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Regulated services and free market

Testata Attività a mercato libero

Regulated services and free market

Free market

A reliable player also on the free market

Over the years, the free market businesses have taken on increasing importance within Hera Group's portfolio, significantly contributing to its financial performance and enabling the company to succeed as a major player in Italy.

The balance between free market services (gas and electricity sales, recycling and waste treatment) and regulated services (gas and electricity distribution, integrated water service, waste collection, recycling and treatment, public lighting) is one of the strengths of the Group's strategy. Constant customer focus and quality services that meet their expectations are the foundations upon which our multiutility operates in both markets.

Growth in the free market is accompanied by a continuous development of our commercial offers, with an increasingly green approach, to ensure environmental sustainability, respect for resources and the circular economy solutions increasingly sought by our customers.

In the energy markets, the growth in the customer base set out in our business plan will reach 4,3 million customers by 2027, with particular attention going to the electricity market, and will be based on commercial development supported by innovative offers, value-added services and an increasingly improved customer experience for all types of customers.

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Free market accordio

Go to site Hera Luce S.r.l.

Region Municipality Light points
Emila-Romagna 40 202.251
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 62 148.919
Veneto 24 97.654
Lombardia 30 43.514
Abruzzo 7 18.955
Lazio 9 16.323
Marche 3 5.045
Piemonte 2 2.953
Sardegna 1 1.108
Umbria 1 813
Toscana 1 652
Totale 180 538.187

Go to site Hera Comm S.p.A.

Region Municipality
Piemonte 1.180
Valle D'Aosta 73
Lombardia 1.056
Trentino Alto Adice 290
Veneto 556
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 208
Liguria 233
Emila-Romagna 302
Toscana 272
Umbria 90
Marche 227
Lazio 682
Molise 135
Puglia 256
Basilicata 130
Calabria 403
Sardegna 376
Totale 6.469

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111