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Purification: when water becomes good to drink

TESTATA Purification

Purification: when water becomes good to drink

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Can't convert this string to number: "{\"groupId\":\"1514726\",\"name\":\"In good waters\",\"id\":\"51450a8d-0a0e-6253-d18d-49dc27568a02\",\"privateLayout\":false,\"value\":\"/group_eng/sustainability/thematic-reports/in-good-waters\",\"layoutId\":\"949\"}"
The blamed expression:
==> PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 183]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign layoutService = heraContribut...  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 81]
1<#assign nomepagina = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) /> 
3	title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
4	vocabularyId = 0 
5	journalArticleServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil") 
6	assetVocabularyServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyServiceUtil") 
7	vocabulariesList = assetVocabularyServiceUtil.getGroupVocabularies(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()) 
8	journalArticle = journalArticleServiceUtil.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(scopeGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data) 
9	assetCategoryServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryServiceUtil") 
10	journalArticleCategories = assetCategoryServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) 
11	nomecomune= languageUtil.get(locale, "comune-generico") 
12	actualUrl = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) 
13	comuniVar = languageUtil.get(locale, "COMUNI") 
15<#list vocabulariesList as vocabulary> 
16    <#assign vocabularyName = vocabulary.getName() /> 
17    <#if vocabularyName==comuniVar> 
18        <#assign vocabularyId = vocabulary.getVocabularyId() /> 
19    </#if> 
21<#assign listcomuni = [] /> 
22<#list journalArticleCategories as category> 
23	<#if category.vocabularyId == vocabularyId> 
24	    <#assign listcomuni = listcomuni + [] /> 
25	</#if> 
27<#list listcomuni as comune> 
28    <#if (listcomuni?size gt 0)> 
29    <#assign nomecomune=nomecomune +"@" + comune /> 
30    <#else> 
31    <#assign nomecomune=comune /> 
32    </#if> 
34<input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="${nomecomune}" /> 
35<div class="container py-3"> 
36		<div class="row"> 
37				<div class="col-sm-2 pt-3"> 
38						<#if TestoIntroduttivo.getData() != ""> 
39								${TestoIntroduttivo.getData()} 
40						</#if> 
41				</div> 
42				<div class="col-sm-10"> 
43						<div class="row"> 
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47										<#if actualUrl == layoutService.getName(locale)> 
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50										<select style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap;" name="menu-minisito" onchange="location = this.value;"> 
51												<option value="${PaginaDiPartenza.getFriendlyUrl()}" ${optionSelected}>${layoutService.getName(locale)}</option> 
52												<#list layoutService.getAllChildren() as child> 
53														<#assign optionSelected = "" /> 
54														<#if actualUrl == child.getName(locale)> 
55																<#assign optionSelected = "selected" /> 
56														</#if> 
57														<option value="${child.getFriendlyURL()}" ${optionSelected}>${child.getName(locale)}</option> 
58												</#list> 
59										</select> 
60								</div> 
61								<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 pt-2"> 
62										<#if Documento.getSiblings()?has_content> 
63												<#list Documento.getSiblings() as cur_Documento> 
64														<#if cur_Documento.Icona.getData()?? && cur_Documento.Icona.getData() != ""> 
65																<div class="d-inline"> 
66																		<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black"> 
67																				<img title="${nomepagina}" id="menu-minisito-img" alt="${cur_Documento.Icona.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${cur_Documento.Icona.getData()}" class="pr-2" /> 
68																		</a> 
69																</div> 
70														</#if> 
71														<div class="d-inline"> 
72																<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black docdownload"><span>${cur_Documento.Titolo.getData()}</span></a> 
73														</div> 
74												</#list> 
75										</#if> 
76								</div> 
77						</div> 
78				</div> 
79		</div> 


Purification and potabilization processes are aimed at ensuring that water complies with the established requirements for drinking water by improving its organoleptic aspects (color, odor, taste), chemical (e.g. by removing iron and manganese) and microbiological (e.g. water disinfection eliminates the possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli) characteristics.

Main plants where the water distributed by Hera is purified (2020)

Name Source type Treatament1 Municipality Prov. Avg. prod  (m3/day)
Val di Setta drinking water treatment plant surface (Setta stream) b 1 Sasso Marconi BO 89,970
San Vitale wells aquifer b 1 Calderara di Reno BO 44,016
Tiro a Segno wells aquifer c 1 Bologna BO 31,596
Borgo Panigale wells aquifer a 1 Bologna BO 29,885
Imola wells aquifer a 1 Imola BO 14,432
Mirandola wells aquifer a 1 San Lazzaro di Savena BO 8,916
Castel San Pietro drinking water treatment plant surface (Bubano reservoirs) c 1 Castel San Pietro Terme BO 8,498
San Giovanni in Persiceto wells aquifer b 2 San Giovanni in Persiceto BO 7,127
Fossolo wells aquifer c 1 Bologna BO 5,628
Suviana dam surface (Suviana reservoir) b 1 Castel di Casio BO 4,975
Bubano reservoirs 2 surface (Bubano reservoirs) c 1 Mordano BO 2,389
Borgo Tossignano drinking water treatment plant surface (Santerno River) c 1 Borgo Tossignano BO 2,278
Ridracoli dam 3 surface (Ridracoli reservoir) b 1 Santa Sofia FC 115,817
Cesena wells 4 aquifer a 1 Cesena FC 18,883
Forlì wells 4 aquifer b 1 Forlì FC 17,405
Pontelagoscuro drinking water treatment plant surface (River Po) c 1 Ferrara FE 69,866
Stellata wells aquifer b 1 Bondeno FE 9,241
Marzaglia wells Aquifer a 1 Modena MO 32,910
San Cesario wells aquifer a 2 San Cesario sul Panaro MO 21,114
Tommaselli wells aquifer a 1 Formigine MO 18,233
Santa Cecilia wells aquifer a 1 Sassuolo MO 12,112
Cognento wells aquifer a 1 Modena MO 11,652
Castelfranco wells aquifer a 2 Castelfranco Emilia MO 7,505
Castellaro wells aquifer a 1 Spilamberto MO 4,236
Scoltenna drinking water treatment plant surface (Scoltenna River) b 2 Pavullo sul Frignano MO 1,807
San Francesco drinking water treatment plant surface (River Metauro) c 1 Saltara PU 46,276
Borgheria drinking water treatment plant wells b 2 Pesaro PU 2,267
Pole drinking water treatment plant surface (Burano River) c 1 Cagli PU 1,253
NIP drinking water treatment plant 4 surface 6 c 1 Ravenna RA 46,686
Standiana drinking water treatment plant 5 surface (River Po) c 1 Ravenna RA 34,728
Castel Bolognese wells aquifer b 2 Castel Bolognese RA 3,520
Conselice drinking water treatment plant surface (River Po) c 1 Conselice RA 2,810
Massa Lombarda wells aquifer b 2 Massa Lombarda RA 2,056
Monte Fortino drinking water treatment plant surface (Senio River) c 2 Casola Valsenio RA 1,252
Campana wells 4 aquifer b 1 Rimini RN 16,588
Anello Nord wells 4 aquifer a 1 Rimini RN 13,157
Raggera wells 4 aquifer b 1 Rimini RN 12,210
Polveriera wells 4 aquifer a 1 Rimini RN 9,158
Senatello drinking water treatment plant spring a 1 Casteldelci RN 3,744
Conca dam 4 surface (Conca basin) c 1 Misano Adriatico RN 2,121
Randaccio wells aquifer a 2 Duino Aurisina TS 99,970
Boscochiaro drinking water treatment plant surface (Adige River) b 1 Cavarzere VE 4,689

1 The treatment type is identified in the table by the following codes:
a = simple physical treatment and/or disinfection
b = normal physical and chemical treatment and disinfection
c = advanced physical and chemical treatment with refinement and disinfection;
1 = Chlorine dioxide-based disinfection
2 = Sodium hypochlorite-based disinfection.
2 The plant produces water for industrial mains network, a part of which is purified and fed into the civil water mains network. Indicated figures refer only to the share sent for purification.
3 The Santa Sofia drinking water treatment plant where water from the Ridracoli reservoir is treated has been managed by Romagna Acque - Società delle Fonti since its construction.
4 Plants managed by Romagna Acque - Società delle Fonti since 1 January 2009.
5 The Ravenna Standiana drinking water treatment plant is managed by Romagna Acque-Società delle Fonti and came operative in September 2015.
6 River Reno, River Lamone, River Po via the Emiliano-Romagnolo Canal.

Main plants where the water distributed by Hera is purified (2020)


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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111