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Results and Presentations

TESTATA Results and Presentations

Results and Presentation Q3 2023

Hera BoD approves results as at 30 June 2024  

The results of the first half of 2024 confirm once again the positive trend of the multiutility with all main economic results improving, compared to the equivalent period of the previous year. The Ebitda adjusted grew by 2%, and stood at 732.7 M€, thanks to the performance of the waste area and the contribution coming from the water cycle and the other services which fully compensate the downturn in energy areas.

Adjusted Ebit at 385.1 M€ is up by 3%. The increase resulting from the growth in EBITDA is partly reduced by higher depreciation mainly due to new operating investments and an increase in activities for the acquisition of new customers.
Net profit post minorities grew by 16.4%, reaching 218.4 M€

Net financial debt, at 4,063.5 M€, increased by approximately 235.8 M€ compared to December 2023, while the net debt/Ebitda* ratio stood at 2.69x, reconfirming the company's financial strength.

Economic data (mln €) 1H 2024 Inc. % 1H 2023* Inc. % Change%
Revenues 5,536.8 100.0% 8,297.5 100.0% (33.3%)
Ebitda adjusted 732.7 13.2% 718.3 8.7% +2.0%
Ebit adjusted 385.1 7.0% 374.7 4.5% +2.8%
Pre tax profit adjusted 329.6 6.0% 284.2 3.4% +16.0%
Net profit 237.3 4.3% 208.0 2.5% +14.1%







Shareholders of Parent Company adjusted 218.4 3.9% 187.7 2.3% +16.4%
Minority shareholders 18.9 0.3% 20.3 0.2% (6.9%)

* Values net of operational adjustments

Economic data (36 kb - XLS)

To learn more: Financial results Hera has reported since its constitution in 2002: Summary data 2002-2023 (73 kb - XLS)

Page update 31 July 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111