Shareholders’ meeting
Price sensitive
Communication of the overall amount of voting rights
2021-08-04 (drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999) Communication of the overall amount of voting rights Bologna, 4 August 2021 - The following table contains the data concerning the shares outstanding and the number of voting rights representing the share capital as at 31 July 2021. Updated situation Previous situation Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Total of which: 1,489,538,745 2,230,926,254 1,489,538,745 2,231,003,848 Ordinary shares (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0001250932 Current coupon: n. 20 748,151,236 748,151,236 748,073,642 748,073,642 Ordinary shares with increased voting rights (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0005159972 Current coupon: n. 20 741,387,509 1,482,775,018 741,465,103 1,482,930,206 Press release Communication overall amount of voting rights art. 85 bis.pdf 2019-07-03 10:56:00 Communication of the overall amount of voting rights