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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy

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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy
Ellen MacArthur

A few days before the start of the G7 meeting on the environment, the connected events got under way on Tuesday 6 June 2017 with the conference on the circular economy organised by the Hera Group to present the 2016 Sustainability Report. The event was attended, among others, by Italian Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti who underlined the importance of the circular economy in the fourth industrial revolution that we are experiencing, highlighting the crucial progress made by regions such as Emilia-Romagna. "Innovation" and "creativity" were the keywords during a morning that saw the top management of the company outline the Group's commitment to sustainability and the hard work it is carrying out with regard to 10 of the 17 objectives on the UN's 2030 Agenda. Many other influential names from the worlds of business, the institutions and research spoke at Hera to discuss the transition to increasingly sustainable development models. These included Enrico Giovannini, Professor of Economic Statistics at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome; Oscar Farinetti, creator and founder of Eataly; Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, and Carlo Ratti, Director at the MIT Senseable City Lab.

They were preceded by Ellen MacArthur, also known for the foundation named after her, the most important and active organisation in the area of the circular economy at global level.

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Energy activities of CMV Servizi and CMV Energia e Impianti to the Hera Group

ATR-CMV_110 Following the approval, on 20 December, by the associated shareholders' meetings, the transaction was formalised today which makes provision for the integration of the energy activities of CMV Servizi, including the subsidiary A Tutta Rete (ATR), and CMV Energia e Impianti in the Hera Group, respectively in Inrete Distribuzione Energia as regards natural gas distribution activities and in Hera Comm for energy sale activities. The integration in the Hera Group, operational from 1 March 2019, concerns around 30,000 redelivery points (26,500 in the Ferrara area and more than 3,100 in the Bologna area) for natural gas distribution and around 25,000 customers (21,300 gas and 3,500 electricity), who will receive a communication in their bill to welcome them and explain all the changes. In particular, for CMV energy customers, the customer service number 800.688.690 will remain active and the current branches will be retained, including that of Viale Cavour in the historical centre of Ferrara, recently renovated and already integrated with the services of the Hera Group. From 1 March, those who connect to the CMV website will automatically be redirected to the new dedicated pages. In addition to maintaining the regional coverage and current personnel employed in the two business units of CMV Servizi and CMV Energia e Impianti, with convergence with respect to the other activities of the multiutility in the same territory, the solutions and policies of the Hera Group will be applied, for the benefit of the quality and innovativeness of the service dedicated to customers. ATR-CMV_870 20190301_Energy_activities_of_CMV_Servizi_and_CMV_Energia_e_Impianti_to_the_Hera_Group.1563432305.pdf 2019-07-18 ATR_CMV_870.1551343799.1563432304.png The last formal step on today's date for the integration of the natural gas distribution activities of Inrete and CMV Servizi and the energy sale activities of Hera Comm and CMV Energia e Impianti. The energy customers of CMV will receive a special communication in their bill with all the updates ATR-CMV_110

Hera always top for its ability to attract talents

Potentialpark_110 Just a few weeks after the Top Employers certification, the Hera Group is confirmed among the most "talent friendly" companies in Italy for the third consecutive year. This is proclaimed by the new Italian edition of the Online Talent Communication studio, created by the Swedish research company Potentialpark which, each year, compiles the classification of companies that, through on-line communication, are more attractive for candidates looking for work. In the 2019 edition of Potentialpark, the multiutility, in addition to joining the Top-Ten Italia, obtained an excellent position in three categories: first place in the ATS category, for the quality of the portal through which applications are managed; second place for the Mobile category, for the ease with which candidates can apply using a mobile phone/smartphone; third place in the category "Career Website", thanks to the constant improvements made to the "Working at Hera Group" section on the company website ( Significant results attributable to the constant commitment shown by the Hera Group to creating, disseminating and personalising content and information on the policies regarding human resources in the different web communication tools: from the positions open to internship offers, to training courses or agreements with the universities. In fact, numerous activities were implemented in the field to make the application process easier and provide all the necessary information for understanding "life" at Hera. As regards social networks, the multiutility is recognised for its good strategy both in terms of promoting open positions and the content of the activities described, thanks to the growing interaction through the company page on LinkedIn, the professional platform par excellence, where Hera now has more than 46 thousand contacts, and the use of other channels, starting with Twitter. Potentialpark_870 20190301_CS_Potentialpark_Hera_DEF.1563432613.pdf 2019-07-18 Potentialpark_870.1551441116.1563432612.png For the third consecutive year, the multiutility is awarded by major Swedish research company Potentialpark for being the most "talent friendly" company in on-line communication targeted at young new graduates looking for employment. An award received just a few weeks after the prestigious Top Employers certification for the job conditions offered to employees Potentialpark_110

Top Utility 2019: Hera in first place for communication

toputility_110 The Hera Group focuses on communication to create a direct relationship and open dialogue with the local area in which it operates. A commitment that saw it achieve first place in the "Communication" category of the seventh edition of the Top Utility award which, each year, analyses and enhances the evolution and performance of the top 100 Italian utility companies. The award ceremony was held today in Milan, during the Top Utility Analysis convention entitled "Utilities, the driver of sustainable growth". Quality and transparency: Top Utility rewards Hera communication "Capacity to establish relationships with all stakeholders and listen to the numerous requests from the communities in which it operates, as well as a high level of administrative transparency": these are the factors that have made the difference for the members of the Scientific Community (lecturers and researchers at the most important Italian universities) who chose to give the award to Hera. In particular, indicators relating to the quality of the website, transparency and exhaustiveness of financial, institutional and environmental communications were used for the evaluation. But also the quality of communication with customers and the various stakeholders. The recognition this year for communication is a repeat of the one obtained in the same area in 2014 and augments the Top Utility Assoluto award received in 2012 and the Top Utility Sostenibilità award in 2015 and 2018. The website, apps and social channels: Hera close to citizens An always updated and highly interactive website, with dedicated on-line services for customers, plus numerous channels for dialogue with citizens and operating support for services, including social and the app. "My Hera", an extremely valuable application that Hera Group customers can use to manage their utilities; but also "Rifiutologo" and l'"Acquologo", which turn smartphones and tablets into digital assistants for separate waste collection and water services: these are some of the strong points of communication that have brought the multiutility to the summit of the Top Utility classification. Not only these, numerous initiatives constantly implemented in the field to spread awareness of the economic and sustainability data. Together with multiple editorial activities to inform citizens about particularly important themes, an example of which are the annual reports on the themes of water, energy, waste and initiatives for citizens and customers. toputility_870 20190221_CSpremioTopUtility_DEF.1563431901.pdf 2019-07-18 Read more top_utility_870.1550754098.1563431900.png The prize was given today in Milan at the seventh edition of the award, which analyses and enhances the performances of the most important public service companies in the country Visit Top Utility website Visit Hera Group Twitter profile Visit Hera Group Instagram profile toputility_110

Hera: energy efficiency in the home

valuetoenergy_110 Giving "Value to energy", because the advantageous effects of the circular economy model are actually visible in energy savings. And this is one of the objectives of the Hera Group which, on Monday 18 February, celebrates International Energy Efficiency Day. An imperative that is also the title of the sustainability report in which the Hera Group details the results obtained over the last eleven years on the energy efficiency front. Now in its fourth edition, the report - verified by an independent certification body - analyses all the aspects which embody the multiutility's commitment to energy savings and efficient energy use, focusing on environmental and economic sustainability and to the interests of the local areas and more than 4 million customers. Decarbonisation is actually crucial for tackling climate change. Both the multiutility's energy efficiency initiatives and the other projects for promoting the production of renewable energy are implemented with this in mind.The Hera Group also contributes to 6% of the national white certificates target, by incentivising energy efficiency and financing projects with measurable and certified savings. The figures are telling: 507 projects have been implemented in the field by the Group over the last 11 years to save energy (of which 133 in companies in the local area), with 753 thousand toe (tonnes of oil equivalent) saved, corresponding to annual consumption of 529 thousand households, and 1.4 million tonnes of avoided CO2, equivalent to approximately one million less cars in circulation (with 10,000 km of travel). In order to reach these energy efficiency objectives, Hera therefore makes all its know-how available to local companies, by supporting them in carrying out energy analyses, with the objective of encouraging the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives. In the Bologna area alone, the last two projects, which concerned the construction and management of a new technology-energy hub for a company which produces bioplastics and a new cooling plant for a well-known company that produces salami and cold pork meat, generated a total energy saving of 413 toe per year. The confirmation of the multiutility's general objective of cutting its energy consumption by 5% by 2020 (with respect to 2013 consumption) should also be emphasised, following the increase from 3% to 5% which occurred last year. These initiatives generated a saving of over Euro 8 million, of which Euro 4.5 million relating to the water service, with subsequent benefits on citizens' bills. The results have been made possible by integrated efficiency programmes, implemented in the field continuously by the Hera Group, first and foremost within its plants and offices and which, in 2017 alone, enabled the company to improve the heating energy efficiency index of its premises by 6.3%. As regards plants, an important example is on show in the water sector, in which Hera implemented 115 efficiency initiatives, for a total of 2,876 toe saved. Significant efforts were expended in the public lighting sector, in which Hera manages more than 518 thousand lighting points scattered throughout Italy, 71% low consumption and 51% with consumption optimisation, augmented by 65% of traffic lights with led lights. Stratagems which, in 2017, contributed to an energy saving of 10.2%. valuetoenergy_870 20190215_CS_Hera_per_la_giornata_internazionale_dell_efficienza_energetica_BO_DEF.1563431443.pdf 2019-07-18 Read more value_to_energy_870.1563431442.jpg Over 11 years, with 507 projects, with a saving of 753 thousand toe (tonnes of oil equivalent), equal to annual consumption of 529 thousand households and benefits in terms of tackling climate change. The multiutility looks to 2020, aiming to reduce consumption by 5%. All the available data in the Value to Energy report, dedicated to the Hera Group's commitment to energy efficiency valuetoenergy_110

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111