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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy

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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy
Ellen MacArthur

A few days before the start of the G7 meeting on the environment, the connected events got under way on Tuesday 6 June 2017 with the conference on the circular economy organised by the Hera Group to present the 2016 Sustainability Report. The event was attended, among others, by Italian Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti who underlined the importance of the circular economy in the fourth industrial revolution that we are experiencing, highlighting the crucial progress made by regions such as Emilia-Romagna. "Innovation" and "creativity" were the keywords during a morning that saw the top management of the company outline the Group's commitment to sustainability and the hard work it is carrying out with regard to 10 of the 17 objectives on the UN's 2030 Agenda. Many other influential names from the worlds of business, the institutions and research spoke at Hera to discuss the transition to increasingly sustainable development models. These included Enrico Giovannini, Professor of Economic Statistics at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome; Oscar Farinetti, creator and founder of Eataly; Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, and Carlo Ratti, Director at the MIT Senseable City Lab.

They were preceded by Ellen MacArthur, also known for the foundation named after her, the most important and active organisation in the area of the circular economy at global level.

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We are among the best utilities in the S&P Global Ratings ESG evaluations

Sede Hera We rank 5th internationally among the Utility Networks assessed by this rating agency’s Sustainable Finance analysts, thanks to our focus on sustainability and our ability to manage risks and opportunities After being included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe, in 2020, we have once again confirmed our standing as one of the companies most attentive to sustainability and ESG aspects internationally. Hera’s ESG Evaluation, carried out by the Sustainable Finance analysts of S&P Global Ratings, was indeed published. This is a cross-industry assessment of a company’s ability to effectively manage, over the medium and long term, its exposure to environmental, social and governance risks, as well as to seize opportunities arising from the changes occurring in a constantly evolving international context. We are the first company in Italy to publish its ESG Evaluation, in which we obtained an overall score of 81/100, making it one of the top fifteen companies assessed internationally by S&P Global Ratings. The score obtained (81) places us well above the international (68) and European (73) average and ranks us fifth internationally among Utility Networks (with the sector average coming to 74). In particular, in the ESG Evaluation, we are assessed by S&P Global Ratings as being strongly prepared to implement its growth and development strategy, ready to face the potential risks deriving from regulations in an economy that is moving towards the circular model, with low emissions, supporting the resilience of its well-diversified business model. S&P Ratings 2019-07-18 S&P Ratings We rank 5th internationally among the Utility Networks assessed by this rating agency’s Sustainable Finance analysts, thanks to our focus on sustainability and our ability to manage risks and opportunities /-/hera-among-the-best-utilities-in-the-s-p-global-ratings-esg-evaluations /group_eng/investors /group_eng/investor-relations/hera-stock Press release Visit IR website area Hera ESG rating S&P’s ESG Evaluation Sede Hera

Herambiente acquires the company Recycla

Herambiente acquires the company Recycla The Hera Group, through its subsidiary Herambiente has acquired 70% of Recycla, a Friuli-based company that manages three platforms for solid and liquid industrial waste, whose central offices are in Maniago (PN). This transaction will confirm Herambiente’s position as a key operator in the sector and allow it to offer its across-the-board waste treatment solutions to new customers. Through its company Hasi (Herambiente Servizi Industriali), Herambiente has thus consolidated and expanded its facilities serving businesses, with 15 multifunctional sites dedicated to the treatment of waste produced by companies and 1.2 million tonnes of industrial waste treated each year. More specifically, the Maniago platform for solid and liquid industrial waste handles over 40,000 tonnes per year of waste produced by companies. In line with the principles of the circular economy, this waste is pre-treated to optimise its characteristics and is mainly destined for energy recovery or chemical-physical treatment. Therefore, only 3% of the waste entering the platform is disposed of in landfills. This transaction, which follows the acquisitions completed in recent years (from Waste Recycling, Teseco and Pistoia Ambiente in Tuscany and Geo Nova and Aliplast in Treviso), is a new step in Herambiente’s continuous growth in the industrial waste treatment sector. This development will be further strengthened by two agreements already signed with companies operating in the Marche and Veneto regions in the same industrial sector, which will be finalised within the summer. When fully operational, thanks to these three transactions, an additional 350,000 tonnes of industrial waste produced by 3,300 new customers will be treated each year. Herambiente acquires the company Recycla 2019-07-18 Herambiente acquires the company Recycla The Hera Group has consolidated its leadership in industrial waste treatment and extended its scope of operations in northern Italy thanks to the acquisition of this Friuli-based company /-/herambiente-acquires-the-company-recycla Press release Visit Herambiente's website Herambiente acquires the company Recycla

We are at the top of the 2021 Integrated Governance Index

Top10 2021 We rank first among Italian companies for its full and conscious integration of sustainability policies within its business strategies. This has been confirmed by the 2021 Integrated Governance Index, presented today at the ESG Business Conference, an authoritative model for analysing ESG factors, i.e. the social, environmental and governance aspects of business activities. In addition to leading the overall ranking, we also stand out in two other dedicated rankings. For the fourth year in a row, the Group is at the top of the sustainable finance category, which analyses the links between a company and responsible investors. It also ranked second in the special 2021 ESG Identity survey, which focuses on a company’s ability to enhance its sustainable identity, through means including stakeholder involvement, first and foremost customers and suppliers. Sustainability at the heart of the Group’s strategies For us, uninterrupted growth in operating results goes hand in hand with increasing attention to sustainability. In 2016, we introduced shared value reporting, referring to those business activities which, in addition to generating margins, respond to the drivers for sustainable growth defined by the UN 2030 Agenda and, more generally, various national and international policies. We gave further evidence of the central role played by creating shared value when it introduced the concept of Purpose in our Articles of Association, among the first companies in Italy to do so. Last April, the Shareholders Meeting approved a paragraph explaining the Group’s corporate purpose, i.e. the objectives it aims to achieve in carrying out its business activities, thus reaffirming its commitment to sustainability. The Integrated Governance Index The Integrated Governance Index is the only model for quantitatively analysing degree to which ESG factors are integrated into corporate strategies. Developed by ETicaNews, with the academic and legal support of specialised associations and advisors, it is now in its sixth edition. This index is increasingly used as an indicator of a company’s ESG identity. Top3 Area Finanza 2019-07-18 Top3 Area Finanza We lead the overall ranking in this index, which measures the extent to which sustainability is integrated within corporate strategies /-/hera-at-the-top-of-the-2021-integrated-governance-index /group_eng/sustainability/sustainability-report/sr /group_eng/corporate-governance/corporate-governance-system/articles-of-associations /group_eng/investor-relations/debit-and-rates/bond-issuances Press release Sustainability Report 2020 Our Articles of associations Green Bonds Top10 2021

Hera BoD approves 1Q 2021 results

Financial results as at 31 March 2021 Financial highlights Revenues at 2,271.8 million euro (+10.5%) Ebitda at 362.0 million euro (+3.7%) Net profit for Shareholders at 132.2 million euro (+6.3%) Net financial debt shows strong improvement, now at 3,077.6 million euro, and net debt/Ebitda ratio falls to 2.71x Operating highlights Good contribution to growth coming from the Group’s main businesses, the energy sectors and waste management in particular Solid energy customer base, now reaching almost 3.4 million Further development in initiatives for the circular economy, with aspects including state of the art plants and increasingly green services for companies and citizens The Hera Group’s Board of Directors, chaired by Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, unanimously approved the consolidated results for the first quarter of 2021, with all main operating and financial indicators improving, compared to the same period in the previous year, thanks to the Group’s solid, efficient and sustainable multi-business strategy and a good operating, financial and fiscal management. The energy sectors and the waste management area made a particularly important contribution. Also note the additional improvement in financial solidity, with a strong reduction in net financial debt. At 31 March 2021, the number of energy customers reached almost 3.4 million, thanks to factors including marketing initiatives and reinforced value-added services, from “green” offers to the sale and installation of LED devices, smart boilers and thermostats, as well as energy diagnoses, contracts for energy services, systems and targeted upgrading projects. The acquisition in September 2020 of the company Wölmann, which operates in the photovoltaic panel installation sector, is also part of this context and represents the main change in scope of operations compared to the first quarter of the previous year. Revenues reach approximately 2.3 billion (+10.5%) In the first quarter of 2021, revenues amounted to 2,271.8 million, up 10.5% compared to the 2,055.8 million seen in the same period of 2020. This result was sustained in particular by the energy sectors, with higher revenues from trading, higher volumes of gas sold and an increase in the price of electricity, in addition to the heat management business and activities involving value-added services for customers. Revenues from district heating and regulated network services also increased, as did those from the waste management area, thanks to energy production and a higher amount of waste treated. Ebitda rises to 362.0 million (+3.7%) Ebitda rose from 349.2 million in the first quarter of 2020 to 362.0 million at 31 March 2021, showing a 12.8 million (+3.7%) increase. This growth is due in particular to the performance achieved in the energy areas, which grew by 12.3 million overall, mainly due to higher sales margins and trading. Positive contributions also came from the waste management area and other services, while the water cycle saw a slight fall. Operating result and pre-tax profit increase Ebit rose, amounting to 223.1 million at 31 March 2021, up from 211.7 million in the same period of 2020 (+5.4%). Financial operations were largely unchanged, at 28.8 million, with an increase in charges for tax credit sales as part of ecobonus-related activities, offset by higher income for late payment indemnities on credits in the “last resort” markets. Pre-tax profit rose to 194.3 million (+6.2%). Net profit for shareholders grows to 132.2 million (+6.3%) Thanks to an improved tax rate, coming to 27.8% compared to 28.8% in the first quarter of 2020, driven by the Group’s commitment to making investments in technological, digital and environmental transformation with an eye to Utility 4.0, net profit at 31 March 2021 reached 140.3 million, up 7.7% compared to the 130.3 million seen in the same period of 2020. Profit pertaining to Group shareholders also rose to 132.2 million, up 6.3% compared to the 124.4 million seen in the same period of 2020. Operating investments rise and net financial debt improves significantly Net operating investments were up significantly, from 91.5 million at 31 March 2020 to 112.6 million (+23.1%) in the first quarter of 2021, and were mainly related to work on plants, networks and infrastructures, with investments in gas distribution concerning the large-scale meter replacement, and in the purification and sewerage area. Thanks in particular to the positive contribution coming from operational management during the quarter, a strong improvement was also seen in net financial debt, which stood at 3,077.6 million, compared to 3,227.0 million at 31 December 2020, down by approximately 150 million. Thanks to the double leverage provided by increased Ebitda and decreased net financial debt, the net debt/Ebitda ratio further improved to 2.71x, both compared to the same quarter last year (2.93x) and to the figure seen at the end of 2020 (2.87x). This data once again confirms the Group’s financial solidity, which also appears in the opinions released by major rating agencies, in particular the recent upgrade by Standard & Poor’s to BBB+ with a stable outlook. Profit & Loss (m€) 31/03/2021 Inc. % 31/03/2020 Inc. % Ch. Ch. % Sales 2,271.8 2,055.8 +216.0 +10.5% Other operating revenues 100.7 4.4% 109.0 5.3% (8.3) (7.6%) Raw material (1,209.7) (53.2%) (1,035.4) (50.4%) +174.3 +16.8% Services costs (646.9) (28.5%) (627.2) (30.5%) +19.7 +3.1% Other operating expenses (17.1) (0.8%) (12.5) (0.6%) +4.6 +36.8% Personnel costs (150.1) (6.6%) (147.3) (7.2%) +2.8 +1.9% Capitalisations 13.3 0.6% 6.8 0.3% +6.5 +94.9% Ebitda 362.0 15.9% 349.2 17.0% +12.8 +3.7% Depreciation and provisions (138.9) (6.1%) (137.5) (6.7%) +1.4 +1.0% Ebit 223.1 9.8% 211.7 10.3% +11.4 +5.4% Financial inc./(exp.) (28.8) (1.3%) (28.7) (1.4%) +0.1 +0.3% Pre tax profit 194.3 8.6% 183.0 8.9% +11.3 +6.2% Taxes (54.0) (2.4%) (52.7) (2.6%) +1.3 +2.5% Net profit 140.3 6.2% 130.3 6.3% +10.0 +7.7% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 132.2 5.8% 124.4 6.0% +7.8 +6.3% Minority shareholders 8.1 0.4% 5.9 0.3% +2.2 +37.2% Balance Sheet (m€) 31/03/2021 Inc.% 31/12/2020 Inc.% Ch. Ch. % Net fixed assets 6,993.3 109.6% 6,983.6 109.4% +9.7 +0.1% Working capital 44.6 0.7% 53.6 0.8% (9.0) (16.8%) (Provisions) (657.5) (10.3%) (654.9) (10.2%) (2.6) +0.4% Net invested capital 6,380.4 100.0% 6,382.3 100.0% (1.9) (0.0%) Net equity 3,302.8 51.8% 3,155.3 49.4% +147.5 +4.7% Long term net financial debt 3,576.5 56.0% 3,617.1 56.7% (40.6) (1.1%) Short term net financial debt (498.9) (7.8%) (390.1) (6.1%) (108.8) +27.9% Net financial debts 3,077.6 48.2% 3,227.0 50.6% (149.4) (4.6%) Net invested capital 6,380.4 100.0% 6,382.3 100.0% (1.9) (0.0%) Financial results as at 31 March 2021 2019-07-18 Financial results as at 31 March 2021 The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows further improvement in all main operating and financial indicators, with financial solidity confirmed as a strong point, as has also been recently highlighted by the upgraded rating given by S&P’s, now BBB+ with a stable outlook /-/hera-bod-approves-1q-2021-results-1 Press release Financial results as at 31 March 2021

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111