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Vendor rating and assurance

Testata Vendor rating and assurance

Vendor rating and assurance

Contenuto - Vendor rating and assurance

The Supplier evaluation process is fundamental to the Hera Group and covers all product categories in relation to signed orders and contracts.

It involves continuous monitoring of the extent to which qualified Suppliers on the list meet the required partnership standards, particularly in terms of technical specifications. This virtuous circle provides the basis for the Hera Group to select the best suppliers when drawing up the list of parties to be invited to participate in procurement procedures, and serves as a constant incentive to improve the quality level of our Suppliers.

The process is based on the mechanism of increasing/decreasing the Supplier’s qualification rating depending on possible non-conformities (NC) identified and is structured as follows:

a) periodic checks on the Supplier during the execution of the contract by the Construction Manager/Company Contact Person

b) management of Supplier anomalies (of varying severity) found during such checks;

c) analysis of significant Non-Conformities and possible actions - periodic review of the Supplier’s qualification rating – consequences;

d) montly analysis of the rating for each specific product used during the period.

The Hera Group assigns the economic operator an initial rating of 50 points for each associated product at the time of its first registration on the Supplier List and at the time of any subsequent qualification and integration. This assignment, which is based solely on the qualification documentation, is fiduciary and places the supplier at the entry threshold of the “green” rating area, which is indicative of its presumed reliability, in accordance with the “reliability table” adopted by the Hera Group and reported below. The application of the review mechanism described above may improve the Supplier’s rating, causing it to move forward in the above-mentioned green area, or worsen it, causing it to slide towards the yellow or red areas.

Reliability table 

Type of area Score range Reliability level
GREEN Area = 80 pt and ≤ 100 pt. very reliable
≥ 50 pt. and < 80 pt. reliable
YELLOW Area ≥ 35 pt. and < 50 pt. moderately reliable
≥ 25 pt. and < 35 pt. sufficiently reliable
RED Area < 25 pt. critical

Pre-Footer Standard

Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111