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Planting roots for the Future" Hera Group and the Region together to plant another 10,000 trees

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Planting roots for the Future" Hera Group and the Region together to plant another 10,000 trees

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed today during a video press conference before the Regional Councillor responsible for the Environment and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hera Group. The multi-utility Group has made a three-year commitment to plant and grow specimens provided free of charge by the Region, involving multiple municipalities, bodies and institutions.

Stefano Venier e Irene Priolo
With the "Planting roots for the Future" campaign, the Region will distribute 4.5 million trees to municipalities, associations and citizens free of charge by 2025, one for every inhabitant of Emilia-Romagna. The objective is to encourage the virtuous behaviours of all, to build a large green corridor and face the challenges of the climate emergency together.

The Hera Group has also joined the project with an investment of 250,000 euros to plant and grow 10,000 new plants provided free of charge by the Region. The three-year Memorandum of Understanding was signed today by the Regional Councillor responsible for the Environment, Irene Priolo, and the CEO of the Hera Group, Stefano Venier. 

Projects for planning green areas will be presented and implemented by municipalities and entities in the territories where Hera manages local public services. The projects will be selected based on criteria that focus on the involvement of the entire community, benefits in environmental and social terms and economic sustainability. The Protocol also envisages giving new trees to customers who have chosen sustainable solutions for the protection of environmental resources and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

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Webranking 2017: Hera Group ranked third-best in Italy for on-line communications

wbr110 In this 2017 edition of the on-line communications 'Oscars', the Hera Group has again made it onto the Webranking podium. The multi-utility will receive the acknowledgement - obtained as part of a survey carried out by Lundquist and Swedish firm Comprend, both communications experts - on 22nd November, in the Buzzati Room at the headquarters of the Corriere della Sera newspaper in Milan. Every year these two companies analyse the websites of the biggest Italian companies on the stock exchange and their respective on-line communication strategies. They then draw up national rankings for 112 businesses. The purpose of the survey is to promote a modern digital business culture and encourage the development of ever-more effective, innovative ideas that respond to stakeholders' expectations. In this 16th edition of the report Hera was ranked 3rd with a score of 91.5/100, ahead of other major players like ERG, Telecom Italia TIM, Mondadori and Enel. Among the multi-utilities, this year saw Hera come second, immediately after Eni. All results can be found at this link. More specifically, the Group is ranked as one of the best Italian companies in the fields of Financial Transparency, Sustainability and Corporate Governance. Key strong points in the multi-utility's web communication strategy are the on-line publication of its Annual Report and Sustainability Report. The latter, which contains non-financial information, is drawn up by fewer than half of the surveyed companies. Hera, instead, has issued a paper version since 2002 and an on-line one since 2006. Against a background in which still only a few companies focus on stakeholders' expectations, a key role is also played by Hera's years of attentiveness, on its website, to the subject of Governance. Such results can only be obtained through ongoing, meticulous teamwork and a constant quest for excellence. Externally generated inputs also have a role to play, the most important being that from Webranking which, every year, defines best on-line communication practices through stakeholder-focused research. The Hera Group doesn't just see its website as a calling card or a showcase of results that have been achieved. It is, rather, a platform for continuous dialogue with the various stakeholders, packed with engaging content and easily browsed on PC, tablet or smartphone. This is demonstrated, for example, by renewal - in terms of both graphics and content - of sections on subjects such as Investor relations, Social Responsibility and Communications and Media; constant upgrading of the Customer Area so that citizens who use Hera services are well informed at all times; the creation of new pages dedicated to Hera's new challenges, such as the recent "Hera for the circular economy". wbr870 2017-11-13 Read more webranking870.1510756159.png Hera website ranked third in Italy's on-line communications 'Oscars'. Rankings stem from a national survey of 112 companies, carried out by Lundquist and Comprend wbr110

Hera's BoD approves 3Q 2017 results

Terzo trim eng110 Financial highlights Revenues at € 4,027.8 million (+11.4%) EBITDA at € 724.7 million (+11.4%) Net profit post minorities at € 182.9 million (+28.6%) Net debt at € 2,610.0 million Operating highlights Good contribution to growth coming from all businesses, in particular Energy Results were mainly underpinned by internal growth Positive effects coming from the merger of Aliplast and Gran Sasso Solid customer base in Energy business, with over 2.3 million clients, up 150,000 over the first nine months of 2016 Today, the Hera Group Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated economic results at 30 September 2017, which show further growth in all operating and financial indicators, as expected in the business plan. This growth, continuous since the first quarter, confirms the validity of the Group’s multi-business model and of its strategy, that seeks for balance between internal and external growth. In particular, the statements for the first nine months of 2017 show the beneficial results of the entry of the companies Aliplast and Gran Sasso within the Group’s scope of operations, and of the tenders awarded for 2017-2018 last resort, default and safeguarded supply services. Revenues rise, reaching € 4,027.8 million In the third quarter of 2017, revenues came to € 4,027.8 million, up 11.4% compared to the € 3,615.5 million recorded at 30 September 2016. In line with the positive macro-economic framework, this year profited from the entry of Aliplast and Gran Sasso within the Group, as well as from the positive effects ensuing from a higher trading activities, an increase in electricity price, a rise in volumes of gas sold and higher regulated revenues in the water sector. EBITDA increases to € 724.7 million The Group’s consolidated EBITDA at 30 September 2017 grew from € 650.6 to € 724.7 million (+11.4%). The good performance coming from all Group areas is responsible for this result, in particular from the Energy business, which benefitted from higher profits in power generation and in safeguarded and default market sales. Positive results were also reached in the integrated water cycle and waste areas, thanks above all to the acquisition of Aliplast. Ebit and pre-tax profits up, financial management improves EBIT grew to € 357.9 million, against the € 329.2 million seen at 30 September 2016 (+8.7%), while pre-tax profits rose to € 283.4 million compared to € 239.1 million at the same date one year earlier (+18.5%),thanks to improvements in financial management. In particular, this good performance reflects a more efficient financial structure, partially obtained through the liability management operations carried out during the previous year. Net profit post minorities increases to € 182.9 million (+28.6%) Profits pertaining to Group Shareholders rose to € 182.9 million, against € 142.2 million at 30 September 2016 (+28.6%), thanks among other things to a 32% tax rate, notably better than the same figure for the previous year (due to a lower Ires rate and a continuous search for tax efficiency following the enlargement of the Group’s scope of operations). Approximately € 280 million in investments, net debt essentially stable The Group’s operating investments at 30 September 2017, including capital grants, amount to € 277.1 million, up compared to the same period in 2016 and in line with the business plan’s forecast. Operating investments involved above all interventions on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory adaptations mainly concerning gas distribution, with a large-scale meter substitution, and the purification and sewerage area. Net debt came to € 2,610.0 million at 30 September 2017, with a slight reduction compared to first half of 2017 and remaining fundamentally stable with respect to the € 2,558.9 million recorded at 31 December 2016, considering the funds allocated to dividend payments and M&A operations. Gas EBITDA for Gas, which includes services in natural gas and LPG distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, came to € 201.4 million at 30 September 2017, up 8.0% over the same date one year earlier, thanks to growth in trading, higher volumes of gas sold and the larger scope of operations in the default service. The number of gas customers in the first nine months of 2017 totalled 1.4 million, rising by 3.9% over the same period in 2016, partially due to the acquisition of the company Gran Sasso (located in Abruzzo region). The Gas business accounted for 27.8% of Group EBITDA. Water cycle The integrated water cycle, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded a 2.6% increase in EBITDA, going from the € 173.7 seen at 30 September 2016 to € 178.3 at the same date in 2017, thanks to higher revenues from distribution, in spite of increased operating costs and lower revenues from new connections. The integrated water cycle accounted for 24.6% of Group EBITDA. Waste The results reached in the Waste, which includes services in waste collection, treatment, recovery and disposal, show rising figures, with EBITDA going from € 172.2 million at 30 September 2016 to € 181.4 million at the same date in 2017 (+5.3%). This performance is due to higher volumes commercialised in waste treatment, a positive trend in the price of special waste and the entry within the Group of Aliplast, a national leader in plastic recycling, which consolidated the Group’s position regarding the development of a circular economy. These results are all the more appreciable considering that they suffer from a lower contribution coming from incentives for renewable and assimilated sources, by roughly € 8 million. Further growth was also seen in sorted waste, which went from 55.8% at 30 September 2016 to 56.6% at the same date in 2017, thanks to the numerous new services offered. Waste accounted for 25.0% of Group EBITDA. Electricity Electricity, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, recorded an EBITDA that grew from € 104.3 million at 30 September 2016 to € 147.4 million in September 2017, thanks to higher earnings in free market and safeguarded sales and higher profits in electricity generation. The number of electricity customers increased by 11.6% to 964,000, mainly owing to growth in the free market. Electricity accounted for 20.3%of Group EBITDA. Appointment by co-optation of a new director Furthermore, on today’s date the Board of Directors resolved the appointment by co-optation of Prof. Alessandro Melcarne as a new director of Hera Spa, substituting the resigning Mr. Aldo Luciano. On the basis of statements provided by the director and information at the Company’s disposal, the former meets the requirements of independence provided for by law. Prof. Melcarne has additionally stated that he holds no shares in the Company. The new director’s curriculum vitae is available on the website, in the section Corporate Governance/CdA. The manager responsible for drafting the company’s accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The 3Q financial statement and related materials are available to the public at Company Headquarters and on the website Unaudited extracts from the Interim Financial Statements at 30 September 2017 are attached. PROFIT & LOSS 30/09/2017 INC.% 30/06/2016 RECLASSIFIED INC.% CH. CH. % Sales 4,027.8 3,615.5 +412.3 +11.4% Other operating revenues 327.3 8.1% 259.9 7.2% +67.4 +25.9% Raw material (1,776.4) -44.1% (1,437.4) -39.8% +339.0 +23.6% Services costs (1,428.6) -35.5% (1,382.7) -38.2% +45.9 +3.3% Other operating expenses (45.3) -1.1% (34.7) -1.0% +10.6 +30.6% Personnel costs (409.1) -10.2% (390.1) -10.8% +19.0 +4.9% Capitalisations 29.0 0.7% 20.0 0.6% +9.0 +45.0% Ebitda 724.7 18.0% 650.6 18.0% +74.1 +11.4% Depreciation and provisions (366.8) -9.1% (321.3) -8.9% +45.5 +14.2% Ebit 357.9 8.9% 329.2 9.1% +28.7 +8.7% Financial inc./(exp.) (74.5) -1.8% (90.2) -2.5% -15.7 -17.4% Pre tax profit 283.4 7.0% 239.1 6.6% +44.3 +18.5% Tax (90.6) -2.3% (87.2) -2.4% +3.4 +3.9% Net profit 192.8 4.8% 151.8 4.2% +41.0 +27.0% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 182.9 4.5% 142.2 3.9% +40.7 +28.6% Minority shareholders 9.9 0.2% 9.6 0.3% +0.3 +2.8% BALANCE SHEET (M€) 30/09/2017 INC.% 31/12/2016 INC.% CH. CH.% Net fixed assets 5,670.8 108.5% 5,564.5 108.7% +106.3 +1.9% Working capital 108.8 2.1% 99.9 2.0% (8.9) (8.9)% (Provisions) (553.5) (10.6%) (543.4) (10.7%) (10.1) +1.9% Net invested capital 5,226.1 100.0% 5,121.0 100.0% +105.1 +2.1% Net equity 2,616.1 50.1% 2,562.1 50.0% +54.0 +2.1% Long term net financial debt 2,713.3 51.9% 2,757.5 53.9% (44.2) (1.6)% Short term net financial debt (103.3) (2.0%) (198.6) (3.9%) +95.3 (48.0)% Net financial debts 2,610.0 49.9% 2,558.9 50.0% +51.1 2.0% Net invested capital 5,226.1 100.0% 5,121.0 100.0% +105.1 +2.1% 3Q 2017 2017-11-08 For further informations 3Q 2017 The consolidated third-quarter report at 30 September once again confirms the excellent momentum of growth seen during the current year, with all main operating and financial indicators showing further improvement /documents/1514726/4210740/Hera_Group_Consolidate_Quarterly_Report_as_at_30_September_2017.1510131153.pdf/0586de9d-6af6-0dec-cecd-9c517948fbb5?t=1597908240435 /-/hera-s-bod-approves-3q-2017-results-1?inheritRedirect=true /documents/1514726/4210740/GruppoHera_Newsletter_9M_2017_eng.1510132327.pdf/7298c678-b293-001c-6d78-75208733d8cc?t=1597908239448 /documents/1514726/4210740/Dati_finanziari_ed_operativi_di_sintesi_9M_2017_eng.1510044934.xls/ccad87ad-c3fc-ff2c-357f-9ed1ed5e944c?t=1597908239125 Financial report as at 30/09/2017 Press release Newsletter as at 30/09/2017 Financial data as at 30/09/2017 centrata Terzo trim eng110

Hera among the world's circular economy leaders: welcomed to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's CE100 programme

Logo CE100 blu 110 In this sense, some crucial elements for Hera's entry within the CE100 include reaching well in advance the targets set by the EU across the areas served by the Group, its commitment in terms of energy efficiency with the target of a 5% reduction in consumption by 2020 and the exclusive use of renewable energy as of 2017, the Sant'Agata Bolognese biomethane project and a significant presence of organic waste recovery through biodigesters for renewable electricity production. Furthermore, the Group has now entered the sector of plastic recycling, with the recent acquisition of Aliplast, and promotes numerous projects for environmental education in schools alongside initiatives for waste reduction through reuse (Scart, Cambia il finale, Ciboamico and Farmacoamico, among others). This recognition confirms and gives new impetus to a strategy which has long been in the works, thanks to which the Hera Group has progressively increased its commitment towards sustainability and a circular economy. Ultimately, it has allowed the Group to quantify - as of the 2016 Sustainability Report - the shared value produced, i.e. the amount of EBITDA generated by pursuing objectives that meet the priorities of the UN's 2030 Agenda (a figure that reached € 300 million in 2016, 33% of the total). Hera's commitment, already in line with EU objectives - reached and surpassed as regards a reduced use of landfills and packaging recycling - can now be seen on an international stage. It thus gains further breadth, qualifying this multi-utility as a protagonist in consolidating models of development that, along the lines set out by the CE100 programme, lead growth and environmental protection to converge. logo testo blu Press_Release.1507799175.pdf 2017-10-11 Read more logo_testo_blu.1507715078.jpg The results achieved by the multi-utility in favouring the transition towards a circular economy have once again been recognised, by this pre-competitive innovation programme which was established to enable organisations to develop new opportunities and realise their circular economy ambitions faster sinistra Logo CE100 blu 110

Hera's BoD approves H1 2017 results

Hera's BoD approves H1 2017 results Financial highlights Revenues at € 2,754.0 million (+10.0%) EBITDA at € 505.9 million (+7.6%) Net profit post minorities at € 141.0 million (+16.5%) Net debt at € 2,611.7 million Operational highlights All the Group’s businesses contributed to growth, the energy area in particular Results marked internal growth Positive effects from recent acquisitions in liberalised markets, above all in the waste area Solid customer base in the energy sectors (over 2.3 million), rising by 140,000 customers compared to H1 2016 Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated economic results for the first half of the year, which confirm the Group’s ongoing positive trend with all main indicators showing growth. Having reached these results is yet another reward for the Group’s balanced and agile operational stance and for its business model, which has always combined the two strategic levers of internal and external growth. The figures for the first half of 2017 benefitted from Aliplast and a corporate branch of Teseco becoming part of the Group, and from the tenders awarded for default and safeguarded gas supply services for the two-year period 2017-2018. Revenues amount to over € 2.75 billion In the first half of 2017, revenues came to € 2,754 million, with a € 251.2 million (+10.0%) increase over the € 2,502.8 seen in the same period of 2016. This result was supported not only by recent acquisitions but also by a higher amount of trading activity, higher regulated revenues for the water service and the electricity area as well as higher volumes of gas sold. EBITDA rises to € 505.9 million EBITDA settled at € 505.9 million, recording growth for almost € 36 million (+7.6%) compared to June 2016. This increase is due to the good performance shown by all of the Group’s areas, but in particular the energy areas. Positive results were also seen in the integrated water cycle area and the waste area. Growth in pre-tax profits, partially owing to financial management EBIT came to € 262.2 million, with an increase over the € 257.4 million seen in the same period of 2016. Financial charges also improved, settling at € 45.9 million, down € 12.1 million compared to the same period in 2016. This performance was made possible by a lower average debt and more efficient rates. In light of this situation pre-tax profits grew from € 199.4 million at 30 June 2016 to € 216.3 million in the first half of 2017. Net profit post minorities increase to € 141 million (+16.5%) Profit post minorities at 30 June 2017 rose to € 141 million, +16.5% compared to the € 121 seen in 2016. This was due among other things to a notable improvement in the tax rate, which went from 35.7% to 31.6% (thanks in particular to a decrease in the Ires rate and lesser taxes ensuing from the Group’s wider scope of activity). Over € 170 million in investments, and a financial position fundamentally in line with 2016 In the first six months of 2017 the Group’s investments, including capital grants, amounted to € 170.6 million, up by € 13.4 million (+8.5%) over June 2016. Operating investments mainly involved interventions on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory upgrading concerning gas distribution above all, with a large-scale meter substitution, and the purification and sewage area. Net debt remained basically stable, coming to € 2,611.7 million at 30 June 2017 as against € 2,558.9 million at 31 December 2016. The positive cash flows generated in the first half-year, which amounted to € 188.8 million, allowed the annual dividend payment and M&A operations, in particular the acquisition of Aliplast, to be financed. Gas The gas business, which includes services in natural gas and LPG distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, recorded an EBITDA which settled at € 171.8 million in the first half of 2017, up compared to the € 165.2 million seen at 30 June 2016 (+4.0%). This was due to higher volumes of gas sold, higher profits in trading and the larger area covered in default services. The number of gas customers, roughly 1.4 million, rose by 3.5% compared to the same period in 2016. This growth is due to commercial actions, the tenders awarded for default and last resort gas services, and the acquisition of the Abruzzo company Gran Sasso. The gas area accounted for 34.0% of Group EBITDA. Water The integrated water cycle, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded an EBITDA that went from € 106.6 million in the first half of 2016 to € 111.3 million at 30 June 2017, up by 4.4% thanks to higher revenues for distribution and higher costs recognised. A further positive factor was the contribution coming from the bonus for service quality awarded by regulatory authorities on the basis of the current tariffary method. The integrated water cycle area accounted for 25.1% of Group EBITDA. Waste EBITDA for the waste business, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, rose to € 121.3 million (+4.1%) in the first half of 2017, compared to the € 116.5 million seen at 30 June 2016. This positive trend was supported not only by the purchase of a branch of Teseco and the higher volumes of market waste treated, but above all by the entrance within the Group’s scope of Aliplast, a national leader in plastic recycling, which consolidated the Group’s position in circular economy development. These results are all the more appreciable considering that, as foreseen by the business plan, the end of incentives for renewables had a negative effect on the half-year amounting to over € 6 million. Further enhancement was also seen in sorted waste, which went from 56.9% in the first half of 2016 to 57.6% in June 2017. The waste area accounted for 24% of Group EBITDA. Electricity The electricity business, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, recorded an EBITDA that grew to € 91.6 million compared to the € 73.1 million seen at 30 June 2016 (+25.2%), thanks to higher profits in safeguarded services, sales on the free market and electricity production. The number of customers in this sector also showed an increase of 8.8% (75.2 thousand), mainly due to growth on the free market following commercial actions and a wider customer base. The electricity area accounted for 18.1% of Group EBITDA. ---------------------- The manager responsible for drafting the company’s accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The financial statement and related materials will be available to the public pursuant to the terms established by law at the Company Headquarters, on the website and on the authorised storage platform 1Info ( ). Unaudited extracts from the Interim Financial Statements at 30 June 2017 are attached. Statement by Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano “H1 2017 reported figures are positive once again, thanks to the solidity of our multi-business model and our ability to combine the two levers of internal and external growth. In addition to the organic growth seen across all of the Group’s business areas, a significant contribution to these results came from the acquisition of Aliplast, consolidated as of this semester, which will act as a key factor in developing our circular economy system”. Statement by CEO Stefano Venier “The results seen in the H1 2017 report confirm the success of the actions aimed at growth deployed on both an operational level and in fiscal and financial optimisation. Our key performance indicators also showed further improvement, as expected by our business plan. Furthermore, we remain focused on creating value for our stakeholders, providing proof once again of the attention given by our Group to all facets of economic, social and environmental sustainability”. 1H 2017 2014-03-19 For further informations 1H 2017 The consolidated first-half report at 30 June confirms growth in all operating and financial indicators, as already seen in the first quarter, and a positive contribution coming from all business areas, with external growth among the factors responsible. /-/hera-s-bod-approves-h1-2017-results-1?inheritRedirect=true Press release centrata Hera's BoD approves H1 2017 results

Hera rewards academic merit with 40 scholarships for the children of employees

110 hextra Perseverence, speed and excellence in educational achievement: academic merit was duly rewarded at Hera's offices in Bologna yesterday. A ceremony was held for the Executive Chairman, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, to award 40 scholarships to the children of employees who, during the academic year 2015-2016, distinguished themselves for the results achieved in their university studies. The initiative, which is one of the many activities organised by "Hextra", the Hera Group's welfare plan, to support education, was launched last April to reward commitment by adopting objective evaluation criteria, based on the principles of fairness and merit. Indeed, the forty most deserving students were chosen considering a list that was drawn up taking into account the following parameters: whether the student was on track with the study plan for the academic year, the number of credits acquired and the mean marks of examinations passed during the year. The applications submitted to the company were more than 70. Each of the 40 students awarded was given an individual scholarship of 750 euro, amounting to a total corporate investment of 30,000 euro. This is only the latest initiative of the corporate welfare plan that has, since 2017, also been extended to fixed-term employees who have been working at least 6 months. After initially considering the 8,500 people employed by Group companies, Hera has thus taken the final step to fully involve all its staff. "One year after the launch, we are still investing in our welfare plan and in the progress of our employees and their families," said the Executive Chairman Tommasi di Vignano. In one year Hextra achieved remarkable results; hence, we found it natural to extend its efficacy also to fixed-term employees. This decision ranks our company alongside leading international firms. We wish to go on creating value and efficiency for all subjects involved, contributing to protect the portfolio of families in the economically challenging moment the world is experiencing today". Easy Welfare, a company in the sector that reviewed the best practices of over 350 Italian companies, last June awarded the Hera Group at the "Welfare Awards 2017" for the "Best Communication Plan", which recorded the participation in "Hextra" of almost all its staff (97%), recording an overall sum of 1,902,456 euro used by its employees. "Hextra": the Hera Group's welfare plan The Hera Group launched "Hextra" in July 2016. It is an integrated corporate welfare plan that has been studied to make the most of existing initiatives, harmonising its application in all locations where the multi-utility company operates. A standard and yet highly customisable system for all its companies. As a matter of fact, the special feature is the flexible quota that can be allocated as desired by the individual worker, who will decide on the basis of personal and family needs. The sum envisaged for 2017 is 360 euro (against 200 in 2016) and for 2018 is 385 euro. In addition to this, Hera also supports employees with school-age children with an additional contribution to be solely used for schooling expenses. Requests submitted for the year 2016/2017 totalled 3,821, recording an overall amount of over 380,000 euro. 2017-07-27 20170718_foto_gruppo_870x_s1.1500467957.jpg A contribution of 750 euro for every university student, for a total investment of 30 thousand euro. The initiative is part of activities envisaged by "Hextra" to support education. "Hextra" is the multi-utility company's welfare plan that, from this year, has also been extended to employees with a fixed-term contract. welfare_110x150.1470845183.1500391284.png

Energy efficiency - Stefano Venier, "Resources are available for interventions in the Public Administration Sector, but a division of roles is crucial"

Energy efficiency "Regarding energy efficiency, operators must be given the time required to obtain investments, and the public must have the opportunity to make the most of it", said Stefano Venier, CEO of the Hera Group, discussing one of the crucial topics of Italian energy policies. Achieving the increasingly ambitious goal of reducing consumptions presents municipalities with new and highly challenging management solutions. In this regard, "finance is not a problem", said Venier, in the introductory notes to the conference 'Financing Energy Efficiency in the Public Administration Sector', held this morning by CESEF (Energy Efficiency Study Centre) in Hera's Bologna offices. Conversely, efficiency enhancing interventions have several tools to obtain the necessary resources". But the system functions effectively only if the division of roles is clearly defined. "The operative setting is crucial for a positive outcome. The Administration establishes goals and targets", said the CEO Venier, "and the operator is required to implement the functional interventions required to achieve them". "Our Group," said Stefano Venier, "has always played a leading role in terms of energy efficiency. With 117 interventions implemented in 2016, we have already cut down consumptions by 2.6%, compared to the 3% goal established for this year, which will be easily overcome as a result of scheduled activities. This is the reason why we reviewed it with an increment, aiming at 5% within 2020". CESEF's Director, Stefano Clerici, said, "The Public Administration Sector must understand the opportunities generated by energy efficiency in economic, environmental and also political terms. Hence, CESEF is building a tool box for energy efficiency in the Public Administration Sector to provide the most appropriate tools to solve the problems that block investments in this framework. Considering funds, it is essential to use the latest public-private partnership agreements that fairly divide the risks of the project between the Public Administration Sector and private operators and attract the abundant resources that are available especially in the banking world". Some success cases in the Public Administration Sector were presented at the conference organised in partnership with Confservizi Emilia Romagna. Participating institutions included the Emilia Romagna Regional Administration, Bologna and Budrio Municipalities, Modena Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development and ANCI Emilia Romagna. Many companies joined the discussion with Hera Luce, a Group member company that ranks second in Italy for public lighting. Best cases presented by Hera Luce included energy upgrading plans that are currently being implemented in some Emilia Romagna municipalities. Energy efficiency 2017-07-27 Read more efficienza_energetica.1501232935.png During the workshop "Financing Energy Efficiency in the Public Administration Sector", organised by CESEF in Hera's Bologna offices, the company's CEO was favourable to the solution adopted for energy management in the Public Administration Sector. Energy efficiency

Hera and ISS: applying Water Safety Plans together

wsp 110 Water Safety Plans are European protocols for step-by-step monitoring of potable water production and distribution processes. EU Directive 1787/2015 requests, in fact, that member states implement such protocols as soon as possible, and Hera - true to its own history - has no intention of waiting. With a long-standing record of thorough mains water monitoring and outstanding service performance that guarantees - across all served areas - low-priced, high-quality potable water, the multi-utility has now signed an agreement with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) to apply, over the two-year period 2017-2018, complete Water Safety Plans on two of its mains water systems. This will allow us to acquire the methodology and develop the skills laid out in the directive guidelines, letting us extend Water Safety Plans to all our mains water systems. This subject will soon be the focus of a conference for industry experts, to be held at the multi-utility's Bologna headquarters on Wednesday 21 June. Key Group managers will be in attendance, as will other institutions/bodies involved in the project. Safety, then, first and foremost. The introduction of a precise, sound standard for all EU states lends further weight to the dedication shown by Hera in recent years. Thanks to extremely early commitment, in fact, the Group has had the infrastructure, analysis facilities and monitoring systems in place - all used on a daily basis - for some time now, allowing our over 3.6 million customers to drink domestic tap water in complete confidence. Guaranteed by no less than 2,000 checks a day, tap water plays a pivotal role in Hera's plans: indeed, the eighth edition of the annual In buone acque ('In good waters') report has now been published, giving a detailed account of every aspect of this essential service. For some years, in fact, the Group has been working alongside Regione Emilia-Romagna and Arpae to develop an application methodology, based on risk analysis, to define water safety plans. That work has resulted in contributions to the Water Safety Plan Guidelines published by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in 2014 (ISTISAN report 14/21). "As we see it", states Franco Fogacci, Hera Group's Water Manager, "guaranteeing high quality drinking water has always been a top priority, so we can't help but find ourselves in agreement with the framework laid out in the EU Directive. Water Safety Plans", continues Fogacci, "constitute a major challenge for everyone in the industry: we all need to do a great job of providing a response that ensures their effective, accurate implementation. Indeed, I think that Hera's vast experience", concludes the multiutility's Water Manager, "lets us field the skills and resources that help drive such processes, their outcome going beyond the provision of practical services for served areas to provide great examples for other local areas". wsp 2014-03-19 870.1500390469.jpg With years of excellent results behind it, Hera renews its commitment to outstanding potable water quality and, together with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Higher Health Institute), aims to apply EU Water Safety Plans to its own mains water systems. A debate on the subject will be held on Wednesday 21st June. wsp 110

#All4thegreen - Stefano Venier discusses the goals of the UN's Agenda for 2030

Stefano Venier discusses the goals of the UN's Agenda for 2030 The CEO Stefano Venier intervenes at All4thegreen, in view of G7 Environment that will be held in Bologna, to explain the Hera Group's contribution to 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN's Agenda for 2030. The interview touched on several topics, with special focus on the challenges of energy efficiency and circular economy, which was discussed during the conference that was recently held in the Bologna offices of the multi-utility company on 6 June. An important occasion to underscore the virtual link between sustainability, economic growth and social benefits, and also to explain how the commitment to promote separate waste collection and recycling has enabled Hera to achieve, before others, important goals established by the European Union for 2025 and 2030, thus providing a practical answer to the demands of local bodies and of clients who are increasingly keen on themes of green economy. [block]div:row-fluid::db:hr_press_comunicazione::box:69[/block] Stefano Venier discusses the goals of the UN's Agenda for 2030 2017-07-27 venier_big_opt.1497006706.png The CEO Stefano Venier intervenes at All4thegreen, in view of G7 Environment that will be held in Bologna, to explain the Hera Group's contribution to 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN's Agenda for 2030. The interview touched on several topics, with special focus on the challenges of energy efficiency and circular economy, which was discussed during the conference that was recently held in the Bologna offices of the multi-utility company on 6 June. Stefano Venier discusses the goals of the UN's Agenda for 2030

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111