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Hera collaborates

[Testata] Hera collabora

Menu minisito Costruire insieme il futuro eng

Can't convert this string to number: "{\"groupId\":\"1514726\",\"name\":\"Building the future together\",\"id\":\"e0af6942-e5b7-df69-640a-473d6937a9d5\",\"privateLayout\":false,\"value\":\"/group_eng/sustainability/thematic-reports/building-the-future-together\",\"layoutId\":\"1162\"}"
The blamed expression:
==> PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 183]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign layoutService = heraContribut...  [in template "20099#20135#5640966" at line 45, column 81]
1<#assign nomepagina = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) /> 
3	title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].data 
4	vocabularyId = 0 
5	journalArticleServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil") 
6	assetVocabularyServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyServiceUtil") 
7	vocabulariesList = assetVocabularyServiceUtil.getGroupVocabularies(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()) 
8	journalArticle = journalArticleServiceUtil.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(scopeGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data) 
9	assetCategoryServiceUtil = objectUtil("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryServiceUtil") 
10	journalArticleCategories = assetCategoryServiceUtil.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) 
11	nomecomune= languageUtil.get(locale, "comune-generico") 
12	actualUrl = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(locale) 
13	comuniVar = languageUtil.get(locale, "COMUNI") 
15<#list vocabulariesList as vocabulary> 
16    <#assign vocabularyName = vocabulary.getName() /> 
17    <#if vocabularyName==comuniVar> 
18        <#assign vocabularyId = vocabulary.getVocabularyId() /> 
19    </#if> 
21<#assign listcomuni = [] /> 
22<#list journalArticleCategories as category> 
23	<#if category.vocabularyId == vocabularyId> 
24	    <#assign listcomuni = listcomuni + [] /> 
25	</#if> 
27<#list listcomuni as comune> 
28    <#if (listcomuni?size gt 0)> 
29    <#assign nomecomune=nomecomune +"@" + comune /> 
30    <#else> 
31    <#assign nomecomune=comune /> 
32    </#if> 
34<input type="hidden" name="nomecomune" value="${nomecomune}" /> 
35<div class="container py-3"> 
36		<div class="row"> 
37				<div class="col-sm-2 pt-3"> 
38						<#if TestoIntroduttivo.getData() != ""> 
39								${TestoIntroduttivo.getData()} 
40						</#if> 
41				</div> 
42				<div class="col-sm-10"> 
43						<div class="row"> 
44								<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-12"> 
45										<#assign layoutService = heraContributorLocalService.getLayout(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), false, PaginaDiPartenza.getData()?number) /> 
46										<#assign optionSelected = "" /> 
47										<#if actualUrl == layoutService.getName(locale)> 
48												<#assign optionSelected = "selected" /> 
49										</#if> 
50										<select style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: pre-wrap;" name="menu-minisito" onchange="location = this.value;"> 
51												<option value="${PaginaDiPartenza.getFriendlyUrl()}" ${optionSelected}>${layoutService.getName(locale)}</option> 
52												<#list layoutService.getAllChildren() as child> 
53														<#assign optionSelected = "" /> 
54														<#if actualUrl == child.getName(locale)> 
55																<#assign optionSelected = "selected" /> 
56														</#if> 
57														<option value="${child.getFriendlyURL()}" ${optionSelected}>${child.getName(locale)}</option> 
58												</#list> 
59										</select> 
60								</div> 
61								<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 pt-2"> 
62										<#if Documento.getSiblings()?has_content> 
63												<#list Documento.getSiblings() as cur_Documento> 
64														<#if cur_Documento.Icona.getData()?? && cur_Documento.Icona.getData() != ""> 
65																<div class="d-inline"> 
66																		<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black"> 
67																				<img title="${nomepagina}" id="menu-minisito-img" alt="${cur_Documento.Icona.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${cur_Documento.Icona.getData()}" class="pr-2" /> 
68																		</a> 
69																</div> 
70														</#if> 
71														<div class="d-inline"> 
72																<a href="${cur_Documento.getData()}" class="black docdownload"><span>${cur_Documento.Titolo.getData()}</span></a> 
73														</div> 
74												</#list> 
75										</#if> 
76								</div> 
77						</div> 
78				</div> 
79		</div> 

Hera collaborates

Since the launch of the initiative:
  • 1,301 TONNES of vegetable oil collected through collection service
  • 800 STREET COLLECTION BINS distribuited in 120 municipalities
  • 600 THOUSANDS LITRES/YEAR of biodiesel produced thanks to the proper delivery waste

Project implemented in the local area:

  • Bologna
  • Ferrara
  • Forlì-Cesena
  • Modena
  • Ravenna
  • Rimini
  • Pesaro-Urbino
  • Padova
  • Trieste

Return your used vegetable oil to one of the many designated containers! Thanks to an agreement with Eni, this waste from your kitchen is processed and transported to the Eni Biorefinery in Porto Marghera (VE) where it is then transformed into biodiesel. The street collection service for vegetable oils has started in 2018, using pleasant-looking containers specially designed to collect domestic residual edible oil. The project has also started in the areas of Padua and Trieste in March 2022.


  • OVER 9.700 meals retrieved from Hera canteens
  • 52 TONNES of waste avoided      since 2010 (over 113 skips)
  • 1.4 TONNES of unsold, collected and reused food recovered at the Albinelli market in 2021 thanks to the cooperation of 17 retailers

Project implemented in the local area:

  • Bologna
  • Ferrara
  • Modena
  • Rimini
  • Ravenna
  • Modena

Did you know that every year in Italy 10 billion euro worth of food ends up in dustbins (Waste Watcher 2020 Observatory)? Since 2010, the meals prepared but not consumed in Hera's 5 canteens have been allocated to 5 non-profit organisations active in the area in welcoming and assisting people in difficulty on a daily basis. Since 2017, the CiboAmico initiative has been extended to the Albinelli market in Modena, where unsold products are collected and reused by Fondazione Ceis, which provides assistance to disadvantaged people. We are working on further developments.



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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111