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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via Finati Snc Ferrara (FE) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Via Finati_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex "Tre Monti" Via Pediano 52, Imola (BO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Tremonti_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex di Via Traversagno 30 Loc. Voltana (RA) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Voltana_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex di Via Caruso 150 Modena (MO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Via_Caruso_Modena_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex di Via Selice 12/a Mordano (BO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Mordano_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Centro di Stoccaggio e Pretrattamento S.S. Romea 309, Km 2,6 - Ravenna (RA) - Herambiente Servizi Industriali S.r.l - Renewal 2021

738 0 0 DA_Centro di stoccaggio HASI_Ravenna_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via dell'Energia - Zona Industriale, Pozzilli (IS) - Renewal 2021

738 0 0 DA_ Pozzilli_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex LVia Cavazza 45 Modena (MO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Via Cavazza Modena_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via San Martino in Venti 19, Loc. Cà Baldacci – Rimini (RN) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Ca Baldacci_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex "Centro Ecologico Baiona" Via Baiona, 182 Ravenna (RA) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Baiona_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex I.T.F.I. Via Shakespeare 29, Bologna - Renewal 2021

738 0 0 DA_ITFI Bologna_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via Grigioni 19-28, Forlì (FC) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_via Grigioni_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Serravalle Pistoiese (PT) – Pistoia Ambiente S.r.l. - Renewal 2021

738 0 0 DA_Serravalle Pistoiese_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via Rio della Busca, Loc. Tessello, San Carlo (FC) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Busca_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex di Via del Frullo 3/F Granarolo dell'Emilia (BO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Granarolo_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Landfill Cà dei Ladri 253, Silla di Gaggio Montano (BO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Gaggio Montano_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via Bocche, 20 Baricella (BO) - Update 2021

738 0 0 DA_Baricella_2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri

Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via Tomba 25, Lugo (RA) - Renewal 2021

738 0 0 DA_Via Tomba_Lugo2021.pdf 0 2012-07-30 Fiorenza Bavieri 938 1 0 Fiorenza Bavieri
Other press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera at the top of the 2021 Integrated Governance Index

2021-06-16 The Hera Group leads the overall ranking in this index, which measures the extent to which sustainability is integrated within corporate strategies. Hera is also at the top of the finance category, for the fourth consecutive year, and second in the special ESG Identity survey IGI 2021 Hera ranks first among Italian companies for its full and conscious integration of sustainability policies within its business strategies. This has been confirmed by the 2021 Integrated Governance Index, presented today at the ESG Business Conference, an authoritative model for analysing ESG factors, i.e. the social, environmental and governance aspects of business activities. In addition to leading the overall ranking, Hera also stands out in two other dedicated rankings. For the fourth year in a row, the Group is at the top of the sustainable finance category, which analyses the links between a company and responsible investors. It also ranked second in the special 2021 ESG Identity survey, which focuses on a company’s ability to enhance its sustainable identity, through means including stakeholder involvement, first and foremost customers and suppliers. “This recognition”, remarks Hera Group Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, “certifies once again the validity of the direction pursued since our establishment. Sustainability is in fact fully integrated within our activities, across the board, and represents a strategic asset in all respects. As is stated in our Articles of Association, Hera’s growth is accompanied by the generation of shared value for the communities and local areas served, which in turn are priority elements for defining financial and investment policies.” Sustainability at the heart of the Group’s strategies For the Hera Group, uninterrupted growth in operating results goes hand in hand with increasing attention to sustainability. In 2016, Hera introduced shared value reporting, referring to those business activities which, in addition to generating margins, respond to the drivers for sustainable growth defined by the UN 2030 Agenda and, more generally, various national and international policies. In 2020, shared value Ebitda rose to 420.0 million euro (+7.2%), equivalent to 37.4% of total Ebitda. This is in line with the path set out by the Business Plan, which projects this value at 50% of total Ebitda by 2024. Hera gave further evidence of the central role played by creating shared value when it introduced the concept of Purpose in its Articles of Association, among the first companies in Italy to do so. Last April, the Shareholders Meeting approved a paragraph explaining the Group’s corporate purpose, i.e. the objectives it aims to achieve in carrying out its business activities, thus reaffirming its commitment to sustainability. The Articles thus updated – in line with Borsa Italiana’s new Corporate Governance Code and best practices at European level – allow the Group to further strengthen its commitment to the energy transition and the circular economy. Lastly, as regards sustainable finance, in line with the growing interest shown by investors towards ESG factors, Hera has proven able to act swiftly, adopting innovative models that have led it to play a pioneering role in the sector. It was in fact the first company in Italy to launch a green bond, in 2014, followed by a second issue in 2019. Three years ago, the first sustainable revolving credit line was launched, introducing bonuses linked to achieving specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. These include, for example, additionally reducing the carbon footprint in energy production, reaching new energy efficiency targets and improving sorted waste collection. The Integrated Governance Index The Integrated Governance Index is the only model for quantitatively analysing degree to which ESG factors are integrated into corporate strategies. Developed by ETicaNews, with the academic and legal support of specialised associations and advisors, it is now in its sixth edition. This index is increasingly used as an indicator of a company’s ESG identity. This year, IGI invited Italy’s top 100 listed companies, companies that publish a non-financial statement, and the top 50 non-listed companies to participate, thus reaching the highest number to date of companies analysed. The index now covers 60% of the companies listed on the FTSE Mib and 50% of Italy’s top 100 listed companies. Press release IGI 2021.pdf 2019-07-03 10:41:00 Press release IGI 2021
Online dal 16/06/2021 alle ore 10:41:00
Shareholders’ meeting
Price sensitive

Communication of the overall amount of voting rights

2021-06-04 (drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999) Communication of the overall amount of voting rights Bologna, 4 June 2021 - The following table contains the data concerning the shares outstanding and the number of voting rights representing the share capital at 31 May 2021. Updated situation Previous situation Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Total of which: 1,489,538,745 2,243,043,785 1,489,538,745 2,243,088,785 Ordinary shares (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2020) - cod. ISIN IT0001250932 Current coupon: n. 19 736,033,705 736,033,705 735,988,705 735,988,705 Ordinary shares with increased voting rights (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2020) - cod. ISIN IT0005159972 Current coupon: n. 19 753,505,040 1,507,010,080 753,550,040 1,507,100,080 Press release Communication overall amount of voting rights art.85bis.pdf 2019-07-03 09:38:00 Comunicazione dell'ammontare complessivo dei diritti di voto
Price sensitive

The company Tremonti founded: Ambienthesis, Herambiente, Sersys Ambiente and Edison together for remediation in sites to be reclaimed

2021-05-24 The NewCo will carry out its first interventions in the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino (PE) site of national interest, and will later extend its activities to areas of the Bussi industrial plant and Piano d'Orta. The company Tremonti founded Tremonti, a NewCo specialising in soil and groundwater remediation services, has been created thanks to the expertise of four leading operators in environmental services: Ambienthesis, Herambiente (Hera Group), Sersys Ambiente and Edison. The NewCo will carry out its initial activities in the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino (PE) site of national interest (SNI) and will gradually extend its activities to the Piano d’Orta area and the Bussi industrial plant, as soon as the legal proceedings still pending allow it to do so. This special-purpose company is an exemplary model for managing and successful resolving cases of land contaminated in the past by industrial firms in Italy, such as the former Montedison sites, which Edison is now fully responsible for recovering. The new company’s partners are Ambienthesis, a leader in remediation, environmental reclamation and special and hazardous waste treatment, recovery and disposal; Herambiente, a member of the Hera Group and Italy’s leading waste treatment operator, offering innovative and sustainable integrated management solutions thanks to its roughly 90 plants equipped with the best technologies; Sersys Ambiente, which specialises in environmental services, from waste analysis and management to remediation planning; and Edison, a leading figure in the Italian energy transition, committed to production from renewable sources, efficient use of resources and environmental services. NewCo’s first projects will be carried out in the northern part of the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino SNI and will prolong the work carried out by Edison in this portion of the site. The technology chosen involves thermal desorption, a system of soil heating using deep pipes to evaporate and extract the volatile and semi-volatile organic substances present underground. Waste mixed with topsoil will be removed and transferred to treatment sites and, where possible, recovered. Once the Ministry of Ecological Transition has verified the results of activities on the first portion of land, the intervention will be extended to the entire northern area. The NewCo will progressively extend its work to the Piano d’Orta and industrial plant areas. Work is already underway to remove the waste present on the surface of the land in the southern area of Tre Monti. Given the sensitivity of this issue and the need to ensure constant communication with the authorities, the work is expected to be completed by 2024. In the Tre Monti area, Edison began working in 2016 with a broad research plan designed to fill the gaps in knowledge left by the previous commission’s management with regard to the type of substances present on the surface and in the subsoil. Consequently, the company secured the site by restoring capping, the surface covering system, and building a Pump & Treat plant to treat and purify the underlying groundwater, with costs fully borne by the company. Ambienthesis Ambienthesis is a Greenthesis Group company specialising in environmental remediation and treatment, recovery and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. For over 30 years, Ambienthesis has been a national leader in environmental services and waste management, offering its consolidated experience based on specific know-how in the integrated management of industrial waste. With hundreds of restored and secured areas, including Sites of National Interest (SNI), Ambienthesis is one of the leading companies in Italy in the field of remediation, a sector in which it stands out for its interventions that use the most advanced technologies. In line with the recent directives of the European Green Deal, which impose high standards for managing the waste cycle and the related technologies, and consistent with the dictates of the Green and Circular Economy, Ambienthesis and its entire Group have made innovation and environmental sustainability the cornerstones of their business model, based on a comprehensive and structured ESG strategy. Edison Edison is the oldest energy company in Europe, with over 135 years of record performances, and is one of the leading operators in the sector in Italy. It is at the forefront of the challenges involved in the energy transition, through the development of low-carbon generation, energy efficiency services and sustainable mobility, in fully in line with the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) and the objectives defined by the European Green Deal. Edison sells electricity, natural gas and energy and environmental services to 1.6 million end customers. Its operations are integrated along the electricity value chain, from production to sales of the energy component. It has a highly flexible and efficient set of power plants, consisting of 200 power stations including hydroelectric, wind, solar and combined cycle gas-fired thermoelectric plants. The Group’s net installed capacity totals 7 GW and in 2020 it generated 18.1 TWh, covering 7% of national electricity production. Today it operates in Italy and Europe, employing over 4,000 people. Sersys Ambiente Sersys Ambiente, a company present throughout Italy, acts as a point of reference – as regards regulations, operations and management – for industrial and public figures that necessarily deal with environmental issues. With over thirty years’ experience in the field of environmental services and in-depth knowledge of regulations, Sersys Ambiente operates across the board in this sector, through legal and engineering consultancy and direct interventions such as reclamation, monitoring, laboratory analyses and waste management. It has recently launched an investment strategy in the field of renewable energy, biomethane in particular. Sersys Ambiente is headquartered in Rivoli and draws on the experience of over 300 professionals with expertise in various environmental disciplines. Herambiente The Hera Group is one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities and operates in the waste management, energy and water sectors, with more than 9,000 employees committed every day to meeting a range of needs of approximately 5 million citizens located mainly in the Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Abruzzo regions. Publicly listed since 2003, it joined the FTSE MIB on 18 March 2019 and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe, on 23 November 2020. Its subsidiary Herambiente is the nation’s leading operator in the waste management sector with roughly 90 state-of-the-art plants capable of treating any type of waste. For further information:, The company Tremonti founded Press release The company Tremonti founded.pdf 2019-11-11 11:38:00 The company Tremonti founded The company Tremonti founded

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111