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Hera Group part of the 2021 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
2021-01-27 Once again, for the second consecutive year, Hera has been included in this index, which measures gender equality and the promotion of diversity and inclusion. The Hera Group pays close attention to gender equality and to promoting diversity and inclusion, and stands out in particular for its transparency in providing information on these issues and its harassment prevention and sanctioning policies. The Group has indeed been included this year as well - after becoming part of it for the first time in 2020 - in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, which evaluates 11,700 companies worldwide committed to promoting and creating equal and inclusive workplaces. Diversity awareness is indeed an increasingly important issue for the international financial community, with investors showing growing interest towards listed companies with outstanding policies in this area. Hera's confirmation within the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index - achieving significant results, even compared to the average in the utility sector - bears witness to the quality of the path chosen by the Group, which over time has been enriched with new content and increased dimensions, involving a growing number of employees. Today, diversity valorisation policies are an integral part of the Group's strategy, and are also defined in its Business Plan to 2024. Promoting diversity, inclusion and people development is central in human resource management. At Hera, equality in access to development and professional growth is reached through meritocratic systems designed and calibrated to guarantee their own concrete application. The tools used include compensation and benefits focused on performance, the complexity of one's role and market comparisons, regardless of gender or generation, and career paths that see an increasing percentage of women with roles of responsibility, now coming to roughly 30%. Additional proof of the Group's attention towards these issues comes from the score obtained in the 2020 Refinitiv (previously Thomson Reuters) "Diversity & Inclusion Index", where Hera further improved its position, ranking as the 12th company in the world, 2nd in Italy and the leading multi-utility overall. In November 2020, moreover, Hera was defined as "Industry leader" and included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, one of the most authoritative stock market indices evaluating social responsibility, that brings together companies showing the best sustainability performances internationally. Press release Bloomberg Gender Equality Index.pdf 2015-11-12 13:22:00 GEIseal 2021_WHT_110x150.png
Online dal 27/01/2021
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