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Hera first multiutility in the world in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

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Hera first multiutility in the world in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

The Hera Group is confirmed in 2022, for the third year in a row, to be ranked first in the Multi-Utility&Water sector of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for sustainability performance in all three environmental, social and governance (Esg) dimensions.

Once again this year Hera is included in both the world index (Dow Jones Sustainability World Index) and the European index (Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index). Specifically, the multi-utility achieved an overall score of 90/100, the highest in the Multi-Utility & Water sector, against an industry average of 32/100. The ratings achieved were 89/100 in Environment, 91/100 in Social and 91/100 in Economic & Governance, with a leadership position in all three areas assessed.

This recognition was made possible thanks to the strategy focused on sustainability and shared value creation the Group has adopted for 20 years. Listed since 2003 and in the Ftse Mib since 2019, Hera's stock was also included in 2021 in the Mib Esg Index, the first blue-chip index for Italy dedicated to Esg best practices, launched by Euronext and Borsa Italiana.

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Hera and Snam will collaborate for hydrogen development

IDAR Hera and Snam have signed a Letter of Intent for a technological collaboration aimed at developing hydrogen, for their own areas of activity respectively, to test and subsequently implement a number of solutions able to respond to the decarbonisation needs of the Emilia-Romagna region in a cross-cutting manner, from production to mobility to individual citizens. The accord involves several areas of action, starting from the collaboration on power-to-gas technology. Specifically, an innovative plant is at an advanced stage of design at the Bologna Corticella multi-utility treatment plant, which will transform excess renewable electricity into “green” hydrogen to be injected into the networks by exploiting purified water and returning oxygen, biogas and sludge to the water purification process, thus obtaining a mutually beneficial “symbiosis” between the two plants, with an additional environmental benefit. Other options under study include the creation of plants to extract green hydrogen from water, using the renewable energy generated by the Hera Group’s waste-to-energy plants, with the aim of contributing to the decarbonisation of industrial sectors such as the production of fertilisers and fuels. Finally, the Letter of Intent provides for a possible joint experimentation of injecting a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen into a portion of Hera’s distribution network in Emilia-Romagna, similar to what Snam has already done on its own transmission network. At the heart of this experimentation is the gas network of Modena. IDAR IDAR 2013-08-28 For further information IDAR This agreement will also contribute to the development of renewable energies in Italy, in line with the guidelines set out by the European Union /-/snam-and-hera-kicking-off-a-technological-collaboration-for-hydrogen-development Press release IDAR IDAR

Hera 2021 gold medal in S&P Global's Sustainability Award

S&P Global's Sustainability Award The Hera Group has received a worldwide gold medal for social responsibility. S&P Global, indeed, has awarded the company its Gold Class 2021, the highest recognition reserved for companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the authoritative international stock market index assessing the ESG factors of roughly 3,500 listed companied with the highest capitalisation globally. This prestigious result was released with the publication of the Sustainability Yearbook 2021, a report that contains the results of analyses carried out for gaining access to the index last year, and the names of companies that achieved the highest sustainability scores. Following its inclusion in the FTSE MIB in 2019, Hera participated in the selection process for the DJSI and, in only 2 years, rapidly rose in the classification, being included in the World and European indices at the same time and ranking as “Industry leader”, i.e. the best “Multi-utility and Water” in the world, with a score of 87/100, compared to a sector average coming to 45/100. Compared to the other companies assessed by the DJSI, Hera stood out in particular for its environmental and economic sustainability, and its governance. The Sustainability Yearbook 2021 gives particular emphasis to the significant results achieved by Hera in the areas identified as most challenging for its sector, such as resource management and protection, the ability to grasp market opportunities and relations with stakeholders. In addition to Gold Class status, Hera also received special mention as “Industry mover”, that is, the company that recorded the most significant improvement, rising by no less than 19 points compared to the score of 68/100 in 2019. S&P Global's Sustainability Award 2013-08-28 For further information S&P Global's Sustainability Award The Group has received Gold Class status for ranking as “Industry leader” in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Hera also given special mention as “Industry mover” /group_eng/sustainability /group_eng/investors /-/hera-2021-gold-medal-in-s-p-global-s-sustainability-award null Visit "Social Reponsibility" website area Visit "Investors" website area Press release null S&P Global's Sustainability Award

Hera Group part of the 2021 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

The Hera Group pays close attention to gender equality and to promoting diversity and inclusion, and stands out in particular for its transparency in providing information on these issues and its harassment prevention and sanctioning policies. The Group has indeed been included this year as well – after becoming part of it for the first time in 2020 – in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, which evaluates 11,700 companies worldwide committed to promoting and creating equal and inclusive workplaces. Diversity awareness is indeed an increasingly important issue for the international financial community, with investors showing growing interest towards listed companies with outstanding policies in this area. Hera’s confirmation within the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index – achieving significant results, even compared to the average in the utility sector – bears witness to the quality of the path chosen by the Group, which over time has been enriched with new content and increased dimensions, involving a growing number of employees. Today, diversity valorisation policies are an integral part of the Group’s strategy, and are also defined in its Business Plan to 2024. Promoting diversity, inclusion and people development is central in human resource management. At Hera, equality in access to development and professional growth is reached through meritocratic systems designed and calibrated to guarantee their own concrete application. The tools used include compensation and benefits focused on performance, the complexity of one’s role and market comparisons, regardless of gender or generation, and career paths that see an increasing percentage of women with roles of responsibility, now coming to roughly 30%. Bloomberg 2021 Sede Hera 2013-08-28 For further information Bloomberg 2021 /group_eng/investor-relations/hera-overview/creation-of-shared-value /-/hera-group-part-of-the-2021-bloomberg-gender-equality-index Hera Group's Diversity & Inclusion Main Parameters Press release bloomberg_2021_110.1611654387.png

Hera a Top Employer for the 12th time

A company’s workers are the true key to its success. The Hera Group knows this well, and continues to dedicate resources, attention and commitment to its team of over 9,000 employees. And the results are clear to all, as is shown by Top Employer, an international certification of excellence in human resource management, awarded to Hera in 2021 as well, for the 12th consecutive year. This recognition comes from the Holland-based Top EmployerInstitute, which carries out research on the quality of human resource management, examining over 1,600 businesses. The Group also stands out for its organisational methods, which promote worker agility and digitalisation, with a smart working project launched in 2017 that created the bases to effectively face the emergency that struck our country, with no effect on service quality and efficiency, protecting at the same time the health and safety of its employees and customers. In 2020, Hera immediately introduced a range of measures that ensured it would remain close to its workers: from upgrading technological tools favouring collaboration and communication among employees, to redesigning training in order to meet new obligations concerning remote work, and setting in place a Covid-19 insurance policy for its employees, with all expenses covered by the company. Hera’s most outstanding human resource policies include Hextra, the integrated corporate welfare plan intended for all Group employees, investments for which reached 4.5 million euro in 2020 alone. The Group also offers its employees campaigns aimed at awareness, prevention, cure, overall wellbeing and education. Hera has also confirmed its ranking among the leading Italian businesses that invest in their employees’ personal and professional development, with 26 hours of training per capita each year and a total of roughly 236,000 hours provided, thanks to investments coming to approximately 2 million euro. In this area, a fundamental role is played by HerAcademy, the Group’s corporate university that allows it to communicate with businesses and the main local institutions. Furthermore, through the Hera Educational set of initiatives, the Group constantly reinforces its role in the area served, consolidating its partnerships with various figures in the educational system. Lastly, a special focus goes to sustainability and guaranteeing equal opportunity, inclusion and diversity valorisation. This is proved by the Group’s presence in the 2020 Refinitiv “Diversity & Inclusion Index” (formerly Thomson Reuters) and its entrance in the 2020 “Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index”. In November 2020, as regards ESG factors, which also cover human resource management and development, Hera was recognised as “Industry leader” and included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, one of the most authoritative stock market indices evaluating social responsibility, which brings together the companies showing the best sustainability performances in the world. Top employer 2021 Sede Hera 2013-08-28 For further information Top employer 2021 /group_eng/working-at-hera-group /-/hera-a-top-employer-for-the-12th-time Workers in Hera Press release top_employer_2021_110.1611329648.png

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111