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TESTATA University


University Banner GrEnFIn Project

GrEnFIn Project

GrEnFIn Project - Greening Energy Market and Finance

Hera Group is one of the 14 Partners of the Erasmus+ KA2 Knowledge Alliances Project “GrEnFIn - Greening Energy Market and Finance”.

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University Banner Traineeships and internships

Traineeships and internships

Traineeships and internships

The Group offers educational internships and traineeships in its core business area as well as in the staff, market and innovation areas.

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University Banner Relationship map

Relationship map

Relationship map

The Group has stable relationships with institutions and Universities, and provides educational internships and traineeships in its core business area as well as in the staff, market and innovation areas.

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University Banner Dissertations and research

Dissertations and research

Dissertations and research

Research activities within the group for graduate dissertations and PHD.

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University Banner Testimonials



Testimonials and specialised instruction.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111