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Statement from Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano

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Statement from Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano

The Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, after more than twenty years at the head of the company, believes that he has fulfilled his mandate, which expires on 27 April 2023, the date on which the Shareholders Meeting has been called.

“I am proud to have contributed to the history of the Hera Group”, states Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, “and, working with a top-class management team, to have combined corporate growth with sustainable development. We have created an innovative model that remains ahead of its time, aimed at creating ever more value for our stakeholders and making the areas served increasingly competitive. I therefore wish Cristian Fabbri the best of luck with the important position he will soon cover, after the Shareholders Meeting held on 27 April. It provides recognition for the excellent work he has been doing within the Hera Group since 2006, and I am certain that he will continue to contribute to the company’s development and will also be able to turn future challenges into opportunities.”

Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano has been Chairman of the Group since November 2002, and oversaw its initial public offering in June 2003. His guidance has been fundamental in realising the far-sighted vision of the Hera Group’s founding public shareholders, and with his know-how and undisputable management skills, he has helped to guide the company along a path of development and success that has made it one of the most important multi-utility companies nationwide, consolidating its leadership in the sectors in which it operates. This path of uninterrupted growth was crowned in 2019, when Hera was included in the FTSE MIB among the 40 largest companies on the Italian stock exchange, and in 2020, when it was included in the prestigious international Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more than twenty years, the Group has been committed to creating value for all stakeholders and, thanks to its solid corporate governance, it has confirmed itself over time as a reference point for the areas served and a highly reliable systemic operator.

For further information
Press release
Press release about Shareholders Syndicate Committee

Asset Publisher


Hera Group: 1H 2024 results approved

The consolidated half-year report at 30 June indicates growth in the Group’s main operating-financial indicators and shows its considerable financial solidity, fully in line with the targets set out in the Business Plan.


Hera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target

The Hera Group’s climate change mitigation strategy is now enriched with the definition of the Climate Transition Plan and the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 as regards direct and indirect emissions


Circular economy: partnership with Fincantieri

A newco will be born aimed at managing almost 100,000 tonnes per year of industrial waste produced in its shipyards, and creating a new integrated waste management system, intended to reduce waste and enhance recovery with a view to the circular economy


We rank first in the 2024 ESG Identity Corporate Index

For the fourth consecutive year, we are on the podium of the overall index ranking, which rewards Italian companies that stand out for integrating ESG factors into their governance


Hera Group BoD approves results for 1Q 2024

The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows improvement in the main operating and financial indicators


Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2023 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 14 cents

The Group continues along its path of uninterrupted growth, closing 2023 with record performance in the main operating and financial indicators, thus constantly creating value for its stakeholders


Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule


The passing of Hera S.p.A.'s Vice Chairman, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi

We hereby inform you that on March 3, 2024, the Vice Chaiman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi, passed away.


Hera Group and Panasonic Industry together for the diffusion of NexMeter on the national market

The Japanese electronics leader collaborates with the multi-utility to distribute the NexMeter 4.0 gas meter, with advanced features in the field of measurement


Over 1 million new electricity customers as of 1 July

With the 7 lots awarded in the tender for the Gradual Protection Service for non-vulnerable household customers, the Hera Group consolidates its position as the sector’s third largest operator in Italy

Search Results


Strengthening renewables with Fratelli Franchini partnership

Acting through our subsidiary Hera Comm, we finalised the acquisition of 60% of Fratelli Franchini. Based in Rimini, this company has a consolidated experience in the area of designing, installing and providing maintenance of all types of technological systems for companies, public administrations and hospitality facilities. It has been active for over 17 years in producing high-yield renewable energy sources for public and private industrial customers throughout Italy. The remaining 40% of the company stays in the hands of Franchini Group Srl, owned by brothers Pierpaolo and Marco Franchini, who retain the position of CEOs. This partnership with a long-standing operator, active both locally and nationally, will enable us to acquire new technical skills, particularly in the photovoltaic market, expand its portfolio of solutions for business customers, and respond to the growing demand for systems based on renewable sources, further strengthening its position in the Italian energy market. The details of the partnership Fratelli Franchini boasts over half a century of activity in the system engineering sector: since 1959 it has been building technological systems and since 2006 it has also been working in the renewable energy sector, developing projects for business clients in the hotel, port, hospital, industrial, retail and museum sectors. This company is the partner of choice for clients in the industrial sector, both public and private, to whom it is able to offer integrated solutions in all phases necessary for installing and maintaining of electrical, mechanical, large-scale photovoltaic and energy efficiency systems. It has installed more than 300 systems over the years. This operation boosts our ability to support our customers along the path to decarbonisation, including through the installation of photovoltaic generation systems, from traditional photovoltaic panel systems to new distributed power generation models such as Renewable Energy Communities. For further information Press release Partnership Hera-Franchini_870.JPG We acquired 60% of the long-standing Rimini-based company, a reference point for technological systems and renewable energy throughout Italy Partnership Hera-Franchini_110.jpg

Integrated Governance Index 2023: once again among top three companies

Among Italy’s top companies for the last three years, we rank second in 2023 thanks to our full and deliberate integration of sustainability policies into its business strategies and governance structure. This has been confirmed by the Integrated Governance Index, the main quantitative index measuring the integration of ESG factors in the governance of the top 100 Italian listed companies, managed by ETicaNews. Local roots and focus on ESG objectives are one of our hallmarks, showing that we have always been committed to giving full value to people, thus generating a tangible impact and helping the communities served move towards a more equitable future in environmental, economic and social terms. The Group’s sustainable growth is, in fact, the result of a business model that always considers the generation of value as the cornerstone of our relations with all stakeholders, from the local ecosystem and future generations to customers, shareholders, workers and suppliers. Sustainability at the heart of our strategies Ever since the Group was founded, the full and deliberate integration of sustainability in our business strategies has been one of the key elements enabling us to meet all its challenges, because for Hera growth and sustainable development necessarily go hand in hand. This path has been built over time, starting from the Group’s corporate culture: in 2016 we were among the first companies to report shared-value Ebitda, which was later explicitly included in the Business plan and in the management incentive system. This commitment is also shown by the launch, in April 2023, of the second Sustainability-Linked Bond and the activation of a new credit line, the Sustainability-Linked Revolving Credit Facility, thanks to which we will allocate more than 1 billion in financing for projects moving towards the green transition. For further information Press release primo_piano_IGI_2023_870.png We achieve second place in the overall ranking published by the index measuring the degree to which ESG factors are integrated within the governance of Italy’s top 100 listed companies centrata IGI_2023_110.jpg

Hera Group Board of Directors approves 1Q 2023 results

Financial highlights Revenues at 5,628.9 million euro (+6.0%) Ebitda* at 410.2 million euro (+9.4%) Net profit attributable to shareholders* at 128.2 million euro (+0.7%) Net debt at 3,777.6 million euro, down 11% compared to 31 December 2022, with net debt/Ebitda* at 2.84x Business highlights Good contribution to growth coming from all main businesses, the energy and environment sectors in particular Further development of initiatives for the ecological transition and the circular economy through state-of-the-art plants and increasingly green services Ongoing growth in the energy customer base, reaching almost 3.6 million Today, the Board of Directors of the Hera Group, chaired by Cristian Fabbri, unanimously approved the consolidated results for the first quarter of 2023. For the Hera Group, the first quarter closed with improved operating results and investments compared to one year earlier, even though the scenario still shows a considerable amount of uncertainty, with effects on the commodity prices and a slowdown in production and international trade. Both internal and external growth drivers in Hera’s multi-business portfolio enabled it to achieve an excellent operating and financial performance while pursuing the creation of value for all stakeholders. Cristian Fabbri, Hera Group Executive Chairman: “The first quarter of 2023 closed with increased operating results, supported by the positive performance of the free-market energy and waste management businesses. We have thus confirmed our ability to gain new market shares, to provide services that are favoured by customers, and effectively leverage upon our competitive advantages in all our activities. The significant positive cash flow over the first quarter allowed us to reduce our debt and significantly improve the net debt/Ebitda ratio, which now stands at 2.84x.” Orazio Iacono, Hera Group CEO: “The positive operating cash flow of Q1 was able to fully cover a significant increase both in capital expenditures and investments which mainly concerned strengthening the infrastructures and plants managed, to the benefit of the quality of services provided to the customers as well as the resilience of our infrastructures and plants. We also strengthened and optimised our debt structure, thanks to the recent issue of a sustainability-linked bond worth 600 million euro and the simultaneous subscription of a 450 million euro sustainable revolving credit line. These are two additional milestones in sustainable finance and will lead us to allocate more than 1 billion euro in financing to green transition projects, to achieve the goals on the 2030 Agenda with concrete initiatives and respond to the challenges of a sustainable transition rooted in the social and industrial fabric. This operation, particularly appreciated by the market, guarantees additional financial flexibility.” Revenues amounting to over 5.6 billion In the first quarter of 2023, revenues amounted to 5,628.9 million euro, up 6% from the 5,312.0 million euro seen in the same period of 2022. The energy segments above all contributed to this result – mainly due to the higher volumes of electricity sold as a result of reinforced commercial initiatives and the safeguarded lots awarded last autumn – and the waste management area, partially due to acquisitions in the remediation and industrial waste treatment market. Ebitda* rises to 410.2 million Ebitda at 31 March 2023 rose to 410.2 million euro, +9.4% compared to 375.1 million euro in the first three months of 2022. This positive growth was mainly due to the overall contribution coming from the energy areas and the good performance of the waste management area. Increased net operating result* and stable pre-tax result* Ebit* at 31 March 2023 increased to 236.1 million euro, up 6.7% from 221.2 million euro in the first quarter of 2022. This performance was positive even after higher depreciation and amortisation due to the significant increase in investments and provisions for bad debts resulting from the increase in turnover, including last resort markets. Net profit* rises to 140.3 million euro Thanks to a tax rate coming to 26.8%, down from the previous year, net profit* rose to 140.3 million euro (+1.2%), as against 138.6 million euro in the first quarter of 2022. Net profit attributable to Group shareholders* settled at 128.2 million euro, up +0.7% from 127.3 million euro at 31 March 2022. Sharp increase in operating investments and Group solidity reinforced The Group’s capital expenditures, including capital grants, amounted to 155.7 million euro, up sharply (+20.5%) compared to 129.2 million euro at 31 March 2022, and mainly involved work on plants, networks and infrastructures. Regulatory upgrading, instead, mainly concerned gas distribution, with a large-scale meter replacement, and the purification and sewerage area. For further information Press release Investors web area primo_piano_result_Q1_23_EN.png The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows growth in the main operating-financial indicators, once again proving the financial solidity and strength of the Group’s multi-business model 110x150_risultati_Q1_23_primo_piano.jpg

Over € 2.3 billion for the territories in 2022

Reporting with clarity and transparency on the results achieved, sharing the challenging objectives on which corporate choices are based with stakeholders and, above all, striving to make people, needs and the enhancement of territories our focus: these criteria once again form the basis underpinning our 2022 Sustainability Report. As in 2021, the document also includes a report on all activities in accordance with the EU taxonomy of environmentally sustainable activities, with particular reference to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. In total compliance with Brussels and the primary international policies, the multi-utility thus continues its path towards change, combining climate action and social inclusion, in the belief that no step forward can be sustainable unless it is fully endorsed by everyone. Creating value together with communities: over € 2.3 billion distributed in the serviced territories Our sustainable growth is the result of a business model that continues to enhance people and support the communities it services towards a more just future in environmental, economic and social terms. Compared to 2021, total economic value for stakeholders rose to more than € 3 billion: this includes employees (601.1 million), shareholders (236.3 million), the public administration (151.8 million) and suppliers (approximately 1.4 billion). Over € 2.3 billion of this amount, or 76%, is distributed in the territories serviced, where the multi-utility guarantees service continuity and efficiency, with significant investments to innovate its infrastructure assets, which will be decisive in meeting climate challenges in coming years. Shared-value EBITDA also increased: € 670.6 million (+17%) Among the most significant achievements, the shared-value Gross Operating Margin (EBITDA) - i.e., referring to business activities generating environmental and social benefits in the three areas of carbon neutrality, the circular economy, resilience and innovation - rose to € 670.6 million (+17% compared to 2021) or 52% of total EBITDA, with an improvement across all target parameters. In other words, it means making what has been done even more sustainable and continuing to grow, evolving the business in the right direction. For further information Press release 2022 Sustainability Report Watch the video img_primo_piano_bs_eng.png The 2022 Sustainability Report confirms its commitment to a just transition. Pursuing carbon neutrality, regenerating resources, enabling resilience and innovating remain the main levers for shared value img_110x150BS_eng.jpg

Shareholders Meeting: new Board of Directors appointed, 2022 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 12.5 cents

Hera’s Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, chaired by Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, was held this morning in Bologna to approve the 2022 financial statements and the payment of a dividend rising to 12.5 cents per share, in line with what was previously announced during the presentation of the Business Plan to 2026. 2022 financial statements approved with results showing growth The Assembly approved the 2022 financial statements, which confirmed growth in key operating and financial indicators and in investments. These figures demonstrate, once again, the validity of the management policies implemented by the Group, which, together with its solid and resilient multi-business industrial model, have proved effective in responding to the complex external scenario, enabling it to guarantee continuity and quality of services and to create value for the company and all stakeholders, while pursuing sustainable development. Dividends paid rise to 12.5 cents per share The Shareholders Meeting then approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to distribute a dividend coming to 12.5 cents per share, up 4.2% compared to the last dividend paid. The ex-dividend date was set at 19 June 2023, with payment as of 21 June 2023. The dividend will be paid to shares recorded on 20 June 2023. The dividend paid, based on the Hera share price at 31/12/2022, corresponds to an annual return of 4.94%. Sustainability Report: Shared-value Ebitda up sharply to 670.3 million euro The 2022 Sustainability Report was also presented during the Shareholders Meeting, showing that improvement in operating and financial indicators goes hand in hand with the Group’s focus on sustainability and its attention towards all stakeholders. More specifically, in 2022, shared-value Ebitda, which refers to business activities that also respond to the drivers for sustainable growth and therefore involve operations that help meet the targets on the Global Agenda, rose to 670.3 million euro, up significantly compared to 2021 (+17.5%) and corresponding to 51.8% of overall Ebitda. Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors renewed The Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors were renewed for the next three years (their mandate expiring on the date of the Shareholders Meeting held to approve the 2025 financial statements). As an outcome of the vote, the following directors were appointed: majority list (representing Hera’s public shareholders agreement): Cristian Fabbri, Orazio Iacono, Gabriele Giacobazzi, Fabio Bacchilega, Gianni Bessi, Grazia Ghermandi, Alessandro Melcarne, Lorenzo Minganti, Milvia Mingozzi, Marina Monassi and Monica Mondardini minority lists: Francesco Perrini, Paola Gina Maria Schwizer, Alice Vatta, Bruno Tani. The CVs of the new directors can be consulted at: As regards the Board of Statutory Auditors, the following auditors were appointed: majority list (representing Hera’s public shareholders agreement): Marianna Girolomini, Antonio Gaiani (standing auditors), Susanna Giuriatti (alternate auditor) minority list: Myriam Amato (Chairman), Stefano Gnocchi (alternate auditor). The CVs of the new auditors can be consulted at: Executive Chairman, Vice Chairman and CEO appointed The inaugural meeting of Hera’s Board of Directors, appointed in the morning by the Shareholders Meeting, was held this afternoon in Bologna. The Board appointed the Chairman, Vice Chairman and CEO. Cristian Fabbri, who has been with the company since 2006, was appointed Executive Chairman. Within the Group, he held positions involving increasing responsibilities before becoming Hera’s Central Market Director, CEO of Group subsidiaries Hera Comm and EstEnergy, and a member of the Boards of Directors of other Group companies. Gabriele Giacobazzi was confirmed as (non-executive) Vice-Chairman, the role he has covered since 2020. President of the Association of Engineers, he has been a professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Orazio Iacono was confirmed as CEO, the position he has held at Hera since May 2022. He previously worked at RFI and later Trenitalia, eventually acting as CEO and General Manager, a position he held until 2020. In 2021 he was Senior Advisor Oaktree Capital Management/PwC Italy and later became Chief Operating Officer Sustainable Infrastructures at Saipem. Lastly, the Board of Directors thanked Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, whose term of office came to an end after more than 20 years at the helm of the Hera Group, for his fundamental contribution to the company’s growth. “I am honored to have been appointed Executive Chairman of Hera and I thank the Shareholders and the Board of Directors for their trust - declared the new Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Cristian Fabbri -. I have been working in this Group since its constitutive phases in 2002. In 21 years we have achieved ambitious growth and value creation goals by working to eliminate the carbon neutrality of our activities and those of our customers, the regeneration of resources and the resilience of the system of services in the area. Together with the CEO Orazio Iacono, all the management and employees, we will continue in this direction for the benefit of the local ecosystem, future generations, our customers and our shareholders. I take the baton from Dr. Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano who led the Hera group for 21 years in an uninterrupted growth path and who leaves a solid company ready to face new challenges and hit ambitious goals. Special thanks to him." For further information Press release Shareholders’ Meeting 2023 Online Report FY2022 Online Sustainability Report 2022 primo_piano_assemblea_azionisti_2023_870.png The Group continues along its path of growth, creating value shareholders and the local areas served. Cristian Fabbri appointed Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors and Orazio Iacono confirmed as CEO assemblea_azionisti_2023_110.jpg

Over 1 billion Euro for green transition, decarbonisation and plastic regeneration through sustainability-linked bond issue and facility agreement

With the second “sustainability-linked bond” and the activation of a new “Sustainability-Linked Revolving Credit Facility”, we will allocate more than 1 billion Euro in financing to projects in favour of the green transition. In particular, the Euro 600 million of the new non-convertible bond is part of the sustainability strategy aimed at decarbonising and recycling plastics, while the new Euro 450 million “Sustainability-Linked Revolving Credit Facility” further expands the innovative financial products and instruments adopted, contributing to maintain its financial soundness. The characteristics of the second “sustainability-linked bond” The aggregate amount of the second “sustainability-linked bond”, reserved to qualified investors, to be issued under the company’s Euro Medium-Term Notes Programme, is equal to Euro 600 million, repayable after 10 years. Also this second “sustainability-linked bond”, like the one launched in 2021, met a great interest from international investors. In fact, the transaction saw significant participation from international investors (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), most of them specialised in sustainable finance products. The strong demand, with subscription requests of approximately 2.7 billion euro, equal to 4.5 times the offer, and the quality of the orders received have therefore allowed the price to be set at excellent levels. The bond provides for an annual fixed-rate coupon of 4.250%, while the yield at the time of issue is 4.310%. Starting from the interest payment date of 2032, a possible step-up (interest rate increase) is foreseen in case the company does not reach the targets of (1) reduction of Green House Gas emissions expressed in CO₂ tonnes (rate increase of 0.30%) and (2) increase in the amount of recycled plastic, expressed in thousands of tonnes (rate increase of 0.20%). The sustainability-linked bond is part of our strategy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the amount of recycled plastic. In particular, we intend to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% by 2030 (compared to 2019), thanks to concrete internal actions and to the involvement of suppliers and customers, in relation to the sale of electricity and gas: one of the most ambitious goals for a company in Italy, validated by the highly respected international network Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). For further information Press release primo_piano_hera_870.png Strong interest of international investors for the second sustainability-linked bond of the multiutility, for an amount equal to Euro 600 million and a maturity of 10 years, which received subscription requests for about Euro 2.7 billion, 4.5 times higher than the amount offered centrata 009__DSC8293-LOWRES.jpg

Hera Group approves results at 31 December 2022

Today, the Board of Directors of the Hera Group, chaired by Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, unanimously approved the consolidated operating results at 31 December 2022 and the Report on remuneration policies and compensation paid, as well as the Sustainability report. Uninterrupted growth in business and value created for stakeholders Thanks to its consolidated multi-business model, balanced between regulated and free-market activities, and its good operational, financial and fiscal management, the Hera Group closed 2022 with operating results and investments up on the previous year. It therefore dealt positively with a particularly complicated external scenario, marked by ongoing volatility on the energy market and a highly unstable international geopolitical situation. The management policies implemented by the Group, together with its solid and resilient industrial model, once again proved effective in responding to these external complexities, making it possible to guarantee continuity and quality in services and creation of value for all stakeholders, while at the same time pursuing sustainable development. In addition to the flexibility shown towards suppliers, who were allowed to revise their supply conditions based on inflation, numerous initiatives were introduced to support customers, with particular attention to those facing hardship, including reinforcing instalment plans for bills, extending protocols with municipalities and social bonuses for district heating, and supporting digital tools and qualified operators for consumption analysis and efficiency. The Group thus proved able to turn challenges into opportunities and confirmed its significant volume of investments in the energy transition, the circular economy and innovation, with concrete projects coherent with the main national and international policies. More specifically, in 2022 an increase coming to over 20% was seen in investments compared to 2021, demonstrating the Group’s ongoing focus on valorising and strengthening the resilience of assets under management, with the ultimate goal of continuing to create value for stakeholders. “The 2022 financial year closed positively – Executive President, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, emphasized – with results exceeding expectations and fully consistent with previous quarters. After 2021, this is one of the best growth rates recorded in more than twenty years by the Hera Group, all the more appreciable in light of the external context in which it was achieved. Relying on the strength of our consolidated business model and our risk-averse policies, we have once again confirmed our commitment to creating value for the company and for all our stakeholders. The proposed increase in dividends, coming to 12.5 cents per share and in line with the communications made when presenting the Business Plan to 2026, also goes in this direction. On the one hand, we have continued to make investments, in order to face the energy crisis and ensure that all our assets remain resilient and performing, thus ensuring that our strategic plans are carried out and the quality of the services managed stays high. On the other, we have pursued the company’s development along external lines, with M&A transactions in the energy and waste management sectors, with the goal of consolidating our position in the reference markets and further improving the competitiveness and efficiency of the solutions we offer to our customers.” "The positive results – Chief Executive Officer, Orazio Iacono, added – achieved allow us to face the future with confidence, continuing to invest to grow and increase the resilience and digitisation of our infrastructure. Our efficient financial management, along with cash flow generation, allowed us to close the financial year 2022 with a net debt/Ebitda ratio coming to 3.28x, which, excluding the gas storage investments now falling back into line, drops to below 3x, in line with the Group’s historically prudential policy. Shared-value Ebitda rose to 670 million, 51.8% of total Ebitda, and showed growth outpacing that of overall Ebitda, which proves that we are progressively making our operations more and more sustainable. 2022 was also a record year for investments, which came to over 700 million euro, 62% of which were put in place to pursue carbon neutrality, promote the circular economy, enable resilience and innovate. A number of innovative initiatives in the area of renewables also moved in this direction: for example, in 2022 we expanded our biomethane production capacity by around 50% with the construction of a second plant, and we were the first in Italy to introduce a hydrogen-natural gas blend into a city’s network intended for households. Partially thanks also to this latter operation, our gas distribution networks have become fully aligned to the European Taxonomy.” For further information Press release Interactive 2022 annual report Visit Investors area 2022 sustainability report 2022 Sustainability Report Highlights primo_piano_BE2022.png The year ended positively, with growth in the main operating and financial indicators. The dividends proposed rise to 12.5 cents per share 110x150_BE2022_primo-piano.jpg

Hera Group and Ascopiave finalise 92% acquisition of Asco TLC

The Hera Group, through its subsidiary Acantho, and the Ascopiave Group finalised the acquisition of 92% of the shares of Asco TLC, with stakes of 36.8% and 55.2% respectively. The closing follows the award, at the end of November 2022, of the public tender procedure called by Asco Holding for the sale of 92% of the shares of Asco TLC, held by Asco Holding itself and by the Treviso-Belluno Chamber of Commerce, and the subsequent signing on 29 December 2022 of the related contract documentation between the Hera Group and the Ascopiave Group. The cash-settled acquisition price is EUR 37.2 million. For the two groups, the transaction represents a strategic step in the evolution of the business portfolio in the IT-TLC sectors, in line with their respective industrial plans. Moreover, it is the first step of a broader operation that would lead, through the merger of Asco TLC into Acantho, to the birth of a multi-regional operator with significant operational synergies compared to the stand-alone companies, and benefits for customers as well. For further information Press release perfezionamento_acquisizione_Asco_TLC_870.png The transaction represents a strategic step in the business portfolio evolution of both the groups in the IT-TLC sector centrata sede-hera-110.jpg

Top Utility 2023: we rank first for training

We have always focused on developing our personnel and considered training as a key element. This commitment has now earned us first place in the “Training” category of the eleventh edition of the Top Utility award, which each year analyses and valorises the evolution and performance of the 100 largest utilities operating in Italy in the electricity, gas, water and waste management sectors. We received the prize “for the completeness of its training programmes in terms of topics covered and duration, as well as for the attention given to employees’ needs for in-depth training, based on their different characteristics and tasks”. Training and developing skills, to rise to future challenges We continue to show our extensive and concrete commitment to corporate training and people development policies, which are one of the Group’s cornerstones. In 2022 alone, 97% of Hera’s workforce, including the most operational part, was involved in courses totalling over 270 thousand hours, equivalent to roughly 30 hours of training per capita, well above the sector average. We guide our choices with an eye to the future, not only in terms of professional growth and skills development, but also with a view to acquiring talented people who can make a contribution to meeting tomorrow’s challenges, first and foremost the energy and environmental transition. One key element in this area continues to be our corporate university, HerAcademy, founded in 2011 with the purpose of generating new knowledge and responding to trends seen in the context, including debate on current issues and collaborations with leading national and international institutions. For further information Press release Visit our Training web area primo_piano_top-utility_2023_870.png The recognition came during the eleventh edition of the Prize that analyses and valorises the performance of the most important Italian companies in the utility sector centrata top-utility_2023_110.jpg

Statement from Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano

The Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, after more than twenty years at the head of the company, believes that he has fulfilled his mandate, which expires on 27 April 2023, the date on which the Shareholders Meeting has been called. “I am proud to have contributed to the history of the Hera Group”, states Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, “and, working with a top-class management team, to have combined corporate growth with sustainable development. We have created an innovative model that remains ahead of its time, aimed at creating ever more value for our stakeholders and making the areas served increasingly competitive. I therefore wish Cristian Fabbri the best of luck with the important position he will soon cover, after the Shareholders Meeting held on 27 April. It provides recognition for the excellent work he has been doing within the Hera Group since 2006, and I am certain that he will continue to contribute to the company’s development and will also be able to turn future challenges into opportunities.” Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano has been Chairman of the Group since November 2002, and oversaw its initial public offering in June 2003. His guidance has been fundamental in realising the far-sighted vision of the Hera Group’s founding public shareholders, and with his know-how and undisputable management skills, he has helped to guide the company along a path of development and success that has made it one of the most important multi-utility companies nationwide, consolidating its leadership in the sectors in which it operates. This path of uninterrupted growth was crowned in 2019, when Hera was included in the FTSE MIB among the 40 largest companies on the Italian stock exchange, and in 2020, when it was included in the prestigious international Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more than twenty years, the Group has been committed to creating value for all stakeholders and, thanks to its solid corporate governance, it has confirmed itself over time as a reference point for the areas served and a highly reliable systemic operator. For further information Press release Press release about Shareholders Syndicate Committee Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano_870_primopiano.png Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano_110.jpg

Hera Group presents Business Plan to 2026

Operating and financial highlights 2026 Ebitda: approximately 1.5 billion (+246 million compared to 2021) Total investments amount to over 4.1 billion (+53% compared to the last 5 years) Net debt/Ebitda at 2.8x in 2026 Dividends further increase to 15 cents per share in 2026 (+25% compared to last dividend paid) More than 130 million in NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) grants obtained to accelerate the Group’s investments in the areas served Industrial highlights Development driven by both internal and external (M&A) growth and balanced between regulated and free market activities Target of 4 million energy customers by 2026 2026 Shared-value Ebitda: 62% of total Ebitda, or roughly 910 million, in line with 2030 target of 70% Key goals for 2030 include a 150% increase in recycled plastics and a 37% reduction in emissions Solid point of reference to help local areas move towards the ecological and digital transition and social cohesion The Hera Group’s Board of Directors approved the Business Plan to 2026, which confirms the Group’s commitment to maintain a significant volume of investments over the next five years. Accelerating the evolution of all business areas in which it operates and the strategic guidelines defined one year ago, the Plan is in line with EU policies and responds to the particularly challenging external context, with the aim of continuing to create value for all stakeholders and confirming itself as a solid reference point for the areas served. Over 20 years at the side of the areas served, with preliminary Ebitda for 2022 rising to almost 1.3 billion As confirmation of the achievements made over the twenty years since its establishment, the Hera Group expects to close the 2022 financial year with growth in results exceeding expectations: preliminary Ebitda stands at approximately 1,285 million euro, roughly 60 million euro higher than 2021 Ebitda, while the Net debt/Ebitda ratio is expected to come to approximately 3.3x, improving compared to previous quarters, which is all the more appreciable considering the extraordinary market situation, the increase in the cost of energy commodities and the higher investments sustained in 2022, totalling roughly 780 million. An effective strategy to respond to the challenging context In a challenging external context – marked by high uncertainty caused by geopolitical instability, market volatility, rising inflation, higher energy prices and supply chain problems – the Group has turned challenges into opportunities and drawn up a Plan that follows up on the path previously undertaken. Its concrete projects are consistent with the main national and international policies on the energy transition, circular economy and innovation. Within this framework, cities will play a key role in mitigating climate change: Bologna and Padua are among the 100 selected by the EU Commission to become “smart zero-impact cities” by 2030, and the Hera Group has already launched investments and key projects to support municipalities in achieving carbon neutrality. Investments amounting to over 4.1 billion euro, supported by NRRP contributions The Plan to 2026 foresees total investments coming to over 4.1 billion euro, with an average of roughly 825 million euro per year, an increase over the previous Plan. Of these investments, 60% will go to regulated businesses and the remaining 40% to free market businesses. These figures include concrete initiatives in the areas served, to which more than 130 million euros in NRRP funding have already been allocated. Additional funds have been earmarked for urban waste collection and street sweeping projects, for which a decision is expected in the coming months. For further information Press release Investors web area Hera Overview 870x320_EN.png Based on positive preliminary results for 2022, the new five-year Plan builds on the solid foundations of the previous one and is enriched with important projects aimed at promoting the circular economy, the energy transition and network resilience, with more than 4.1 billion in investments furthering the creation of value benefitting all stakeholders 110x150_EN.jpg

Hera awarded 2023 Sustainability Gold Class by S&P Global

With the publication of the 2023 Sustainability Yearbook – the report containing the analyses carried out to gain access the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) – we have been awarded S&P Global’s Gold Class for the third consecutive year. This is the highest recognition for companies listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in which we confirmed our position as sector leader for the 3rd year in a row. In the most recent edition of the authoritative DJSI international stock market index, which evaluates listed companies on the basis of ESG factors, Hera ranked first internationally in its sector (Multi-utility & Water), with a score of 90/100 compared to a sector average of 34/100, calculated based on the three areas analysed: Environment, Social and Governance. A focus on sustainable development and creating value for the areas and communities served is a commitment and a responsibility that we have taken on since it was established in 2002, with the aim of guaranteeing quality and continuity in essential services for citizens and return value to all stakeholders. Our approach to sustainability, our mission and our purpose – which in 2021 became an integral part of its Articles of Association – indicate the direction in which we intend to continue, in line with the objectives of the United Nations 2030 agenda and with the creation of shared value in three main areas: energy, environment, local areas (and enterprises). For further information Press release Investors web area Sustainability web area S&P Global_870_primopiano.png This year, once again, we have received the Gold Class from the rating agency responsible for the Sustainability Awards S&P Global_110.jpg

We are in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

Always concerned with implementing policies concerning gender equality and enhancing diversity in the workplace, in 2023 as well we have been counted among the most inclusive companies worldwide. Today, we were confirmed – for the fourth consecutive year – as part of the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, which analyses the performance of companies engaged in supporting gender equality by developing dedicated active policies and transparency in communicating information. In the 2023 edition, which includes 484 listed companies, based in over 45 countries, selected out of more than 11,700 businesses, we confirmed our results in all areas under analysis with an overall score of 80.1%, above the Italian average (78.27%). The Group stood out in particular for equal pay, an inclusive culture and harassment prevention. This important result confirms our desire to keep valorising the uniqueness of people in a working context highly exposed to change, constantly committing ourselves to promoting and creating fair and inclusive workplaces, thanks to the development of dedicated policies and projects. This path stretches quite far into the past and has been enriched over time, starting with the signing of the Charter for equal opportunities and equality in the workplace in 2009 and the introduction – as early as 2011 – of the figure of the Diversity Manager who undertakes to promote the enhancement of diversity inside and outside the company, with dedicated awareness-raising initiatives. For further information Press release Hera Diversity and Inclusion Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index primo_piano.png We have been included for the fourth year in a row in the international index that assesses outstanding companies for their policies relating to gender equality, diversity and inclusion centrata GEI-Member 2023_110.png

Top Employer for the 14th consecutive year

We have been certified as a Top Employer for the 14th consecutive time, standing out for its job policies and ranking among the top 3 in Italy out of 1,600 companies analysed. The well-being of people, training, professional growth and transformation of skills are the main strengths that have allowed us to receive this prestigious award. It was conferred by the Institute based in Holland, a global body certifying corporate excellence in the HR field, after a close analysis that becomes increasingly selective every year and concerns specific parameters such as adequate salaries, working conditions, career opportunities, corporate culture, training and people development. With our pioneering vision, concrete decisions and increasing investments in human resources and training, we continue to take on the challenges of change, aiming at developing new skills and competencies. In this sense, a central role is played by HerAcademy, the corporate University founded precisely with the desire to generate new knowledge in response to the trends seen in the context, including an ongoing debate on current issues and collaborations with major national and international institutions. All training activities for Hera’s over 9,000 employees fall within this scope, so that continuous learning and people development are at the heart of the strategy, in line with the growing demand for profiles capable of overcoming the challenges of the transitions currently underway (digital, energy and environmental). In 2022 alone, 97% of the corporate population, including the most operational ones, attended training courses, totalling approximately 270 thousand hours, or roughly 30 hours of training per capita, well above the sector average. In line with this same vision, and above all as a response to the challenge of the energy transition, we have also launched a major talent acquisition campaign throughout Italy in recent months. The goal is to select and train, in collaboration with ManpowerGroup, 300 new resources with technical and operational profiles and include them, within 2023, in the Group’s various companies and in supplier companies. For further information Press release Working in Hera Group HerAcademy primo_piano_Hera Top Employer 2023_870.jpg Early 2023 sees us confirmed among the best companies in human resource management, thanks in particular to substantial investments in welfare, training and skills development Hera Top Employer 2023_110.jpg

Hera Group and Ascopiave have signed contracts for the acquisition of 92% of Asco TLC

Following the press release issued on 29th November 2022, the Hera Group and the Ascopiave Group here in announce that they have signed the contract deliverables governing the acquisition of 92% of Asco TLC from Asco Holding and the Treviso-Belluno C.C.I.A.A. (Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture). The transfer of the Asco TLC shares will take place upon the closing of the transaction, which is scheduled in the first quarter of 2023. This partnership represents a strategic step in the evolution of Ascopiave and the Hera Group's business portfolio in the IT-TLC sector, consistent with the industrial plans of the two groups. For additional information on the details of the transaction, please refer to the press release dated 29th November 2022. For further information Press release Press release dated 29th November 2022 GH-Ascopiave_870_primo_piano.jpg GH-Ascopiave_110.png

We are among the best utilities in S&P Global Ratings ESG evaluations

We once again rank among the companies that pay the most attention to sustainability and ESG aspects internationally. Our latest ESG Evaluation, carried out by the Sustainable Finance analysts of S&P Global Ratings, has indeed also been published. This is a cross-industry assessment of our ability to effectively manage, in the medium and long term, our exposure to environmental, social and governance risks, as well as to grasp opportunities arising from the changes required by a constantly evolving international context. This year, we obtained an overall score of 81/100, making it one of the best companies internationally as assessed by S&P Global Ratings. This comes as further important recognition for the attention that we dedicate to ESG aspects in pursuing a strategy of sustainable, long-term growth, which has characterised us since Hera was established in 2002, and which complements and goes hand in hand with our financial solidity. In particular, in the ESG Evaluation just published, we are assessed by S&P Global Ratings as being strongly prepared to implement our strategy of creating shared value, contributing to the transition towards a circular and low-emission economy. We have, in fact, shown ourselves ready to face the potential risks arising from the energy crisis, thanks to our ability to balance the need for transition with the security and availability of energy sources. For further information Press release Hera ESG rating S&P ESG Evaluation primo_piano_s-p-global-ratings-logo_870.png Among the top positions in the international ranking of Utility Networks assessed by S&P Global for our focus on sustainability and our ability to create shared value by contributing to the energy transition s-p-global-ratings-logo_110.jpg

We are top multi-utility worldwide in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

For the third consecutive year, we are the top-ranking company in the Multi-Utility & Water sector of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for sustainability performance in all three Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas. This recognition comes from S&P Global, which published the updated ranking defined by the prestigious international stock market index that assesses the social responsibility of listed companies. As in past editions, this year as well we have been included in both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index. More specifically, we achieved an overall score of 90/100, the highest in the Multi-Utility & Water sector. The ratings obtained were 89/100 in Environment, 91/100 in Social and 91/100 in Economic & Governance, achieving a leadership position in all three areas assessed. These results provide further recognition of our commitment to all aspects of sustainability as an integral part of our 20-year growth strategy focused on creating value for its stakeholders. For further information Press release Visit Investors web area Visit Sustainability web area DJSI_870_ritaglio.jpg For the third year in a row, we have been confirmed as world leader in the Multi-Utility & Water sector DJSI_110.jpg

Hera Board of Directors approves 3Q 2022 results

Financial highlights Ebitda* at 875 million euro (+2.4%) Net result* at 248 million euro (-5.6%) Net financial debt at 4,489 million euro, with net debt/Ebitda* at 3.62x Investments increase sharply to 463 million euro (+22.8%) Operating highlights Contribution to growth coming from core businesses Expansion in initiatives for the ecological transition and the circular economy Commercial margins maintained in the energy area Significant operating investments in networks, plus a significant effort in gas storage, as well as the completion of a number of M&As Solid energy customer base, approximately 3.5 million Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors, chaired by Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, unanimously approved the consolidated quarterly report at 30 September 2022. Although the results achieved in the first nine months of the year are part of a complicated scenario, characterised by ongoing volatility on the energy market, which became even more pronounced over the last three months, as well as the complex current economic and geopolitical conditions and the gradual increase in inflation in the country, these figures highlight the Group’s ability to offset adversity, continuing to pursue the goals set out in its business plan, with increasing sustainable investments aimed at generating positive effects for the communities and local areas served. Moreover, the Hera Group’s resilient business model, the management policies it implements and its financial solidity have continued to enable it to seize the strategic opportunities offered by the market, to guarantee a high quality and continuity in its services while at the same time supporting and confirming the commitments made to all its stakeholders. Among the initiatives in support of stakeholders, note the flexibility shown towards the Group’s suppliers, who were able to revise their supply conditions based on inflation, and the significant gas storage initiative intended to support the customer base and the Italian gas system as a whole. As regards customers, thanks to the special attention to disadvantaged users, more favourable instalment terms than those provided for by law, an extension of the social bonus to include district heating, compliance with and maintenance of fixed-price contractual conditions, to date the performance in receipts for bills has been confirmed as essentially regular. Revenues rise to roughly 14.3 billion euro In the first nine months of 2022, revenues amounted to 14,320.1 million euro, up sharply (+122.9%) from the 6,424.3 million euro seen in the same period of the previous year. In particular, the energy segments showed significant growth mainly due to the increase in the price of energy commodities, which reached very high figures, especially in the third quarter of the year. Ebitda* increases to 874.8 million euro Ebitda* for the first nine months of the year amounted to 874.8 million euro, up 2.4% from the 854.4 million euro seen at 30 September 2021. The performance of the waste management area was particularly good, with Ebitda up 27.8 million euro, as was that of the water cycle area, up 7.3 million euro, fully offsetting the lower contributions coming from the energy area and the other services area. Financial operations essentially stable and pre-tax profit* at 347.5 million euro The result from financial operations for the first nine months of 2022 came to 89.5 million euro, basically stable compared to the 85.4 million seen during the first nine months of 2021. This change is mainly due to the increase in net financial debt generated by the trend in energy commodity prices compared to 2021. Net result and at 248.4 million euro With a tax rate of 28.5%, up from the same period in 2021 (26.2%) mainly due to the recognition of the non-recurring contribution against high utility bills (amounting to 2.3 million euro) and the recognition of lower benefits related to the tax credit on investments linked to the technological, digital and environmental transformation, the net result* and net profit* for the first nine months of 2022 amounted to 248.4 million euro. Net profit was largely stable compared to the 263 million seen at 30 September 2021. Strong growth in investments and net financial debt sensitive to the higher value of stored gas In the first nine months of 2022, the Hera Group’s operating investments, including capital grants, amounted to 463.3 million euro, up 22.8% compared to the 377.2 million euro seen in the same period of the previous year, with a major focus on resilience- and circularity-oriented projects, as set out in the business plan. The most significant interventions concerned plants, networks, and infrastructures, as well as regulatory upgrading focusing on gas distribution and the integrated water cycle, respectively involving a large-scale replacement of new-generation meters and specific interventions in the purification and sewerage areas. Income statement (mln €) Sept 22 %Inc. Sept 21 (redetermined) Inc.% Abs. change % change Revenues 14,320.1 0.0% 6,424.3 0.0% 7,895.8 122.9% Other operating revenues 345.3 2.4% 243.6 3.8% 101.7 41.8% Raw and other materials (11,642.5) (81.3)% (3,498.2) (54.5)% 8,144.3 232.8% Service costs (1,693.9) (11.8)% (1,858.6) (28.9)% (164.7) (8.9)% Other operating expenses (56.6) (0.4)% (54.4) (0.8)% 2.2 4.0% Personnel costs (449.8) (3.1)% (442.0) (6.9)% 7.8 1.8% Capitalised costs 52.2 0.4% 39.7 0.6% 12.5 31.5% Ebitda* 874.8 6.1% 854.4 13.3% 20.4 2.4% Amortization, depreciation and provisions (437.8) (3.1)% (412.5) (6.4)% 25.3 6.1% Ebit* 437.0 3.1% 441.9 6.9% (4.9) (1.1)% Financial operations (89.5) (0.6)% (85.4) (1.3)% 4.1 4.8% Pre-tax result* 347.5 2.4% 356.5 5.5% (9.0) (2.5)% Taxes (99.1) (0.7)% (93.4) (1.5)% 5.7 6.1% Net result* 248.4 1.7% 263.1 4.1% (14.7) (5.6)% Result from special items - 0.0% 56.2 0.9% (56.2) 100.0% Net profit for the period* 248.4 1.7% 319.3 5.0% (70.9) (22.2)% Invested capital and sources of financing (mln€) Sept 22 %Inc. Dec 21 (redetermined) %Inc. Abs. change % change Net non-current assets* 7,485.3 +96.3% 7,308.3 +109.4% 177.0 +2.4% Net working capital* 910.6 +11.7% 2.4 +0.0% 908.2 +37,841.7% (Provisions) (622.3) (8.0%) (633.4) (9.5%) 11.1 +1.8% Net invested capital* 7,773.6 +100.0% 6,677.3 +100.0% 1,096.3 +16.4% Equity* (3,284.4) +42.3% (3,416.0) +51.2% 131.6 +3.9% Long-term borrowings (4,680.1) +60.2% (3,633.1) +54.4% (1,047.0) (28.8)% Net current financial debt 190.9 (2.5%) 371.8 (5.6%) (180.9) (48.7%) Net debt (4,489.2) +57.7% (3,261.3) +48.8% (1,227.9) (37.7)% Total sources of financing* (7,773.6) (100.0)% (6,677.3) +100.0% (1,096.3) (16.4)% *Adjusted results For further information Press release Visit Investors web area img_banner_3Q2022_EN.png Despite the complex macro scenario, the Group’s quarterly report at 30 September 2022 shows an increase in Ebitda compared to 2021 img_110x150_3Q2022.jpeg

Hera Group and ACR create the leading Italian operator in remediation and global service activities

Today, the Hera Group, acting through its subsidiary Herambiente Servizi Industriali (HASI), signed a binding agreement for a long-term partnership that provides for the acquisition of 60% of the company A.C.R. di Reggiani Albertino S.p.A. ® (hereinafter ACR), one of Italy’s largest companies in the reclamation sector, involved in industrial waste treatment, decommissioning industrial plants and oil & gas-related civil works, based in Mirandola (Modena). The new company will also bring together some of the remediation and global services activities carried out by HASI. This unprecedented transaction gives way to the leading national operator in the remediation and global services business, with an extensive presence throughout Italy. The Hera Group will thus further strengthen its leadership in the waste treatment sector, thanks to its approximately one hundred certified, state-of-the-art plants. It can now rely on ACR’s high operating capacity, time-to-market in services and significant machinery and equipment, which is already active in over 100 remediation sites with over 450 employees and having among its customers the major players in the oil & gas sector. With this partnership, on the one hand, the Hera Group will reach in advance the target in reclamation activities set out in its business plan, following up on the path of growth already achieved in this area in terms of both size and sustainability/circular economy, in line with the goals on the UN’s 2030 Agenda, which over the last 10 years have enabled it to double its customer base. On the other hand, ACR is implementing its strategic plan by making an agreement concerning commercial areas with a leading national player in the sector, strengthening its presence in its core remediation business and entering the world of global services. For further information Press release Visit Herambiente Servizi Industriali website 870x320.png The binding agreement signed today provides for the acquisition by the Hera Group of 60% of ACR, based in Modena and one of the major companies in the remediation and industrial waste treatment sector new_sede_hera_110.jpg

We look forward to seeing you at Ecomondo 2022

From 8 to 11 November 2022, Ecomondo, the leading event in Europe regarding the ecological transition with technological and industrial innovation in waste management services and the green economy (especially waste and resources services, circular bioeconomy and water supply) returns to the Fiera di Rimini venue. Also this year, we will be at Hall C1, Stand 5, with a completely new exhibition space and a floor area of 550 square metres where Hera S.p.A, Herambiente, Aliplast, Acantho, HERAtech and Hera Luce will all be present. Entirely made with recycled materials by SCART, the Hera Group project dedicated to the artistic regeneration of industrial waste, the stand can be completely disassembled and reused, in total compliance with the concept of the circular economy. In addition, in the South Hall, in the outdoor area, there will be a stand of Uniflotte, while Hall D7, Stand 37, will host Hera Comm. For further information Discover the complete programme of Ecomondo 2022 null null null null null null null null null null null null null 1ecomondo .jpg 2 ecomondo .jpg 2.1 ecomondo.jpg 3 ecomondo .jpg 4 ecomondo .jpg 5 ecomondo .jpg 6 ecomondo .jpg 7 ecomondo .jpg 7a ecomondo .jpg 8 ecomondo .jpg 9 ecomondo .jpg 10 ecomondo .jpg 13 ecomondo .jpg null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null img_banner_interna_Ecomondo_2022_eng.jpg img_ecomondo_110x150.jpg

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111