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Herambiente S.p.A.

TESTATA Herambiente S.p.A.

Herambiente S.p.A.

Herambiente SpA

Registered office: Viale Berti Pichat, 2/4 - 40127 BOLOGNA, Phone 051.2871111, Fax 051.4225200
Revenue Code/Bologna Registry of Companies nr. 02175430392
VAT nr. 03819031208

Commercial headquarters: Via Romea Nord, 180/182 - 48123 RAVENNA, Phone 051.4225545, Fax 051.4225175
Administrative headquarters: Via del Terrapieno, 25 - 47924 RIMINI, Phone 0541.908111, Fax 0541.908430

Herambiente is 75% controlled by the Hera Group and 25% by EWHL European Waste Holdings Limited, a company under English law, 50% owned by the British Infrastructure Fund 3i Managed Infrastructure Acquisitions LP and 50% by the Dutch Pension Fund Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP.
Herambiente was founded on 1st July 2009 and concentrates the Hera Group's extensive plant resources in a new company that is more focused on the development of the market and on the customers’ needs thanks to its commercial structure.
With one of the most significant plant resources in Italy, Herambiente is the Italian leader in the waste treatment industry with 6,3 million tonnes of waste in 2017 and 89 certified plants (waste-to-energy, selection, composting plants, chemical and physical treatment, landfills, etc.), which allows it to pursue a responsible and 360-degree management of waste. Herambiente provides an integrated management system in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 (system for quality management), UNI EN ISO 14001 (environmental management), OHSAS 18001 (health and safety of workers) certifications, which comply with both international (ISO for the 9001 and 14001 certifications and BSI for the 18001 certification) and European standards (EC Regulation 1221/2009 EMAS).
In addition to a complete range of waste management services, it offers to customers remediation and integrated full services.

With 9 waste-to-energy plants, Herambiente has a total capacity of 1.450.000 tonnes of municipal and non-hazardous C&I waste and 40.000 tonnes of solid and liquid hazardous waste in 2017. The adjacent areas to waste-to-energy plants are constantly subject to environmental monitoring of air, soil and surrounding water system quality. With a constant monitoring system, all of the main emissions parameters are analyzed every 40 seconds, transmitted to control bodies and updated every half an hour on the Group website. Herambiente plant resources produced a total capacity of 940 GWh of electricity and 156 GWh of heat in 2017, with an efficient recovery of energy in accordance with European regulations and the lowest levels of emissions compared to similar plants.

Page updated 1 January 2020

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111