Environment: waste collection and waste treatment
Group >Business Activities >Environment
The environment
anything else
Managing, treating and recycling
waste means allowing products
to be regenerated indefinitely,
to build a sustainable future together
Group >Business Activities >Environment
artistic project
of the GH
keeping tracks on waste
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we make the
future also starts
with you.
People, means and technology - all at the service of the environment
The mission of the Hera Group Environmental Services is to make our environment a better, welcoming and safe place. We operate on behalf of the Municipal administrations, guaranteeing an integrated waste management system. The area managed by the Hera Group ranks among the most virtuous in terms of greater waste recycling and energy recovery. Hera is the leading provider in Italy in the environmental sector
Environmental services
Numerous environmental projects have been put in place over the years. Each one can be traced back to
the pillars on which our Group strategy is based: sustainability, circular economy, efficient use of resources.
Among these, examples of excellence include Aliplast, a leader in the collection and recycling of plastic waste,
the Biomethane plant in Sant'Agata Bolognese, which produces 6.5 million m 3 of 100% renewable fuel per year,
and our 9 waste- to-energy plants, capable of "enhancing" the heat produced
for the benefit of the territory.
Waste drop-off points
The Hera Group manages the Waste drop-off points or collection sites, places available to all members of the community where different types of waste can be brought. Waste drop-off points are in addition to the roadside collection services and represent the most sustainable option with the least environmental impact for the collection of urban waste. The collected materials are sent mainly to material recovery, where not technically possible, to energy recovery or controlled disposal.
We invest in innovation
In order to continue to innovate, we set ourselves increasingly ambitious goals by creating projects
that look further and further away.
Hergoambiente, waste bin speaking
A source of clean energy from sewers and wet waste: Biomethane
The recycling cycle. With Aliplast, we breathe new life into plastic
Biodiesel has been developed also from used food oil.
in Italy for the treatment, material and energy recovery and waste
disposal activities.
cutting-edge technology and high performance
in reducing environmental impacts.
and oriented towards the circular economy
provides integrated waste management for all types of waste, taking care of the entire waste chain. It does this with
the aim of responding to the needs of large national and international companies through innovative services, providing the services
of 90 certified plants, 1,400 specialised operators and a dedicated commercial structure. Growing over the years, Herambiente has always placed
customer focus and environmental sustainability at the center of its activities.
Waste Management and Fleets
Giulio Renato
Group Manager
Andrea Ramonda
Herambiente CEO
+39 051 287111
Hera S.p.A.
Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna
Herambiente S.p.A.
Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna
tel. 051.287111
+39 051 287111
Hera S.p.A.
Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna
Herambiente S.p.A.
Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna
tel. 051.287111