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Creation of Shared Value

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Creation of Shared Value

Creation of shared value

Sustainability and creating shared value are the fundamental traits of our company and define its purpose, which strongly reaffirms our commitment to the energy transition, circular economy and social equity and contribute to achieving carbon neutrality, the regeneration of resources and the resilience of the services system managed.
The mission also highlights the Group's strong focus on sustainability. In fact, Hera wants to develop a business model capable of innovation with strong local roots, while respecting the environment, and this approach is a vital part of the company's strategies: by 2028, 66% of EBITDA will be based on “shared value”, that is, involving projects that meet the objectives of the UN’s Agenda, with investments for shared value projects corresponding to roughly 77% of overall 2024-2028 investments (about 4 bn€).

In line with the declaration of the corporate mission, for almost 20 years now, the Group has submitted to its BoD the Annual Financial Statements together with the Sustainability Report, so that the assessment of the industrial plans execution and the results achieved is carried out based on a complete and exhaustive set with information on Economic, Social and Environmental performance.

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Creation of shared value

Hera brings its own strategy into line with universal principles concerning human rights, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Its approach to sustainability management has been refined over the years, and we are now able to commit ourselves to pursuing most of the Global Goals identified by the United Nations. No less than 11 of the 17 SDGs (“Sustainable Development Goals”) are given priority by the Group. SDGs are also included in its medium-long term strategy and in its mechanisms for variable short- and long-term remuneration for both top management and Group employees. 

Shared value creation, with regards to EBITDA, represents the portion of industrial profits linked to activities and projects that move towards sustainability and meet the needs for change indicated by the “Global Agenda”. 

In 2023, more than 52% of EBITDA came from shared value activities that respond to the calls to action on the Global Agenda. indeed, the Group plays a vital role in creating value, through activities linked to a circular economy, energy transition and a sustainable management of water resources.

The plan to 2028 sets in place projects aimed at growth in all activities managed, which move towards «SDGs» («Sustainable Development Goals») bringing shared value Ebitda to reach 66% of overall Ebitda in 2028. To reach this objective, an investment plan has been approved for 2024-2028 coming to 4.6 billion euro, 77% of which is dedicated to investment projects that contribute to increasing the generation of results in line with the SDGs.

The Group makes concrete efforts towards sharing its know-how as well, by taking part in various national and international organisations, including the UN Global Compact and the CE100 program of Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s of which the company is a member.

To learn more: from CSR to CSV

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Diversity and inclusion in Hera Group

Investing in Hera means investing in sustainability, diversity, equality and inclusion

Hera began to make efforts in the area of inclusion policies and protection of diversity long time ago, first taking concrete shape in 2009 when the Charter for equal opportunities and equality in the workplace was signed. Another fundamental step was taken with the introduction in 2011 of the Diversity Manager, whose objective is to further work towards processes aimed at developing inclusion policies and diversity valorisation. 

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion strategy in Hera Group promotes gender equality, enhances talents and skills and develops an inclusive culture while guaranteeing fair treatment and equal opportunities to all employees. Indeed, Hera actively contributes to the UN’s 5th goal for sustainable development (SDG), specifically dedicated to gender equality.

Check our main key performance indicators regarding talent pipeline, salary pay, working policies, training and career advancements, among others:

HERA GROUP Diversity Equality & Inclusion data (1.679kb - PDF)

Employee Development and supporting Programs in Hera (520kb - PDF)


ESG aspects in Hera management

The Hera Group is committed to making investors aware of the ESG aspects of its management, through private meetings with investors and participation in sector conferences, in Italy and abroad. 

The following presentations are among those used in meetings with SRI investors:

Hera Group - KC2024 ESG Conference (2.930kb - PDF)

Data page update

Page updated 23 January 2025

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111