Together - Hera Group
The work of hera people alongside the people of emilia-romagna hit by the floods in 2023

The flood in Emilia-Romagna:the chronicle of those days
The work of hera people alongside the people of emilia-romagna hit by the floods in 2023

By separating our waste together, we have made a difference, but we can do even more.
Choosing to drink tap water every day is simple and helps you save money while doing good for the environment. Join us in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Saving is as easy as drinking a glass of water
Choosing to drink tap water every day is simple and helps you save money while doing good for the environment. Join us in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Offering our contribution to improve our local areas and the society we live in is possible by joining forces.
To consistently reduce consumption and make a real difference, every day is important. Every gesture counts.

Evaluate your good habits:
find out how sustainable you are
find out how sustainable you are
To consistently reduce consumption and make a real difference, every day is important. Every gesture counts.

By combining the forces of citizens and companies, we can find the best solutions for local services, both in terms of needs and environmental sustainability.