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Hera: energy efficiency in the home

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Hera: energy efficiency in the home

Over 11 years, with 507 projects, with a saving of 753 thousand toe (tonnes of oil equivalent), equal to annual consumption of 529 thousand households and benefits in terms of tackling climate change. The multiutility looks to 2020, aiming to reduce consumption by 5%. All the available data in the Value to Energy report, dedicated to the Hera Group's commitment to energy efficiency


Giving "Value to energy", because the advantageous effects of the circular economy model are actually visible in energy savings. And this is one of the objectives of the Hera Group which, on Monday 18 February, celebrates International Energy Efficiency Day. An imperative that is also the title of the sustainability report in which the Hera Group details the results obtained over the last eleven years on the energy efficiency front. Now in its fourth edition, the report - verified by an independent certification body - analyses all the aspects which embody the multiutility's commitment to energy savings and efficient energy use, focusing on environmental and economic sustainability and to the interests of the local areas and more than 4 million customers.

Decarbonisation is actually crucial for tackling climate change. Both the multiutility's energy efficiency initiatives and the other projects for promoting the production of renewable energy are implemented with this in mind.The Hera Group also contributes to 6% of the national white certificates target, by incentivising energy efficiency and financing projects with measurable and certified savings.

The figures are telling: 507 projects have been implemented in the field by the Group over the last 11 years to save energy (of which 133 in companies in the local area), with 753 thousand toe (tonnes of oil equivalent) saved, corresponding to annual consumption of 529 thousand households, and 1.4 million tonnes of avoided CO2, equivalent to approximately one million less cars in circulation (with 10,000 km of travel).
In order to reach these energy efficiency objectives, Hera therefore makes all its know-how available to local companies, by supporting them in carrying out energy analyses, with the objective of encouraging the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives. In the Bologna area alone, the last two projects, which concerned the construction and management of a new technology-energy hub for a company which produces bioplastics and a new cooling plant for a well-known company that produces salami and cold pork meat, generated a total energy saving of 413 toe per year.

The confirmation of the multiutility's general objective of cutting its energy consumption by 5% by 2020 (with respect to 2013 consumption) should also be emphasised, following the increase from 3% to 5% which occurred last year. These initiatives generated a saving of over Euro 8 million, of which Euro 4.5 million relating to the water service, with subsequent benefits on citizens' bills.

The results have been made possible by integrated efficiency programmes, implemented in the field continuously by the Hera Group, first and foremost within its plants and offices and which, in 2017 alone, enabled the company to improve the heating energy efficiency index of its premises by 6.3%.
As regards plants, an important example is on show in the water sector, in which Hera implemented 115 efficiency initiatives, for a total of 2,876 toe saved.

Significant efforts were expended in the public lighting sector, in which Hera manages more than 518 thousand lighting points scattered throughout Italy, 71% low consumption and 51% with consumption optimisation, augmented by 65% of traffic lights with led lights. Stratagems which, in 2017, contributed to an energy saving of 10.2%.

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An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "static, String, Locale)" threw an exception; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: contentDate = hera_template_tool.getD...  [in template "20099#20135#57725658" at line 72, column 13]
2assetVocabularyLocalServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalServiceUtil") 
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47<#-- gruppohera_results.jsp es. ddm__keyword__54911__sottotitolo_it_IT es. displayDate --> 
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66            sottotitolo=d.get(HERA_FIELD_PREFIX + classTypeId + HERA_FIELD_SOTTOTITOLO + languageId) 
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71            contentSummary=hera_template_tool.highlight(d.get(HERA_CONTENT),  searchResultsPortletDisplayContext.getKeywords(), isHighlightEnabled?boolean) 
72            contentDate=hera_template_tool.getDateFormattedBy(d.get(HERA_FIELD_DISPLAYDATE),"dd/MM/yyyy",locale) 
73            publishDate=hera_template_tool.getDateFormattedBy(d.get(HERA_FIELD_PUBLISH_DATE),"dd/MM/yyyy",locale) 
74            oraPubblicazione = d.get(HERA_FIELD_PREFIX +classTypeId + HERA_ORA_PUBBLICAZIONE + languageId) 
75            oraPubblicazioneObj = oraPubblicazione 
76            checkcategory=0 
77            contentUrl=hera_template_tool.getSearchResultViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, 
78            d.get(HERA_FIELD_ENTRY_CLASS_NAME), d.get(HERA_FIELD_CLASSPK)?number, true, currentUrl) 
79            content=d.get(HERA_FIELD_CONTENT) titlepage=languageUtil.get(locale, titlepage, 
80            layout.getName(locale)) /> 
82            <#attempt> 
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85					         <#attempt> 
86                     <#assign immagineInEvidenzaObj=jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(immagineInEvidenzaType2)/>		 
87                     <#recover> 
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92            <div class="post-item mb-3"> 
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118                                                        <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
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136                                                ${contentSummary} 
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141                                            <i class="black py-2 mr-0 mr-md-3"> 
142                                                <#if publishDate!=""> Online dal ${publishDate} </#if> 
143                                                <#--<#list oraPubblicazioneObj as ora_pubb>--> 
144                                                <#if oraPubblicazioneObj!=""> 
145                                                    alle ore ${oraPubblicazioneObj?datetime("HH:mm:ss")?string("HH:mm")} 
146                                                </#if> 
147                                                <#--</#list>--> 
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158                                                ${contentDate} 
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162                                                <#list assetCategoryList as entryCategory> 
163                                                    <#if entryCategory.vocabularyId == vocabularyId> 
164                                                        <#assign catName => 
165                                                        <#if catName==CATEGORY_HERA_SPA> 
166                                                            <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
167                                                        </#if> 
168                                                        <#if catName==CATEGORY_IR_PRICE> 
169                                                            <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
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173                                                            ${catName} 
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177                                            </div> 
178                                        </div> 
179                                        <h3 class="titlesize bigger ml-4 black letter-spacing-sm bolder"> ${contentTitle}</h3> 
180                                        <#if description?? && description?has_content> 
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182                                                ${description} 
183                                            </div> 
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185                                            <div class="d-none d-lg-block greyish-brown tilesize ml-4"> 
186                                                ${contentSummary} 
188                                            </div> 
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190                                        <#if checkcategory==1> 
191                                            <i class="ml-4 black py-2 small mr-3"> 
192                                                <#if publishDate!=""> Online dal ${publishDate} </#if> 
193                                                <#--<#list oraPubblicazioneObj as ora_pubb>--> 
194                                                <#if oraPubblicazioneObj!=""> 
195                                                    alle ore ${oraPubblicazioneObj?datetime("HH:mm:ss")?string("HH:mm")} 
196                                                </#if> 
197                                                <#--</#list>--> 
198                                            </i> 
199                                        </#if> 
200                                    </div> 
201                                </div> 
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203                        </div> 
204                </a> 
205            </div> 
207        </#list> 
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213    $(document).ready(function () { 
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218        }else{ 
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221    }); 

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111