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Hera Group approves Business plan to 2021

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Hera Group approves Business plan to 2021

Based on the forecast for year 2017, EBITDA amount reached roughly 980 million, the Group's path of growth will continue to focus on investments, innovation and agility, in order to seize the emerging opportunities in the utility sector. Internal growth will be favoured by efficiencies and by innovative and sustainable solutions, while the Group's financial soundness will allow external growth to proceed


Operating-financial highlights

  • 2021 EBITDA: € 1,135 million (+218 million over 2016 EBITDA)
  • Overall industrial and financial investments: almost € 2.9 billion (+62% over the investments seen in the past five years)
  • Net debt/EBITDA ratio remains below 3
  • Profits/share to increase by an annual average of roughly 5% over the duration of the Plan
  • Dividends expected to keep rising, reaching 10.5 cents per share as early as 2020 (+17% over the last dividend paid)

Industrial highlights

  • The 5 strategic priorities confirmed: growth, efficiency and excellence, with an increasing focus on innovation and agility
  • Group development based on a balanced mix of internal and external (M&A) growth
  • Reconfirmation of current grants in tenders for gas distribution and urban waste collection, and confirmation of the trends of growth in the waste recycling and treatment sector, in line with the principles of a Circular Economy
  • Strategy reflects the main transitions currently underway in the sector: Circular Economy, Customer Experience, Utility 4.0
  • Objective of over 3 million energy customers at 2021, with 30,000 new gas and electricity customers acquired as of the current year and a reinforcement of commercial synergies, thanks to the recent acquisition of a further 29.5% of Hera Comm Marche
  • Shared value to reach over € 450 million

Preliminary consolidated results for 2017 show roughly 980 million in EBITDA, and a plan geared towards growth

This morning, the Hera Group's Board of Directors, which met to discuss the Business plan to 2021, also examined the preliminary consolidated results for 2017, which confirm a year-end EBITDA of roughly € 980 million, up almost 7% over the 917 million seen at 31 December 2016 and exceeding the forecast of the previous business plan. The Group's financial solidity will thus see an improvement in the net debt/EBITDA ratio, at approximately 2.6x.
On the firm basis provided by this result and by an increased financial flexibility, the Board of Directors approved the new Plan to 2021, which reflects a strong commitment to further growth in the Group's businesses, within a scenario marked by far-reaching changes.

A deeply evolving scenario

The scenario promises to be denser than ever in events that will bring about a profound evolution in almost all sectors in which the Group is active. In a framework showing clear and positive signals of economic recovery, Italian operators will be called to participate in the process, already underway thanks to the tenders for gas distribution announced by the Authority, of a significant rationalisation in the number of operators. In the waste collection sector, considering the recent transfer of power to the national Authority for energy, gas and the water service (renamed ARERA), service concession tenders which have already expired or will do so during the next five years are expected to be initiated. Other regulatory changes are also expected for segments involving protected energy service customers, intended to promote a further increase in added value for the services offered and greater competition on the marketplace. To this one must add the ongoing processes of consolidation in the energy sales and waste treatment sectors, which are currently among the most fragmentary in Europe and are, in the environmental services sector, at the root of the country's shortcomings in efficiency and infrastructures.

The investment plan and the solidity of the Group's assets

Faced with the numerous and diversified opportunities offered by the new scenario, the Plan to 2021 foresees investments amounting to almost € 2.9 billion, up roughly 400 million over the previous strategic plan. On the one hand, they will serve to fuel growth over the upcoming five years, and on the other to spark a transformation of Group businesses towards the new industrial paradigms of Circular Economy and Utility 4.0.
Over 70% of the investments expected by the Plan will in fact be dedicated to networks, partially going towards a reconfirmation of the concessions for gas distribution in the areas served, and partially to significant interventions in infrastructure modernisation and development, such as installing electronic meters, completing the Rimini seawater protection plan and upgrading the Servola and Cà Nordio purifiers. Furthermore, investments in innovative projects, such as extending smart grids to aqueducts or introducing new technologies for optimising purification sludge recovery, will allow an increase in network efficiency and a reduction in and energy and material consumption.
This investment plan proves to be sustainable from a financial point of view, thanks to a positive and rising cash generation, sufficient to cover the investments themselves and dividend payments. The Group's financial solidity, as foreseen by the Plan, expressed in a 2021 net debt/EBITDA ratio of 2.9, will potentially leave room for additional investments, used to grasp opportunities not currently included in the Plan, without jeopardising the parameters that the Group has long maintained as a reference point.

Strategy confirmed for seizing the opportunities offered by the scenario and creating shared value

The actions envisaged by the Group will be founded on its fundamental principles, efficiency, excellence, growth, innovation and agility; this set of strategic priorities has led the Group to set in place, ahead of time, the necessary preconditions to adequately deal with the changing scenario that lies ahead.
The strategy outlined in the Plan is concretely articulated according to the paradigms of a Circular Economy and the opportunities offered by Utility 4.0, through a growing digitalisation of processes, data collection and analysis and the widespread use of "intelligent" infrastructures. The Group, which has always been attentive to the issue of sustainability, in 2016 furthermore began financial reporting as to Shared Value, i.e. the portion of profits generated by projects that benefit the company and at the same time contribute to reaching the UN's 2030 Agenda (covering at least 10 of the 17 objectives indicated). In 2016 this portion accounted for roughly 30% of Group EBITDA and it is expected to rise to 40% or € 450 million overall (amounting to a 150 million increase) within 2021.

Increasing EBITDA objectives, balanced between the various business areas, between regulated and free market activities, and between internal and external growth

In view of the investment plan to be launched covering the upcoming five years, EBITDA is expected to reach € 1,135 million in 2021, with an almost 220 million increase over the 917 million recorded at the end of 2016. This growth will prove once again to be balanced between the Group's various business areas, while maintaining its current conservative risk profile thanks to the breakdown of its activity portfolio and the wider range of opportunities for growth offered by the reference scenario. A contribution to the increase in EBITDA over the duration of the Plan will indeed come from all areas (Networks, Waste and Energy), and will also be balanced between profits coming from regulated and free market activities and between internal and external growth.
As regards internal growth, a high degree of attention towards extracting efficiencies has been confirmed, as has the continuation of plans to expand in markets, with an overall contribution at 2021 of € 138 million (up 17% over the 118 million of the previous five-year plan), sustained by progress in innovation in addition to the support coming from development investments.
Further impetus towards growth will come from the lever of gas tenders, with an incremental EBITDA expected to reach 29 million through a reconfirmation of concessions in the current reference areas. For tenders involving waste collection the Plan is based on the idea of reconfirming services in the areas now served, while waiting for the future arrangements set out by the national Authority, ARERA.
Concerning external development (M&A), the Plan expects a 107 million euro contribution to growth in EBITDA over the five years in question. This contribution is in line with what the Hera Group has achieved in the past, ever since it was established, through both mergers with other multi-utilities and acquisitions of mono-business companies operating in the energy sales and waste treatment sectors. The latter have been included in the Plan only as regards the operation concerning the Aliplast Group, carried out in 2017 (through the subsidiary company Herambiente, Hera now holds 80% of this Group, with the possibility of acquiring the remaining 20% within 2022), while additional opportunities offered by liberalised markets have been left "on top" of the objectives contained in the Plan.

Increasing value for shareholders and an improved dividend policy

The Plan confirms the Group's care towards creating value for shareholders, with profits per share increasing by an annual average of approximately 5% and an improved dividend policy with respect to both the past and the forecast of the previous Business plan. The dividend will indeed rise to 9.5 cents/share as of the payment pertaining to 2017 (to be made during the current financial year) and settle at 10.0 cents in 2018 and 2019, reaching 10.5 cents for 2020 and 2021 (+17% compared to the last dividend paid).

Networks: smart infrastructures and excellence in services at the root of the Utility 4.0 model

The majority of the growth over the duration of the Plan is expected to come from the networks area: EBITDA traceable to electricity and gas distribution, the water cycle and remote heating services will go from € 424 million in 2016 to 552 million in 2021, thus contributing to roughly half of the Group's overall EBITDA.
A strong impulse will come from the over 2 billion in investments dedicated to the evolution and modernisation of networks, by adopting innovative technologies able to guarantee an excellent customer service (efficiency, safety, information exchange) and improve management competitiveness, with the aim of reconfirming the concessions already gained in the Group's reference areas. Efficiencies remain a strategic priority, and will contribute to growth over the five-year period with 24 million overall, to which one must add 15 million coming from the innovations introduced in networks (from energy efficiency projects applied to the most energy consuming activities, to automation systems in networks).

Consolidating the Group's role as a reference point in the waste sector

The waste sector EBITDA is expected to grow from the € 231 million seen in 2016 to 282 million in 2021.
This growth will be sustained by the current positive trends in demand, and by approximately € 600 million in investments over the duration of the Plan. The latter will be dedicated to fuelling innovation in environmental services and maintaining an appropriate capacity of waste treatment in the reference area, without neglecting trustworthiness and sustainability. One concrete example of the application of the best technologies currently available is the creation in the Bologna area of the first biomethane production plant, which will become functional within 2018 and allow the circle to be "come home": from collecting the organic part of sorted waste and agricultural trimmings to introducing the methane produced into the network, achieving a particularly sustainable cycle and clear benefits for air quality. Particular attention will continue to go to developing sorted waste, expected to grow from 56% in 2016 to 70% in 2021, including improvement from a qualitative point of view as well, in order to gain the most value from the portions collected and increasingly reduce both environmental impact and tariffs for citizens. Efficiencies remain a cornerstone for the expected results, which will also be sustained by the innovations foreseen (the latter will contribute roughly 8 million to overall growth in the waste area).
Furthermore, in 2017 the entrance of Aliplast within the Group's scope of operations has allowed Hera, already a leader in the sector, to introduce a new phase and be among the nation's precursors in developing a model of a circular economy. In the future as well, attention will go to solutions able to further increase the circularity of the Group's activities. The avant-garde position it has reached in treatment, reuse, recycling and energy valorisation thus becomes a heritage made available to industrial customers. The latter already see the Hera Group as a point of reference and a trustworthy partner, able to provide them with support in the evolution of their production processes, in line with the principles of a circular economy, by offering them an all-round service in waste management.

Energy: over 3 million customers

The energy sector will increase its EBITDA from the € 241 million seen in 2016 to 259 million in 2021. The challenging objective set by the Group is to reach over 3 million energy customers by the end of the Plan, making the most of both internally developing its own customer base, in line with its track record, and the opportunities offered by the market. These involve, for example, extinguishing protected categories in electricity, or the upcoming assignment of last resort services, in which the Hera Group has accumulated a solid experience over the years.
Beginning with the over 2.3 million customers reached in 2017, the enlarged customer base will be able to rely on 30,000 new energy clients in the current year: 13,000 protected electricity customers in the municipality of Gorizia, recently acquired through the subsidiary EnergiaBaseTrieste, with 17,000 further gas and electricity customers soon added in the Marche and Abruzzo regions, thanks to a binding deal signed in the last few days. The strong point of both operations lies in integrating a local presence, in a physical sense, that is typical of smaller businesses, with the potential for innovation in services and offers, and the competitiveness that come from belonging to a Group that is among the main operators in the Italian energy market. This is the light in which Marche Multiservizi's acquisition of 29.5% of the share capital of Hera Comm Marche must also be seen, as brought to completion last December, in line with the consolidated decision to reinforce both the integration between Group companies and synergies across the areas served.
The customer base will be enlarged thanks to the introduction of new offers, increasingly innovative and personalised, that combine energy sales with the supply of services with added value that are closely tied to the commodity itself (for example, tools for increasing energy efficiency in households). Furthermore, the Group will be able to defend its own customer base with increasing attention to customer experience, turning to digitalised processes and adopting efficient data management and analysis systems to guarantee an excellent service and accelerate the "time to market".
Lastly, thanks to the knowhow gained in energy efficiency both within the company and when acting for third parties, the Group will be able to interface with public administrations, condominiums or businesses as reference partners for defining and implementing effective solutions for energy saving, an element which is increasingly crucial in local and national energy strategies.

Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Hera Chairman

The reference scenario shows deep changes occurring in all sectors in which the Group is active, and requires us to "change gears" in order to seize the opportunities that we have been preparing to handle for some time now. The challenging objectives contained in the Plan rest on the solid results achieved until present, and that we wish to turn into further growth from all points of view, both in terms of size and regarding improvements in quality, risk profile and sustainability. The targets reached, as is also demonstrated by the 2017 forecast, allow us to look towards an incremental profit projection compared to the previous Plan, and towards growing payments to shareholders, with an additional increase in dividends, following up on the one announced last year.

Stefano Venier, Hera CEO

Already today, the new frontiers of circularity and shared value are a reality for the Group, which it can use as levers for an increasingly avant-garde industrial development, with the goal of meeting our customers' evolving needs and facing the urgent drive towards sustainability set out in the agendas of all countries. Our Plan envisages an intense investment program, amounting to almost 3 billion euros, confirming the Group's financial solidity and leaving further room for additional opportunities.

For further informations

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Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results

Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results Financial highlights Revenues at € 4,348.4 million (+8.0%) Ebitda at € 748.6 million (+3.3%) Net profits for Shareholders at € 208.7 million (+14.1%) Net debt at € 2,642.0 million Operating highlights Good contribution to growth coming from all businesses and gas in particular Good results achieved through internal growth Solid customer base in Energy (approximately 2.5 million), rising by approximately 100,000 over the first three quarters of 2017 Sorted waste increases to an average of 61.4% across all areas served Today, the Hera Group's Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated financial results at30 September 2018, which confirm the positive trend in operating results seen in previous quarters and show further improvement in financial and fiscal management. These results once again reward the Group's balanced and agile way of operating, following a business model that has always combined the strategic levers of internal and external growth. In addition to remarkable internal growth, partially deriving from higher efficiencies, developments in market shares and an increase in volumes sold in the energy sector both contributed to the accounts for the first three quarters of 2018. Revenues rise to € 4,348.4 million In the first nine months of 2018, revenues amounted to € 4,348.4 million, up 8% over the € 4,027.8 million seen at 30 September 2017, with a contribution coming from all business areas. In particular, trends in gas and electricity trading and sales benefitted from an increase in volumes. Ebitda increases to € 748.6 million The Group's consolidated Ebitda at 30 September 2018 grew from € 724.7 to € 748.6 million (+3.3%). This result is due to the good performance seen in all main activities, and the gas sector in particular, whose contribution included rising earnings derived from sales and trading. Positive results were also seen in the integrated water cycle and waste management areas. Ebit and pre-tax profits grow, owing in part to financial management Ebit grew to € 376.5 million, up compared to the € 357.9 seen at 30 September 2017 (+5.2%), while pre-tax profits rose to € 311.0 million, as against the € 283.5 seen at the same date in 2017 (+9.7%). This was due to financial management, which in the first nine months of 2018 improved by € 8.9 million compared to 30 September 2017, settling at € 65.5 million, with aperformance partly made possible by efficiency in rates and higher financial income for commercial activities. Net profits for Shareholders increase to € 208.7 million (+14.1%) Profits pertaining to Group Shareholders rose to € 208.7 million, compared to the € 182.9 million recorded at 30 September 2017 (+14.1%), for reasons including a tax rate coming to 30.1%, an improvement over the 32% seen in the same period of the previous year. The considerable investments made by the Group in Utility 4.0 projects allowed fiscal optimisation opportunities to be grasped, thanks to incentives for large and very large amortisations. Approximately € 300 million in investments, and an essentially stable financial position The Group's operating investments at 30 September 2018, including capital grants, amounted to € 296.6 million, up 7.0%over the same period in 2017 and in line with the content of the Business plan. Operating investments mainly concerned work done on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory upgrading, above all concerning gas distribution with a large-scale metre substitution, and the purification and sewerage activities. Net debt came to € 2,642.0 million at 30 September 2018, essentially stable compared to the € 2,610.0 million recorded after the first nine months of 2017, considering the dividends paid. Gas Ebitda for the gas business, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, reached € 222.2 million at 30 September 2018, up 10.3% over the same period one year earlier thanks to commercial development, higher intermediated volumes and higher revenues for distribution services. The number of gas customers came to 1.413 million in the first nine months of 2018, rising by 1.6% over the same period in 2017. This growth was caused by an expansion in market share and by the companies Blu Ranton and Verducci Servizi becoming part of the Group's consolidated scope. The gas business accounted for 29.7% of Group Ebitda. Water cycle Ebitda for the integrated water cycle, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, increased by 4.4%, going from € 178.3 million in September 2017 to € 186.2 million at 30 September 2018, thanks to higher revenues from dispensing, higher recognised costs and the efficiencies reached. The integrated water cycle accounted for 24.9% of Group Ebitda. Waste management The results for the waste management, which includes services in waste collection, treatment, recovery and disposal, also showed increasing figures, with Ebitda going from € 181.4 million at 30 September 2017 to € 188.2 million at the same date in 2018 (+3.7%). This trend was largely caused by changes in the prices set for waste treatment, along with increased results from Aliplast. Further growth was also seen in sorted waste, which went from 56.6% during the same period in 2017 to 61.4% at 30 September 2018, thanks to the numerous services offered. In the month of September, moreover, the Sant'Agata Bolognese biomethane production plant was launched, fully respecting the timing set out in the Business plan. The waste management area accounted for 25.1% of Group Ebitda. Electricity Ebitda for the electricity business, which includes services in electricity generation, distribution and sales, went from € 147.4 million in the first nine months of 2017 to € 133.2 million at 30 September 2018. Sales and trading results benefitted from a higher amount of intermediated volumes (+15.5%) and the enlarged customer base (+7.8%, reaching 1.039 million), thanks to increased market shares and a wider scope of operations. This result partially offset the effect coming from a few suspended generation plants, which became fully functional once again in the third quarter. The electricity business accounted for 17.8% of Group Ebitda The manager responsible for drafting the company's accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The third-quarter management report and related materials are available to the public at Company Headquarters and on the website Unaudited extracts from the Intermediate Management Report at 30 September 2017 are attached. PROFIT & LOSS (M€) 30/09/2018 INC% 30/09/2017 INC.% CH. CH. % Sales 4,348.4 4,027.8 +320.6 +8.0% Other operating revenues 321.1 7.4% 327.3 8.1% -6.2 -1.9% Raw material (1,966.6) -45.2% (1,776.4) -44.1% +190.2 +10.7% Services costs (1,529.2) -35.2% (1,428.6) -35.5% +100.6 +7.0% Other operating expenses (42.9) -1.0% (45.3) -1.1% -2.4 -5.3% Personnel costs (410.1) -9.4% (409.1) -10.2% +1.0 +0.2% Capitalisations 28.0 0.6% 29.1 0.7% -1.1 -3.8% Ebitda 748.6 17.2% 724.7 18.0% +23.9 +3.3% Depreciation and provisions (372.2) -8.6% (366.8) -9.1% +5.4 +1.5% Ebit 376.5 8.7% 357.9 8.9% +18.6 +5.2% Financial inc./(exp.) (65.5) -1.5% (74.4) -1.8% -8.9 -12.0% Pre tax profit 311.0 7.2% 283.5 7.0% +27.5 +9.7% Tax (95.1) -2.2% (90.7) -2.3% +4.4 +4.9% Net profit before special items 215.9 5.0% 192.8 4.8% +23.1 +12.0% Special items 4.8 0.1% - 0.0% +4.8 +100.0% Net profit 220.7 5.1% 192.8 4.8% +27.9 +14.5% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 208.7 4.8% 182.9 4.5% +25.8 +14.1% Minority shareholders 11.9 0.3% 9.9 0.2% +2.1 +20.9% BALANCE SHEET (M€) 30/09/2018 INC.% 31/12/2017 INC.% CH. CH.% Net fixed assets 5,837.0 107.2% 5,780.6 110.5% +56.4 +1.0% Working capital 186.4 3.4% 23.2 0.4% +163.2 +703.4% (Provisions) (578.5) (10.6%) (574.8) (10.9%) (3.7) +0.6% Net invested capital 5,444.9 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +215.9 +4.1% Net equity 2,802.9 51.5% 2,706.0 51.7% +96.9 +3.6% Long term net financial debt 2,841.9 52.2% 2,735.4 52.4% +106.5 +3.9% Short term net financial debt (199.9) (3.7%) (212.4) (4.1%) +12.5 (5.9%) Net financial debts 2,642.0 48.5% 2,523.0 48.3% +119.0 +4.7% Net invested capital 5,444.9 100.0% 5,229.0 100.0% +215.9 +4.1% 9M 2018 2018-11-08 For further infotmations 9M 2018 Consolidated 3Q results at 30 September confirm the growth in operating and financial indicators already seen in the first half of the year, with positive contributions coming from the different Group's business areas, gas and waste management in particular. /-/hera-bod-approves-3q-2018-results-1?inheritRedirect=true /documents/1514726/4667212/GruppoHera_Consolidated_ThirdQuarterReport30September2018_eng.1541672459.pdf/4efd185a-8a09-4b8c-a66a-ef1134973617?t=1608550214672 Press release Financial report as at 30/09/2018 Newsletter as at 30/09/2018 centrata Hera BoD approves 3Q 2018 results

Biomethane, the road to green energy now passes through Sant'Agata Bolognese

impianto_biometano_110 How can energy amounting to 6 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent be obtained each year, without consuming a single drop of crude oil and thus avoiding 14,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions? As of today, the answer can be found in Sant'Agata Bolognese, just outside the capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region, where the Hera Group has inaugurated a major plant producing biomethane from the organic portion of waste, designed and created on the basis of the most advanced precedents seen in this sector internationally. The opening ceremony - that saw the participation of the region's alderwoman Paola Gazzolo, Hera's top management and the main local and sector institutions - ushered in a new phase in the decarbonisation of energy production, giving further impetus to the circular economy towards which the region has been moving for some time now. Thanks to this plant, indeed, sorted organic waste coming from our houses will serve the community under the form of gas. Once injected into the network, this gas will fuel public and private transportation vehicles running on natural gas, aiding a sector that is increasingly exposed to the issue of carbon dioxide emission. In line with policies adopted by the Region, the National Energy Strategy and the European Union, the Sant'Agata Bolognese plant will now begin extracting value from this 37 million euro investment. The plant furthermore represents an enrichment of the range of plants belonging to Herambiente, the national leader in waste treatment that has been active for years in biogas production for renewable electricity. A 100% renewable combustible from organic waste In terms of volume, the plant is capable of treating 100 thousand tonnes of sorted organic waste each year, in addition to 35 thousand tonnes resulting from plant clipping and pruning. Thanks to the implementation of new and improved technologies in anaerobic digestion and upgrading, in particular, these resources will allow 7.5 million cubic metres of biomethane, a 100% renewable combustible, to be obtained along with 20 thousand tonnes of compost, a bio-fertiliser mainly intended for agriculture. An architectural project conceived to bring the plant and the area served into harmony, minimising its environmental impact With no combustion plants whatsoever, the plant is located within a pre-existing composting site, with no additional land use required for its construction. Planned with an eye to minimising its acoustic and odoriferous impact, the structure furthermore meets architectonic criteria aimed at harmonising it with the surrounding area. Even its outer covering, which will be added over the next few months, will be dense with themes and motifs that relay the sense of what goes on inside: in particular, images will portray vegetation blossoming out of an arid and cracked ground, calling to mind the transformations undergone by the organic product within the plant. "We have been working with biomethane for some time now", comments Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Executive Chairman of the Hera Group. "Today's inauguration, in particular, is a crowning achievement that represents years of work. Our community will now be served by a plant born out of research, studies and European tenders that allowed us to choose the best of what is currently available on the market. What's more, renewable energies must necessarily become part of industrialisation processes capable of expressing their potential on a large scale. In this sense the Sant'Agata plant is an excellent example that can be replicated elsewhere, above all in light of a regulatory framework that is finally favourable and provides fundamental added value for sector development." "The ribbon has been cut in front of a highly innovative construction project that moves towards an energy transition, pointing in the direction of a low carbon economy: biomethane presents a significant opportunity for reducing the use of fossil fuels and lessening our region's energy footprint, with an eye to a circular economy", states the alderwoman of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Paola Gazzolo. "Renewable energy is a fundamental part of the green turn supported by the Emilia-Romagna government with the policies implemented since the beginning of its mandate. This change of pace is intended to offset the effects of climate change as currently seen and reduce the use of raw materials, promoting recovery and reuse. Precisely because these products and materials are available in limited quantities, we must save them and preserve their value: the project realised by Hera in Sant'Agata is headed in exactly this direction". Pictures of the inauguration of the S. Agata plant Watch the photogallery null null null null null null null null null null null null null Press release Biomethane, the road to green energy now passes through Sant’Agata Bolognese 1._Foto_25_10_18_09_09_40.1540463296.jpg 2._Foto_25_10_18_09_12_26.1540463297.jpg 3._Foto_25_10_18_09_16_07.1540463299.jpg 4._Foto_25_10_18_09_25_03.1540463300.jpg 5._Foto_25_10_18_09_36_08.1540463301.jpg 6._Foto_25_10_18_09_44_46.1540463302.jpg 7._Foto_25_10_18_10_25_35.1540463303.jpg 8._Foto_25_10_18_10_31_05.1540463304.jpg 9._Foto_25_10_18_10_31_09.1540463305.jpg 10._Foto_25_10_18_10_47_16.1540463306.jpg 11._Foto_25_10_18_10_50_02.1540463307.jpg 12._Foto_25_10_18_10_50_18.1540463308.jpg 13._Foto_25_10_18_10_51_06.1540463309.jpg 2019-05-27 Read more null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Inaugurated today, just outside Bologna, the first biomethane-from-organic-waste plant created by a multi-utility. Investments totalling 37 million euro have thus given new impetus to the future of renewable energies on an industrial scale, with 7.5 million cubic metres of biomethane and 20 thousand tonnes of compost sustainably fuelling, each year, a range of sectors including motor vehicle transport and agriculture From waste to biomethane, a circular revolution Herambiente's Main Plants impianto_biometano_110

"In good waters": Hera's transparency on the water cycle

in_good_waters_110 "In buone acque" turns 10 years old It's the tenth birthday of the "In Good Waters" report that Hera Group prepares to provide detailed and easy-to-read information on the water cycle it manages in 231 municipalities of Emilia-Romagna, Marche, and Triveneto. As the second-largest operator in Italy by volume of water supplied (303 million m3 per year), Hera Group serves over 3.6 million citizens. This report is for them, the everyday users of the water resources the multi-utility manages, to fully inform them on the quality of the water coming out of their taps; a quality that is ensured by strict monitoring. This is proven by the number of analyses carried out last year throughout the company's entire service area: a total of over a million, more than 2,800 per day, on average. The analyses, 38% of which were carried out in the Group's laboratories, also concerned the presence of pesticides and non-regulated aspects, such as emerging pollutants and asbestos fibres. Of the checks carried out, 99.9% yielded results compliant with regulatory limits, confirming the safety of the water Hera distributes. Bologna's water: 134.000 quality assurance analyses In 2017, over a million Bologna residents used a water resource the quality of which was certified by more than 134,000 analyses carried out in the laboratories of the Hera Group and the ASL (local public health authority). The possibility of using tap water on a daily basis depends on the plant resources used by the company to distribute the service: in the Bologna area, tap water comes from 660 sources and travels through more than 9,000 km of aqueduct network, into which 108.4 million m3 of water are fed every year. This ensures a constant and adequate supply. Hera: water-related investments 32% above the Italian average Not only aqueduct but also purification and sewerage; managing the water service means taking care of the entire water cycle, meaning not only its distribution in homes but also the sewerage service and wastewater treatment. This is why the Hera Group has always focused most of its investments in the water sector: in 2017 they exceeded 156 million euro, compared to 130 million euro the previous year (+19%). More specifically, it invested 41% in the mains water network, 32% in the sewer system, and 27% in water treatment. Compared to a national average of 37 euro invested per inhabitant, in the area served by the Hera Group investments in 2017 were about 49 euro per inhabitant. The magnitude of this commitment has allowed Hera to work on more than 35,000 km of its aqueduct network, about 18,600 km of sewerage, 469 water treatment plants and 422 production and drinking water purification plants. All this against a cost of just two euro per thousand litres of tap water, about half of what consumers pay in other European nations. in_good_waters_870 20181003_in_good_waters_def.1564391876.pdf 2019-07-29 in_good_waters_870.1564383254.png Tenth annual appointment with the Group's report on an essential service. The value of the multi-utility's investments in the sector continues to increase: over 156 million euro in 2017 compared to 130 million last year. Excellent quality of the resource supplied, guaranteed by over a million analyses, of which more than 134,000 in the Bologna region alone Read more in_good_waters_110

Biomethane, Bologna hosts leading conference on the green economy of gas

Infografica_biometano_110 There are three ingredients: circular economy, renewable energy, and gas. But the outcome their combination has just one name, it is called biomethane and is the new way to protect the environment and economic growth. Its potential seems extremely promising. The regulatory scenario is improving, and this is exactly why a major conference will be held on Friday, 21 September in Bologna to enable companies, institutions and trade associations to meet and take stock of the situation. It will be held at the Royal Hotel Carlton, hosted by the Hera Group with the collaboration of the Italian Gas Committee. Italian and international companies will participate, ready to share their experience and research, also in the light of the prospects and opportunities biomethane is opening up on several fronts: from treating organic waste to generating and distributing renewable energy, through the revival of sustainable mobility and the production of natural fertilizers that could give revitalize the entire agro-industrial sector. In addition to the Executive Chairman of the Hera Group Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, who will inaugurate the conference, the main speakers will include Alessandro Bratti, General Manager of ISPRA, and Giordano Colarullo, General Manager of Utilitalia, who will present the activities of the Biomethane Observatory. The spotlights will also focus on many technical issues related to the production and use of biomethane, with in-depth studies on chemical and sensory research, on the characterization of biomethane, on its monitoring, on the management of the aspects most directly related to distribution, as well as on the matter of odorization, for which Hera and Italgas will present a study. Infografica_biometano_870 20180918_Biometano_a_Bologna_gli_stati_generali_per_la_green_economy_del..._rev_def.1564380704.pdf 2019-07-29 infografica_biometano_1498141070.1535647018.1537263440.1564380703.png Attended by Italian and foreign companies and prominent figures, including the general director of ISPRA Alessandro Bratti, the conference held on Friday, 21 September and organized by Hera in collaboration with the Italian Gas Committee will take stock of the development of biomethane, the progress of its regulatory framework and future prospects Hera Biomethane Project Read more Infografica_biometano_110

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111