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Hera Group approves results at 31/12/2018

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Hera Group approves results at 31/12/2018

The multi-utility, included as of Monday 18 March in the FTSE MIB, closed the year with all main results improving beyond expectations, reaching the milestone of a one billion-euro Ebitda and crowning a history of 16 years of uninterrupted growth. Proposed dividends also rise to 10 cents per share, in line with the content of the business plan.

Financial highlights

  • Turnover at 6,626.4 million euro (+8.0%)
  • Ebitda at 1,031.1 million euro (+4.7%)
  • Net profits at 296.6 million euro (+11.2%)
  • Net debt at 2,585.6 million euro
  • Net debt/Ebitda ratio improves to 2.51x
  • Proposed dividends increase to 10 cents per share 

Operating highlights 

  • Good contribution to growth coming from all businesses, in particular the integrated water cycle and the gas area
  • Management marked by good results achieved in internal growth 
  • Solid customer base in energy sectors (over 2.5 million), up by roughly 150,000
  • Sorted waste increases to a 62.5% average over all areas served
  • Improvement seen in all sustainability indicators, with shared value Ebitda growing to 375.2 million euro (+14%) 

2018 Economic results - Comments of the Hera Group executive chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano


Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors, chaired by Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, unanimously approved the consolidated economic results at 31 December 2018, along with the Sustainability Report.

16 years of uninterrupted growth and winning strategies, with all main operating-financial and sustainability indicators improving

The Hera Group closed the 2018 financial year with improved results, exceeding expectations. All business areas contributed to this growth, which was largely sustained by regulated activities. The results achieved confirm the Hera Group’s position of leadership among multi-utilities and the solidity of its business model, preparing it to grasp additional opportunities for expansion in the fragmentary markets in which it operates. 
The Group’s sixteen-year track record of uninterrupted development combining internal and external growth has allowed it to reach significant economies of scale and ever-increasing synergies thanks to its multi-business industrial approach, balanced between regulated and free-market activities, which has proved to be a winning strategy. Since its birth in 2002, the Hera Group has quintupled its Ebitda, with net profits increasing eightfold: it now ranks among the Nation’s leaders in all business areas (first in waste management, second in the integrated water cycle, third in gas distribution and in energy sales to end customers). 
These results are accompanied by a strong commitment towards social and environmental sustainability and towards creating shared value, both of which are competitive levers in all respects and bring the company’s development into line with the targets defined in the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the most advanced European goals. 

Turnover exceeds 6.6 billion, increasing by 8.0%

The Hera Group’s 2018 turnover rose to 6,626.4 million euro, up 489.5 million (+8.0% over the 6,136.9 seen in 2017), thanks above all to higher revenues in gas and electricity sales owing to volumes sold, in addition to higher revenues in the waste management area and water services.

Ebitda grows to 1,031.1 million (+4.7%)

Group Ebitda exceeded one billion euro for the first time, reaching 1,031.1 million (+4.7%), up 46.5 million over the 984.6 million recorded in 2017 and above the forecast released on 10 January 2019 (indicating an estimated 1,020 million 2018 Ebitda). This result was due to the good performances seen in the Group’s various business areas, first and foremost the integrated water cycle and the gas area.

Operating results and pre-tax profits increase, financial management improves

Net operating results also rose, coming to 510.1 million euro, up 30.8 million (+6.4% compared to the 479.3 seen in 2017), despite higher operating amortisation, depreciation and provisions for new investments in regulated distribution and changes in the scope of operations. Pre-tax profits went from 377.8 million euro in 2017 to 418.4 million (+10.7%), rising by 40.6 million euro thanks to a 9.8 million improvement in financial management.

Sharp rise in net profits, reaching 296.6 million euro (+11.2%)

Group net profits increased to 296.6 million euro (+11.2%), with a 29.8 million euro rise over the 266.8 seen one year earlier. The average tax rate settled at 29.1%, as against 29.6% at 31 December 2017; the latter moreover benefitted from several exemptions, without which it would have come to 30.8%. The improvement is thus equivalent to 1.7% and is linked to the benefits coming from the Group’s considerable investments in assets going towards technological and digital transformation. Profits pertaining to Group Shareholders came to 281.9 million euro (+12.1%), up 30.4 million over 2017.

Investments rise to 462.6 million euro, Net debt/Ebitda ratio further improves to 2.51

Including capital grants, the Group’s overall 2018 investments came to 462.6 million euro, up 5% over the 440.5 million seen the previous year. They mainly went to interventions on plants, networks and infrastructures, to guarantee efficiency, safety, resilience and innovation, in addition to regulatory upgrading above all in gas distribution, with an intensive meter substitution, and the purification and sewerage areas. Net investments came to 431.8 million.
Net debt settled at 2,585.6 million euro, improving compared to the 30 September 2018 figure and essentially stable with respect to the previous year (2,523.0 million in 2017), despite higher investments, the M&A operations seen during the year and the treasury shares repurchased. Further improvement was seen in the Net debt/Ebitda ratio, which dropped to 2.51 (compared to 2.56 in 2017).
The Group’s financial solidity is reflected by the opinions expressed by major rating agencies: Baa2 with a stable outlook from Moody’s and BBB with a positive outlook from Standard & Poor's.

Further improvement in the Group’s sustainability, shared value Ebitda up to 36%

These positive operating results were matched by an ever-increasing attention towards sustainability. The Hera Group was among the first to introduce, in 2016, shared value reporting, covering all business activities that in addition to generating Ebitda for the company respect the drivers of sustainable development defined by the UN’s 2030 Agenda and, more generally speaking, various national and international policies. The Hera Group’s 2018 shared value Ebitda came to 375.2 million euro, accounting for 36% of overall Ebitda (+14% compared to the 329 million seen the previous year). This result is perfectly in line with the path set out by the Business plan, in which this indicator is projected to reach 40% by 2022.
The Group’s attention towards sustainability is also proven by the fact that 40% of total investments made by the Group – coming to over 180 million euro – go towards initiatives and projects aimed at creating shared value, distributed among the three drivers within which the Hera Group has organised this commitment: 71.3 million invested in innovation and contributions to development, 68.9 million in a more efficient use of resources and 48.3 million in a smarter use of energy.

Proposed dividends rise to 10 cents per share, inclusion within the FTSE MIB

In 2019 Hera became part of the Borsa Italiana FTSE MIB index, which includes the 40 largest companies listed on the Italian stock exchange, thanks to the amount of free float capitalisation and the value of the shares traded over the last six months.
The Board of Directors, considering the positive results achieved and the Group’s sound financial profile, has decided to put a dividend of 10 cents per share to the Shareholders Meeting to be held on 30 April 2019, higher than last June (9.5 cents per share) and in line with the content of the Business plan.
The ex-dividend date has been set at 24 June 2019, with payment as of 26 June 2019.


Ebitda for the gas area, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, grew significantly over the previous year in terms of both margins and volumes sold: it indeed reached 316.5 million euro (+4.9%), 14.8 million more than the 301.7 million seen in 2017. This result was reached thanks to commercial development on the free market, increased activity on the default market and in last resort supply, greater efficiency in distribution and the positive effect on consumption coming from the colder winter temperatures. The number of customers rose by 59.6 thousand (4.3%), now totalling 1.5 million users, partially due to the acquisitions of 100% of the Abruzzo companies Blu Ranton and Sangroservizi. Volumes sold increased by 18.2%.
In 2018 net investments amounted to 115.4 million euro (+14.3% compared to 2017), to guarantee and improve the high-quality standards in networks and plants, with non-recurring maintenance and work involving cathodic protection for the Trieste network. Investments also rose for heat management and the number of new connections in district heating grew.
The gas area accounted for 30.7% of Group Ebitda.

Water cycle

In 2018, the integrated water cycle area, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded Ebitda amounting to 249.7 million euro, up 19.8 million euro (+8.6%) over the 229.9 seen over the previous year. This result was mainly obtained through the efficiencies reached, higher revenues resulting from the tariffs introduced by the Authority, the bonuses awarded for high service standards and the change in scope of operations resulting from the operational status of the new Servola (Trieste) purifier and a few items from previous years.
Net investments amounted to 127.6 million euro (increasing by 12.8% over 2017). Including capital grants, investments totalled 157.9 million, mainly dedicated to extensions, network and plant upgrading and reclamations, in addition to regulatory upgrading concerning above all purification and sewerage. The main investments also included work on the Rimini seawater protection plan, one of the Group’s most important and at the forefront nationwide as regards sewerage and purification.
The integrated water cycle area accounted for 24.2% of Group Ebitda.


Ebitda for the waste management area, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, also grew, coming to 252.0 million euro (+2.4%), up 6 million over the 246.0 million recorded in 2017. In the waste treatment sector, in which the Group ranks once again as the nation’s leader with roughly 90 plants handling all types of waste, the positive results were mainly due to fluctuations in the price of special waste and revenues from electricity generation. 
In waste management and recovery, it is worth mentioning, Hera works with complete and integrated offers, providing its partner companies with all-inclusive solutions that bring together efficiency and sustainability, in line with the principles of a circular economy. This is the strategy underlying the biomethane production plant inaugurated in October in Sant’Agata Bolognese thanks to a 37 million euro investment, which as of 2019 will contribute to results in the waste management area, and the contribution coming from Aliplast, a national and international leader in plastic collection and recycling.
Sorted waste going towards recycling showed an unprecedented increase in 2018: almost five percentage points, going from 57.7% in 2017 to 62.5%, thanks to the numerous projects implemented across all areas served. The positive performance in sorted waste is also due to a few municipalities where services have been modified as preparation for the shift to unit pricing, with Ferrara representing one outstanding example. Investments coming to 77.7 million euro were mainly dedicated to maintaining and upgrading plants.
The waste management area accounted for 24.4% of Group Ebitda.


The electricity area, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, recorded an Ebitda coming to 183.5 million, essentially in line with the 184.5 million recorded the previous year. This result was mainly due to higher revenues from sales and distribution, along with higher margins and operating efficiencies which largely offset lower revenues in trading and the lower income from electricity generation caused by regulatory modifications and temporarily suspended plants in Campania. Electricity customers rose to 1.1 million (+8.9%), up 87.1 thousand, with significant growth seen above all on the free market thanks to reinforced marketing initiatives, in particular in regions of Central Italy.
Investments amounting to 23 million euro went mainly to non-recurring maintenance on plants and networks in the Modena, Imola, Trieste and Gorizia areas.
The amount of Group Ebitda accounted for by the electricity area came to 17.8%.

Statement by Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano

“We are particularly satisfied with the results achieved, since the various indicators confirm that the Hera Group’s growth is a healthy one: it corresponds, indeed, to further increases in the rates of return, with ROI and ROE continually progressing over the last 4 years. This is due to a growing and efficient capital allocation, expansion on free markets, the enhanced efficiency attained, and the innovations introduced, all of which has brought about a 6% growth in Ebitda per employee. Furthermore, we have confirmed our tendency to create value for all stakeholders, beginning with our shareholders, to whom we will pay a 10 cent per share dividend, showing a further increase with respect to the past and in line with what we have presented in our Business plan. They will additionally benefit from a higher stock liquidity, thanks to our recent entry in the FTSE MIB.”

Statement by CEO Stefano Venier

“The Hera Group’s excellent results, largely produced by internal growth, bear witness to the actions we have undertaken to improve efficiency and sustainability to an even greater degree, and also to broaden our reference market through tenders and boost our ability to compete on free markets. Our positive operating management has been matched by an improved financial management and tax optimisations, as is fully reflected by the Group’s growing profits. I feel it is important to mention that our growth is proceeding at the same rate as our attention towards sustainability and creating shared value, both fundamental levers in our strategy. Evidence of this can be seen in both the Group’s rising Ebitda that, in 2018 as well, was fully in line with the principles of shared value, and in our innovative financial operations, such as launching the first sustainable revolving line of credit last May, after we pioneered the first green bond on the Italian market in 2014.”

PROFIT & LOSS (M€) 31/12/2018 INC.% 31/12/2017 INC.% CH. CH. %
Sales 6,134.4   5,612.1   +522.3 +9.3%
Other operating revenues 492.0 8.0% 524.8 9.4% (32.8) (6.3%)
Raw material (2,984.1) (48.6%) (2,606.8) (46.4%) +377.3 +14.5%
Services costs (2,040.5) (33.3%) (1,952.2) (34.8%) +88.3 +4.5%
Other operating expenses (62.5) (1.0%) (84.6) (1.5%) (22.1) (26.1%)
Personnel costs (551.4) (9.0%) (551.6) (9.8%) (0.2) (0.0%)
Capitalisations 43.3 0.7% 43.0 0.8% +0.3 +0.7%
Ebitda 1,031.1 16.8% 984.6 17.5% +46.5 +4.7%
Depreciation and provisions (521.0) (8.5%) (505.3) (9.0%) +15.7 +3.1%
Ebit 510.1 8.3% 479.3 8.5% +30.8 +6.4%
Financial inc./(exp.) (91.7) (1.5%) (101.5) (1.8%) (9.8) (9.7%)
Pre tax profit 418.4 6.8% 377.8 6.7% +40.6 +10.7%
Tax (121.8) (2.0%) (111.8) (2.0%) +10.0 +8.9%
Net profit before special items 296.6 4.8% 266.0 4.7% +30.6 +11.5%
Special items 0.0 0.0% 0.8 0.0% (0.8) (100.0%)
Net profit 296.6 4.8% 266.8 4.8% +29.8 +11.2%
Attributable to:            
Shareholders of the Parent Company 281.9 4.6% 251.5 4.5% +30.4 +12.1%
Minority shareholders 14.7 0.2% 15.3 0.3% (0.6) (3.9%)


BALANCE SHEET(M€) 31/12/2018 INC.% 31/12/2017 INC.% CH. CH.%
Net fixed assets 5,905.1 108.7% 5,780.6 110.5% +124.5 +2.2%
Working capital 115.4 2.1% 23.2 0.4% +92.2 +397.4%
(Provisions) (588.2) (10.8%) (574.8) (10.9%) (13.4) +2.3%
Net invested capital 5,432.3 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +203.3 +3.9%
Net equity 2,846.7 52.4% 2,706.0 51.7% +140.7 +5.2%
Long term net financial debt 2,558.8 47.1% 2,735.4 52.4% (176.6) (6.5%)
Short term net financial debt 26.8 0.5% (212.4) (4.1%) +239.2 (112.6%)
Net financial debts 2,585.6 47.6% 2,523.0 48.3% +62.6 +2.5%
Net invested capital 5,432.3 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +203.3 +3.9%


Self-assessment of the Board of Statutory Auditors

It should be noted that today the Board of Directors has taken note of the self-assessment report of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Hera S.p.A. that has carried out, according to the current legislation, its own self-assessment, based on the analysis of the suitability of its own members and the proper composition of the body. The Board has ascertained in particular that its members meet the requirements of professionalism, competence, integrity and experience.

For further informations

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Search Results


Hera ranked once again in top 25 of the Thomson Reuters Diversity and Inclusion Index

thomson reuters_110 The Hera Group has been confirmed as one of the most interesting companies, in Italy and worldwide, for investors who sustain all those committed to promoting diversity and inclusion. The results, which stem directly from the integration of these policies within the Group's strategy, have been approved by the 2018 edition of Thomson Reuters Diversity and Inclusion Index, whose candidate universe is made up of over 7,000 publicly traded companies worldwide. Hera, with a score of 73.5 points, proved to be the 2nd company in Italy and the 22nd across the world of this international ranking. Moreover, its position within its own sector was outstanding, coming in first worldwide among multi-utilities. The "Diversity and Inclusion Index" is an indicator, conceived and realised by Thomson Reuters, an international giant in financial information, that analyses companies' performances based on a range of factors, grouped into four areas: diversity, inclusion, people development and news & controversies. The performances of the Hera Group were therefore highly positive: giving concrete form to the strategic relevance of its diversity and inclusion policies, this multi-utility is indeed continuing its work in developing internal and personalised career paths, an approach that allowed the company to reach an amount of women in roles with responsibility coming to 31.3% in 2017. Rising overall, the percentage of female personnel furthermore ranked above the sector average (24.3%, as compared to 15.9%). This data is accompanied by a percentage of employees with disabilities that reaches 4.3% of the company's total workforce and also includes roles in management. From all these points of view, the contribution coming from training is significant, with particularly important initiatives such as leadership and smart working courses favouring the development of human resources, based on factors including the diverse characteristics of each resource (gender, age, training, ability, inclination and ability). Further positive effects no doubt derived from the corporate welfare plan, which sustains employees and their families in many different forms. Not by chance, encouraging results continue to emerge from this enquiry into the Group's corporate milieu, with further confirmation coming from a complete lack of controversies involving diversity and inclusion. Lastly, many initiatives make plurality management concrete, including agreements with daycare centres, summer camps, a range of programmes aimed at creating a positive work-life balance and the arrangements made for leave time, available not only for mums and dads but also for those who provide assistance to relatives or the elderly. The Hera Group's commitment to policies promoting inclusion and diversity, in any case, has a long history. It was first consolidated in 2009, when the Charter for equal opportunity and equality on the workplace was signed: with this document the company engaged, alongside other private and public bodies, in the struggle against discrimination on the workplace. The introduction in 2011 of a Diversity Manager, whose task involves giving even greater emphasis to developing policies aimed at inclusion and the valorisation of diversity, was also fundamental. Lastly, for some time now Hera has adhered to the fifth of the United Nation's objectives for sustainable development, specifically dedicated to gender equality. thomson reuters_870 20180906_Hera_ranked_once_again_in_top_25_of_the_Thomson_Reuters_Diversity_and_Inclusion_Index.1536159314.pdf 2018-09-05 Read more Logo_diversity_and_inclusion_870png.1536149260.png Conceived to provide orientation for investors showing interest towards companies committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and people development, this index evaluates over 7,000 of the world's publically listed companies and this year, once again, includes the Group among the most outstanding firms. With 73.5 points overall, Hera indeed comes in 2nd in Italy and 22nd worldwide. And, among multi-utilities, it ranks first in the world thomson reuters_110

Hera Group and Salesforce sign new staretgic agreement for an increasingly smarter management of customers

hera-salesforce_110 The message from overseas arrives loud and clear: focusing on innovation and digitalisation means meeting customers' needs. This is evidenced by the new agreement signed by Hera Group and Salesforce, the global leader in CRM. Herambiente, national leader and European benchmark in the waste treatment industry, selects Salesforce Sales Cloud to support its sales force with advanced sales applications, customer support, marketing and community management support, and other important management tools based on artificial intelligence and data analytics. The agreement just signed, in particular, aims to accompany the development and reinforcement of a big industrial reality such as Herambiente, providing increasingly innovative tools to better manage the relationship with its customers, who can rely on integrated services for taking on every type of waste. Herambiente treats 6.3 million tons of waste every year and nowadays is facing a growth path that new CRM applications can direct towards further efficiency and functionality objectives, by optimizing and harmonizing the processes of its various companies. Moreover, the agreement includes other innovative tools that will allow Area Managers of Hera Group to manage relations with public administrations in a more flexible and collaborative way, in the interest of local communities and in line with the orientation of the Italian multiutility, historically oriented to team up with local territories. Hera Group and Salesforce also agree on a common business concept, oriented for both companies to creating shared value. The two companies are committed to promoting renewable energy use: Hera electricity consumption is 100% offset by renewable sources which are equally used by Salesforce for two of its office buildings at global headquarters in San Francisco. All this means lower carbon emissions in support of the fight against climate change, a cause which both companies are particularly active and involved. Both Hera Group and Salesforce are members of CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, non-profit organization that offers companies, countries, regions and cities, a system to measure, detect, manage and share information on their environmental impact at global level, with the aim of encouraging all parties to undertake sustainable development. hera-salesforce_870 20180904_press_release.1536059516.pdf 2018-09-04 Read more hera_salesforce_870.1536059515.png The Italian multiutility company signed an agreement with Salesforce aimed to ensure benefits not only to Herambiente's customers, thanks to new tools for relations with the company, but also to local area and communities, providing dedicated solutions to improve communications with public administrations. Positive effects expected also for the environment hera-salesforce_110

Hera BoD approves 1H2018 results

Hera BoD approves 1H2018 results Financial highlights Revenues at € 2,996.7 million (+7.7%) Ebitda at € 523.6 million (+3.5%) Ebit at € 273.6 million (+4.3%) Net profits for Shareholders at € 158.1 million (+12.1%) Net debt at € 2,625.0 million Operating highlights Good contribution to growth coming from gas and waste management, respectively due to volumes sold and positive trends in market prices Management characterised by the results of internal growth Solid customer base in energy sectors (roughly 2.5 million), up by 110,000 over 1H2017 Sorted waste increases to anaverage of 60% across all areas served Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the financial results for the first half-year, which confirm the ongoing positive trend and show all main indicators rising. These results once again reward the Group’s balanced and agile way of operating, following a business model that has always combined the strategic levers of internal growth and external development. In addition to remarkable internal growth, partially deriving from higher efficiencies, developments in market shares and positive trends in tariffs and prices benefitted the accounts for the first half of 2018. Revenues amount to almost € 3 billion In the first half of 2018, revenues reached € 2,966.7 million, up € 212.7 million (+7.7%) over the € 2,754.0 million seen in the same period of 2017. The factors most responsible for this result include a higher amount of trading along with increased revenues from gas and electricity sales and waste management. Ebitda rises to € 523.6 million Ebitda settled at € 523.6 million, showing growth amounting to € 17.7 million (+3.5%) over June 2017. This increase is due to the good performances seen in all the Group’s main activities, and the gas area in particular thanks to higher volumes sold and income for sales and trading. Positive results also came from waste management and the integrated water cycle. Financial management among the factors responsible for an 8.4% increase in pre-tax profits Ebit rose to € 273.6 million, up 4.3% over the € 262.2 seen in the same period of 2017. Financial management also improved, settling at € 39.2 million, € 6.7 million less than the same period in 2017, a performance made possible by efficiency in rates and higher financial income for commercial activities. In light of this situation, pre-tax profits increased by 8.4%, going from € 216.3 million at 30 June 2017 to € 234.4 million at the same date in 2018. Sharp increase in net profits for Shareholders, reaching € 158.1 million (+12.1%) Profits pertaining to Group Shareholders at 30 June 2018 rose to € 158.1 million, +12.1% compared to the € 141.0 million seen in the first half of 2017. The elements underlying this result include an improvement in the tax rate, which went from 31.6% to 30.1%, thanks to the Group’s continuous commitment to grasping the tax opportunities offered by large and very large amortisations related to major investments made in introducing Utility 4.0, in addition to tax credits for research and development and the final balance on previously acquired benefits, as well as € 4.8 million in capital gains from divestments. Approximately € 184 million in investments, financial position essentially stable The Group’s operating investments for the first six months of 2018, including capital grants, amounted to € 183.8 million, up € 13.7 million (+8.1%) over June 2017. Operating investments mainly involved interventions on plants, networks and infrastructures, as well as regulatory upgrading involving gas distribution above all, with a large-scale metre substitution, and the purification and sewerage areas. Net debt came to € 2,625.0 million at 30 June 2018, with a slight increase over the € 2,523.0 million seen at 31 December 2017 but essentially stable compared to the € 2,611.7 million witnessed in the first half of 2017, in spite of the higher amount of dividends paid (9.5 cents/share, instead of the 9 cents paid one year earlier). Net debt/Ebitda, an indicator of financial solidity, improved from 2.74 in the first half of 2017 to 2.62 at 30 June 2018. Gas Ebitda for the gas area, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, reached € 188.4 million in the first half of 2018, up compared to the € 171.8 million seen at 30 June 2017 (+9.6%), thanks to higher volumes of gas sold, an increase in trading and higher income from distribution services. The number of gas customers, which came to roughly 1.41 million, rose by 1.9% compared to the same period in 2017; this growth was brought about by expanding market shares and the entry of Blu Ranton and Verducci Servizi within the Group’s scope of operations. The gas area accounted for 36.0% of Group Ebitda. Water cycle Ebitda for the integrated water cycle area, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, went from € 111.3 million in the first half of 2017 to € 112.8 million at 30 June 2018, up 1.3%, thanks to higher revenues from dispensing and higher recognised costs. The integrated water cycle area accounted for 21.5% of Group Ebitda. Waste management In the first half of the year, Ebitda for the waste management area, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, reached € 125.9 million (+3.8%), rising over the € 121.3 million seen at 30 June 2017. Initiatives aimed at recovering materials and improving energy efficiency contributed to this positive trend, in particular the full operation of Aliplast, as well as further development of an accurately focused marketing plan intended to broaden the customer portfolio and a continuous presence in the tender market. Moreover, the positive trend seen in prices for special waste treatment continued during this half-year, with double-digit growth rate. Further increases were also witnessed in sorted waste, which went from 58% in the first half of 2017 to 60% at 30 June 2018, thanks to the numerous services offered. The waste management area accounted for 24% of Group Ebitda. Electricity Ebitda for the electricity area, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, went from € 91.6 million in the first half of 2017 to € 84.0 million at 30 June 2018, owing to the temporary closure of a few plants for planned maintenance. This area recorded additional growth in total customers, which increased by 82.8 thousand (+8.9%) compared to the first half of 2017, reaching 1.01 million customers, and also saw a 22.1% rise in volumes sold on both the free and safeguarded markets. This noteworthy result owes much to the Group’s continuous reinforcement of marketing actions and a broadening of its customer base. The electricity area accounted for 16% of Group Ebitda. Statement by Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano “This half-year report confirms the trend of uninterrupted growth shown by the Hera Group over the last 15 years, respecting the content of its Business plan, in spite of an often difficult macroeconomic scenario. At present, the increase in Ebitda indicates that we should reach the milestone of one billion by the end of 2018, while the profits accumulated over the last six months, corresponding to 10.8 cents per share, already entirely cover the 10 cent dividend foreseen by the Business plan for the current year. These figures and outlooks provide further confirmation of the solidity of our multi-business model and the constant attention we show towards our shareholders”. Statement by CEO Stefano Venier “The results for the first half of 2018 once again reward the accuracy of the choices and initiatives implemented regarding operations, taxes and finance. Internal growth, as defined by factors including the efficiencies achieved, has brought ROE to 10%. These results are also sustained by all quantitative performance measures, which show positive trends, with an energy customer base growing by 110,000 in only 12 months and bringing us just one step away from 2.5 million customers. Taken as a whole, these elements allow us to show further determination towards reaching all of the objectives outlined in the Business plan”. The manager responsible for drafting the company’s accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The half-year financial report and related materials will be made available to the public pursuant to the terms established by law at Company Headquarters, on the website and on the authorised storage platform 1Info ( Unaudited extracts from the Abbreviated Consolidated Half-Year Financial Statements at 30 June 2017 are attached. PROFIT & LOSS(M€) 30/06/18 INC% 30/06/17 INC.% CH. CH. % Sales 2,966.7 2,754.0 +212.7 +7.7% Other operating revenues 209.8 7.1% 202.3 7.3% +7.5 +3.7% Raw material (1,327.6) -44.7% (1,178.4) -42.8% +149.2 +12.7% Services costs (1,031.6) -34.8% (981.7) -35.6% +49.9 +5.1% Other operating expenses (30.3) -1.0% (25.8) -0.9% +4.5 +17.5% Personnel costs (281.7) -9.5% (282.4) -10.3% (0.7) (0.2%) Capitalisations 18.3 0.6% 17.9 0.6% +0.4 +2.2% Ebitda 523.6 17.6% 505.9 18.4% +17.7 +3.5% Depreciation and provisions (250.0) -8.4% (243.7) -8.9% +6.3 +2.6% Ebit 273.6 9.2% 262.2 9.5% +11.4 +4.3% Financial inc./(exp.) (39.2) -1.3% (45.9) -1.7% (6.7) (14.6%) Pre tax profit 234.4 7.9% 216.3 7.9% +18.1 +8.4% Tax (72.0) -2.4% (68.3) -2.5% +3.7 +5.4% Net profit before special items 162.4 5.5% 148.0 5.4% +14.4 +9.7% Special items 4.8 0.2% - 0.0% +4.8 +100.0% Net profit 167.2 5.6% 148.0 5.4% +19.2 +13.0% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 158.1 5.3% 141.0 5.1% +17.1 +12.1% Minority shareholders 9.1 0.3% 7.0 0.3% +2.2 +30.9% BALANCE SHEET (M€) 30/06/2018 INC.% 31/12/2017 INC.% CH. CH.% Net fixed assets 5,828.2 109.1% 5,780.6 110.5% +47.6 +0.8% Working capital 84.2 1.6% 23.2 0.4% +61.0 +262.9% (Provisions) (571.8) (10.7%) (574.9) (10.9%) +3.0 (0.5%) Net invested capital 5,340.6 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +111.6 +2.1% Net equity 2,715.6 50.8% 2,706.0 51.7% +9.6 +0.4% Long term net financial debt 2,847.4 53.4% 2,735.4 52.4% +112.0 +4.1% Short term net financial debt (222.4) (4.2%) (212.4) (4.1%) (10.0) +4.7% Net financial debts 2,625.0 49.2% 2,523.0 48.3% 102.0 +4.0% Net invested capital 5,340.6 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +111.6 +2.1% 1H 2018 2018-07-30 For further informations 1H 2018 The consolidated half-year report at 30 June confirms growth in operating and financial indicators, in line with the first quarter, with a positive contribution coming from business areas, gas and waste management in particular. Thanks to the efficiencies achieved, ROE reaches 10%. /-/hera-bod-approves-1h-2018-results?inheritRedirect=true /documents/1514726/4880892/GruppoHera_relazione_semestrale_consolidata_al_30_06_2018_eng.1533290641.pdf/61b32b21-49d9-70cc-d10d-6383dfc8c8a2?t=1610019108070 Press release Financial report as at 30/06/2018 Newsletter as at 30/06/2018 centrata Il CdA Hera approva i risultati del terzo trimestre 2018

Hera, increasingly smart payments: agreement with UniCredit for 6 million digital accounts

HeraGroup_110 Increasingly "smart" digital payments. This is the objective that the Hera Group has set itself to continue to improve and facilitate its relationship with its customers. An multi-faceted and challenging process for which the multi-utility has signed a cooperation agreement with UniCredit to develop a "Virtual Account" service, which will promote a significant simplification of payments and of the related book-keeping. Under this agreement, the bank has generated 6 million dedicated "virtual" IBANs that Hera - the first company in Italy to do so on a large scale - will make available to each customer, in their bill or invoice. As a result, customers will be able to pay conveniently from their online bank account, without waiting in queues, and with an automatic and unambiguous acknowledgement of the payment. UniCredit will then credit the multi-utility's account with all incoming transfers, regardless of their type, and send the company a statement of the transactions carried out. In addition to the "virtual" IBAN system, Hera is developing additional mobile payment methods for its customers, such as digital wallets, to make transactions increasingly easy, straightforward and user-friendly. Hera has thus consolidated its position as one of the most focused and innovative companies in adopting advanced digitalisation solutions, also aimed at constantly improving the customer experience. The initiative belongs to its more extensive process of digitalising infrastructures and services that the Hera Group initiated some time ago, with the goal, among others, of identifying and responding to the needs of an increasingly "connected" and demanding clientele. The process supports the objectives of the UN Agenda for 2030, and is also entirely consistent with the European Union's strategy on the creation of a digital single market based on three pillars: improving access to digital goods and services for consumers and businesses, creating an environment conducive to the development of digital networks and services, and maximising the growth potential of the digital economy. HeraGroup_870 HeraGroup_870 20180723_smart_payments_agreement_with_UniCredit_for_6_million_digital_accounts.1534760361.pdf 2018-08-20 sede_Gruppo_Hera_4505.1534760417.jpg The agreement with UniCredit, the first of its kind in Italy, will make available a "virtual" IBAN to each of the multi-utility's customers, thus greatly facilitating payments and increasing cost efficiency. For Hera, the initiative is part of its overall service digitalisation process, to provide more payment options for customers and to respond to an increasingly "connected" and demanding clientele HeraGroup_870 Read more HeraGroup_110

Emergencies, Hera signs with Lepida for the use of the ERretre mobile radio network

GH-Lepida_110 In case of emergency, the last thing you need is an emergency logic. This is why the Hera Group, with Acantho - Digital Company of the Group, and Lepida have decided to carry on, by signing an important strategic collaboration agreement in the field of civil protection which contributes to improving the safety of the reference territories. Following a memorandum of understanding previously signed by the Region and the multi-utility, the agreement concerns the strengthening of the Regional Radiomobile Network (ERretre), the digital cellular network based on the European TETRA standard that supports all emergency services, guaranteeing efficiency and security of communications, from which the safeguard of the territory and the security of the local communities depend. Thanks to the agreement, Hera will initially make three of its sites available to Lepida, with which additional radio equipment will be installed that can increase the ERretre network and improve its efficiency. In particular, the sites identified are three piezometric reservoirs located in San Lazzaro di Savena in Bologna, and in Alfonsine and Cervia in the Ravenna area. In turn, the multi-utility can use the ERretre network to support its emergency services, improving the flow of communications to the Civil Protection and other bodies. In this way it will be possible to increase the overall level of functional integration among all the players who are in charge of various critical situations in the area. A key role was played by Acantho, Digital Company of the Hera Group, which has worked to set the scene for the signing of the agreement and will supply the TETRA standard radio terminals necessary to use the ERretre network. The Hera Group has always been committed to collaborating with the relevant public bodies, thus confirming its historic vocation to continuously improve its work. The agreement with Lepida, more precisely, is fully inscribed within the framework of a medium and long-term planning thanks to which the multi-utility, also in the face of particularly critical situations such as the drought events of 2017 or the bad weather in the Apennines of the winter just ended, aims to guarantee quality and continuity of the services provided, in the interests of the environment and local communities. GH-Lepida_870 20180702_Hera_signs_with_Lepida_for_the_use_of_the_ERretre_mobile_radio_network.1563281077.pdf 2019-07-16 GH_Lepida_870.1563281076.png A strategic collaboration that aims to increase the resilience of the regional territory in the field of civil protection: the multi-utility, in fact, will be able to use the ERretre regional mobile radio network to support its emergency services, making three of its sites already available to Lepida for the implementation of other radio installations, to further consolidate the existing network. Among these is the piezometric tank of San Lazzaro di Savena in Bologna read more GH-Lepida_110

Hera invests in the future: 50 new scholarships for the children of its employees, and 10 to support study experiences abroad

scolarships_110 Hera Group repeated its commitment to support the school-age children of its employees and enriched the programme once again, for 2018. In fact, in addition to the 40 scholarships provided for the second year in a row to the most deserving university students, this year ten more have been added for high school students, who will be able to participate in study experiences abroad in collaboration with the Intercultura foundation. The initiative, launched to reward scholastic achievement based onto principles of fairness and meritocracy, as well as the ability to rise to challenges right from the educational stage, reached its conclusion today as prizes were awarded during a ceremony held in Bologna, at the Spazio Hera, attended by the Executive Chairman, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano. The forty most deserving university students were identified by an excellence ranking drawn up according to the following parameters: being on schedule with the 2016-2017 academic year exam deadlines, the number of credits obtained and the average number of exams passed during the year. The company received more than 170 applications (more than twice as many as last year). Each of the 40 winners (graduates and undergraduates in economics, engineering, humanities and medicine) was awarded an individual scholarship worth 750 euro, for a total of 30,000 euro invested by the company. Among the winners there were also students studying abroad: a way to support a more complex life choice and to stimulate value creation, determined by acquiring experience in a range of settings. For high school students, on the other hand, the selection was carried out entirely by Intercultura's experts and consisted of aptitude tests, individual and group interviews, a meeting with the family and a health check-up. The ten winners were awarded 2,000 euro grants that will support the cost of attending a one-month study period abroad in Europe (UK, Finland and Denmark are the most popular destinations), the US (Washington is the favourite location) and South America (Argentina). scolarships_870 20180621_scholarships_for_the_children_of_its_employees.1534759933.pdf 2018-08-20 Read more borsedistudio_870.1534759932.jpg In addition to the 40 scholarships of 750 euro each awarded for the second year in a row to the most deserving university students, ten 2,000 euro scholarships were also awarded to high school students to help them participate in study experiences with Intercultura. The initiative, backed by a total investment of 50,000 euro, is part of "HExtRA", the multi-utility's corporate welfare plan scolarships_110

Sustainability, a Hera conference in Bologna to rethink development

sachs_110 Among the conference guests there was Prof Jeffrey Sachs, of Columbia University, who played an important role in drawing up the Sustainable Developments Goals identified by the UN Agenda for 2030, which the Hera Group has chosen as a guideline for its commitment to sustainability. In its sustainability report, in fact, the multi-utility reports the shared value, i.e. the portion of EBITDA that comes from activities that generate operating margins for the company and also meet 10 of the 17 sustainability objectives set out in the Global Agenda. This share, up 10% compared to 2016, amounted to 329 million euro in 2017 (1/3 of total EBITDA) and the objective is to increase it to 40% of the EBITDA by 2021, thus contributing more and more to the needs of the area it serves and to the challenges for change. The investments already made were quite significant, and in 2017 alone contributed to generating the shared value of 200 million euro, i.e. 41% of the total. Among the main measures, there was the construction in Sant'Agata Bolognese of an important plant to produce biomethane from organic waste. In addition, the development of waste recycling through the Aliplast and Waste Recycling companies is also essential in order to fully implement the circular economy. The upgrade of the wastewater treatment service, the digitalisation of services from a Utility 4.0 perspective and, lastly, investments in innovation to make networks increasingly smart, complete the picture. [block]div:row-fluid::db:hr_press_comunicazione::box:111[/block] Moreover, in the new edition of the Sustainability Report, which from this year also offers useful food for thought on the national and international scenario, shared value has become the true hub around which Hera has organised the document's entire content, so as to highlight the contribution that the various activities make to its generation. The information contained in the report is divided into three main areas: smart use of energy, efficient use of resources, innovation and contribution to local development. 2017 Sustainability report embraces shared value 20180604_Sustainability_a_Hera_conference_in_Bologna_to_rethink_development.1533303274.pdf 2018-08-01 Read more valore_condiviso_870x320_eng.1533281374.png At the European Week for Sustainable Development, the multi-utility relaunches the debate on the challenges facing companies, countries and the international community, and illustrates the excellent results contained in its sustainability report, with almost 2 billion euro distributed by Hera in 2017 alone to local stakeholders and suppliers. Among the guests there was also Prof Jeffrey Sachs, one of the proponents of the UN's sustainability objectives, to which Hera contributed around 330 million euro of shared-value EBITDA last year alone sachs_110

Hera introduces Italy's first sustainable revolving line of credit

sedeGH_110 Today, the Hera Group formalised an agreement with four credit institutions to activate a new € 200 million sustainable revolving credit line, intended to contribute to and maintain its financial solidity while at the same time enhancing the mix of financial products and instruments adopted by the company. This agreement is the first of its kind in Italy. The new credit line, named “ESG Linked RCF Facility”, introduces elements of sustainability through a bonus mechanism tied to specific environmental, social and governance objectives (ESG). In the commitment signed with the banks, indeed, a number of ESG performance measures were defined, which will determine the Group’s ability to benefit over time from more favourable rates. The sustainability objectives concern, for example, further reductions in the carbon footprint from energy production, new targets in energy efficiency and improvements in sorted waste collection. Hera has been a leader in all these areas for some time, as is recorded in its latest sustainability report, which at 2017 showed a 16% fall in the carbon footprint, a 3.6% reduction in the Group’s own energy consumption since 2013, with the goal of reaching a 5% decrease within 2020, and sorted waste at 57.7%, above the national average. After launching Italy’s first green bond in 2014, the Hera Group thus confirms its role as a pioneer in identifying innovative financial instruments linked to sustainability. "Environmental, social and governance objectives have long been a significant part of our Group's strategic planning", comments Stefano Venier, Hera's CEO, "and contribute to charting our course, in line with the goals set out in the UN's 2030 Agenda. We therefore consider it to be natural, perhaps even inevitable, for our financial instruments as well to reflect this vision, in addition to respecting the market's increasing sensitivity towards ESG issues. Hera has proven able to keep in step with this renewal in basic terms, interpreting the changes currently underway and providing itself with innovative models that now allow it not only to be appealing for the market, but also to explore paths that have never been followed before". In defining the agreement, the Hera Group collaborated with Vigeo Eiris, a leading European social and environmental rating agency. Vigeo Eiris formulated a second-party opinion concerning the importance of the measures defined and the degree of future improvements that can be expected as regards these same measures, which will determine the success of the operation. Hera was sustained within the club deal by: BBVA acting as Sustainable Coordinator, BNP Paribas and UniCredit acting as Documentation Agents, Crédit Agricole CIB acting as Facility Agent. All financial institutions acted also as Mandated Lead Arrangers. Sede Hera 20180517_press_release.1526553280.pdf 2018-05-17 Read more Sede Hera After launching the first green bond in 2014, the Group now confirms its place at the nations' forefront in the use of new sustainable financial instruments. Signed with four financial institutions, the € 200 million credit line is linked to a system of bonuses subject to reaching specific goals in environmental sustainability /group_eng/investor-relations/debt-and-rating/bond-issuances /group_eng/investor-relations/hera-strategy Hera Green Bond Hera Group strategy and shared value centrata sedeGH_110

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111