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Hera's stakeholders

TESTATA Gli stakeholder e le iniziative di dialogo

Stakeholders and the initiative for dialogue

Stakeholders and Dialogue Initiatives

We believe it is essential to maintain an open dialogue with all our stakeholders. Our approach is based on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development and it focuses on our stakeholders’ legitimate expectations. Responding to their requests, balancing them and incorporating them into our corporate strategies, allows us to generate tangible value in the local area.
We have defined a stakeholder map. For each category we have identified: 

  • the composition and the objectives
  • the priorities
  • listening, dialogue and consultation activities during the year.

The main engagement and dialogue activities carried out with the company’s stakeholders are:

  • Hera LABs: local multi-stakeholder boards that Hera provides to the local areas in which it delivers its services to open a structured channel for listening to and discussing with local communities
  • Annual customer satisfaction survey
  • Web portal for consumer groups
  • Biannual internal climate survey.

Stakeholder engagement Guidelines (180 kb - PDF)

Human Rights

Hera is committed to respecting internationally recognised Human rights wherever the Group operates, in line with the indications given by the United Nations.

Human rights are inalienable rights owned by all people and they represent an essential part of a correct and responsible business. Hera considers human rights also inside its Code of ethics, which sets the requirements for its own operations and its suppliers.

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Stakeholders and Dialogue Initiatives

Hera’s commitment to biodiversity

Hera is committed to making the current and future world a more sustainable place. 
Our commitment to biodiversity seeks to strictly comply with current regulations and carry out actions that go beyond such compliance.
In Hera, we have an Environmental-Management System that includes the biodiversity variable, which is evaluated by our team in charge of monitoring the implementation of the measures contained in the Environmental-Management Plans and the follow-up and monitoring plans during all the stages of operations. 

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Accordion Stakeholders

Our stakeholders

We believe that people are one of the key factors for achieving our business goals. Improving workers' motivation and satisfaction is only possible through listening to them and involving them: therefore, we are committed to enhancing and developing their skills with specific programs and tools and we promote cooperation and knowledge exchange, so that work becomes rewarding, a source of pride for people, besides being a factor for the company's success.

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

Hera wants to be the best Italian multi-utility by developing an original business model capable of innovating and strengthening its bond with the local area, while respecting the environment.

We want to be a reason of pride and trust for our customers, so that they receive, through constant listening, quality services that live up to their expectations.

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

We are committed to creating value for our shareholders, putting quality and efficiency at the heart of our strategy. Every day we work to ensure that economic value continues to be created for the company while respecting the principles of social responsibility.

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

For the Hera Group, suppliers are strategic growth partners and players in the value chain. In managing contracts, we ensure efficiency, cost-effectiveness, neutrality and non-discrimination in procurement. Social responsibility and shared value are beacons that also guide us in managing procurement: our approach has enabled us to take actions such as the memorandum of understanding on procurement, the use of employment safeguard clauses, subcontracting audits, and the supplier monitoring plan.

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

How we evaluate our suppliers
Our supplier qualification and evaluation system enables us to verify our suppliers' technical, economic and organisational quality requirements, as well as their compliance with environmental, safety and corporate social responsibility standards, and with our Code of Ethics.
Since 2012, our vendor management system represents the model of self-registration and supplier qualification and is addressed to at all the companies that want to apply spontaneously, for any product category. The "e-Procurement" supplier management portal allows suppliers to use a transparent and tracked tool to qualify and participate in tenders issued by the Hera Group. 
The new supplier qualification portal, launched in 2018, is an important milestone in terms of innovation. In its first year of management we achieved the objectives we had set, such as the simplification of the qualification process, the updating of data and the usability of the information.

Our selection criteria
Since 2008, Hera Group's Procurement Guideline has privileged the most economically advantageous procurement method, in compliance with the sustainability criteria set out in our Code of Ethics. The Guideline identifies specific areas (respect for the environment, social commitment, quality of performance and economic value) and sets a minimum number of sustainability criteria that must be met when choosing a supplier. The main criteria include management of atmospheric emissions and noise, energy efficiency, reduction of hazardous substances used, and reduction of water consumption. In 2019 we added new criteria that meet the principles of the circular economy.

The Public Administration is made up of local authorities, regulatory bodies, universities and state administrations. We have always been committed to ensuring maximum integrity and fairness in our relationships, collaborating in investments for innovation, technological development and research, in order to ensure the best quality of service, in observance of the rules and laws. 
As a result, we have adopted, and kept constantly updated, an organisation, management and control model designed to identify specific risks associated with the crimes set out in Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, supplementing it by adopting an ad hoc policy to prevent corruption. Model 231 includes protocols that strive to ensure transparency and a sense of ownership in internal and external relationships. 

With regard to tax transparency, Hera Group operates essentially on the Italian territory and, in line with the principles defined by the Code of Ethics, adopts principles of transparency for the purposes of compliance with tax legislation, fulfilling its obligations regarding direct and indirect taxes. Tax aspects are assessed and managed in accordance with applicable tax regulations. The management of relations with the tax authorities is delegated to relevant Group functions. Hera guarantees transparency and fairness in relations with the tax authorities with which relations are maintained; in order to resolve any dispute, in a collaborative spirit, Hera undertakes to provide to national and local authorities all the information requested, in a complete, correct, adequate and timely manner.

Duties and taxes amounted to Euro 119.1million (7.1% of the total value added distributed), up by 113.8% compared to last year. Of the taxes and duties, Euro 68.7 million was allocated to the Government (Euro 93.5 million in 2020), Euro 25.2 million to the Regional authorities and Euro 7.7 million to the Provincial and Municipal authorities. Corporate income taxes amounted to 103.5 million (it was 34.2 in 2021).

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

Find out more about our fiscal strategy  

Our strong link with our service area has always been an added value for us. Our commitment to listening to the needs and requests of the areas we serve arises from this awareness, through consultation, information and involvement of local stakeholders, mainly on aspects related to environmental, energy and water services. 
Our main dialogue initiatives are:

  • HeraLab: the LABs (Local Advisory Boards) are local multi-stakeholder councils that we make available to areas we serve to activate a channel to use to listen to and discuss with local communities. In 2023, the third edition of LAB in Modena was launched.
  • Partnerships: we support cultural and social projects through sponsorships and donations, creating proximity, shared value and corporate reputation and establishing a dialogue with stakeholders that are increasingly attentive to corporate ethics. 
  • Environmental education projects: over the years we have developed many initiatives to raise awareness in schools. We organise the initiatives jointly with the main consumer, trade and environmental associations.

Find out more about dialogue initiatives with this stakeholder category in the Sustainability Report

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111