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The "Scart" exhibition opens in Ravenna, where waste become art

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The "Scart" exhibition opens in Ravenna, where waste become art

Free and open to all, the exhibition of artwork produced using waste materials can be visited from 5 to 21 May in the halls of Palazzo Rasponi. The Hera Group project, carried out in collaboration with the Academies of Fine Arts of Bologna and Florence, also provides educational workshops for children.


There are portraits of famous people and sculptures of animals. But above all, they are works of art made by means of reuse of waste materials destined for disposal. Precisely for this reason, they are part of "Scart: the Beautiful, Useful Side of Waste", a travelling exhibition that hosts the work of students from the Academies of Fine Arts of Bologna and Florence. Created in collaboration with Waste Recycling, a Herambiente Group company, the exhibition is free and open to all; its first stop is in Ravenna. Exhibited at Palazzo Rasponi from 5 to 21 May, it can be visited from 4 pm to 7 pm every day except Mondays. In the coming months the exhibition will stop in the cities of Imola and Modena.

Accompanied by a catalogue curated by art critic and former director of the Museum of the City of Ravenna, Claudio Spadoni, the Scart exhibition is addressed to a wide audience, particularly children, with various educational and creative workshops offered on Saturdays 6, 13 and 20 May, also provided free of charge. Thanks to these workshops, children will be involved in various creative activities which encourage thought about environmental issues, focusing on problems and approaching the possible solutions through recycling and reuse.

Adults can instead "lose themselves" among the exhibition's halls, and be surprised by the thousands of forms that matter can take on when it passes through the regenerating power of art. The faces of Lucio Dalla, Marilyn Monroe, Frida Kahlo, Mother Teresa, David Bowie and still others will share the stage with more sculptural works depicting various animals which, in Spadoni's words, make up "a heterogeneous bestiary of fun, in some cases carefree, with Dadaist-Surrealist tones".

The Hera Group thereby continues the Scart tradition: the project was originally organized by Maurizio Giani, CEO of Waste Recycling, over 18 years ago to positively affect the mentality towards recycling and reuse, precisely through art. An integral part of the multi-utility company's daily commitment to circular economy, Scart faces these challenges in an absolutely innovative fashion, undertaking a new path toward a type of reuse and recycling that recognizes an increasing value in waste, giving it unlimited life and transforming it from a cost into a resource.

"We are very pleased that a local company as important as Hera - says the Councillor for Cultural Activities of the Municipality of Ravenna, Elsa Signorino, - interprets the sense of their own work with this spirit, contributing to consolidating a culture of sustainability through art which, together with our citizens, we wholeheartedly support. Additionally, our relationship with Hera in Ravenna has always been oriented to the promotion of many cultural initiatives, and it is wonderful that a multi-utility company leverages the profile of its territorial roots in this way, in the interest of the community and in cooperation with the municipal administration".

"Art is not a side-effect of matter - says Tomaso Tommasi of Vignano, Executive President of the Hera Group - but constitutes regeneration that can inspire all other regenerations which the circular economy that Hera works towards every day is based on, through people, means, processes and facilities. In this sense, the Scart project expresses important values that touch the heart of our mission. We are therefore very pleased - concludes Tommasi - to have created an exhibition which, in addition to highlighting the important collaboration with the students of Art Academies, is also worthy because it brings the fruit of their work to various cities touched by our services, in an attempt to initiate, so to speak, the virtuous contagion of ideas and emotions".

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An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "static, String, Locale)" threw an exception; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: contentDate = hera_template_tool.getD...  [in template "20099#20135#57725658" at line 72, column 13]
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166                                                            <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
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186                                                ${contentSummary} 
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192                                                <#if publishDate!=""> Online dal ${publishDate} </#if> 
193                                                <#--<#list oraPubblicazioneObj as ora_pubb>--> 
194                                                <#if oraPubblicazioneObj!=""> 
195                                                    alle ore ${oraPubblicazioneObj?datetime("HH:mm:ss")?string("HH:mm")} 
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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111