to waste from construction and demolition, both preparation for the reuse of at least 70% (in terms of weight) and a management plan that addresses the end of life of the products have been taken into account.
- In the open procedure relating to the start-up service for the recovery of waste known as dehydrated sludge produced by the purifiers in the municipality of Trieste and Padua, with a starting price of approximately 5 million euro, the special tender specifications and/or the Tender Notice required possession of the UNI EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification, declarations certifying the availability of sites involved in direct reuse in agriculture for the type of waste in addition to 40% (50% for composting) of the annual minimum quantity (as a technical capacity requirement, etc.) and for each treatment site, proof of the appropriate authorisations relating to the recovery/treatment operations for dehydrated sludge (CER 19.08.05) object of the service, declaration for agricultural sites certifying possession of a valid authorisation for use in agriculture (with reference to specific legal provisions) by agricultural companies authorised to receive and use such special waste in agronomic practices. In addition, it should be noted that the object of this procedure intrinsically involves a final product, which after treatment constitutes biodegradable and/or compostable material suitable for reuse for agricultural purposes, therefore “end of life” recycling.
See the section of our Non-financial disclosure dedicated to the selection of suppliers for an account of the technical reward criteria set out in the invitation letter for the main tenders awarded with the most economically advantageous bid method.