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Hera and ISS together for the application of the Water Safety Plans

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Hera and ISS together for the application of the Water Safety Plans
Water Safety Plans

They are called Water Safety Plans and they are the European protocols for the monitoring of all phases of the production and distribution chain of drinking water. Considered in Directive 1787/2015, they require member states to comply as soon as possible, but Hera - as ever - does not plan to wait. Long since committed to the painstaking monitoring of its water network with a service that is able to guarantee economical and high quality drinking water right across the area it serves, the multiutility has signed a cooperation agreement with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS - the Italian National Health Institute) to apply complete Water Safety Plans to two of its water systems in the 2017-2018 period. In this way, it will be able to learn the methodology and the skills outlined in the new legislation so it can then extend the Water Safety Plans to all of the water systems it manages. An important initiative that was the subject of a conference dedicated to industry experts - held on Wednesday 21 June at the multiutility's Bologna site - that was also attended by the Group's top management as well as the institutions and bodies involved in the project.

Guaranteed by over 2,000 controls a day, tap water is a priority for Hera, which has dedicated the specific "In Good Water" report to it. Now in its eighth edition, the report is published annually to provide details on all aspects of this fundamental service.

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Earthquake: another reason to do separate paper collection properly

Sisma 110 Comieco (National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging), in collaboration with Anci and the Consortium for the recovery of packaging - Conai - has launched a national campaign for the municipalities struck by the 24 August earthquake: in the month of September, for every additional 100 kg of paper, cardboard and paperboard collected compared to the same month of 2015, the Consortium will donate Euro 7. Hera has answered the call of Comieco and in themunicipalities it serves, it invites households and commercial and production businesses, in particular those which by their nature generate large quantities of paper, to support this solidarity campaign by recycling their paper materials using the services available in their area, street and residential collection bins and drop-off points. In this case, aside from being a choice that we make to defend and protect the environment, separate waste collection multiplies its value, as it offers all residents the possibility to contribute to a concrete action to support the populations affected by the earthquake. Sisma 870 2014-03-19 870.1473860874.jpg Hera has answered the call of Comieco, which will provide the areas of central Italy impacted by the August earthquake with Euro 7 for every 100 kg of paper collected this month Sisma 110

Hera Board of Directors approves results for 1H 2016

Half financial results as at 30 june 2016 Financial highlights Revenues at € 2,152.7 million (-2.7%) EBITDA at € 470.1 million (+2.4%)Net profits for shareholders at € 121.0 million (+12.8%) Net financial position reduced to € 2,624.4 million Operating highlights Regulated revenues affected by lower return on invested capital (WACC) M&A initiatives contribute to results Energy market expands, with total customers reaching almost 2.3 million Today, the Hera Group's Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated economic results for H1, whose main indicators show positive figures and growth through to net profits. Gas The gas business EBITDA, which includes services in natural gas and LPG distribution and sales, remote heating and heat management, settled in the first half of 2016 at € 162 million, down from the € 172.5 recorded at 30 June 2015, mainly due to lower margins in trading and the negative impact of the mild winter, as well as a resolution that modified the method used to calculate the rate of return on invested capital for infrastructure services in the gas sector. The results were also sustained by the recent acquisition of Julia Servizi, a company in the Abruzzo region operating in gas and electricity sales. The gas business accounts for 34.5% of Group EBITDA. Water In the first half of 2016, the water business, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded a slight drop compared to the same period in 2015, with EBITDA passing from € 107.6 million in the first half of 2015 to € 106.6 million at 30 June 2016. The negative impact of the resolution on revenues and on EBITDA for the WACC effect and the redefinition of the restriction on revenue, came to € 11.1 million, almost entirely compensated by the operative efficiencies implemented over the six months in question and, in particular, a series of optimisations concerning general management costs. The integrated water cycle accounts for 22.7% of Group EBITDA. Waste management EBITDA pertaining to the waste business, which includes services in collecting, treating and disposing of waste, went from € 119.8 million in the first half of 2015 to € 116.5 million at 30 June 2016, an essentially stable result in spite of the reduced operating capacities of a few landfills, which are currently being enlarged. Activities related to treatment of special waste showed a 20.1% growth in volume and a further improvement in prices. One fundamental contribution came from the acquisitions, dating to late 2015, of Waste Recycling and the Geonova plants, which gave greater impetus to management of industrial waste and compensated for the temporary closure of landfills presently being expanded (the Ravenna landfill is due to be reopened shortly). Good results also came from sorted waste collection, which rose to 56.9% of the total, compared to the 55.4% seen in the first half of 2015, thanks to the wide range of projects implemented across all areas served. The waste business accounts for 24.8% of Group EBITDA. Electricity The electricity business, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, showed an EBITDA that grew from € 49.6 million for the first six months of the previous year to € 76.3 million at 30 June 2016. The negative impact on electricity services of the resolution on revenues and EBITDA, regarding WACC alone (€ 1.4 million in the first six months), was more than compensated by the balance payments involved in 654/15/R/eel, thanks to a revision of the criteria used for the treatment of investments made in previous years, and the continuous expansion of the customer base. The electricity business accounts for 16.2% of Group EBITDA. Statement of Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano "The figures that appear in the 2016 interim report are once again positive, showing the extent to which the Group has been able to offer its shareholders a solid response in terms of both economic results and financial structure, which is all the more appreciable in light of a macroeconomic context still marked by instability. This outcome was also fuelled by M&A operations, that allowed waste treatment plants to be acquired and increased our customer base". Statement of the Managing Director Stefano Venier "We are highly satisfied, in that the operations introduced have led to the good results we expected, allowing us, in only six months, to compensate for the cut in regulated revenues. A good financial and fiscal performance also made it possible for us, in a difficult year, to close the first half with growth in net profits and other main indicators as well as a reduction in debt." 1H 2016 2015-08-26 For further information 1H 2016 Interim report at 30 June 2016 shows rising profits, positive cash flows and lesser borrowing. /documents/1514726/4210755/Hera_Group_Consolidate_half_year_financial_report_as_at_30_june_2016.1470389788.pdf/c10e9d21-76b4-2589-28b3-24d6c2bbef80?t=1597910997787 /-/hera-board-of-directors-approves-results-for-1h-2016-1 /documents/1514726/4210755/Hera_Newsletter_1H2016_eng.1469701438.pdf/0583d746-cfd6-9b22-d84d-466aa0dafcbb?t=1597910996793 /documents/1514726/4210755/Dati_finanziari_operativi_di_sintesi_1H_2016_eng.1469542136.xls/3562a414-ad03-7f51-fa6e-7505d4ce5d0f?t=1597910989700 /documents/1514726/4210755/Analyst_presentation_1H2016.1469703526.pdf/cd804341-2bdb-7a71-66b9-af7b2fc2b474?t=1597910997228 /documents/1514726/4880888/audioconference+H12016+results.1470907152.mp3/dea26a04-edb1-d007-8cfc-aa7552b7f985?t=1610038453962 /group_eng/investors First Half 2016 report Press release Newsletter 1H 2016 Financial data 1H 2016 Analyst presentation 1H 2016 Conference 1H 2016 Go to IR section centrata Half financial results as at 30 june 2016

The Acquologo puts everything water within the reach of an app

quologo 110 Use your smartphone to read your own water metre, receive prompt notifications about temporary water service interruptions for scheduled work, report leaks in the road and discover average tap water quality values, all with a simple click. Starting today, all of this is possible with the Acquologo (Water Expert), the new free app created by Hera. After the success of the Rifiutologo (Waste Expert), which helps to best separate waste and makes it possible to send geolocalised photo-reports about litter, the multiutility company is offering yet another app dedicated to residents in the communities it serves, to put a new, innovative and immediate tool in the palm of their hands, with all of the information about the local water service. The Acquologo is available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone operating systems. Water metre self-reading with one click With the Acquologo, customers that have a contract with Hera can simply and quickly read their own water metres and report their actual water consumption using a smartphone. All they need to do is select "Water metre reading", enter the contract code and then send the numbers from their metre. The self-reading function is valid for all users that receive a Hera bill for their water service. It is not available for customers that rely on other metre reading companies. The app provides advance notification of water service interruptions The Acquologo can also notify residents beforehand about water service interruptions for scheduled work (for example, pipeline upgrades or replacements). The notifications system can be activated on any smartphone by simply choosing the post code, allowing customers to always stay informed. Hera customers can also receive a notification by SMS by entering their mobile phone number in addition to the post code. The Acquologo provides information about tap water quality Hera manages the water service while guaranteeing its customers good drinking water, in line with regulatory requirements and with careful oversight along the entire purification and distribution chain. The Acquologo provides additional confirmation of this, as it allows users to use theirsmartphones to check the average values (calcium, pH, hardness, dry residue and much more) of the quality of the water provided in each municipality served by the multiutility company, and also compare them with legal limits. There is also a function that calculates the financial savings generated by consuming tap water rather than bottled water: in the "How much do you save" section, users can enter how many litres of water they drink per week and select the brand they typically buy. The Acquologo will estimate how much they can save. Water leaks can be reported to Emergency Services by sending a photo In the future, it will also be possible to use the Acquologo to send reports, for example about water leaks on public land due to pipe breakages below the road. To do this, users can simply take a photo with their own smartphone and, if necessary, attach a brief description. The report will be sent directly to Hera Emergency Services and, using geolocalisation, the system will identify the exact location where the report was sent, to notify Emergency Services technicians. This service is already active on a trial basis in Bologna. Ask the expert Lastly, the application can be used to contact the Hera experts with questions and requests about the local water service and to read the answers to the most frequently asked questions in this area. This system is synchronised with information available on the Group's website. To ensure that the Acquologo loads all content from the central database, the app should be updated periodically. Acquologo 870 2014-03-19 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION acquologo_870.1469179950.jpg Thanks to this new free application, with just a few clicks you can find out about tap water quality, receive notifications about service interruptions for scheduled work, report leaks in the road and read your own water metre quologo 110

Hera launches the company welfare plan, side by side with families

Inrete Hextra is born... It is called Hextra, and it is the new integrated company welfare plan that has been in place since July 2016 for everyone working at the Hera Group. Also thanks to recent tax incentives introduced for welfare initiatives, every year the employees of all of the Hera Group's consolidated companies, which today number more than 8,500, can benefit from the same standardised plan. This is an important commitment which works alongside other employee welfare activities in which the Group has already invested for some time now (canteen, car parks, nurseries, summer programmes, etc.). The welfare plan encompasses a wide range of thematic areas to choose from, corresponding to just as many local sectors for the supply of goods and services: health and healthcare, insurance and social security, support for the education of children, services for individuals, welfare and income support. The investment in education for children is particularly significant and involves an additional contribution provided by the company to employees who meet specific requirements. The goal of this policy is to highlight the importance placed by the Group on culture and education, traditional values underlying the company's mission, which are confirmed in the success of Heracademy, the corporate university designed to develop and enhance worker skills. Lastly, those who choose to do so may allocate part of the value of their own welfare plan to Hera Solidale, the Group project which for years has involved workers in supporting a wide range of solidarity initiatives throughout the communities served by the multiutility company. The plan's investments are also expected to have positive impacts on the communities, thanks to the downstream business generated by the services provided. Therefore, this company welfare approach places the families of workers at the very centre while also developing positive relationships with local communities. Tommasi: "We invest in the welfare of families and the community" "We began with a long phase of listening, using questionnaires and focus groups, to understand how to put together a welfare plan that could improve our commitment to our employees" explains Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Chairman of the Hera Group. "We are satisfied with the solution we've developed as, aside from increasing resources, it also allows for a more streamlined use of them and, especially, it allows our workers to decide how to manage their contribution based on their own personal and family needs. If we consider the expansion and consolidation of the Group, Hextra represents a significant step forward, which enables us to create value and efficiency in the interest of everyone involved, while contributing towards protecting the wallets of families during this financially difficult time". Inrete 2014-03-19 870.1469179507.jpg A transversal plan for all Group companies from Emilia-Romagna to the Triveneto region to the Marche, aiming for flexibility to meet the needs of more than 8,500 workers and their families. Inrete

The birth of Inrete, the Hera Group gas and electricity distribution company

Inrete The Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A. today approved, with effect from 1 July 2016, the transfer of the gas and electricity distribution line of business to the company Inrete Distribuzione Energia, a wholly owned subsidiary of the multi-utility. This marks the completion of the "unbundling" process required by Italian legislation governing the sector (AEEGSI Resolution 296/2015) in order to separate the management of regulated business activities (gas and electricity distribution) from the management of liberalised activities (production, sale and procurement). Distributing gas and electricity in the Emilia-Romagna region, Inrete will serve more than 1.1 million gas users in 140 municipalities, with a gas network covering approximately 14,000 km, and more than 260,000 electricity users in 29 municipalities, with an electricity network of over 10,000 km. In line with the approach always followed by the Group, Inrete will continue to work with commitment in the field of safety and network control, with the aim of confirming the highest possible standards of service quality, consistently above the minimum levels demanded by the Authority. Inrete will draw on the multi-utility's innovative Remote Control Technology Centre, a structure at the cutting edge within Europe. Based in Forlì, this provides integrated management of all the gas plants and networks, as well as receiving and coordinating emergency calls. Similar services for all Inrete's electricity plants and networks will be provided by the Group's Electricity Remote Control Operations Centre in Modena. Alessandro Baroncini, former Director of Energy Networks at the parent company, has been appointed as Inrete's Chief Executive Officer. Inrete 2014-03-19 870.1467015950.jpg A wholly owned subsidiary of the multi-utility, the company will be operational from 1 July 2016 pic.1466602715.bmp

Women-friendly companies, Hera leads

9 2015-04-09 Hera Group voices the enhancement of female talent: This is the significant achievement of the XXVIII edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award "Donne ad Alta Quota" [Women at High Altitude] which awarded a Golden Apple to the multi-utility company in the "Women-friendly company" category. It is a prestigious award, awarded to Hera by unanimous decision of the selection board of the Bellisario Foundation, for the significant and innovative policies and strategies for the growth and welfare of women in the company. Managing diversity, fighting discrimination, supporting the needs of families: these are the main fronts on which the Group has been committed for some time, to affirm the value of a corporate culture, rooted in the challenges of our times, that will always and in every sense pursue excellence. Basing it all on providing equal opportunity. Although the utilities sector, for the characteristics of the services it provides, has been historically characterized by a predominantly male workforce, in our Group the percentage of women among the permanent workers in 2015 stood at a good level, 23.7%, compared with a national average of the sector of 16.5% (2010 ISTAT data). CSR (Gruppo) 33 1 0 CSR (Gruppo) bellisario

Hera Is Top Women-Friendly Company

The Hera Group takes the podium for the value it places on female workers: this was the important outcome of the XXVIII edition of the Maria Bellisario "Donne ad Alta Quota" (high-flying women) Award which presented the multi-utility company with the Golden Apple for the "Women-Friendly Company" category. A prestigious award, with Hera selected unanimously by the Bellisario Foundation's awarding commission for its important and innovative policies and strategies to promote the growth and well-being of women in the company. Diversity management, fighting discrimination and support for families: these are the main fronts on which the Group has been working for years to promote the value of a company culture that, rooted in present challenges, always achieves excellence, from all perspectives. And everything starts with equal opportunities. Whilst the utility sector, due to the characteristics of the services provided, has historically seen a prevalently male workforce, the percentage of female employees on permanent contracts in 2015 is at a healthy 23.7%, compared to a national average for the sector, not rising above 16.5% (2010 ISTAT data). This has been a long-term process for Hera, launched back in 2009 with the signing of the "paper for equal opportunities and equality in the workplace". Together with other entities, both public and private, Hera undertook to fight against all forms of discrimination in the workplace. Another fundamental step was the introduction in 2011 of the Diversity Manager, Susanna Zucchelli, supported by an "entirely female" working group made up of women holding very different roles united by the shared objective of further developing and consolidating equal opportunities whilst also managing and promoting diversity. Hera runs many initiatives which consolidate diversity management: from company nurseries and intercompany nurseries, with long opening hours to support the careful balance of home and work life, to provisions regarding family leave, not only available for maternity and paternity but also for those who need to assist other family members or elderly relatives. A particularly good example is "the smooth return to work policies" project, founded and realised by Hera and aimed at improving the management of family leave. This project also saw investment from the Prime Minister's Office, due to the innovative and socially important nature of the approaches employed. "The Golden Apple of the Bellisario Award presented to Hera for the Women-Friendly Company category makes us hugely proud because it represents a recognition of the long and methodical commitment which we have maintained for years in terms of time, enthusiasm, resources and ideas, involving companies of all different levels" - declared Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Chairman of the Hera Group. "Our attention to women in the workplace is not our only commitment in terms of personnel policies and diversity management, but this certainly represents an important moment, also because of the genuinely original talent that female employees demonstrate in their work." "A talent that we support through a series of articulated measures aimed at translating rights into practices, to help women in the performance of their daily work and in the management of their time." 2014-03-19 USEFUL LINKS 870Bellisario.1466439403.png The Maria Bellisario Foundation has awarded the multi-utility company with the Golden Apple for Women-Friendly Company. Here are the motivations for this award which recognises the Group's dedication to promoting equal opportunities in the work place. 110.1466439405.png

Hera Board of Directors approves 1st quarter 2016 results

Hera Board of Directors approves 1st quarter 2016 results Financial highlights Revenues at € 1,235.4 million (-5.8%) EBITDA at € 278.4 million (+0.4%) Net profit post minorities at € 91.2 million (+5.3%) Net debt improves, reaching € 2,504.5 million Operational highlights Management focus on extracting efficiencies and synergies Simultaneously, commercial expansion into new markets continues Solid customer base in energy markets, with approximately 2.2 million customers Good contribution to growth coming from the electricity business Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated financial statements at 31 March 2016, which confirm the trend of growth in all main indicators, in spite of a difficult first quarter. On the one hand, organic growth aimed at achieving efficiencies and synergies, along with complementary efforts towards market expansion, succeeded in compensating for 75% of the cut in remuneration for regulated activities; on the other, M&A operations, involving above all acquisitions made in late 2015, contributed to growth in results. Note in particular that, with reference to legislative decree 25/2016, an implementation of Directive 2013/50/EU (so-called Transparency Directive), the Hera Group has voluntarily decided to publish its interim financial statements, as in the past, taking into account the high value given to communicating with the stakeholders. This decision may be modified in the future, based on changes in regulations. Revenues amounting to € 1,235.4 million In the first quarter of 2016 revenues came to € 1,235.4 million, dropping compared to the € 1,311.9 million seen in the corresponding period of 2015. The reasons for this decrease include lesser volumes of gas sold, owing to particularly mild temperatures; lesser revenues in electricity and gas sales and trading following a drop in the price of raw materials; the impact on regulated gas, electricity and water cycle services caused by the new method for calculating return on invested capital. These negative effects were only partially compensated by an increase in revenues due to greater volumes of electricity sold and higher revenues due to an increase in disposed waste. EBITDA rises to € 278.4 million EBITDA went from € 277.2 million after the first three months of 2015 to € 278.4 million at the end of March 2016, showing a growth of € 1.2 million (+0.4%). This result is particularly significant if one recalls that it was achieved in the first quarter, the period of the year in which decreases in WACC for gas, electricity and water distribution have, due to seasonal factors, a greater negative impact on revenues and EBITDA, reaching – in the case at hand – € 9.5 million (respectively: 3.9 in gas, 0.7 in electricity and 4.9 in water). The increase in EBITDA was mainly sustained by energy activities, which maintained their margins and more than compensated for the performance of regulated activities. Growth in Ebit and pre-tax profits, improvement in liability management Ebit at 31 March 2016 came to € 170.8 million, up compared to the € 170.1 million seen in the first quarter of 2015 (+0.4%), in spite of higher depreciation due to changes in the operating area, partially compensated by lesser provisions. Liability management improved by € 3.7 million, coming to € 25.7 million at the end of the first quarter (-12.6% compared to the same period in 2015), thanks in particular to lower average debt and greater efficiency in rates. In light of this situation, pre-tax profits went from € 140.7 million in the first three months of 2015 to € 145.1 million in the first quarter of 2016, showing a further increase in the rate of growth (+3.1%). Increased net profits post minorities, reaching € 91.2 million (+5.3%) Net profits recorded an increase of 4.7%, going from € 92.5 million in the first three months of 2015 to € 96.8 million in the corresponding period in 2016, on account of a reduction of the tax burden leading to a tax rate of 33.3% (an improvement compared to the 34.3% applied in the same period in 2015, thanks to the benefits obtained in 2016 deriving from the application of the “patent box” and tax credits for research and development, in addition to tax concessions for maxi amortisations). Profits post minorities came to € 91.2 million, rising by € 4.6 million on the first three months of 2015 (+5.3%), due among other things to reduced minority interests, mainly caused by the complete acquisition of Akron and Romagna Compost. Over 70 million of capital expenditure, reduction of net debt In the first three months of 2016, the Group’s operating capex amounted to 73 million, including 4.5 million in capital grants, with an increase on the same period in 2015 (€ 64.1 million), as foreseen by the business plan. These investments mainly concerned interventions on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory upgrading above all in the gas area, due to a massive meter substitution, and water purifying and sewerage plants. Net debt reduced by no less than € 147 million, going from 2,651.7 in 2015 to 2,504.5 at 31 March 2016 (-5.6%). This result, which is partially natural, tied to seasonal factors in the gas business, was sustained by both a reduction in working capital, owing to a continuous and constant attention in trade receivables management, and the generation of a higher operating cash flow. The debt/equity ratio thus dropped below 0.96x, showing an improvement in financial solidity. Gas EBITDA for the gas business, which includes services in distribution and sales of natural gas and LPG, district heating and heat management, reached € 128.7 million in the first quarter of 2016, with a slight growth compared to the € 128.4 seen at 31 March 2015, thanks to greater margins for activities in sales and trading and greater margins for district heating and heat management services. These positive effects more than compensate for the lesser volumes of gas sold on account of mild temperatures, and the € 3.9 million drop in gas distribution revenues, an effect of the WACC reduction. The gas area accounted for 46.2% of Group EBITDA. Water cycle EBITDA for the integrated water cycle business, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, went from € 50.5 million in the first three months of 2015 to € 49.8 million in the first quarter of 2016. This result was impacted above all by € 4.9 million in lesser revenues for delivery, an effect of the WACC reduction, which in turn were almost entirely compensated by the operational efficiencies created. The integrated water business accounted for 17.9% of Group EBITDA. Waste management EBITDA for the waste business, which includes services in waste collection, treatment and disposal, went from € 64.9 million in the first quarter of 2015 to € 62.4 million in the corresponding period in 2016. Among the factors with a negative influence, particular attention must go to the tariffs for waste collection and street sweeping, which have not as yet been updated and are currently under local authorities’ approval. As regards activities in waste recycle, treatment and disposal, results were equal to those seen in the previous year, thanks to the contribution obtained from acquisitions carried out in 2015, which compensated for the temporary stall in landfills currently being enlarged, the reduction in prices for energy certificates, and the lower amount of green certificates for the Ferrara WTE plant. Good results were seen in sorted waste, which rose to 56.2%, compared to 55.2% in the first three months of 2015, thanks to the many projects implemented across all geographical areas served. The waste business accounted for 22.4% of Group EBITDA. Electricity EBITDA for the electricity business, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, rose from € 29.3 million in the first quarter of 2015 to € 33.2 million at 31 March 2016 (+13.3%), thanks above all to greater margins both in sales and trading activities and in electricity generation. This increase was only partially reduced by lesser revenues in the regulated distribution service, coming to € 0.7 million. In this area, furthermore, an increase in both customers (almost 60,000 more than in 2015) and volumes sold was seen, thanks among other things to reinforced commercial initiatives. The electricity business accounted for 11.9% of Group EBITDA. The person responsible for drafting the company’s accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The interim financial statements and related materials are available to the public at the Company Headquarters and on the website Unaudited extracts from the Interim Financial Statements at 31 March 2016 are attached. PROFIT & LOSS (M€) MAR 2016 INC% MAR 2015 INC.% CH CH % Sales 1,235.4 1,311.9 -76.5 -5.8% Other operating revenues 73.7 6.0% 71.4 5.4% +2.3 +3.2% Raw material (608.5) -49.3% (702.3) -53.5% -93.8 -13.4% Services costs (281.7) -22.8% (266.6) -20.3% +15.1 +5.7% Other operating expenses (12.1) -1.0% (9.9) -0.8% +2.2 +22.2% Personnel costs (132.9) -10.8% (131.4) -10.0% +1.5 +1.1% Capitalisations 4.6 0.4% 4.1 0.3% +0.5 +12.1% Ebitda 278.4 22.5% 277.2 21.1% +1.2 +0.4% Depreciation and provisions (107.6) -8.7% (107.1) -8.2% +0.5 +0.5% Ebit 170.8 13.8% 170.1 13.0% +0.7 +0.4% Financial inc./(exp.) (25.7) -2.1% (29.4) -2.2% -3.7 -12.6% Pre tax profit 145.1 11.7% 140.7 10.7% +4.4 +3.1% Tax (48.4) -3.9% (48.2) -3.7% +0.2 +0.4% Net profit 96.8 7.8% 92.5 7.0% +4.3 +4.7% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company Minority shareholders 91.2 5.6 7.4% 0.5% 86.6 5.9 6.6% 0.4% +4.6 -0.3 +5.3% -4.8% BALANCE SHEET (M€) MAR 2016 INC% MAR 2015 INC.% CH CH % Net fixed assets 5,509.0 108.0% 5,511.3 106.9% (2.3) 0.0% Working capital 105.0 2.1% 157.0 3.0% (52.0) (33.1%) (Provision) (512.7) 10.1% (513.5) (9.9%) +0.8 (0.2%) Net invested capital 5,101.3 100.0% 5,154.8 100.0% (53.5) (1.0%) Net equity (2,596.8) 50.9% (2,503.1) 48.6% (93.7) +3.7% Long term net financial debt (2,746.5) 53.8% (2,743.6) 53.2% (2.9) +0.1% Short term net financial debt 242.0 (4.7%) 91.9 (1.8%) +150.1 +163.3% Net financial debts (2,504.5) 49.1% (2,651.7) 51.4% +147.2 (5.6%) Net invested capital (5,101.3) 100.0% (5,154.8) 100.0% +53.5 (1.0%) 1Q 2016 2014-03-19 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 1Q 2016 The interim results at 31 March show positive figures and growth in all main indicators, despite a difficult first quarter, affected by the lesser revenues in gas, electricity and water distribution caused by recent regulatory changes. /documents/1514726/4210758/Hera_Group_Consolidated_quarterly_report_as_at_31_march_2016.1462960176.pdf/dcbc0211-3b72-fa0c-3a16-e9a3b70afea4?t=1597911168892 /-/hera-board-of-directors-approves-1st-quarter-2016-results-1?inheritRedirect=true /documents/1514726/4210758/Hera_Newsletter_Q1_2016.1462957906.pdf/2d938b8c-ba16-4e50-6a1e-888659f993b2?t=1597911167130 /documents/1514726/4210758/Dati_finanziari_ed_operativi_di_sintesi_1Q_2016_eng.1462877519.xls/f1199f02-3765-b6f0-acd6-6714dac6f163?t=1597911166445 Financial report as at 31/03/2016 Press release Newsletter as at 31/03/2016 Financial data as at 31/03/2016 centrata Hera Board of Directors approves 1st quarter 2016 results

2016 Sustainability Report presentation conference

To present the 15 th edition of the Sustainability Report, the Hera Group organized and promoted, in Bologna, an event focused on the circular economy, which opened the week of initiatives related to the work of the G7 Environment, hosted right in Bologna from 5 to 12 June. Italian Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti intervened highlighting the centrality of the circular economy in the framework of the Industry 4.0 framework and highlighting the important steps taken by regions such as Emilia-Romagna. Ellen MacArthur, also known for its homonymous foundation, talked about the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, which will decouple the scarcity of resources from growth prospects, focusing on innovation, training and new generations. Other speakers were Enrico Giovannini (University of Rome), Oscar Farinetti (Eataly), Catia Bastioli (Novamont), Carlo Ratti (Senseable City Lab). The Hera Group Sustainability Report 2016 was presented to the main stakeholders of the Group. 2016-05-10 bs2016_110x150_ita.jpg 2016-05-10

Hera Shareholders' Meeting: dividend at 9 cents

Shareholders' meeting 2016 Approval of the financial statements and the sustainability report. Dividend at 9 cent./share In the ordinary session the Meeting approved the financial statements and the sustainability report for 2015, along with the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay dividends of 9 euro cents per share, matching those paid in the previous financial year, as priorly announced in the business plan to 2019. In particular, the 2015 financial year closed with positive economic results and a rise in all main indicators, thanks to the Group’s solid business model and a good operational, financial and fiscal management: revenue reached € 4,487.0 million (+7.1% over the previous year), EBITDA settled at € 884.4 million (+1.9%) and net profit post minorities came to € 180.5 million (+9.5%). The ex coupon date was set at 20 June 2016, with payment beginning on 22 June 2016. The dividend paid, based on the price of Hera stock at 31/12/2015, corresponds to an annual return of approximately 3.7%. Amendment of article 4 of the Articles of Association In the extraordinary session the Meeting approved amendments to article 4 of Hera’s Articles of Association, consisting in an explicit statement that Hera S.p.A.’s company purpose also includes the possibility of engaging in activities involving management and/or supply of integrated energy services. The activities in question are already practiced by the Company, but this must now be specified in the Articles of Association in order for Hera S.p.A. to obtain certification pursuant to UNI CEI 11352 regulations. This is because legislative decree 102/14, which implements EU directive 2012/27, requires companies, as of July 2016, to obtain this certification in order to be qualified to carry out a number of activities in the field of energy efficiency promotion, such as energy diagnosis, and to obtain white certificates. Other resolutions approved The Shareholders’ Meeting, in addition to the report on corporate governance and compensation policy, lastly approved the renewal of the Board of Directors’ authorisation to purchase treasury shares (along with the conditions of their disposal), for a maximum exchange value of € 180 million, for 18 months. This authorisation was requested so as to pursue the goals allowed by current regulations and accepted market practices, among which investment opportunities involving the use of treasury shares to increase the creation of value and possible acquisitions of stakeholdings that also include share exchanges. Shareholders' meeting 2016 2014-03-19 For further information sito_1.1461855533.jpg The Hera Shareholders' Meeting was held in Bologna this morning, with both ordinary and extraordinary sessions. /-/hera-shareholders-meeting-dividend-at-9-cents-1?inheritRedirect=true /group_eng/governance Press release Corporate Governance centrata sede hera piloni.png

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2015

Financial Results 2015 The year comes to a close with growth in all main indicators, thanks to the Group’s solid business model and its constantly and continuously improving operational, financial and fiscal management. Internal and external growth confirmed as the key factors of development. Proposed dividends set at9 euro cents per share, as forecasted by the business plan. Financial Highlights Revenue at € 4,487.0 million (+7.1%) EBITDA at € 884.4 million (+1.9%) Adjusted net Group profits at € 202.6 million (+11.8%) Net profit post minorities at € 180.5 million (+9.5%) Net debt at € 2,651.7 million Proposed dividends confirmed at 9 cents/euro per share Operational Highlights Growth remains driven by continuous improvement in operational, financial and fiscal management Excellent performance in the gas area, due to greater volumes sold Solid customer base in energy markets, with approximately 2.2 million customers Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated economic results as at 31 December 2015, along with the Sustainability Report. The 2015 financial year concluded for the Hera Group with all main indicators up from 2014. These positive results are the fruit of a solid business model that has always been distinguished by its balanced multi-service portfolio, focused on core activities, continuous improvement in efficiency across all fields and synergies extracted from integrations. On the one hand the Group’s multi-business strategy guarantees a balanced range of economic and financial actions; on the other, a combination of two forms of leverage, internal growth and M&A, has allowed it to continue to expand in spite of an increasingly challenging scenario from an economic, regulatory and competitive point of view. The results reached confirm, furthermore, the Group’s attention towards the various facets of sustainability: environmental, social and economic. Our purely economic results are in fact flanked by data that bears witness to a reduction in environmental impact, an increase in sorted waste, greater care towards energy efficiency and continuous improvement in customer service, all of which provides further confirmation of the company’s attention towards all stakeholders and the localities in which it operates. Waste Management The waste management business EBITDA, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, reached € 230 million compared to € 241.8 million in 2014. Results in the field of sorted urban waste are positive, with further progress from 54.0% in 2014 to 55.4% in 2015. In addition to a qualitative and quantitative improvement in gathering, activities in the waste management area were focused on increasing the efficiency of and enlarging the plant base, to complete the Group’s presence in new national markets with demand and prices in continuous expansion. In particular, the market position and the new plants deriving from the acquisition in late 2015 of Waste Recycling in Tuscany and some activities of Geo Nova in the Veneto region will fully contribute to operating results in 2016. Water The integrated water cycle business, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded an EBITDA of € 232.5 million (+7.1%) compared to € 217.1 million in 2014. Net investments in the integrated water cycle area amounted to € 114.9 million, with an increase of € 21.3 million on the previous year. Including capital grants, investments in this area came to € 127.2 million, of which € 59.1 million in aqueducts, € 34.3 million in sewerage and € 33.8 million in purification. The integrated water cycle area accounts for 26.3% of Group EBITDA. Gas The gas business EBITDA, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, rose to € 295.8 million (+7.2%) from € 276 million in 2014. This result was obtained above all thanks to an increase in volumes of natural gas sold to final customers (332.1 million m3). In 2015, investments in the gas area came to € 86.5 million, with an increase of € 7.4 million compared to 2014. Electricity The electricity business, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, recorded an EBITDA of € 104.7 million, with an improvement of € 4 million compared to the 2014 data. This result was reached thanks to the efficiency enhancement initiatives introduced and the greater volumes sold to end customers. Driven above all by growth in the free market area, the number of electricity customers reached over 850,000 (+7.7% compared to 2014), confirming the trend seen in recent years, mainly due to a reinforcement of commercial action. “The year came to an end with positive results and a rising trend, in line with our history. Confirming the validity of our multi-business model, this allows us to put to the Shareholders’ Meeting a payment of dividends per share in line with both the previous year and that which we had announced in our business plan” affirms Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Executive Chairman of Hera. “External growth was concentrated in late 2015 on mono-business enterprises whose contribution will become fully visible in the 2016 results, leading the Hera Group to widen its reference markets. We continue, concurrently, to analyse the best opportunities among multi-utilities bordering on the geographical areas in which we operate, to increase synergies and create ever greater value for our shareholders.” “Thanks to our commitment to innovation and greater efficiency in operational and financial structure management, the Hera Group has been able to generate sufficient financial resources to self-finance both its own activities and an enlargement of its operating area”, explains Stefano Venier, CEO at Hera. “These results are all the more appreciable considering that they are accompanied by a creation of value for the entire area in which we operate, amounting to €1.6 billion, and an increase in customer and employee satisfaction, as testified this year as well by surveys carried out by third parties, and the improvement of the various indicators of social and environmental sustainability that appear in the Sustainability Report, approved today by the Board of Directors”. 2014-03-19 For further information Growth in all main indicators, thanks to the Group's solid business model. Internal and external growth confirmed as the key factors of development. Proposed dividends set at 9 euro cents per share. /-/hera-group-approves-results-as-at-31/12/2015-1?inheritRedirect=true Press release Financial Results 2015

"A Well of Science" is 10 years old and it is putting the brains of young people to work in order to change the world

Business Plan 110x150 Global warming, air quality, the production of renewable energy, the use of water are just some of the energy and economic environmental emergencies to think about in"A Well of Science", the scientific discovery programme entirely dedicated to high schools and colleges, promoted by Hera Group under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Local Educational Authority. The initiative is celebrating its tenth birthday with two months of meetings with more than thirty experts, including exponents from the field of popular science, university lecturers and journalists, to promote the culture of science among young people through an innovative, simple and interactive approach to grab their attention and steer them towards building a better future. This year the "A Well of Science" project aims to familiarise students with therevolutionary power of ideas. The subject that will be discussed is the current and important topic of natural resources and their use on a global scale: it will be an opportunity to take an in-depth look at the most innovative ideas on managing resources, examining at the most daring and visionary international case histories in the field of energy, water and environmental research. After the first stage in Modena on 22 February, the project will involve young people from Ferrara, Bologna, Rimini, Cesena, Faenza, Forlì, Ravenna, ending up in Imola on 20 April. Some numbers From the first editions the "Well" has attracted very keen participation from students, which is continuing to grow year on year. The figures bear witness to this participation. In 2015, 52 schools were involved with a total of 14,000 students taking part, while this year 58 scientific high schools and colleges will be participating, with the project going into 600 classrooms and involving 16,000 students. The 10th edition of "A Well of Science" is brought about with the collaboration of ComunicaMente, the University of Bologna and the Immaginario Scientifico Science Centre of Trieste. Un Pozzo di scienza - Decima edizione 2015-11-11 unpozzodiscienza_banner_box_laterale.1456314723.png Global warming, air quality, the production of renewable energy, the use of water are just some of the energy and economic environmental emergencies to think about in"A Well of Science", the scientific discovery programme entirely dedicated to high schools and colleges, promoted by Hera Group under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Local Educational Authority. Pozzo scienza 2016

Hera Group Approves Business Plan to 2019

Business Plan 110x150 The Hera Group's Board of Directors approved its Business Plan to 2019. A Plan oriented towards growth, thanks to the solid positioning of the Group - whose activities are concentrated in areas it has uninterruptedly covered since it was established - aimed at creating value within its current operating area and making the most of future prospectives for sector consolidation. The strategies that have guided the Group until present have been reconfirmed, with a focus above all on expansion and efficiency, as a response to today's challenging scenario, without neglecting the cornerstones of innovation and excellence. From an operating and financial point of view, for 2019 the Plan foresees a total revenue of over € 5.8 billion compared to € 4.7 billion in 2014, an EBITDA of € 1,030 million against the € 868 million recorded in 2014. The ratio of net debt to EBITDA, which is already among the best in the industry, is expected to decrease to 2.9x (vs. 3.04x in 2014), confirming the Group's sustainable growth in terms of financial strength, with an increase in cash flow. Moreover, the Business Plan to 2019 confirms that one of the strategic elements at the root of Hera's business model is sustainability, in all its aspects: environmental, social and economic. The strictly economic objectives are flanked by targets such as reduced environmental impact, greater attention towards energy efficiency and a continual improvement of customer service, fully aware of the important role played by the company across its operating area. Operating and financial highlights 2019 EBITDA: € 1,030 million Capital expenditures and financial investments: € 2.2 billion Net debt/EBITDA by 2019: 2.9x Operating highlights Group strategy based on a balanced mixture of organic growth and M&As 4 priorities: growth, efficiency, excellence and innovation Confirming current concessions as the outcome of gas distribution tenders in reference areas Target of over 2.3 million energy customers by 2019 Sustainability as the main strategic element underlying Hera's business model Business Plan_870x320 2015-11-11 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION piano_industriale_870x320_1452532780.1452676785.png A Plan once again envisaging growth, aimed at a 2019 EBITDA of over € 1 billion. /group_eng/investors /-/hera-group-approves-business-plan-to-2019-1 Investor Relations Press release Results for the third quarter of 2015

Hera's Board of Directors approves the results for the third quarter of 2015

Financial highlights Revenues of € 3,246.4 million (+8.5%) EBITDA of € 640.2 million (+2.2%) Net profit post minorities at € 125.0 million (+12.3%) Net debt stable at € 2,638.6 million Operational highlights Benefits deriving from the consolidation ofAmga Udine Excellent performance of the gas business, also in relation to greater volumes sold Good contribution of the water business to growth The Board of Directors of the Hera Group approved today unanimously the consolidated financial statements as of 30 September 2015, which show positive and growing results in all its figures, including net profit, thanks to the good performance of the Hera perimeter alone, external growth with the merger of Amga Udine (dated 1 July 2014) and the extraction of synergies from integration activities, thus contributing to improve the Group’s financial strength. Gas For the period ended 30 September 2015, EBITDA in the gas business - which includes distribution and sales of gas methane, LPG, district heating and heat management – stood at € 203.6 million, +11.8%, compared to € 182.2 million at 30 September 2014. The excellent performance of the gas business was due to greater volumes sold, the consolidation of Amga Udine and the default gas contract awarded to Hera Comm for two years starting 1 October 2014 in Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Toscana, Umbria and Marche. The segment accounted for 31.8% of the Group’s EBITDA, reflecting an increase on the comparable period of 2014. Water In the first nine months of 2015, this segment – which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services - grew on the comparable year earlier period, both in absolute terms and in terms of contribution to the Group’s EBITDA. EBITDA rose from € 165.2 million at 30 September 2014 to € 174.7 million at 30 September 2015 (+5.7%), benefitting in particular from the coming into force of the new water tariff method set by AEEGSII for the 2014-2015 period and the efficiency improvement activities undertaken by the Group. The segment accounted for 27.3% of the Group’s EBITDA. Waste management EBITDA for the waste management business – which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal – went from € 176.5 million for the period ended 30 September 2014 to € 172.5 million for the period ended 30 September 2015 (-2.3%). This decline, which reflects a slight improvement on the comparable figure for the first quarter 2015, was due mainly to the lower number of landfills available, which had an impact on volumes processed; this effect was partly offset by positive trends in the waste treatment market prices and the improved efficiency of waste collection. The percentage of sorted waste collection in the geographies served by the Group was up again, as it went from 52.8% for the first nine months of 2014 to 54.9% at 30 September 2015, thanks to the large number of projects implemented in the different areas. The segment accounted for 26.9% of the Group’s EBITDA. Electricity EBITDA for the electric energy business – which includes production, distribution and sales of electricity - went from € 87.3 million for the first nine months of 2014 to € 74.7 million for the nine months ended 30 June 2015. The lower EBITDA (-14.5%) was due mainly to non-recurring effects, such as lower extraordinary revenues from the regulated distribution business determined bythe specific equalization effect occurred in the area of Gorizia in 2014. In the first nine months of 2015, volumes of elecricity sold rose thanks to a larger marketing effort and higher consumption, especially in the summer months. Margins in commercial activities improved while the contribution from the market for dispatching services was down. The segment accounted for 11.7% of the Group’s EBITDA. 9M 2015 2015-11-11 9M 2015 The financial report as of 30 September 2015 showsimprovement in all the main indicators, thanks to internal growth, external growth and the synergies deriving from integration M&A centrata 110x150.1447241996.jpg

Seventh edition of the "In buone acque" ("In good waters") report is published

In buone acque You can trust tap water: it is good, safe and scrupulously controlled (on average, 99.9% of annual analyses meet legal parameters). It is also good for the environment, since it avoids the CO2 generated by the bottled water production cycle. All of this information can be found in the new "In buone acque" report: a unique document in Italy (now in its seventh edition), in which the multi-utility company presents data on water quality in the areas in which it manages the water supply service. Many good reasons to drink tap water Aside from safety, there are many reasons to prefer tap water. It is environmentally friendly, since it limits the use of plastics: Italy is in fact one of the largest bottled water consumers. In 2013 alone, at least 6 billion bottles were produced, with significant environmental impact, including in terms of CO2 emissions caused by the transport and recovery of packaging. It is cost effective: by not purchasing bottled water, you can save up to €300 per year. On the other hand, for less than €2, one thousand litres of water are available to you from the supply network. Lastly, it is safe, convenient and good: it saves you the effort of transporting cases of water home, since it comes straight from the tap, and it is also excellent to drink. Does it taste too much like chlorine? Just leave it in a pitcher for a while, or drink it cold. The numbers illustrating the dimensions of Hera's integrated water services paint an impressive picture: over 230 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna, the Northeast and Le Marche and 3.6 million residents served, an aqueduct network of over 35,000 km, 464 water treatment plants and a further 356 production and purification plants. This entire "machine" is kept efficient thanks to daily operations and investments amounting to €114.8 million in 2014. "In buone acque" was developed in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna regional local government authority, the ARPA regional environmental protection authority, regional AUSL health authorities and Romagna Acque. The report includes a map that identifies the plants and sampling points, as well as tables broken down by province that provide the results of analyses based on 13 parameters, including a comparison with mineral water values. The full online report is enhanced by the contribution of Vincenzo Cennamo, Head of Gastroenterology at the Bologna Local Health Authority. The expert seeks to debunk some common misconceptions about water, such as the idea that tap water causes kidney stones, or that sparkling water is bad for your health. In buone acque 2015-11-02 Copia_di_LAYOUT_IN_BUONE_ACQUE_v0_pagina_interna.1446451314.jpg Over 1,900 controls per day, savings of up to €300 per year, investments of over €100 million in 2014: the new "In buone acque" report contains all of the data on the quality of tap water. LAYOUT_IN_BUONE_ACQUE_v0_2.1446451174.jpg

HERGOAMBIENTE: the technology that is transforming the world of waste collection

Real demonstration 2015-09-30 IMG_2002.1443625059.JPG An innovative information system for the integrated management of all the Environmental Services activities of the HERA Group, enhancing their quality, effectiveness and efficiency and ensuring flow traceability. hergoambiente_110.bmp

Separating works: recovery of waste collected by Hera rises to 94.3%

Sulle tracce dei rifiuti Tracking the recycling chain, giving guarantees on the effective recovery of separate waste collection, contributing to the transparency of the process, which is in progress thanks to the efforts of citizens and the support of the company. These are the goals of "Sulle tracce dei rifiuti" ("Tracking down waste"), the report now in its sixth edition in which Hera Group annually illustrates the data on the effective recovery of separate waste collection. Efforts to be transparent to highlight the company's strong commitment with regards to sustainability, which unfolds during the entire waste management process, from collection until the final recovery: a key chain in the so-called circular economy and the green economy. The data in "Sulle tracce dei rifiuti" ("Tracking down waste"), verified this year too by the independent DNV-GL certification body, take into account the results achieved in Emilia-Romagna, Le Marche and the North East, which speak for themselves: in 2014 94.3% of green, organic, paper, plastic, glass, wood, metal and iron waste was recovered, a 93.8% increase compared with the previous year. On average, therefore, the quantity of waste rejected by the plants in the recovery process (because, for example, it is unsuitable for recycling or it is polluted by foreign bodies) is barely 5.7% in total. The report contains 8 maps, one for each type of material collected, which make it possible to discover the main plants involved in the final recovery of waste and where they are located. In total, 188 plants are involved, 6 of which in the Bologna area (mainly composting plants), run by 167 companies, 46 of which are located in the area served by the Hera Group. The 188 plants, with a turnover of around € 10 billion, provide employment for a total of 17,000 people. Figures which demonstrate a high degree of progress in the transition from a linear economy, in which products are destined to become waste and end up in landfills, to an economy with more recovery, known for this reason as "circular". The improvement in the percentage of waste collected is also connected to the good progress in separate waste collection: in the provinces of Emilia-Romagna served by Hera the figure reached 56% in the first 8 months of 2015 (14 percentage points above the national average of 42.3%), thanks to the numerous projects activated in the various areas. In Bologna, the figure for separate waste collection reached 51.6% in August 2015, also thanks to the first results of the projects in the provincial capital. All the data is available online in the interactive section, which can be found at Sulle tracce dei rifiuti 2015-09-23 banner_870x320.1443003650.jpg Sulle tracce dei rifiuti

A €129 million loan from the EIB to the Hera Group

Hera Group The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Hera Group signed a loan agreement for €129 million, a sum that will be used to support the 2015-2019 development plans of the Italian multi-utility company listed on the Milan Stock Exchange. The loan from the bank of the European Union will be utilized for several projects on networks and plants located in the North-East of Italy: Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. In particular, the funds will be invested to upgrade and expand the gas and electric energy distribution networks and public lighting plants. This loan is consistent with the EIB's policy of providing finance for industrial activities, with an impact on employment levels, a crucial aspect in this particular phase of the Italian economy. In fact, it is estimated that the Hera Group's implementation of its multi-year investment plans will have positive spillover effects in terms of job creation. The new loan will enable the Hera Group to strengthen further its financial structure and marks another milestone in the collaboration between the EIB and the multi-utility. In fact, in the last three years the EIB and Hera signed three other loan agreements (for investments in waste management and the network) for a total of €600 million. 2015-09-10 The loan will be used to upgrade networks and plants in the markets served Hera Group

Hera's Board of Directors approves the results for the first half of 2015

Half financial results as at 30 june 2015 Financial highlights Revenues of €2,213.0 million (+6.1%) EBITDA of €459.1 million (+2.5%) Net profit post minorities €107.3 million (+11.4%) Net debt stable at €2,655.9 million Operational highlights Benefits deriving from the consolidation ofAmga Udine Excellent performance of the gas segment, also in relation to greater volumes sold Good contribution of water to growth, thanks to improved efficiency Expanded footprint in gas and electricity as customer base exceeds 2.2 million The Board of Directors of the Hera Group approved today unanimously the consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2015, which show positive and growing results in all its metrics, including net profit. Gas For the six months ended 30 June 2015, EBITDA in the gas segment - which includes distribution and sales of gas methane, LPG, district heating and heat management – stood at €172.5 million, + 14.2%, compared to €151.0 million at 30 June 2014, increasing also its contribution to the Group’s EBITDA in both absolute and percentage terms, compared to a year ago. The excellent performance of the gas segment was due to greater volumes sold (it is worthy of note that the same period of the previous year was affected by the exceptionally mild weather of the early months of 2014), the consolidation of Amga Udine and the default gas contract awarded to Hera Comm for two years starting 1 October 2014 in Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Toscana, Umbria and Marche. The number of gas customers went up to 1.3 million, with an increase of nearly 100,000 from the comparable year-earlier period. The segment’s EBITDA accounted for 37.6% of the Group’s EBITDA. Water In the first half of 2015, this segment – which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services - grew on the comparable year earlier period, both in absolute terms and in terms of contribution to the Group’s EBITDA. EBITDA rose from €102.7 million in the first half of 2014 to €107.6 million for the first six months of 2015 (+ 4.7%), benefitting in particular from the coming into force of the new water tariff method set by AEEGSI for the 2014-2015 period and the efficiency improvement activities undertaken by the Group. The segment accounted for 23.4% of the Group’s EBITDA. Waste management EBITDA for the waste management business – which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal – went from €122.3 million for the first half of 2014 to €119.8 million for the six months ended 30 June 2015 (-2.0%), mainly due to the reduction of energy operation incentives and the concentration in the first quarter of maintenance activities on four WTE plants. In the period under review recycling and disposal activities focused on types of waste which commanded slightly rising average market prices, compared to the same period of the previous year. In particular, in the second quarter waste treatment activities returned to their normal level. The percentage of sorted waste collection in the geographies served by the Group was up again, as it went from 53.3% for the first half of 2014 to 54.6% at 30 June 2015, thanks to the large number of projects implemented in all the areas. The segment accounted for 26.1% of the Group’s EBITDA. Electricity EBITDA for the electric energy segment – which includes production, distribution and sales of electric energy - went from €62.7 million for the first half of 2014 to €49.6 million for the six months ended 30 June 2015. The lower EBITDA (- 20.9%) was due mainly to extraordinary items, including lower regulated revenues from the distribution servicedetermined by the specific equalization effect occurred in the area of Gorizia in 2014. In the period under review, the electricity sales activities showed improvement on the comparable year-earlier period, thanks to a growing customer base. In fact, total customers exceeded 826,000, up 11.1%, thanks to growth in the free market and the contribution of Amga Energia & Servizi. The segment accounted for 10.8% of the Group’s EBITDA. Statement of Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano “The results of the first half of 2015 were positive once again and show how the Group has been able to deliver solid financial and operating performance for its shareholders, which is even more remarkable in light of an economic picture that is still marked by uncertainty. The period in question benefited both from the efficiency improvement actions and the M&A activities undertaken in a balanced way and in line with the guidelines outlined in the Group’s business plan”. Statement of the Managing Director Stefano Venier "The results obtained especially in the second quarter are satisfactory. The performance of the commercial energy area was quite remarkable, as it exceeded expectations related only to a greater demand due to colder weather, in a context marked by growing competition. Further growth was posted also by regulated activities, due mainly to effective cost curbing actions, which made it possible for the waste management business to perform in line with expectations. In the first half of 2015 the quality of service improved, as shown by the environmental and sustainability indicators adopted, which is evidence to the Group's ability to set and reach excellence targets also in these regards". 1H 2015 2015-08-26 For further information 1H2015_870x320_eng.1440574524 (1).jpg The financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2015 shows improvement in all the main financial and operating figures, thanks in particular to internal growth and the effects of the consolidation of Amga Udine /-/hera-s-board-of-directors-approves-the-results-for-the-first-half-of-2015-1?inheritRedirect=true /group_eng/investors Price sensitive press Go to IR section centrata Half financial results as at 30 june 2015

The high-tech giant protecting the sea at Rimini

Over the next 5 years, the plant will treat all the wastewater of the area, which includes the Municipalities of Rimini, Coriano, Santarcangelo, Verucchio, Poggio Torriana, Bellaria Igea Marina, San Leo, Borghi (of the province of Forlì-Cesena) and the wastewater of the Republic of San Marino, centrally. The doubling in size of the purification plant received the green light from Arpa which had already conducted many checks on the purified water. The old plant will remain operational and will continue to serve 220,000 inhabitants, plus the 340,000 served by the new purification plant (giving the total figure of theequivalent of 560,000 inhabitants): this figure corresponds to the requirements of Rimini when the tourists in the summer season are included. In addition to all of this, there will be odour control, improved management flexibility and reliability compared with the old system and natural, sustainable filters will be used. The purification route of the new system has been organised in the following way: the pre-treatments to separate sand and oil will take place in an initial sedimentation compartment, while in the second stage the wastewater will be "cleaned" by the actual bacteria present in the water to be purified. This process is known as the biological cycle: a process in which the main protagonists are living organisms which, literally, feed on the pollutant substances in the wastewaters, with the residues being easy to isolate. The ultrafiltration membranes are activated in the third stage: they operate as tiny "straws" (0.04 microns in diameter, in other words millionths of a millimetre) and are capable of intercepting microscopic particles, for example viruses, bacteria or flakes of mud. The water that comes out is already clean, but before being returned to the rivers it goes through the last purification or final disinfection to entirely remove any last micro-organisms that might be present. In this way, the purification plant complies with the latest restrictive legal limits when discharging the water into the Marecchia River. As well as this, Hera has installed efficient remote control and remote management systems, paying special attention to the mechanisms that enable the protection of the environment in emergency conditions. The centralised control system is equipped with two CPUs (central processing units), each one providing back up for the other one, which will allow all the wastewater collection networks for the Bellaria - Igea Marina area and the northern part of Rimini to be controlled from a single place. This allows prompt intervention if there is a breakdown or emergency situation. Santa Giustina purification plant 2015-06-23 P6230963.1435066074.jpg The new (upgraded) Santa Giustina purification plant has been opened. It is the biggest in Europe with membrane technology ultrafiltration. It is the most important technological operation in the sewage system redevelopment plan for the coastal city promoted by the Municipality, Hera, Romagna Acque and Amir, which will eliminate discharges into the sea by 2020. IMG_1261.1435064666.JPG

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111