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Quality, Safety and Environment

Testata Quality, Safety and environment

Quality, Safety and environment

Quality, Safety and environment

The evolution and context changes in which we operate as a utility require great adaptability, skills, and innovation to always provide services with very high quality standards. Resilience is one of our the characteristics that, combined with robustness, enable us to compete in increasingly competitive and challenging contexts by leveraging the size of the company, its financial solidity, and the know-how we have built up over the years.

As s strategic choice, we have integrated the Management System into the Governance area, and have created synergies with the Internal Auditing and Risk Management system.

Integrated Management System

The integrated management system is an architecture of fundamental importance for Hera Group in terms of achieving its corporate goals, in compliance with regulations and principles, and the correct assessment of risks. Stakeholders play a significant role in analysing the context in which Hera provides its services, and to identify risks and opportunities.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the management system with respect to Group policies may be assessed in a regular and systematic manner and, in terms of ensuring continuous improvement, evolving according to changing needs and scenarios.

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QSA accordion COVID

Protecting employees during the Covid Emergency

“Working together to overcome this time of crisis” and “Each of us protects everyone” are the best ways to sum up how we have tackled the difficult period of the new coronavirus public health emergency. We have, in fact, worked hard together to guarantee ongoing service while protecting everyone’s health. We have accepted responsibility for each other and, with this approach, have been able to effectively contain the spread of the virus while still keeping up our usual business activity.

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the Hera Group launched special procedures as soon as Law Decree no.6 of 23 February 2020 was issued to announce the state of emergency.

The Crisis Committee was called immediately (and is still active). This working group identified the specific hygiene/behaviour regulationsnecessary for the Group’s employees, communicating the situation promptly to all with a series of internal notices, and introduced a specific advice helpdesk for queries regarding the new virus.

Thanks to extensive use of smart working (also extended to colleagues previously unauthorised for this method), and a reinforcement of flexible online work options, social distancing was guaranteed and the risk of physical contact reduced.  For those employees who ensured the continuity of service throughout the entire emergency, a “leaving home for the worksite” mode was activated – this involves the use of a company car (not shared) and, strictly when necessary only, gathering of the work team directly on-site. Work teams were set up on a ‘permanent’ basis, to limit and contain contact between different individuals as far as possible, while access to company premises was allowed only in specific circumstances and for a restricted number of people.

To protect those employees who needed to be physically present on company premises, a new system of regulations and organisation of spaces/offices was introduced to guarantee correct social distancing between individuals (generally one employee per office and a shift system that considerably reduced on-site presence).

In order to guarantee ongoing provision of essential services for citizens that comply with safety regulations as well as being reliable and efficient, the company re-arranged the schedule for all transmission and maintenance projects of networks and plants, limiting these to essential maintenance works only. Physical contact was limited to urgent cases only, when required to ensure the continuity of service. All employees were provided with appropriate PPE to protect against Covid19 (disposable face masks, gloves, and boiler suits). At the height of the crisis, public information desks were activated in a remote online mode to guarantee continued service for customers via phone and web. As lockdown measures were lifted, the physical branches gradually re-opened, in compliance with health regulations to protect employees and customers alike.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, new cleaning and sanitisation procedures (in addition to regular cleaning services) have been implemented on all company premises. To guarantee correct social distancing, common areas and canteens have been redesigned; canteens also admit staff with a staggered service/timetable. Disinfectant gel has been provided at the entrances, exits, corridors and transit areas in the Group’s offices, while PPE hand sanitiser kits have been supplied to field workers. All additional sanitisation measures continue to be implemented in all the company’s premises.

In early March 2020, a Commission (with the participation of trade union representatives) was set up to oversee and monitor the application of anti-covid-19 safety measures. In the following weeks, the Hera Group developed its own company protocol of measures to protect against the virus (in accordance with the national protocol signed by the social partners in the presence of the government); this document was presented to the Representatives of The Workers' Safety and to national trade union organisations by the signatories.

Following the introduction of this protocol, all adopted measures were (and continue to be) monitored, along with subsequent implementations, through the use of specific checklists of controls performed by the management/supervisors in workplaces in the various regions.

In line with guidelines from health authorities for the protection of employees, a specific procedure has been defined for dealing with vulnerable workers – i.e. those with current or previous conditions that would lead to particularly serious results in the case of infection with the new coronavirus. This procedure was developed with the assistance of medical professionals and is in complete compliance with current privacy laws.

The company has also taken out a Covid-19 health insurance policy for its workers, which guarantees all employees a sick pay allowance, for convalescence following hospitalisation in intensive care and post-hospital recovery assistance. This last benefit covers, for example, a visit by a family doctor, ambulance transport to and from the individual’s home, transfer to and from specialist care clinics, baby-sitter services, accompaniment of underage children to school, and online grocery delivery.

The measures introduced by Hera since the beginning of the pandemic have allowed us to limit spread of the virus among our collaborators – the incidence rate (no. of cases per 1000 people) in the Group is in fact 40% lower than the general average in northern Italy. Furthermore, numerous checks carried out by the authorities at the Group’s workplaces have always provided positive feedback.

As the health crisis is still developing, the general and specific protection measures adopted by the company are subject to ongoing monitoring and checks, and consequently to constant adaptation or modification in order to guarantee ongoing service and the protected health of our workers, suppliers and customers.

Together to move forward. Hera Group's measures to protect against the Covid and to support the community

Quality, Safety and environment

Our concept of quality 

The concept of quality is behind all our choices and relationships with all the stakeholders we deal with every day. And so, in trying to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, we wish to achieve quality even at an ethical and social level through:

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Asset Publisher


The adoption of an environmental and energy management system in order to protect the needs of today's community and that of the future in a context of sustainable development


Identifying the requirements that our products and services must meet in order to satisfy the expectations of our customers. The standard ISO 9001, with its evolution in terms of continuous improvement, is a fundamental reference for the implementation of any Management System


The adoption of a health and safety management system for Hera Group workers and the supply chain as a whole and a management system for the prevention of corruption


With the scope of protecting the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information, in particular personal data, and focusing above all on maintaining business continuity, in case of threats to the same, even through business continuity management system approaches


Group Policies

Hera Group recognises as a strategic choice, the introduction of an increasingly integrated Management System, which is also useful for implementing the certifications of reference and defining the goals and targets contained in the Group's policies.

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Quality and sustainability policy

Personal data protection policy


Commitment to protect the personal data of all individuals by guaranteeing the confidentiality of their personal and private life and respecting their identity and personality.



The Hera Group's "Gender Equality Policy" sets out the principles and guidelines that define the Company's commitment to issues related to gender equality and equal opportunities in the workplace.

This commitment has been the hallmark of the Group's values and culture since its inception, and it represents the tool through which Top Management undertakes to:

  • Manage people's development processes while respecting gender equity principles
  • Promote working methods that are conducive to better work-life balance and ensure people's well-being and personal fulfilment
  • Develop a gender-independent parenting culture
  • Support a corporate culture based on mutual respect and the protection of personal dignity
  • Pay attention, including in marketing and external communication activities, to avoid stereotypes and promote the visibility of women's contribution to the professional world



The following are the certificates of the Management Systems of the Group companies:

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Page update 29 january 2025

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111