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Hera and ISS: applying Water Safety Plans together

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Hera and ISS: applying Water Safety Plans together

With years of excellent results behind it, Hera renews its commitment to outstanding potable water quality and, together with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Higher Health Institute), aims to apply EU Water Safety Plans to its own mains water systems. A debate on the subject will be held on Wednesday 21st June.



Water Safety Plans are European protocols for step-by-step monitoring of potable water production and distribution processes. EU Directive 1787/2015 requests, in fact, that member states implement such protocols as soon as possible, and Hera - true to its own history - has no intention of waiting. With a long-standing record of thorough mains water monitoring and outstanding service performance that guarantees - across all served areas - low-priced, high-quality potable water, the multi-utility has now signed an agreement with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) to apply, over the two-year period 2017-2018, complete Water Safety Plans on two of its mains water systems. This will allow us to acquire the methodology and develop the skills laid out in the directive guidelines, letting us extend Water Safety Plans to all our mains water systems.

This subject will soon be the focus of a conference for industry experts, to be held at the multi-utility's Bologna headquarters on Wednesday 21 June. Key Group managers will be in attendance, as will other institutions/bodies involved in the project.

Safety, then, first and foremost. The introduction of a precise, sound standard for all EU states lends further weight to the dedication shown by Hera in recent years. Thanks to extremely early commitment, in fact, the Group has had the infrastructure, analysis facilities and monitoring systems in place - all used on a daily basis - for some time now, allowing our over 3.6 million customers to drink domestic tap water in complete confidence. Guaranteed by no less than 2,000 checks a day, tap water plays a pivotal role in Hera's plans: indeed, the eighth edition of the annual In buone acque ('In good waters') report has now been published, giving a detailed account of every aspect of this essential service.

For some years, in fact, the Group has been working alongside Regione Emilia-Romagna and Arpae to develop an application methodology, based on risk analysis, to define water safety plans. That work has resulted in contributions to the Water Safety Plan Guidelines published by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in 2014 (ISTISAN report 14/21).

"As we see it", states Franco Fogacci, Hera Group's Water Manager, "guaranteeing high quality drinking water has always been a top priority, so we can't help but find ourselves in agreement with the framework laid out in the EU Directive. Water Safety Plans", continues Fogacci, "constitute a major challenge for everyone in the industry: we all need to do a great job of providing a response that ensures their effective, accurate implementation. Indeed, I think that Hera's vast experience", concludes the multiutility's Water Manager, "lets us field the skills and resources that help drive such processes, their outcome going beyond the provision of practical services for served areas to provide great examples for other local areas".

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Search Results


Top Utility 2022: Hera Group wins first prize overall

Top Utility According to Top Utility, we are the leading Italian utility in terms of economic and financial policies, sustainability, research and innovation, communication and the positive effects on the areas served. This prize has been assigned over the last ten years following an analysis of the main companies in the water, energy and waste management sectors, carried out by a research team from Althesys, a consultancy firm specialising in the public utility sector. The award ceremony was held during an online event entitled “Digitalization and sustainability for the future of Italian utilities”. Our best practices rewarded over the 10 years of Top Utility In particular, this year we were awarded the overall Top Utility prize for the following reasons: “For the excellent results achieved in all areas analysed, with particular reference going to stakeholder relations, transparency and communication. Hera has also confirmed itself at the forefront in digitalising business processes and in the sustainability of operations”. This is the second time that we have received this important award, an even more significant achievement since this marks the twentieth anniversary of our establishment, which occurred in 2002 when 11 municipal companies in the Emilia-Romagna region merged. Looking to the future: a focus on generating shared value These two anniversaries are important in conceiving the future of this sector, examining the growth and evolution that municipal utilities have undergone to date and the strong impact they have had on local communities. In this sense, the core of our strategy and identity consists in uninterrupted economic growth accompanied by sustainable development of its businesses and the areas served. Top Utility 2018-01-30 For further information Top Utility On the occasion of the tenth edition of this award, reserved for public utility companies, we received the first prize overall among the companies analysed /-/top-utility-2022-hera-group-wins-first-prize-overall Press release centrata Top Utility

We won 2022 sustainability gold medal from S&P Global

Gold Class 2022 We are once again a global gold medal winner for sustainability, for the second consecutive year. The S&P Global 2022 Gold Class award was announced together with the publication of the 2022 Sustainability Yearbook, the report containing the analyses carried in order to be included in the latest edition of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). This document highlights the results achieved, which make us leader in all three aspects evaluated in Environment, Economic & Governance and Social, for our ability to efficiently manage resources, seize market opportunities and ensure stakeholder involvement. In the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the authoritative international stock exchange index which evaluates listed companies based on ESG aspects, we were confirmed as the international leader in the Multi-Utilities & Water sector, reaching a score of 90/100, compared to an average of 39/100. Gold Class 2022 2019-05-27 For further information Gold Class 2022 For the second time in a row, we have been awarded the S&P Global Gold Class Sustainability Award. This is the highest recognition reserved for listed companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index /-/hera-wins-2022-sustainability-gold-medal-from-s-p-global /group_eng/investors /group_eng/sustainability/social-responsibility Press release Visit Investors web area Visit Social Responsibility web area Gold Class 2022

Hera Group approves Business Plan to 2025

Business Plan to 2025 A Plan that combines growth, value creation and sustainable development Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors approved the Business Plan to 2025, which consolidates the Group’s commitment to balanced and sustainable development in all business areas, with the aim of continuing to create value for shareholders, local areas and the communities served. With Ebitda expected to reach 1.4 billion in 2025 and investments totalling approximately 3.8 billion over the period covered by the Plan, this five-year strategic document shows increases in all main targets and outlines a wide range of actions for the energy transition, the circular economy and technological evolution, with concrete and innovative projects that will also benefit from funding opportunities coming from the Recovery and Resilience Plan. 20 years of uninterrupted growth, and 2021 Ebitda expected to total over 1.2 billion euro The new Plan is based on a trend of uninterrupted growth, as is proven by Group Ebitda, which has increased more than sixfold in 20 years. This consistent and linear path has been seen since the establishment of the Hera Group, which is characterised by a full correspondence between the commitments made and the initiatives implemented, capital and financial solidity and a multi-business strategy that balances regulated and free market activities, internal growth and M&A transactions. This model, which has proved its resilience and capability of supporting stakeholders, even during adverse scenarios, has enabled the Hera Group to consolidate leading positions in all business areas. Three focal points of the Business Plan to 2025: environment, socio-economic factors and innovation In a context undergoing recovery, with an increasing emphasis on sustainability and the utilities sector set to benefit from the most significant share of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Hera Group will be able to continue to leverage the competitive position it has cultivated over the years and thus grow. In full compliance with national and European policies and the objectives on the UN’s 2030 Agenda, which have been guiding Hera’s strategies for some time, all projects in the Business Plan to 2025 are structured around three focal points: the environment, socio-economic factors and innovation, with initiatives for the green and digital transition, capable of generating positive effects in the areas served. A strong increase in investments, coming to over 3.8 billion euro, thanks to the Group’s financial solidity The Plan to 2025 calls for a sharp increase in investments, amounting to more than 3.8 billion euro, or approximately 770 million per year. This is a very significant rise – equivalent to 60% – compared to the average seen over the last five years, and is possible thanks to its solid financial structure, reinforced over the years and in 2021 as well. Investment allocation combines internal development opportunities with actions to increase system resilience (accounting for roughly 1.2 billion). Significant investments for innovation will be made in all business areas and support will be given to the ongoing transition. In general, of the total investments envisaged in the Plan, more than 1.7 billion are aligned with the criteria with which the European Taxonomy identifies opportunities that contribute to environmental policy objectives, in particular the two areas regulated for now, relating to mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. Furthermore, many of these interventions respect the directions indicated by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. Business Plan to 2025 2019-05-27 For further information Business Plan to 2025 The new five-year strategic document builds on the Group’s path of growth, with investments coming to over 3.8 billion and concrete energy transition and circular economy projects /-/hera-group-approves-business-plan-to-2025 /group_eng/investors /group_eng/investor-relations/hera-overview Press release Visit Investors web area Hera Overview Business Plan to 2025

We're in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2022 In 2022, we have been included, for the third consecutive time, in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, confirming and improving its results in all areas analysed. We stand out most importantly for our transparency in disclosure on these issues, as well as our inclusive corporate culture and our attention towards women in many areas, including equal pay. We obtained an overall score slightly above 80%, a significant increase over the previous year and better than both the sector average and the Italian companies analysed. This year, the index included 418 listed companies from 45 countries, selected from over 11,700, reflecting the international financial community’s growing interest towards companies with outstanding diversity policies. Our presence in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index confirms the attention we have always reserved for these issues, following a path it has enhanced over time. Diversity policies are in fact an integral part of our business strategies. For over 10 years, a company Diversity Manager, accompanied by a team of female and male colleagues from different areas, has been committed to promoting diversity both inside and outside the Group, supporting initiatives intended to raise awareness and support, and developing projects geared towards these priorities. Promoting diversity, inclusion and people development is also central to human resource management. Professional growth takes place regardless of gender, and equal access is ensured by meritocratic systems that are guaranteed to be applied, with compensation and benefits tools linked to performance, role complexity and market comparisons. We count 32.6% of women in roles of responsibility and, more generally, a 26.7% share of female staff, higher than the national average for the sector (2020 data). Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2022 2019-05-27 For further information Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2022 This year, for the third year in a row, we have been included in the international index assessing gender equality, diversity and inclusion /-/hera-group-in-the-2022-bloomberg-gender-equality-index /group_eng/investor-relations/hera-overview/creation-of-shared-value Press release Diversity and inclusion in Hera Group Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2022

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111