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Update to SA8000 Policy approved

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Update to SA8000 Policy approved
La Politica aggiornata

Today, Tuesday 21 March 2017, the Hera Board of Directors approved the update of the SA8000 Social responsibility policy.

The main changes introduced by the new standard, published in June 2014, regard the Management system and the essential requirements for the correct application of the standard.

In fact, the new SA8000:2014 standard requires that the activities to identify risks and monitor compliance with the new Standard be carried out through a new instrument, the Social Performance Team, which involves the joint participation of the management and workers.

This is the main change to the SA8000 Social responsibility policy approved today by the Board.

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Clean energy for the Amadori production site in Cesena with the cogeneration plant built by the Hera Group

Cesena_110 The Hera Group, one of the largest Italian multi-utilities, has reached an agreement with Amadori, a leading group in the national agri-food sector and a specialist in the poultry sector, to build a cogeneration plant that will provide clean energy for the Cesena production site. An energy efficiency measure that will provide about 15% of primary energy savings with a high overall efficiency in terms of energy conversion, at 70%. Amadori signed the agreement with Hera Servizi Energia, Hera Group's energy service company of reference for the industrial sector, which over the years has built cogeneration production plants using the best technologies available on the market, so as to achieve not only noteworthy energy and economic savings but also major environmental benefits. This new plant, designed to serve Mangimificio Amadori, will be operated striving for optimization and efficiency, and will be supported by 24/7 remote management and control, and emergency services. The plant'score is a 900 kWe cogeneration plant that, thanks to special connections, will also be able to feed - as steam - several thermal users: to transform and process the feed, and to heat offices. This technological complex designed to serve Mangimificio Amadori, will supply electricity and thermal energy in the form of steam and hot water. Hera Servizi Energia will build, operate and maintain the plant, investing a total of over one million euro, under an agreement lasting10 years (or 60,000 hours of total operation of the cogenerator). With this plant Amadori will thus be able to improve the efficiency of its production cycles and positively impact the environment, in line - moreover - with Hera Group's long-standing focus on energy efficiency, which for some years now has been geared towards developing its businesses and those of its partners in line with the ambitious roadmap laid down by the UN's 2030 Agenda. When fully operational the energy complex will be able to provide excellent environmental performance, avoiding each year the consumption of about 400 toe and the emission of 900 tonnes of CO2, equal to the absorption capability of one year of a 150 hectare forest. An environmental benefit that can also be likened to more than 600 fewer diesel cars on the roads. Cesena_870 20181217_HSE_e_Amadori_final_rev_def.1564384756.pdf 2019-07-29 cesena_870x320.1545124289.1564384755.png The increase in the efficiency and sustainability of the production cycles will avoid the emission of about 900 tonnes of CO2 every year, the same "absorbing" power a forest of over 150 hectares has in the same period.The savings of about 15% in terms of primary energy is also significant, achieved thanks to high standards of overall performance of the plant Read more Cesena_110

Bio-on and Hera create Lux-on the new challenge to produce bioplastic from CO₂

Bio-On-GH_110 Bio-on, a leader in the high quality bioplastic sector, and Hera Group, one of Italy's largest multi-utility providers, have reached an agreement to take 90% and 10% shares respectively (with the possibility of Hera increasing its share to 49.9%) in LUX-ON, the new company founded by Bio-on aiming to revolutionise the production of PHAs biopolymers using CO₂ captured from the atmosphere and producing energy without using fossil fuels. The new technology developed by Bio-on envisages using carbon dioxide as a zero cost "raw material", in addition to those already used to produce Bio-on bioplastic: sugar beet and sugar cane molasses, fruit and potato waste, carbohydrates, glycerol and waste frying oil. Using CO₂ will also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The laboratories and first plant of the new Lux-on project will be built by the end of 2019 close to the Bio-on Plants industrial facility at Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna). It will be designed entirely by Bio-on technicians in collaboration with Hera, with carbon capture plants and a production facility using renewable solar energy. The development of the technology will be aided by the fact that many of the principles and equipment used in the standard technology can also be used in Lux-on's new production systems. This is why the development and pre-industrial phase will be much faster than usual. The plant will occupy an area of 1,500 m2, 600 m2 of which is covered, and will have a flexible production capacity that is rapidly expandable. The electric energy used in Lux-on's innovative production process will be produced by photovoltaic systems which, aside from directly powering production, will also provide storable energy for nocturnal power (24/7 production). For energy storage, partnerships will be entered into with international experts in hydrogen (H) technology. Hydrogen, a nonpolluting gas, will be produced from solar energy, stored and then converted to electric energy to power the plant when the solar panels are not running, i.e. at night or when light levels are poor. Bio-On-GH_870 CS_69_BIO_ON_10_12_2018_final_E.1563287329.pdf 2019-07-16 Bio_On_GH_870.1563287261.png The Newco created by Bio-on will be owned by Hera Group Read more Bio-On-GH_110

Herambiente awarded the reclamation of the port of Chioggia

Chioggia_110 To extensively reclaim Chioggia's port area and renovate the area to bring it back to life. This is the commitment of a temporary association of companies (ATI) led by Herambiente, a member of the Hera Group and the foremost Italian waste treatment operator, which was awarded a contract to renovate the strategic areas linked to this important seaport. The tender, worth 28.5 million euro, was launched by A.S.Po Azienda Speciale del Porto di Chioggia, owned by the Venice-Rovigo Chamber of Commerce. CGX Costruzioni Generali Xodo Srl, Idea Srl, and Rossi Renzo Costruzioni Srl, all companies in the Veneto region, are technical partners of the temporary association of companies. The contract, which kicks off the work, was signed this morning by Damaso Zanardo, president of A.S.Po, and Andrea Ramonda, the CEO of Herambiente. In particular, the work will begin in 2019 and lead to an overall renovation of some areas of the river-maritime terminal in Val da Rio di Chioggia. On the one hand, the operation will reclaim a 6-hectare area, used as a landfill for solid waste produced in the municipality of Chioggia from 1961 to 1984. This is a strategic intervention for the area because the contract, in line with the circular economy principles that the Hera Group is pursuing on several fronts, also involves recovering inert material amounting to 80% of the total waste, which will be used to build some of the docks in the port, thus increasing the operation's overall sustainability. By doing so, Herambiente will make available to this area all of its know-how in the field of land reclamation, a field in which the Hera Group company has consolidated experience and very high quality and safety standards. Its research, analyses, and projects enable the best possible definition of the scope of each measure. Herambiente's reclamation department, from this point of view, offers an integrated service that at every stage of the process ensures full respect for the environment, for current regulations and, indeed, for the fundamental circular economy principles. Chioggia_870 20181207_Herambiente_awarded_the_reclamation_of_the_port_of_Chioggia_def.1564384226.pdf 2019-07-29 chioggia_870.1564384158.jpg The tender, worth 28.5 million euro, was won by a temporary consortium led by Hera Group, the leading Italian waste treatment operator. The work will begin in 2019 and will lead to an overall renovation of the port area, with new docks using inert materials coming from the reclamation of land previously used as landfill Read more Hera

The Hera Group wins the 2018 Budget Oscar

Oscar_bilancio_2018_110 The Hera Group has won the 2018 "Oscar di Bilancio" award. The 54th edition of the event promoted by Ferpi (Italian Public Relations Federation) to reward virtuous companies for their reporting activities, awarded Hera the prize in the category of "Medium-sized companies listed in the stock market segments FTSE MIB and FTSE ITALIA MID CAP" and, for the first time, a special mention in the new "Innovation in reporting" category. The ceremony was held in Milan, in the main auditorium of the Bocconi University, attended by its Rector Gianmario Verona. One of the strengths that convinced the Oscar's external commission to award Hera among the medium-sized listed companies was, in particular, the overall quality of its financial communication as a whole, both concerning the economic aspects of the content and its social dimension. The jury's motivation was, specifically, "strategy, well-defined objectives supported by the actions, full coverage of sustainability issues, excellent communication impact. Completeness of the statement both for its economic/financial part and for the other topics it covered. The data was also accompanied by an effective 'narrative'". The ability to measure shared value, as gross operating margin from business activities that respond to the drivers of the UN Agenda, as well as the innovative thematic sustainability reports that supplement the annual report were also particularly appreciated, as initiatives that earned Hera its ranking among the most avant-garde Italian companies, obtaining special mention in the new category. Oscar_bilancio_2018_870 20181129_Oscar_di_bilancio_rev_def.1564381357.pdf 2019-07-29 Oscar_bilancio_2018_870.1564381356.png The multi-utility wins the prize for the "Medium-sized listed companies" and a special mention for "Innovation in reporting". Award-winning strategy, completeness and effective storytelling in its reporting activities Read more Oscar_bilancio_2018_110

Eni and Hera together for the circular economy: from spent vegetables oils the biofuel for waste collection vehicles

Eni-GH_110 Eni and Hera, companies long engaged in promoting a circular economy model through the continuous technological and organizational development of their respective businesses, have today signed a partnership aimed at transforming used vegetable oil into biofuel to fuel the Hera waste collection company vehicles. The agreement provides that exhausted vegetable oils for domestic use, such as those for frying, recovered by Hera through approximately 400 road containers and in about 120 collection centers, will be sent to the Eni biorefinery in Venice, in Porto Marghera, the world's first example of conversion of an oil refinery into a biorefinery, which will transform it into green diesel, a completely renewable product which constitutes 15% of Enidiesel +. The biofuel will feed the Hera company vehicles for the collection of urban waste. In the experimental phase Enidiesel + will be used by some thirty large vehicles, in order to optimize the environmental benefit, in the Modena area. The agreement signed today extends the virtuous circle already initiated by Eni with the multi-utility companies of Turin, Venice and Rome and whose tests have already demonstrated important benefits in terms of air quality, economic and industrial. In fact, compared to traditional diesel, Enidiesel + has a renewable component that reduces polluting emissions by up to 40%, saves fuel consumption by around 4% and reduces engine maintenance costs. The same technical improvement parameters deriving from the use of the biofuel will be subject to joint monitoring by the two companies, in collaboration with the CNR Institute of Motors. To further support the initiative, Hera has chosen to enhance the collection of vegetable oils by introducing 300 new dedicated containers in the areas served. In 2017 alone, 800 tons of waste vegetable oils were collected, recovered and then processed to be valued as lubricants or through energy recovery. An increasingly widespread service which, by encouraging correct recovery, also aims to prevent behavior, such as the spillage of oils in the sink, which is harmful to domestic pipes and water purification plants. Eni-GH_870 20181123_Eni_and_Hera_together_for_the_circular_economy.1563283220.pdf 2019-07-16 Eni_GH_870.1563283219.png The partnership will make it possible to transform the Eni bio-refinery in Venice into oils collected by Hera (800 tons in 2017) in Eni green diesel. Relevant environmental benefits with a reduction of up to 40% of polluting emissions Read more Eni-GH_110

The Hera Group wins silver medal in online communication

Hera is still on the podium for web communication Hera Group manages to be very concrete in the presentation of its sustainability strategy and how it contributes to develop a sustainable business: in fact, it highlights commitments, objectives, data, projects and hard data. Download Whitepaper Italy listed 2018 Key information on webranking's survey 2018-11-12 Further informations infografica_webranking_eng.1542097295.png In the Webranking 2018 report on Italian digital communication conducted by Lundquist together with Comprend, the Hera Group comes in second, standing out for the presentation of its strategy, its business areas and sustainability objectives. Hera is still on the podium for web communication

Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results

Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results Financial highlights Revenues at € 4,348.4 million (+8.0%) Ebitda at € 748.6 million (+3.3%) Net profits for Shareholders at € 208.7 million (+14.1%) Net debt at € 2,642.0 million Operating highlights Good contribution to growth coming from all businesses and gas in particular Good results achieved through internal growth Solid customer base in Energy (approximately 2.5 million), rising by approximately 100,000 over the first three quarters of 2017 Sorted waste increases to an average of 61.4% across all areas served Today, the Hera Group's Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated financial results at30 September 2018, which confirm the positive trend in operating results seen in previous quarters and show further improvement in financial and fiscal management. These results once again reward the Group's balanced and agile way of operating, following a business model that has always combined the strategic levers of internal and external growth. In addition to remarkable internal growth, partially deriving from higher efficiencies, developments in market shares and an increase in volumes sold in the energy sector both contributed to the accounts for the first three quarters of 2018. Revenues rise to € 4,348.4 million In the first nine months of 2018, revenues amounted to € 4,348.4 million, up 8% over the € 4,027.8 million seen at 30 September 2017, with a contribution coming from all business areas. In particular, trends in gas and electricity trading and sales benefitted from an increase in volumes. Ebitda increases to € 748.6 million The Group's consolidated Ebitda at 30 September 2018 grew from € 724.7 to € 748.6 million (+3.3%). This result is due to the good performance seen in all main activities, and the gas sector in particular, whose contribution included rising earnings derived from sales and trading. Positive results were also seen in the integrated water cycle and waste management areas. Ebit and pre-tax profits grow, owing in part to financial management Ebit grew to € 376.5 million, up compared to the € 357.9 seen at 30 September 2017 (+5.2%), while pre-tax profits rose to € 311.0 million, as against the € 283.5 seen at the same date in 2017 (+9.7%). This was due to financial management, which in the first nine months of 2018 improved by € 8.9 million compared to 30 September 2017, settling at € 65.5 million, with aperformance partly made possible by efficiency in rates and higher financial income for commercial activities. Net profits for Shareholders increase to € 208.7 million (+14.1%) Profits pertaining to Group Shareholders rose to € 208.7 million, compared to the € 182.9 million recorded at 30 September 2017 (+14.1%), for reasons including a tax rate coming to 30.1%, an improvement over the 32% seen in the same period of the previous year. The considerable investments made by the Group in Utility 4.0 projects allowed fiscal optimisation opportunities to be grasped, thanks to incentives for large and very large amortisations. Approximately € 300 million in investments, and an essentially stable financial position The Group's operating investments at 30 September 2018, including capital grants, amounted to € 296.6 million, up 7.0%over the same period in 2017 and in line with the content of the Business plan. Operating investments mainly concerned work done on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory upgrading, above all concerning gas distribution with a large-scale metre substitution, and the purification and sewerage activities. Net debt came to € 2,642.0 million at 30 September 2018, essentially stable compared to the € 2,610.0 million recorded after the first nine months of 2017, considering the dividends paid. Gas Ebitda for the gas business, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, reached € 222.2 million at 30 September 2018, up 10.3% over the same period one year earlier thanks to commercial development, higher intermediated volumes and higher revenues for distribution services. The number of gas customers came to 1.413 million in the first nine months of 2018, rising by 1.6% over the same period in 2017. This growth was caused by an expansion in market share and by the companies Blu Ranton and Verducci Servizi becoming part of the Group's consolidated scope. The gas business accounted for 29.7% of Group Ebitda. Water cycle Ebitda for the integrated water cycle, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, increased by 4.4%, going from € 178.3 million in September 2017 to € 186.2 million at 30 September 2018, thanks to higher revenues from dispensing, higher recognised costs and the efficiencies reached. The integrated water cycle accounted for 24.9% of Group Ebitda. Waste management The results for the waste management, which includes services in waste collection, treatment, recovery and disposal, also showed increasing figures, with Ebitda going from € 181.4 million at 30 September 2017 to € 188.2 million at the same date in 2018 (+3.7%). This trend was largely caused by changes in the prices set for waste treatment, along with increased results from Aliplast. Further growth was also seen in sorted waste, which went from 56.6% during the same period in 2017 to 61.4% at 30 September 2018, thanks to the numerous services offered. In the month of September, moreover, the Sant'Agata Bolognese biomethane production plant was launched, fully respecting the timing set out in the Business plan. The waste management area accounted for 25.1% of Group Ebitda. Electricity Ebitda for the electricity business, which includes services in electricity generation, distribution and sales, went from € 147.4 million in the first nine months of 2017 to € 133.2 million at 30 September 2018. Sales and trading results benefitted from a higher amount of intermediated volumes (+15.5%) and the enlarged customer base (+7.8%, reaching 1.039 million), thanks to increased market shares and a wider scope of operations. This result partially offset the effect coming from a few suspended generation plants, which became fully functional once again in the third quarter. The electricity business accounted for 17.8% of Group Ebitda The manager responsible for drafting the company's accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The third-quarter management report and related materials are available to the public at Company Headquarters and on the website Unaudited extracts from the Intermediate Management Report at 30 September 2017 are attached. PROFIT & LOSS (M€) 30/09/2018 INC% 30/09/2017 INC.% CH. CH. % Sales 4,348.4 4,027.8 +320.6 +8.0% Other operating revenues 321.1 7.4% 327.3 8.1% -6.2 -1.9% Raw material (1,966.6) -45.2% (1,776.4) -44.1% +190.2 +10.7% Services costs (1,529.2) -35.2% (1,428.6) -35.5% +100.6 +7.0% Other operating expenses (42.9) -1.0% (45.3) -1.1% -2.4 -5.3% Personnel costs (410.1) -9.4% (409.1) -10.2% +1.0 +0.2% Capitalisations 28.0 0.6% 29.1 0.7% -1.1 -3.8% Ebitda 748.6 17.2% 724.7 18.0% +23.9 +3.3% Depreciation and provisions (372.2) -8.6% (366.8) -9.1% +5.4 +1.5% Ebit 376.5 8.7% 357.9 8.9% +18.6 +5.2% Financial inc./(exp.) (65.5) -1.5% (74.4) -1.8% -8.9 -12.0% Pre tax profit 311.0 7.2% 283.5 7.0% +27.5 +9.7% Tax (95.1) -2.2% (90.7) -2.3% +4.4 +4.9% Net profit before special items 215.9 5.0% 192.8 4.8% +23.1 +12.0% Special items 4.8 0.1% - 0.0% +4.8 +100.0% Net profit 220.7 5.1% 192.8 4.8% +27.9 +14.5% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 208.7 4.8% 182.9 4.5% +25.8 +14.1% Minority shareholders 11.9 0.3% 9.9 0.2% +2.1 +20.9% BALANCE SHEET (M€) 30/09/2018 INC.% 31/12/2017 INC.% CH. CH.% Net fixed assets 5,837.0 107.2% 5,780.6 110.5% +56.4 +1.0% Working capital 186.4 3.4% 23.2 0.4% +163.2 +703.4% (Provisions) (578.5) (10.6%) (574.8) (10.9%) (3.7) +0.6% Net invested capital 5,444.9 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +215.9 +4.1% Net equity 2,802.9 51.5% 2,706.0 51.7% +96.9 +3.6% Long term net financial debt 2,841.9 52.2% 2,735.4 52.4% +106.5 +3.9% Short term net financial debt (199.9) (3.7%) (212.4) (4.1%) +12.5 (5.9%) Net financial debts 2,642.0 48.5% 2,523.0 48.3% +119.0 +4.7% Net invested capital 5,444.9 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +215.9 +4.1% 9M 2018 2018-11-08 For further infotmations 9M 2018 Consolidated 3Q results at 30 September confirm the growth in operating and financial indicators already seen in the first half of the year, with positive contributions coming from the different Group's business areas, gas and waste management in particular. /-/hera-bod-approves-3q-2018-results-1?inheritRedirect=true /documents/1514726/4667212/GruppoHera_Consolidated_ThirdQuarterReport30September2018_eng.1541672459.pdf/4efd185a-8a09-4b8c-a66a-ef1134973617?t=1608550214672 Press release Financial report as at 30/09/2018 Newsletter as at 30/09/2018 centrata Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results

Biomethane, the road to green energy now passes through Sant'Agata Bolognese

impianto_biometano_110 How can energy amounting to 6 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent be obtained each year, without consuming a single drop of crude oil and thus avoiding 14,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions? As of today, the answer can be found in Sant'Agata Bolognese, just outside the capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region, where the Hera Group has inaugurated a major plant producing biomethane from the organic portion of waste, designed and created on the basis of the most advanced precedents seen in this sector internationally. The opening ceremony - that saw the participation of the region's alderwoman Paola Gazzolo, Hera's top management and the main local and sector institutions - ushered in a new phase in the decarbonisation of energy production, giving further impetus to the circular economy towards which the region has been moving for some time now. Thanks to this plant, indeed, sorted organic waste coming from our houses will serve the community under the form of gas. Once injected into the network, this gas will fuel public and private transportation vehicles running on natural gas, aiding a sector that is increasingly exposed to the issue of carbon dioxide emission. In line with policies adopted by the Region, the National Energy Strategy and the European Union, the Sant'Agata Bolognese plant will now begin extracting value from this 37 million euro investment. The plant furthermore represents an enrichment of the range of plants belonging to Herambiente, the national leader in waste treatment that has been active for years in biogas production for renewable electricity. A 100% renewable combustible from organic waste In terms of volume, the plant is capable of treating 100 thousand tonnes of sorted organic waste each year, in addition to 35 thousand tonnes resulting from plant clipping and pruning. Thanks to the implementation of new and improved technologies in anaerobic digestion and upgrading, in particular, these resources will allow 7.5 million cubic metres of biomethane, a 100% renewable combustible, to be obtained along with 20 thousand tonnes of compost, a bio-fertiliser mainly intended for agriculture. An architectural project conceived to bring the plant and the area served into harmony, minimising its environmental impact With no combustion plants whatsoever, the plant is located within a pre-existing composting site, with no additional land use required for its construction. Planned with an eye to minimising its acoustic and odoriferous impact, the structure furthermore meets architectonic criteria aimed at harmonising it with the surrounding area. Even its outer covering, which will be added over the next few months, will be dense with themes and motifs that relay the sense of what goes on inside: in particular, images will portray vegetation blossoming out of an arid and cracked ground, calling to mind the transformations undergone by the organic product within the plant. "We have been working with biomethane for some time now", comments Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Executive Chairman of the Hera Group. "Today's inauguration, in particular, is a crowning achievement that represents years of work. Our community will now be served by a plant born out of research, studies and European tenders that allowed us to choose the best of what is currently available on the market. What's more, renewable energies must necessarily become part of industrialisation processes capable of expressing their potential on a large scale. In this sense the Sant'Agata plant is an excellent example that can be replicated elsewhere, above all in light of a regulatory framework that is finally favourable and provides fundamental added value for sector development." "The ribbon has been cut in front of a highly innovative construction project that moves towards an energy transition, pointing in the direction of a low carbon economy: biomethane presents a significant opportunity for reducing the use of fossil fuels and lessening our region's energy footprint, with an eye to a circular economy", states the alderwoman of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Paola Gazzolo. "Renewable energy is a fundamental part of the green turn supported by the Emilia-Romagna government with the policies implemented since the beginning of its mandate. This change of pace is intended to offset the effects of climate change as currently seen and reduce the use of raw materials, promoting recovery and reuse. Precisely because these products and materials are available in limited quantities, we must save them and preserve their value: the project realised by Hera in Sant'Agata is headed in exactly this direction". Pictures of the inauguration of the S. Agata plant Watch the photogallery null null null null null null null null null null null null null Press release Biomethane, the road to green energy now passes through Sant’Agata Bolognese 1._Foto_25_10_18_09_09_40.1540463296.jpg 2._Foto_25_10_18_09_12_26.1540463297.jpg 3._Foto_25_10_18_09_16_07.1540463299.jpg 4._Foto_25_10_18_09_25_03.1540463300.jpg 5._Foto_25_10_18_09_36_08.1540463301.jpg 6._Foto_25_10_18_09_44_46.1540463302.jpg 7._Foto_25_10_18_10_25_35.1540463303.jpg 8._Foto_25_10_18_10_31_05.1540463304.jpg 9._Foto_25_10_18_10_31_09.1540463305.jpg 10._Foto_25_10_18_10_47_16.1540463306.jpg 11._Foto_25_10_18_10_50_02.1540463307.jpg 12._Foto_25_10_18_10_50_18.1540463308.jpg 13._Foto_25_10_18_10_51_06.1540463309.jpg 2019-05-27 Read more null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Inaugurated today, just outside Bologna, the first biomethane-from-organic-waste plant created by a multi-utility. Investments totalling 37 million euro have thus given new impetus to the future of renewable energies on an industrial scale, with 7.5 million cubic metres of biomethane and 20 thousand tonnes of compost sustainably fuelling, each year, a range of sectors including motor vehicle transport and agriculture From waste to biomethane, a circular revolution Herambiente's Main Plants impianto_biometano_110

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111