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How we tracked the waste

TESTATA How we tracked waste

How we tracked the waste

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Can't convert this string to number: "{\"groupId\":\"1514726\",\"name\":\"Tracking Waste\",\"id\":\"39be2784-f552-4479-5a03-540f4c98ff99\",\"privateLayout\":false,\"value\":\"/group_eng/sustainability/thematic-reports/tracking-waste\",\"layoutId\":\"963\"}"
The blamed expression:
==> PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 183]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign layoutService = heraContribut...  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 81]
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3	title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
4	vocabularyId = 0 
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18        <#assign vocabularyId = vocabulary.getVocabularyId() /> 
19    </#if> 
21<#assign listcomuni = [] /> 
22<#list journalArticleCategories as category> 
23	<#if category.vocabularyId == vocabularyId> 
24	    <#assign listcomuni = listcomuni + [] /> 
25	</#if> 
27<#list listcomuni as comune> 
28    <#if (listcomuni?size gt 0)> 
29    <#assign nomecomune=nomecomune +"@" + comune /> 
30    <#else> 
31    <#assign nomecomune=comune /> 
32    </#if> 
34<input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="${nomecomune}" /> 
35<div class="container py-3"> 
36		<div class="row"> 
37				<div class="col-sm-2 pt-3"> 
38						<#if TestoIntroduttivo.getData() != ""> 
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75										</#if> 
76								</div> 
77						</div> 
78				</div> 
79		</div> 

How we tracked waste trail

To find out what happens to the waste you've separated, we tracked the main materials: green waste (mowing and pruning material), paper, organic waste, glass, plastic, wood, iron, and metal (aluminium, steel and tin-plate).

We processed data supplied by 60 plants operated by 48 companies that, in 2020, performed initial processing of separately collected waste. The data illustrated how much they sent on for final recovery and where they sent it. These companies perform the storage, separation, or initial processing of collected material and then send it to downstream recovery plants. Such firms also recover organic and green waste.


Green Waste

In 2020, there were 20 initial green waste processing facilities. Of these, 6 stored and/or prepared the separately collected green waste and sent it on to recovery plants, and 14 also performed the recovery.  

The 6 initial green waste processing facilities which separated and/or stored and/or prepared material for subsequent recovery are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order):

  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ferrara) 
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Pesaro)
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU)
  • Recter S.r.l. (Imola (BO))
  • Hestambiente S.r.l. (Padova)
  • M.S.T. S.r.l. (Osimo (AN))

The 14 initial green waste processing facilities that – in addition to sorting and/or storage and/or preparation of material for subsequent recovery – also performed recovery, are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order) and type of plant:

4 biodigester plants

  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Lugo (RA))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Sant’Agata Bolognese (BO))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Cesena (FC))

6 composting plants

  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ozzano (BO))
  • Tercomposti S.p.A. (Calvisano (BS))
  • SESA S.p.A. (Este (PD))
  • Società Agricola Lunarda S.r.l. (Cervia (RA)) 
  • Verde Noghere S.r.l. (Muggia (TS))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ostellato (FE))

4 biomass plants

  • Enomondo S.r.l. (Faenza (RA)) 
  • Zola Predosa Teleriscaldamento S.rl. (Zola Predosa (BO))
  • Lambertini Biomasse S.r.l.s. (Valsamoggia (BO))
  • Sabar S.p.A. (Novellara (RE)) 



In 2020, there were 17 initial paper processing facilities that stored and/or prepared separately collected paper before sending it on to recovery plants. The process is designed to achieve compliance with UNI EN 643 standards for secondary raw material.

The plants are listed below in descending order of quantities received:

  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Bologna)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Modena)
  • Impianto selezione (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Lugo (RA))
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Pesaro)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ferrara)
  • Cartiera di Carbonera S.p.A. (Gruppo Pro-Gest) - Ospedaletto d’Istrana (TV)
  • Calcina iniziative Ambientali S.r.l. (Trieste)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Mordano (BO))
  • Il Solco S.c.a r.l. (Savignano sul Rubicone (FC))
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU))
  • Bandini Casamenti S.r.l. (Forlì-Cesena)
  • Terme Recuperi S.r.l. (Montegrotto Terme (PD))
  • Badia Recycling S.r.l. (Gruppo Pro-Gest) - Ospedaletto d’Istrana (TV)
  • Fini S.r.l. (Zola Predosa (BO))
  • Ds Smith Paper Italia S.r.l. (Porcari (LU))
  • Panini S.r.l. (Modena)


Organic Waste

In 2020, there were 10 organic material initial processing facilities stored separately collected organic waste and composted it. 

4 biodigester plants

  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Sant'Agata Bolognese (BO))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Lugo (RA))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Cesena)

6 composting plants

  • SESA S.p.A. (Este (PD))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ostellato (FE))
  • Bioman S.p.A. (Maniago (PN))
  • Salerno Pietro S.r.l. (Modigliana (FC))
  • Fertitalia S.r.l. (Legnago (VR))
  • Fri-El Agricola S.r.l. - Rovigo



In 2020, there were 9 initial processing facilities for glass. They stored glass and/or prepared it for recovery and sent it to glassworks. They are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order):

  • Ecopatè S.r.l. (Gruppo Sibelco) (Musile di Piave (VE))
  • Ecopatè S.r.l. (Gruppo Sibelco) (Antegnate (BG))
  • Ecoglass S.r.l. (Lonigo (VI))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Lugo (RA))
  • Herambiente S.p.A. (Ferrara)
  • Logica S.r.l. (Trieste)
  • Il Solco S.c.a r.l. (Savignano sul Rubicone (FC))
  • Eco Ricicli Veritas S.r.l. (Venezia)



In 2020, there were 14 initial plastic processing facilities that stored and/or prepared the plastic for subsequent shipping to recovery plants.

The plants are listed below in descending order of quantities received:

  • Herambiente S.p.A (Bologna)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Modena)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Lugo (RA))
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Pesaro)
  • Il Solco S.c.a.r.l. (Savignano sul Rubicone (FC))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Ferrara
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU))
  • Calcina Iniziative Ambientali S.r.l. (Trieste)
  • I Blu S.r.l. (San Giorgio Nogaro (UD))
  • Idealservice Savno Godega S.r.l. (Godega Sant’Urbano (TV))
  • Eco-Ricicli Veritas S.r.l. (Venezia)
  • Panini S.r.l. (Modena)
  • Logica S.r.l. (Trieste)



In 2020, there were 14 initial wood processing facilities. Of these, 12 stored and/or prepared the separately collected wood material and sent it on to recovery plants, and 2 also performed the recovery.

The 12 initial wood material processing facilities which stored and/or prepared wood for subsequent recovery are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order):

  • Herambiente S.p.A (Modena)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Rimini)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Mordano (BO))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Lugo (RA))
  • Ecolegno Forlì S.r.l. (Forlì (FC))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Bologna)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Ferrara)
  • Logica S.r.l. (Trieste)
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Pesaro)
  • M.S.T. S.r.l. (Osimo (AN))
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU))
  • PE Ecologica S.r.l. (Pesaro)

The 2 initial processing facilities that handle the wood from separate collection that in addition to storage and/or preparation for recovery have also performed recovery are: 

  • Frati Luigi S.p.A. (Borgo Virgilio (MN))
  • Frati Luigi S.p.A. (Pomponesco (MN))



In 2020, there were 13 initial iron processing facilities. Of these, 7 stored and/or prepared the iron and sent it on to recovery plants while 6 of them also performed recovery.

The 7 initial iron material processing facilities which stored and/or prepared the material for subsequent recovery are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order):

  • L.E.M.I.R. S.r.l. (Savignano sul Panaro (MO))
  • Panini S.r.l. (Modena)
  • Padovani Francesco & C. S.r.l. (Ravenna)
  • Padana Rottami S.r.l. (Castelfranco Veneto (TV))
  • Zoffoli Metalli S.r.l. (Copparo (FE))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Rimini)
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU))

The 6 initial processing facilities for iron from separated waste collection that also recovered iron are:

  • Sider Rottami Adriatica S.p.a. (Pesaro (PU))
  • Metfer S.r.l. (Trieste)
  • Degli Esposti Mario S.r.l. (Bologna)
  • GFG Rottami di Battistelli Emanuela (Colli al Metauro (PU))
  • G.B.F. Metalli S.r.l. (Ancona)
  • S.A.R.M. S.n.c. (San Giovanni In Marignano (RN))



In 2020, 14 initial metal processing facilities stored and/or prepared separately collected metals for subsequent recovery and sent them on to recovery plants. They are listed below by quantity of material received (in descending order). 

  • Herambiente S.p.A (Rimini)
  • Ecopatè S.r.l. (Gruppo Sibelco) (Musile di Piave (VE))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Modena)
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Lugo (RA))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Bologna)
  • Il Solco S.c.a r.l. (Savignano sul Rubicone (FC))
  • Ecopatè S.r.l. (Gruppo Sibelco) (Antegnate (BG))Cartfer Pesaro
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Pesaro)
  • I.Blu San Giorgio di Nogaro
  • Eco-Ricicli Veritas S.r.l. (Venezia)
  • Idealservice Savno Godega S.r.l. (Godega Sant’Urbano (TV))
  • Herambiente S.p.A (Ferrara)
  • Cartfer S.r.l. (Urbania (PU))
  • Logica S.r.l. (Trieste)

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