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Hera: 'Change the Ending' for approx. 532 metric tons of bulky goods

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Hera: 'Change the Ending' for approx. 532 metric tons of bulky goods
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6,324 collections in 2016 alone, the equivalent of over 751 tonnes of bulky goods collected, of which around 532 metric tons were sent for reuse: these are the important results achieved thanks to 'Change the Ending', the Hera service currently active in 82 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna and provided in collaboration with Last Minute Market and 20 local non-profit associations.

The initiative aims to give new life to bulky goods like furniture and domestic appliances, but also clothes and children's toys, which are second-hand but still usable, thus creating a virtuous and charitable reuse cycle in line with the principles of the circular economy. Its social value is amplified by the local non-profit organisations that are partners in the project: in 2016 alone the 20 NPO partners involved a total of 1,117 volunteers and made 360 socially-motivated job placements. In addition to this, there are also the environmental benefits: in fact, by promoting the reuse of items it is possible to extend their lifetimes, prevent waste production and combat the tipping of rubbish in public.

Change the Ending has proven to be a circular economy project that is capable of creating value from both an economic and social viewpoint, as demonstrated by its SROI index of 1.32: for every euro spent on the initiative, €1.32 is made.

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With NexMeter, the gas meter goes green

Rendering NexMeter With the Hera Group, also gas distribution is going green. NexMeter, our smart gas meter 4.0, the first of its kind worldwide in terms of cutting-edge technology and safety functions, including reducing gas dispersion into the atmosphere, will be made from recycled plastic and can already be used for distributing hydrogen in the network up to a maximum of 20% compatibility, with a trial planned in the coming months. This advanced meter is therefore a concrete example of our commitment to the energy transition and carbon neutrality, focusing on green gases, such as biomethane, hydrogen and green syngas, and contributing to the fight against climate change. Furthermore, it results from Hera’s experience and know-how in management of the gas distribution service, combined with continuous investments in innovation, research and development, and confirms the Group’s collaboration with outstanding partners: Panasonic, the Japanese multinational global leader in electronic products and components, and Pietro Fiorentini, an Italian company and market leader in creating products and services for the entire natural gas chain. The advanced version of NexMeter will be previewed today in Milan at Enlit, the most important event in the sector. An immediate debut: initial experiments with hydrogen in the domestic gas network soon to be underway NexMeter’s first field test involving hydrogen will be carried out during the next few months, as part of a wider set of activities aimed at certifying our entire supply chain as qualified to use green gases. More specifically, it involves introducing a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen into a portion of the distribution network managed by the Group, involving around thirty households in Castelfranco Emilia in Modena province. This is the first experiment of this kind in Italy as regards domestic gas distribution, and it aims at studying innovative solutions to contribute to the local area’s needs as regards decarbonisation, with benefits for the environment as well. The trial is also part of the broader strategy for developing hydrogen in a two-fold perspective: on the one hand, upgrading our assets, starting with the gas distribution networks, and on the other, creating new business opportunities, which we can make the most of by leveraging its multi-business expertise, including partnerships with other major industrial operators. Rendering NexMeter 2019-05-27 For further information Rendering NexMeter Our smart gas meter 4.0, the first of its kind internationally in terms of safety functions, is already prepared for its first experimentation in the network with hydrogen, and its construction in recycled plastic further confirms the commitment to the energy transition and circularity /-/hera-group-with-nexmeter-the-gas-meter-goes-green /-/nexmeter-the-smart-gas-meter-for-innovation-and-security Press release Find out the dedicated webpage Rendering NexMeter

Hera wins waste management tender in the Bologna area

Bologna The Emilia-Romagna Territorial Agency for Water and Waste Services (Atersir), acting as regulatory agency and contracting station, has officially awarded the tender for urban and assimilated waste management in the Bologna area to the temporary consortium (RTI) formed by Hera S.p.A., Giacomo Brodolini Soc. Coop and Consorzio Stabile Ecobi. The figures of the tender won by the consortium led by the Hera Group The contract awarded concerns 50 municipalities in the Bologna area, including the capital city, and a total of approximately 1 million inhabitants. As requested during the tender, the temporary consortium led by the Hera Group – the current manager of the service in the same municipalities – will make significant investments to extend the ‘pay as you throw’ waste collection model to the entire area, with the aim of minimising the amount of non-sorted waste and increasing the quantity destined to be recycled. The contract, which will be signed in the coming weeks by Hera and Atersir, has a total value of over 1.7 billion euro and a timespan of 15 years. More sustainability and increasing shared value for communities Thanks to the excellent operational skills of Hera and the other companies in the contracted consortium, the area covered by the service contract will be provided with collection methods based on innovative services and equipment, strongly oriented towards sustainability, waste reduction and an increase in the amount of recycled materials. More dialogue and better environmental performance The key principles underpinning the offer presented by the consortium led by Hera are awareness-raising and the active involvement of citizens and businesses, in order to encourage a reduction in the amount of waste, especially non-sorted waste, and an increasing focus on sorted waste collection. In fact, experience in this field shows that – regardless of the collection method proposed – the environmental performance of waste is better where the community is more aware of its role. For this reason, right from the first months of the new service contract, Hera will launch progressive communication and information campaigns aimed at increasing citizen involvement, and in so doing, further improving the service quality, with a view to creating increasing shared value for local communities. Bologna 2019-05-27 For further information Bologna The winning proposal for the Bologna area, submitted by a consortium led by the Hera Group, focuses on sustainability, innovation and creating shared value /-/hera-wins-waste-management-tender-in-the-bologna-area Press release Bologna

Dow Jones Sustainability Index: Hera once again world sustainability leader in Multi-Utility & Water

398 DJSI 2021 The Hera Group has once again been confirmed as the world’s best multi-utility in ESG dimensions by S&P Global that selects the companies to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). S&P Global has indeed announced the new ranking - effective as of November 22, 2021 - for its authoritative international stock exchange indices, which assesses the social responsibility of listed companies, based on sustainability performances for ESG factors. For the second consecutive year, Hera has been included in both the global (Dow Jones Sustainability World Index) and European (Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index) indices, ranked best in the sector. The Group further raised its sector benchmark, achieving an overall score of 90/100 (improving compared to the 87/100 seen in 2020), against a sector average of 39/100. The ratings achieved: 92/100 in Environment, 90/100 in Economic & Governance and 88/100 in Social, reaching the highest sector score in all the three dimensions. DJSI 2021 SBTi 2016-10-10 DJSI 2021 For the second year in a row, the Group leads its sector giving further recognition to Hera’s strategy, which combines attention towards sustainability with creating shared value CSR (Gruppo) 1 0 CSR (Gruppo) DJSI 2021

Dow Jones Sustainability Index: Hera once again world sustainability leader in Multi-Utility & Water

DJSI 2021 We have once again been confirmed as the world’s best multi-utility in ESG dimensions by S&P Global that selects the companies to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). S&P Global has indeed announced the new ranking - effective as of November 22, 2021 - for its authoritative international stock exchange indices, which assesses the social responsibility of listed companies, based on sustainability performances for ESG factors. For the second consecutive year, we have been included in both the global (Dow Jones Sustainability World Index) and European (Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index) indices, ranked best in the sector. We further raised our sector benchmark, achieving an overall score of 90/100, against a sector average of 39/100. The ratings achieved: 92/100 in Environment, 90/100 in Economic & Governance and 88/100 in Social, reaching the highest sector score in all the three dimensions. This recognition is fully in line with the consensus found in ESG assessments thanks to a strategy focused on sustainable value creation in the last 20 years. DJSI 2021 2014-03-19 For further information DJSI 2021 A further recognition to our strategy, which combines attention towards sustainability with creating shared value /-/dow-jones-sustainability-index-hera-once-again-world-sustainability-leader-in-multi-utility-water /group_eng/investors /group_eng/sustainability Press release Visit Investor Relations website area Visit Sustainability area DJSI 2021

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111