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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy

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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy
Ellen MacArthur

A few days before the start of the G7 meeting on the environment, the connected events got under way on Tuesday 6 June 2017 with the conference on the circular economy organised by the Hera Group to present the 2016 Sustainability Report. The event was attended, among others, by Italian Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti who underlined the importance of the circular economy in the fourth industrial revolution that we are experiencing, highlighting the crucial progress made by regions such as Emilia-Romagna. "Innovation" and "creativity" were the keywords during a morning that saw the top management of the company outline the Group's commitment to sustainability and the hard work it is carrying out with regard to 10 of the 17 objectives on the UN's 2030 Agenda. Many other influential names from the worlds of business, the institutions and research spoke at Hera to discuss the transition to increasingly sustainable development models. These included Enrico Giovannini, Professor of Economic Statistics at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome; Oscar Farinetti, creator and founder of Eataly; Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, and Carlo Ratti, Director at the MIT Senseable City Lab.

They were preceded by Ellen MacArthur, also known for the foundation named after her, the most important and active organisation in the area of the circular economy at global level.

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Hera, 2018 Sustainability Report on-line: central focus on the local area and shared value

BS_online_110 The Hera Group's 2018 Sustainability Report, which can be found on-line at,contains the economic, social and environmental responsibility statistics and the focus on the commitments undertaken, the results achieved and the future prospects. This year in the Report, the representation of contents focussed on the creation of shared value was reinforced: the multiutility's ability to meet the needs of the local area and tackle the challenges in terms of change geared towards sustainability, as demonstrated by the company's decision to quantity the EBITDA deriving from activities that are in keeping with the priorities established by the UN Agenda. In addition, with the objective of improving accountability even further, new pages have been introduced this year dedicated to presenting the results for each area served. The Group's sustainability reports have also been enriched: the "Building the future together" report highlights the initiatives of engagement and collaboration between Hera, citizens and players in the local communities, in observance of target 17 of the UN Agenda. A strategic approach that has been validated: the "shared value" EBITDA increases by 14% In 2018, the Group generated a "shared value" EBITDA of Euro 375 million, up by 14% compared to the previous year and accounting for 36% of the total, a percentage expected to hit 40% by 2022. A significant commitment which stems from the awareness of how economic, social and environmental changes require companies to rethink the links between CSR (corporate social responsibility) and company strategy. Albeit corporate social responsibility has, up until now, concerned the "what" and the "how" of the company, shared value places its central focus on the "why", outlining the reason why the company exists and the salient elements that differentiate it from all other companies. In fact, the Hera Group wants to be part of the companies of the future that will be able use their business to help society regenerate the ecosystem and the environment. BS_online_870 Press release 2018 Sustainability Report 2019-07-18 Read more bs_online_870.1563434417.jpg The multiutility continues to commit to creating shared value and to responding to the current environmental and socio-economic challenges. In the report, the focus is on the results achieved, the investments and the future initiatives with new sections dedicated to the local areas served BS_online_110

Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2018 financial statements and dividend increasing to 10 cents approved

Shareholders_meeting_110 The Hera Ordinary Shareholders Meeting called to approve the 2018 financial statements was held in Bologna this morning, and the 2018 sustainability report (a consolidated non-financial statement drafted pursuant to legislative decree 254/2016) was presented. 2018 financial statements approved with strong growth in results In the ordinary session, the Shareholders Meeting approved the balance sheets pertaining to 2018, which showed improvement in all main operating-financial indicators: turnover reached € 6,626.4 million, up 8% over the previous year, Ebitda exceeded one billion euro for the first time – coming to € 1,031.1 million (+4.7%) – and net profits amounted to € 296.6 million (+11.2%). Overall Group investments in 2018, including capital grants, reached € 462.6 million (+5% over 2017). Net debt settled at € 2,585.6 million, essentially stable compared to the previous year (2,523.0 million in 2017). The quality of these results was confirmed by a drop in the net debt/Ebitda ratio, which fell to 2.51x (compared to the 2.56x seen in 2017), providing further confirmation of the Group’s financial solidity, which was also reflected in the opinions released by leading rating agencies (Baa2 with stable outlook from Moody’s and BBB with positive outlook from Standard & Poor’s). The positive results for 2018, in line with the Business plan to 2022 and higher than the forecasts communicated last January, confirm the Hera Group’s ranking among Italy’s major multi-utilities and lay the foundations to grasp further opportunities for expansion in the fragmentary markets in which it operates. Shareholders meeting 2019 - Welcome speech to the shareholders by te Hera Group executive chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano Increase in dividends paid, now reaching 10 cents/share The Meeting thus approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a dividend of 10 cents per share, up over the amount seen in the past. The ex coupon date has been set at 24 June, with payment beginning on 26 June 2019. The dividend paid, based on the price of Hera shares at 31/12/2018, corresponds to an annual return of 3.7%. This confirms once again the Group’s strong commitment to creating value for shareholders, as is also underlined by the most recent Business plan, whose dividend policy expects further growth to occur, reaching 11 cents in 2022. The sustainability report: shared value Ebitda reaches 375.2 million The 2018 sustainability report, presented during the meeting, highlights the Group’s attention towards creating shared value, reporting information on those businesses that, in addition to creating operating margins for the company, work towards the objectives for sustainable growth contained in the UN Agenda. The areas in which Group’s commitment takes shape fall under three main drivers: a smart use of energy, an efficient use of resources, along with innovation and contribution to local development. The Hera Group’s 2018 shared value Ebitda came to 375.2 million euro (+14% over 2017), representing 36% of overall Ebitda: a result which is perfectly in line with the path set out in the Business plan, in which this indicator is projected to reach 40% by 2022. Furthermore, in 2018 the Group invested over 180 million euro (approximately 40% of the total) in initiatives and projects aimed at creating shared value. Shareholders meeting 2019 - Introduction of sustainability report 2018 by the Hera Group CEO Stefano Venier 2019-04-29 Read more Tommasi_e_Venier_870.1556621864 (2).jpg The multi-utility, included in the FTSE MIB as of 18 March 2019, improved all its main operating-financial and sustainability indicators, with results exceeding expectations and Ebitda amounting to over one billion for the first time. Commitment towards creating shared value also confirmed /-/hera-shareholders-meeting-2018-financial-statements-and-dividend-increasing-to-10-cents-approved-1?inheritRedirect=true /group_eng/corporate-governance/shareholders-meetings /documents/1514726/4880892/GruppoHera_Consolidated_Financial_Statements_31_12_2018.1554724349.pdf/44a36885-d73d-277e-aff2-53db3830e0b2?t=1610019133226 Press release Go to Shareholders' meeting session Watch the Executive Chairman's comments to the 2018 financial results 2018 Financial results Shareholders_meeting_110

Clean energy for IMAB thanks to the agreement with the Hera Group

GH-IMAB_110 The Hera Group, one of the leading Italian multi-utility companies, has reached an agreement with IMAB, a historic national furniture manufacturer, for the construction of a trigeneration plant that will supply clean energy to the Fermignano plant, in the province of Pesaro Urbino. The agreement was signed by IMAB with Hera Servizi Energia, the energy service company of reference for the industrial sector of the Hera Group, which over the years has built production plants, in cogeneration and trigeneration, for the main Italian industrial companies, employing the best technologies on the market. The new Fermignano plant will also be managed according to a logic of optimization and efficiency, with the help of a remote management and remote control system, active 24 hours a day, and emergency response. The energy efficiency intervention made possible by the new plant will guarantee primary energy savings of around 17%, with an overall efficiency, in terms of energy conversion, of 64%. When fully operational, the plant will be able to express important environmental performance, avoiding annual consumption of around 440 tons of oil equivalent and the emission of 750 tons of CO ₂ , equal to the absorption of a forest of 125 hectares. An environmental benefit comparable to around 320 diesel cars stolen from circulation. Implementation, management and maintenance of the infrastructure will be headed by Hera Servizi Energia, which will invest a total of over one million euros, within the framework of an 11-year agreement. As far as the technical aspects are concerned, the plant will have its fundamental core in a 1,000 kWe trigeneration plant which, thanks to complex mechanical and electrical connections and the installation of a cooling unit fed by hot water, will operate the thermal utilities and refrigerators of the plant. In fact, it will heat the entire body of the building and adjacent offices, as well as the summer cooling of two mechanical workshops serving the production. In short, a technological pole capable of generating electricity produced and consumed in itself, thermal energy in the form of hot water and cooling energy. With this plant, IMAB will therefore be able to improve efficiency in the use of plant energy and bring benefits to the environment, orientation in line with the historic vocation of the Hera Group, always attentive to energy efficiency issues and developing its own business, together with those of the partners, in harmony with the ambitious path traced to 2030 by the UN Agenda. GH-IMAB_870 20190415_Clean_energy_for_IMAB_thanks_to_the_agreement_with_the_Hera_Group.1563885328.pdf 2019-07-23 GH_IMAB_870.1555325884.1563885327.jpg The trigeneration plant that will be built by the multi-utility in Fermignano will increase the efficiency and sustainability of the production cycles, avoiding the emission of 750 tons of CO₂each year, the same "absorbing" power expressed by a forest of 125 hectares in the same time frame. The primary energy savings are also significant, thanks to the high-performance standards of the plant Visit IMAB website Read more GH-IMAB_110

With HeraSolidale 145 thousand euros to non-profit organizations for solidarity projects

Herasolidale_110 Aism - Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla, Butterfly ONLUS, D.i.Re - Donne in Rete contro la violenza, Fondazione ANT Italia ONLUS e Save the Children. These are the five non-profit organizations receiving the contributions donated in 2018 by Hera employees and supplemented by the Hera Comm contribution, with the Hera Solidarity project. 145 thousand euros in total that will serve to achieve well-defined objectives proposed by the non-profit organizations themselves. The Hera Comm checks were delivered today at the Hera headquarters in Bologna in the presence of Cristian Fabbri, Hera Central Market Director and Hera Comm CEO, the Group's light and gas sales company, of Filippo Maria Bocchi, Hera Shared Value and Sustainability Director, and representatives of the five organizations. What is HeraSolidale This is a project through which Hera workers can support one of the 5 associations involved in solidarity programs, with monthly salary donations starting at 1 euro or through the Hextra corporate welfare system. The 2018-2019 edition was enriched with Hera's commitment to allocate to the project, at the end of each of the two years of validity, one euro for each new customer acquired by Hera Comm. A further important change also concerns the new light and gas customers of Hera Comm, who can participate in HeraSolidale by choosing to allocate 1 euro when signing a free market offer to one of the associations. The latter were selected by Hera employees among the 15 identified by the Group on the basis of some criteria, in particular the reputation and transparency of the activities and their contribution to one or more sustainability and development objectives defined in the UN Agenda to 2030 (health and wellness, clean water and hygiene, gender equality, quality education). The five winning non-profit organizations Overall, the amount of 145 thousand euros (87,500 from Hera Comm and 57.500 from the workers), destined for non-profit organizations and collected in 2018, was divided among the participating associations based on the preferences expressed by employees and customers and will be used to create different projects with a positive effect on thousands of people. The non-profit organizations that have already achieved the economic objectives set in 2018, will define with the Company the new projects / objectives to be reached in 2019. On are available all the information on the projects and on how to join. 20190410_HeraSolidale.1564138574.pdf 2019-07-26 1_900.1554911588.jpg The amount, collected thanks to the subscriptions of the multi-utility workers and the contribution of Hera Comm, was devolved to five associations and will allow the practical achievement of numerous objectives. HeraSolidale will continue also in 2019, giving continuity to the collaboration that sees together workers, company, customers and associations, to achieve positive results for the benefit of many Aism Butterfly Onlus Donne in rete contro la violenza ANT Save the children Read more Herasolidale_110

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111