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Mila Fabbri

Testata I nostri manager

Mila Fabbri

Mila Fabbri
Legal and Corporate Affairs Group Manager


Born in Casalfiumanese (BO) in 1958.

Since November 2002, she has been the Hera Group's Legal and Corporate Affairs Group Manager, with responsibility for policy making, supervision and management of legal and corporate matters for the entire Group, guaranteeing legal relations outside the company in support of all company functions, litigation and corporate relations with the Stock Exchange and Consob. She is Secretary to the Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A. and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Hera Group companies. She also manages the insurance contracts of the entire Hera Group. 

She was the coordinator for Federutility's Tenders Working Group.

From 1983 to 1996 she was Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs at Ami S.p.A., a multi-utility company in the Imola area, and from 1997 she was Head of the Institutional Affairs and Resources Division of Ami S.p.A. (Organisation - Personnel, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Information Services and Commercial sectors) and Senior Executive of Con.Ami. She has acquired specific expertise in the field of corporate transformations and to this end has conducted several studies for the reorganisation of local public service companies and has collaborated in a number of listing operations. 

She has been a member of the Board of Directors of various companies in the Hera Group, dealing with their operational start-up.

He holds a degree in Law from the University of Bologna.

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Page updated 9 February 2021

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111