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Policy for Quality and Sustainability

TESTATA Policy for Quality and Sustainability

Policy for Quality and Sustainability

Policy for Quality and Sustainability

Quality and sustainability policy


The Hera Group implements a business model aimed at creating long-term value for its shareholders, through the creation of value shared with all stakeholders. The Group pursues a multi-business growth strategy in the Waste Management, Energy and Water Services areas, based on the principles of its Code of Ethics and aimed at producing positive repercussions on the social, environmental and economic context in which it operates.
This Policy, in line with the purpose stated in the Articles of Association and with the Group’s Mission, Values and Strategy, defines Hera’s commitments for sustainable growth over time, monitored and periodically reviewed by measuring the social, environmental and economic impacts of its activities.
To this end, the Hera Group organises and carries out its business activities with the aim of promoting social equity, achieving carbon neutrality, regenerating resources and improving the resilience of the system of services managed, to the benefit of stakeholders and the local ecosystem, for a fair transition.

Our commitments

  • Contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals on the UN 2030 Agenda which represent priorities for our activities, by promoting “Partnerships for the Goals”;
  • Adopt the principles of the Circular Economy and ensure resilience and competitiveness in the medium to long term, by developing projects consistent with these principles and promoting industrial synergies;
  • Act as a leading figure in the energy transition towards carbon neutrality, by adapting infrastructures, promoting energy from renewable sources, developing technological solutions and encouraging behaviour aimed at reducing direct and indirect climate-changing gas emissions;
  • Introduce, aware of our central role, concrete actions aimed at mitigating climate change, pursuing a responsible management of natural resources and adopting solutions aimed at producing positive social and environmental effects;
  • Increase the energy efficiency of our assets and services, and reduce our environmental impact through planning, innovation and the use of the best available technologies, as well as management aimed at a rational use of energy and resources, by means including the extension of the useful life of our assets and reusing soil;
  • Regularly analyse changes in the context in which we act, determining risks and seizing opportunities, in order to enhance desired effects and prevent or reduce undesirable ones;
  • Recognise our top management as the central factor in implementing this Policy within our business strategies to achieve the goals defined, guaranteeing the availability of information and the resources required to achieve them, and fostering cooperation between business units in adopting coordinated actions;
  • Improve the working conditions of our employees, identifying and adopting effective measures to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses, in order to reduce health and safety risks as much as possible, in compliance with applicable national and supranational regulations and national collective labour agreements;
  • Ensure the preservation and protection of human lives should a crisis event occur, as well as business continuity to minimise the impact on the local areas and communities served, ensuring a rapid return to normal operations, particularly with regard to essential services and public utility services;
  • Ensure careful and continuous monitoring of compliance with current legislation and applicable requirements;
  • Ensure transparency in all processes and encourage reporting any unlawful acts or even only suspicions in good faith, ensuring confidentiality or anonymity, within the limits provided for by the regulations in force, to those who report (whistleblowing);
  • Not tolerate any form of illegality, corruption and fraud and punish unlawful conduct;
  • Promote initiatives aimed at excellence and at continuously improving management systems and services, performance and agility in business processes, as well as the satisfaction of customers, employees and the communities in which we operate through rapid decision-making and flexibility in resource allocation;
  • Encourage at all levels of our organisation the development of a culture of health and safety, quality, sustainability, prevention of corruption, circular economy and operational continuity, as well as innovation, also getting suppliers, customers and partners involved, thus promoting the development of skills for staff and motivating them to improve their sense of responsibility and awareness of their role;
  • Promote the involvement and participation of workers and their representatives in implementing, developing and continuously improving the health and safety management system;
  • Promote the purchase of efficient and sustainable services and products, evaluating suppliers also in consideration of their commitment to the principles expressed in this Policy;
  • Ensure that no discrimination occurs against any employee who provides information regarding compliance with the principles set out in this Policy;
  • Encourage open discussion with all parties concerned, taking into account their requests and activating appropriate instruments aimed at participation and providing information on the company’s perspective, in order to create shared value and prevent any form of offence;
  • Publish the Sustainability Report annually in order to communicate the Group’s ongoing commitments and the results achieved.

The Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A., which represents the Parent Company, recognises as a strategic choice the adoption of a Group management system which covers the entire value chain of the products and services provided (production, operating structures, plants, distribution and logistics), including sustainable resource management and procurement from suppliers and service providers. The management system also covers joint ventures and is integrated within the due diligence process in the case of mergers and acquisitions.

The top management of Hera S.p.A. and of the Group’s companies is engaged in respecting and implementing the commitments contained in this Policy, ensuring and periodically verifying that it is documented, made operational, reviewed, distributed to all staff and transparent to all stakeholders.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111