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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy

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Creativity and innovation: the Italian path towards a circular economy
Ellen MacArthur

A few days before the start of the G7 meeting on the environment, the connected events got under way on Tuesday 6 June 2017 with the conference on the circular economy organised by the Hera Group to present the 2016 Sustainability Report. The event was attended, among others, by Italian Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti who underlined the importance of the circular economy in the fourth industrial revolution that we are experiencing, highlighting the crucial progress made by regions such as Emilia-Romagna. "Innovation" and "creativity" were the keywords during a morning that saw the top management of the company outline the Group's commitment to sustainability and the hard work it is carrying out with regard to 10 of the 17 objectives on the UN's 2030 Agenda. Many other influential names from the worlds of business, the institutions and research spoke at Hera to discuss the transition to increasingly sustainable development models. These included Enrico Giovannini, Professor of Economic Statistics at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome; Oscar Farinetti, creator and founder of Eataly; Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, and Carlo Ratti, Director at the MIT Senseable City Lab.

They were preceded by Ellen MacArthur, also known for the foundation named after her, the most important and active organisation in the area of the circular economy at global level.

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Appointment of the CEO of Hera S.p.A.

As regards the appointment, by the Mayor of Bologna, of Mr. Orazio Iacono as member of the Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A., indicating him for the position of CEO, the company has begun the internal procedures necessary to convene the Board of Directors meeting for his co-optation. The appointment of the new CEO will therefore occur in accordance with the provisions of the Shareholders Agreement to which the public shareholders adhere. The Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, congratulates Mr. Orazio Iacono on his appointment and wishes him every success in his future professional role. For further information Press release sede_hera_870-2.jpg sede_hera_110-2.jpg

Aeroporti di Roma increasingly “circular” with the Hera Group

A protocol to jointly assess joint initiatives in favour of sustainability and a circular approach to the management of Fiumicino and Ciampino airports: this is the focus of the protocol signed by us and Aeroporti di Roma - the company that runs both of the capital’s hubs. The areas of intervention of the agreement, valid for two years, concern the management of waste, the treatment of waste water in the airport purification plant and the optimisation of water network management. Actions to make the first airport hub in Italy, the seventh in Europe, increasingly sustainable. The hub’s commitment has already been recognised by ACI Europe, which awarded Fiumicino excellence as the best airport in Europe for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020. In terms of circular economy, “Leonardo da Vinci” airport boasts a separate waste collection that has amounted to 99% and, in the last 10 years, the consumption of drinking water for each passenger assisted has been reduced by approximately 30%, thanks to a dual distribution network system that ensures the reuse of “recycled” water for all uses for which drinking water is not necessary: irrigation, fire prevention, etc. We will make our experience and commitment available in terms of the circular economy and the recovery of resources that have distinguished it since its inception. Concrete projects to reduce waste, the production of waste and increase its recovery As regards waste, the main objective is to define guidelines to improve the recovery and reuse of waste produced at the airport, identifying the best solutions to manage the main types of waste, minimising environmental impacts and optimising economic management. This will be achieved by studying any new operational and management processes to further develop separate collection, also involving staff, suppliers and passengers, recover the waste produced (especially used oils, plastic and organic products), reduce the production of waste that cannot be recovered, adopt systems for the recovery of food surpluses produced by airport catering, thus reducing waste and giving new value to uneaten food. Reduction of sludge produced in the purification process and water losses The water system of the airports is also the subject of the agreement, in order to assess the possible optimisations to be made to the purifier in a circular economy perspective, facilitating processes that enable the reduction of sludge produced by the waste water purification process (such as, for example, through the installation of dryers to reduce weight and volume) and assessing the possibility of recovering material. Systems are also being studied to optimise the management of water networks, to prevent and limit losses with a view to increasingly virtuous water management, including with the use of advanced sensors and artificial intelligence systems. For further information Press release aeroporti_circolari_870.png A protocol has been signed to implement environmental sustainability and circular economy initiatives, reducing waste, recovering resources and optimising the water cycle to reduce sludge and losses aeroporti circolari_110.jpg

Resignation of the CEO of Hera S.p.A.

The Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A., after meeting today, acknowledged the resignation of Stefano Venier as Chief Executive Officer. His resignation will become effective on 26 April 2022, and on the same date all his other positions related to the board will cease. For his replacement, the appropriate bodies have already begun to act, according to the procedures provided for by the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors would like to thank Stefano Venier, who has worked for Hera S.p.A. since 2004, for the important work he has done over the years, working alongside the top management and the entire organisation, and wishes him the utmost success in his new professional career. For further information Press release banner_top_venier.jpg Venier_110.jpg

Statement by the Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano on the new appointment of Mr. Stefano Venier

First of all, I would like to congratulate the Chief Executive Officer Stefano Venier on his new appointment, which represents the right recognition of the great work he has done within the Hera Group. It would be really complicated, in short, to retrace all the steps of a human and professional path which, since 2004, has led Mr. Venier to be a key player, alongside myself, in the numerous projects that have shaped the Hera Group into what it is today. t was a real pleasure to be able to work closely with him and to immediately benefit from his inquisitive nature and managerial skills, which were undoubtedly also contributing factors to the winning formula behind the company's growth and sustainable development. In the next few days, I will put the competent bodies into action in accordance with the procedures laid down by our Articles of Association. Hera Group Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano tommasi_venier_870.jpg Tommas Venier_110.jpg

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111