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Hera enables

[Testata] Hera Abilita

Menu minisito Costruire insieme il futuro eng

Can't convert this string to number: "{\"groupId\":\"1514726\",\"name\":\"Building the future together\",\"id\":\"e0af6942-e5b7-df69-640a-473d6937a9d5\",\"privateLayout\":false,\"value\":\"/group_eng/sustainability/thematic-reports/building-the-future-together\",\"layoutId\":\"1162\"}"
The blamed expression:
==> PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 183]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign layoutService = heraContribut...  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 81]
1<#assign nomepagina = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) /> 
3	title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
4	vocabularyId = 0 
5	journalArticleServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil") 
6	assetVocabularyServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyServiceUtil") 
7	vocabulariesList = assetVocabularyServiceUtil.getGroupVocabularies(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()) 
8	journalArticle = journalArticleServiceUtil.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(scopeGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data) 
9	assetCategoryServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryServiceUtil") 
10	journalArticleCategories = assetCategoryServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) 
11	nomecomune= languageUtil.get(locale, "comune-generico") 
12	actualUrl = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) 
13	comuniVar = languageUtil.get(locale, "COMUNI") 
15<#list vocabulariesList as vocabulary> 
16    <#assign vocabularyName = vocabulary.getName() /> 
17    <#if vocabularyName==comuniVar> 
18        <#assign vocabularyId = vocabulary.getVocabularyId() /> 
19    </#if> 
21<#assign listcomuni = [] /> 
22<#list journalArticleCategories as category> 
23	<#if category.vocabularyId == vocabularyId> 
24	    <#assign listcomuni = listcomuni + [] /> 
25	</#if> 
27<#list listcomuni as comune> 
28    <#if (listcomuni?size gt 0)> 
29    <#assign nomecomune=nomecomune +"@" + comune /> 
30    <#else> 
31    <#assign nomecomune=comune /> 
32    </#if> 
34<input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="${nomecomune}" /> 
35<div class="container py-3"> 
36		<div class="row"> 
37				<div class="col-sm-2 pt-3"> 
38						<#if TestoIntroduttivo.getData() != ""> 
39								${TestoIntroduttivo.getData()} 
40						</#if> 
41				</div> 
42				<div class="col-sm-10"> 
43						<div class="row"> 
44								<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-12"> 
45										<#assign layoutService = heraContributorLocalService.getLayout(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), false, PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number) /> 
46										<#assign optionSelected = "" /> 
47										<#if actualUrl == layoutService.getName(locale)> 
48												<#assign optionSelected = "selected" /> 
49										</#if> 
50										<select style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap;" name="menu-minisito" onchange="location = this.value;"> 
51												<option value="${PaginaDiPartenza.getFriendlyUrl()}" ${optionSelected}>${layoutService.getName(locale)}</option> 
52												<#list layoutService.getAllChildren() as child> 
53														<#assign optionSelected = "" /> 
54														<#if actualUrl == child.getName(locale)> 
55																<#assign optionSelected = "selected" /> 
56														</#if> 
57														<option value="${child.getFriendlyURL()}" ${optionSelected}>${child.getName(locale)}</option> 
58												</#list> 
59										</select> 
60								</div> 
61								<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 pt-2"> 
62										<#if Documento.getSiblings()?has_content> 
63												<#list Documento.getSiblings() as cur_Documento> 
64														<#if cur_Documento.Icona.getData()?? && cur_Documento.Icona.getData() != ""> 
65																<div class="d-inline"> 
66																		<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black"> 
67																				<img title="${nomepagina}" id="menu-minisito-img" alt="${cur_Documento.Icona.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${cur_Documento.Icona.getData()}" class="pr-2" /> 
68																		</a> 
69																</div> 
70														</#if> 
71														<div class="d-inline"> 
72																<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black docdownload"><span>${cur_Documento.Titolo.getData()}</span></a> 
73														</div> 
74												</#list> 
75										</#if> 
76								</div> 
77						</div> 
78				</div> 
79		</div> 

Hera enables

  • 13.000 THOUSAND PLAYERS in the first two months
  • 9 MINUTES average match time

Project implemented in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Learn all about recycling collection by playing! “Environment Memory”, “Ecologic Labyrinth” and “Falling Waste”: three retro pixelart-style educational games in the ECOgames series that guarantee a fun and immediate experience by testing players' knowledge about recycling collection, providing general environmental trivia through questions and answers in quiz format.
Created in the territories where the Hera Group carries out environmental services, the ECOgames series has launched a contest with prizes for the top 10 finishers in each city: players are thus able to test and scale their green profile between apprentice, informed, knowledgeable to becoming experts in separate waste collection.


  • 766 THOUSAND DOWNLOADS since beginning fo the project
  • 140 THOUSAND REPORTS received and managed
  • 2 MILIONS researches

Project implemented in the local areas of:

  • Bologna
  • Ferrara
  • Forlì-Cesena
  • Modena
  • Ravenna
  • Rimini
  • Padova
  • Pesaro-Urbino
  • Trieste

Are you in doubt about how to sort your recycling? Download the free app “Il Rifiutologo”, it will help you to ensure the highest possible recycling quality also thanks to "barcode scanning" that allows you to recognize materials through the barcode, as well as giving you the ability to make reports quickly and easily regarding dumpster emptying, street cleaning and abandoned waste. The app has also been structured for visually impaired users and has become usable through Alexa thanks to a partnership with Amazon that responds to users' voice requests. From 2021, “Il Rifiutologo” is also active in the Pesaro-Urbino area. If you also want to learn more about where waste collection goes, you can consult the report “Tracking waste”, published annually.


  • 818 SCHOOLS adhering
  • 82,178 STUDENTS participating
  • 6,350 TEACHERS involved

Project implemented in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Find out about educational initiatives and activities for schools on our dedicated website! “The Big Machine of the World” is the environmental education program dedicated to schools of all levels that steps out of the schoolbooks and moves to field to touch operating facilities, environmental issues, and daily good practices in support of circular economy, urban waste reduction, reuse of goods, and separate waste collection. Initiatives also include "A Well of Science”, dedicated to 2nd grade high schools.


  • 468 VISITORS in Herambiente plants in 40 days

Project implemented in the local areas of:

  • Bologna
  • Ferrara
  • Forlì-Cesena
  • Modena
  • Ravenna
  • Rimini
  • Padova
  • Pesaro-Urbino
  • Trieste

Want to know how our main plants work? Log on to our website and book your guided tour of one of our recycling plants or waste-to-energy. If you are a teacher or student interested in the topic, it is also possible to virtually visit our plants from the comfort of your school desks.


  • 700 THOUSAND SUPPLY POINTS activating «Consumption diary»

Project implemented in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Want to become more aware of your energy consumption and waste management? Download the My Hera app to access the new Consumption diary and other tools to save energy, take a photo self-reading of your meter, and monitor bills and undifferentiated waste deliveries (municipalities with a point-based fee). In 2021, the research conducted with the Milan Polytechnic - unique in the national panorama - has continued, extending the report to a sample of water service households and a sample of Ferrara customers to whom the punctual waste tariff has been applied to identify the effects of the reports on consumption behaviors and possible synergies from information pressure on several areas at once.


  • 26.9% POWER AND GAS CONTRACTS with «green offers»

Project implemented in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Want to be carbon neutral and fight climate change together? Choose "Hera Impronta Zero," the new 100% "green" power and gas offer aimed at families and small vat accounts. You will have electricity from certified renewable sources and offset CO2 emissions from gas consume by the purchase of carbon credits to support international greenhouse gas reduction projects.


  • 23% CONTRACTS with energy efficiency solutions, including «Consumption diary»

Project implementes in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Choose sustainable solutions for energy efficiency! Choose Hera Led, Hera Thermo, Hera ContaWatt, Hera Caldaia (boiler), Hera Scaldacqua (water heater) and Hera Clima (A/C) offers to monitor and reduce your energy consumption.


  • 850 KW TOTAL INSTALLED POWER by the domestic PVs sold so far

Project implementes in the local areas of:

All territories in which Hera operates

Want to light your home with less impact on the environment? Choose the Hera Fotovoltaico (photovoltaic) offer. In 2021, the range of renewable energy offers has been enriched with the Hera Photovoltaic option, which allows you to purchase professionally installed photovoltaic systems that access tax deductions provided thanks to the invoice discount, through a turnkey service that starts from the technical inspection to the management of administrative and tax practices. By the end of 2021, photovoltaic panels with a total installed capacity of 850 kW had been sold.



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Pre-Footer Standard

Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111