Evaluate your good habits
Evaluate your good habits:
find out how sustainable you are
Awareness of the energy needs of your home is one of the first steps towards more efficient consumption,
which is why Hera provides the Hera Fast Checkup: a service that allows you to become aware
of your consumption and take corrective action to save money.

You always turn off the light when leaving a room.
But are you sure you know how to optimise your consumption? Together we can do better.
Sometimes we do not realise how much we consume until we compare our energy usage with that of others. This is why, here at Hera, we have come up with the Consumption Diary a tool that allows you to compare your consumption with the average use of other customers in a context similar to yours, to help you do better.

Social dialogue is a fundamental tool in contributing to more sustainable energy consumption. In fact, we often make inefficient choices simply because we are conditioned by routine.
We are sure that by showing you your consumption data compared to the average figures, you will realise how much you could save (both in economic and ecological terms) by adopting small habits such as unplugging appliances rather than leaving them in standby mode.
The Hera Fast Checkup service was created precisely with the aim of promoting responsible consumption by clearly showing customers their ecological footprint and highlighting (with the support of data) the actual savings they could make by improving their habits.
"Now, when I organize my children's birthday parties I buy compostable plates and drinking cups and try to reduce single-use plastic as much as possible"
I realized that in order to fight climate change and leave a cleaner world to my children I needed to change by committing myself and setting a good example. We cannot expect them to work to preserve the planet if we are not the first ones to do so.

Making a difference is really quite simple, all it takes is a little more effort, at the beginning it's hard because you have to make sure you remember some things, but after a short while, good habits become automatic and you can achieve remarkable results effortlessly. My advice when you are feeling lazy is to think about your children and their future. We will leave the planet to them and I am sure that any parent will want to leave it in the best possible conditions.
The energy transition and efficiency of consumption
L’The increase in global temperatures generates increasingly significant negative effects on the environment, health and economy. This is mainly due to the excessive concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, largely caused by fossil fuels.
Although, in 2020, European generation of energy from renewable sources surpassed that from fossil fuels, the various national policies are still not sufficient to comply with the Paris Agreement. The COP26, held in Glasgow in 2021, not only confirmed the 1.5°C limit to increases in the global average temperature, but was also the first to explicitly set the goal of reducing the use of coal.
In addition, in recent years energy consumption has grown at a higher rate than pre-pandemic levels, causing a further increase in greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, it will therefore be necessary to find new solutions capable of ensuring the necessary services while minimising energy requirements, starting with the modification of production processes and the restructuring and renovation of buildings.
Hera has always been committed to the energy transition, both through the generation of energy from renewable sources and with solutions to promote efficient consumption.
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Latest update:: 10 june 2024
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