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Robotics at the service of humankind

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Robotics at the service of humankind

Thanks to robotics and artificial intelligence we can make our flows more efficient and develop the full potential of individuals and their intellectual capacities. With our Robotic & Intelligent Process Automation platform we have streamlined and seven processes and made them more reliable: find out which ones.

Will the future belong to machines? That is the main question that arises when dealing with issues such as Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Two disciplines that have literally revolutionized the way we do our business, radically changing its processes.

Predicting the future is not up to us. However, we are certain of one thing: automation processes are the key to increasing the value of the people who work for the Hera Group. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, in fact, have enabled us to automate all the repetitive and low value-added business processes. By doing so, we can let people have more time for more qualifying activities and enhance their intellectual capacity on processes that generate more value for the company. 

Thanks to the Robotic & Intelligent Process Automation platform, a project that is part of our Utilities 4.0 plan, we have obtained significant results, speeding up the process and making the operations more reliable in the 7 processes we have started in recent years: the management of the suppliers' DURC (Unified Certificate of Social Security Payments Compliance), the communications between seller and energy distributors, the seller's Order Entry process, the expense reports, the service notices related to waste management services, the work orders to replace meters in the networks and, lastly, the virtual assistant for planning meetings and booking meeting rooms.

By introducing dashboards that monitor automated activities, we can act promptly on business processes, continually optimizing productivity and efficiency. The aim is to extend the scope of automated processes to new areas thanks to their continuous technological evolution, for example, with tools such as semantic text interpretation engines and optical character recognition (OCR) systems. 

The challenge to make our processes smarter and smarter is just beginning.

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Heratech Project
Circular Economy
Water Project

PSBO: the gentle giant that protects the sea of Rimini

PSBO: the gentle giant that protects the sea of Rimini Keeping the sea clean and ensuring that it is safe to swim in is a complex undertaking, but it's not impossible. Proof of this is the Rimini Optimised Seawater Protection Plan (Piano di Salvaguardia della Balneazione Ottimizzato - PSBO) Plan, the largest water reclamation project underway in Italy, which we worked on together with the Rimini Municipality and Romagna Acque. A construction site, indeed 14 of them, which are changing the face of a city that, for over 60 years, has been the backdrop for the holidays of millions of tourists, both Italian and foreign. With an investment of Euro 154 million, the project will ensure that by 2024 swimming will be safe along the entire Rimini coastline, eliminating sewage from all 11 discharges into the sea. Restoring a clean, healthy, and transparent sea for Rimini and the whole local area is an essential step to promote and give a new outlook to the entire community. Indeed, the sea is not only a precious resource that drives the economy: it is the site of our identity. psbo.jpg Kennedy Square, where it all begins The massive work of the PSBO, the gentle giant that protects the sea, all begins under Piazzale Kennedy. In the event of a storm, in fact, the treatment plant cannot withstand the large volume of both sewage and rainwater it receives. In order not to damage the plant and to prevent flooding, the water is discharged into the sea without treatment. The operation causes ban on swimming, thus impacting the environment, public health, and the economy of the area. The PSBO avoids this situation thanks to two tanks as large as 20 Olympic-size pools, located 40 meters below ground. The first tank, with a capacity of 14 thousand cubic metres, collects the water from the first flush of rain, while the second one, with a capacity of 25 thousand cubic metres, is designed for "buffering", i.e. reducing the rainwater drainage sent into the sea. A forced ventilation mechanism, which sends the air sucked in from the tanks to a treatment system based on activated carbon technology, permanently solves the problem of bad odours. With their modern architecture integrated into the city context, the new waterfront terraces in Piazzale Kennedy will "hide" this complex structure. One already opened to the public in July 2019, and the other will be completed by summer 2020. The Santa Giustina wastewater treatment plant, the "heart" of the PSBO Once the water is collected in the tanks, its real journey begins under Piazzale Kennedy: perhaps the most important of the PSBO's activities. The buffering tank, in fact, is connected to a runoff pumping system that can pump 18,000 litres per second or convey it to the Santa Giustina treatment plant. This is the heart of the gentle giant of Rimini, who transforms the water to make it, as famous song says, "blue and clear". Enhanced with a series of measures that have doubled its capacity, the treatment plant is now able to treat all the wastewater, i.e. from domestic and industrial sewage, from the local area of Rimini and the state of San Marino, and serving 560 thousand inhabitants during the summer season. After separating the water from sand and oil, and eliminating the sewage using denitrifying bacteria (organisms that feed on the substances in the sewage), the treatment plant makes the wastewater transparent and clean thanks to microfiltration membranes, a cutting-edge technology that captures microscopic particles such as viruses and bacteria. The main construction sites of the PSBO Let's go through the history of this ambitious project together. The doubling of the Santa Giustina treatment plant started in 2013 and finished in 2015, was the real kick-off of the PSBO project. Its activity, which is the heart of the entire plant, is also closely linked to the conversion of the Marecchiese treatment plant, to buffer the flow rates to Santa Giustina. Another important milestone was achieved in 2014: the beginning of the remodelling of Rimini's sewerage system, which involved the rehabilitation of Rimini Isola, followed by the separation of the sewerage networks of Rimini Nord. The latter, completed in 2020, was a fundamental step for the entire project. It directly involved the residents of the area, who were called upon to connect their discharge to the new sewage water pipes correctly. At the same time, in 2015 we completed the work on the North Backbone, the link between the Santa Giustina and Bellaria treatment plants, and in 2018 the excavation (using microtunneling) of the South Backbone: thanks to the "mole" boring machine, we laid pipelines under natural slopes, or major roads in towns, without requiring extensive excavations. Further measures, such as the Ausa sewage collector, the Mavone floodway channel, and the sewer pumping station in Via Santa Chiara, have significantly reduced the risk of flooding in most areas of the town where this problem frequently occurs. In addition, with the Ausa Canal project, which artificially covers the canal, we have enhanced the water flow rate in the final stretch from the waterfront to the sea when the spillway channels are opened, creating a pleasant path between the waterfront and Piazzale Kennedy that makes even the nearby swimming facilities more attractive. The results we have achieved To date, more than 5 thousand square meters of coastline have been "freed" from swimming bans, and the construction work is now 90% completed. Thanks to sieving and storage treatments, we have also managed to recover over 20 thousand cubic metres of sand to replenish the beaches along the coast: this operation, which we could describe as a real "feeding" of the beaches by adding new sand, makes it possible to counteract the erosion of the coast, abiding by the principles of the circular economy. These achievements, along with all other planned interventions, have led the PSBO to be mentioned in the UN report "SDG Industry Matrix: Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals" (2017) as a best practice linked to the sustainable development objectives of the UN’s 2030 Global Agenda. Heratech no
Water Project

The preventive maintenance of sewerage networks travels in space

The preventive maintenance of sewerage networks travels in space From up on a satellite, we can see if an aqueduct has leaks, and we can predict if our sewer networks need maintenance. Indeed, the most advanced technologies enable us to be even more efficient in managing the water cycle, transitioning from "fighting fires"' to taking "predictive" action, to prevent collector failure as much as possible. manutenzione reti fognarie.jpg The new pilot project uses data provided by satellites of the European Space Agency. By overlaying the satellite scan on the map of our sewerage networks, we can precisely assess the state of the land and infrastructure. If we find subsidence, we carry out an accurate video inspection to act pre-emptively. Modena, where we operate a total of 2,230 km of sewerage network, and Bologna, where we manage about 4,000, are leading the pilot project. The areas, where the plain is interspersed with hills and mountains, have similar characteristics. In total, the project covers more than 6,200 km of network, on a total area of almost 3,500 km2. We are implementing and refining this monitoring system. We plan to extend it to other infrastructures in the future. With the experimental use of satellite technologies, the Hera Group participates in EuroGEOSS, the European project that puts the most innovative IT systems for the observation of terrestrial phenomena at the service of the environment. The CNR, the Italian National Research Council also participates in the initiative. " We have been enthusiasts of innovation, the development of new technologies and their experimentation", says Franco Fogacci, Water Director of the Hera Group. "These systems, based on satellite tracking, the result of high-level international collaboration, are creating added value for the integrated water service that Hera operates in 239 Italian municipalities, for a catchment area of over 3.6 million inhabitants. no
Circular Economy
Water Project

Wastewater "gets beautiful" with ultrasound treatment

Wastewater "gets beautiful" with ultrasound treatment Wastewater is all the water that, after having been used in domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities, must be treated before being returned to the environment. This water contains a solid part – sludge – which is removed during treatment. But, in addition to giving a new life to wastewater, can we also make the sludge life cycle circular, by reducing the amount to be disposed of? Back in 2017, we started research to answer these questions, and, once again, we decided to invest in new technologies to lighten the impact on the environment and be more virtuous. In November 2019, our efforts became a reality, thanks to the ultrasound sludge hydrolysis system, installed at the Forlì treatment plant. In this system, part of the sludge from the wastewater treatment process is subjected to sound waves. The waves, in contact with the liquid matrix to be treated, biodegrade more volatile solids, increasing biogas production, and reducing the final dry matter in the sludge. All this makes it possible to significantly reduce the volume of sludge to be disposed of and opens up new scenarios for the use of the biogas obtained thanks to the ultrasound system. During 2020 the initial results will be reported and we look forward to sharing the successes of this new adventure with you. 110_150_depurazione.1597408821.jpg no
Energy Efficiency

Hera and General Electric together for energy recovery

Hera and General Electric together for energy recovery An experimental and innovative project with an ambitious goal: energy recovery and lower consumption of fossil fuels by decompressing the methane gas distributed in urban networks. general electric (1).jpg The exclusive agreement between Hera Group and General Electric specifically involves installing a turbo expander at the R&M stations (gas delivery points) of the Ducati factory in Bologna. It is a medium-small turbo expander (330 kW electric), which can be installed in medium-sized R&M stations, that in combination with a heat pump that uses CO2 as a thermal carrier fluid, recovers part of the electric energy to preheat the gas used in the process. In 2019, we completed all the production start-up activities and started the provisional running phase, in order to carry out all the performance and endurance tests. It is scheduled to start operating at full capacity in the second half of 2020. Once the testing is completed, if the expected performance is confirmed, this technology can be installed in other methane gas decompression stations of the Hera Group. The project, moreover, contributes to achieving target 7.3 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.

Data, the key to a smart future

Data, the key to a smart future A smart waste bin, one which opens and closes autonomously, and that can recognise users by card or smartphone and record what they have put in, alerting operators wirelessly when it is full. Is that science fiction? No, it's our Smarty waste bin, one of the latest projects launched by Hera to improve and make separate waste collection even more efficient. An initiative that easily and immediately represents, especially for customers, the innovation and digitalisation process that Hera has pursued in recent years, putting data and its analysis first. infografica_smarty.png Every day we receive millions of data, a volume of information that is not comparable to what we were facing just a few years ago. The most advanced digital systems come to our aid, such as the Internet of Things and business intelligence systems, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence tools. The city of the future, the "smart city", is one of the areas in which we can most effectively express the innovation of our services. Thanks to Acantho, Hera Group's digital company with its 4,200 kilometre long proprietary fibre optic network, we have developed public Wi-Fi services, smart security systems, and digital signage such as multifunction totems that display information or promotional content. Our detection devices and sensors, connected to a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, enable us to collect information on traffic trends, air quality, usage of public parks by the building industry, and even satellite reconnaissance of roofs containing asbestos. Valuable information, which is essential to increasingly understand the local area in which we operate and to create shared value. Accessing such an advanced data pool places a great responsibility on us: to protect it. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2020, cyber-attacks are one of the top 10 risks for people and the global economy, both in terms of impact and probability. That's why we are continually working to improve our approach to cyber-security, to defend devices, users, identities, and infrastructure. Over the past few years, we have enhanced the security of email and browsing on our employees' devices and strengthened cloud protection and monitoring of our industrial plant networks to comply with the latest regulations such as the GDPR. "There are many technologies available to the world of utilities. The critical issue, and the real challenge, lies in identifying the right ones for the company's strategic goals: data analytics and intelligent automation show enormous growth potential. Understanding data and how to use it in a forward-looking approach offer unprecedented opportunities for cost-cutting, and improving our service and competitiveness," explains Salvatore Molè, Central Director of Innovation and Head of ICT at Hera Group. Smart City Visita il sito Bi-REX null
Water Project

Water treatment 4.0, between artificial intelligence and predictive technologies

Water treatment 4.0, between artificial intelligence and predictive technologies The watchword is innovation. To protect the environment and those who live in it, and to provide quality services. That's always been our belief. But there's more. We need to add another watchword: resilience, the ability to cope with change. And when we speak of climate change, we have learned that innovation and resilience are inseparable. The most modern technologies allow us, in fact, to face sudden changes, turning to prevention, the ability to predict causes and consequences, acting in advance. Image_psbo.png Following this principle, and as the second-ranking Italian operator in terms of volumes of water sold, we have earmarked Euro 830 million for smart technologies in our Business Plan for 2023. In fact, the networks and plants of the water cycle are subjected to increasing stress due to the ongoing climate change, and only our ability to adapt and innovate, has made us an Italian excellence in the industry. The investments we have made are 20% higher than the Italian average - almost Euro 176 million in 2019 alone – and reaffirm our commitment to a circular and regenerative economy, starting with water. In particular, by complying with the requests of the United Nations Global Compact on the sustainable management of water resources, we remain committed to continuously innovate the service to achieve its gradual decarbonisation. This happens not only by using only renewable energy but also through energy efficiency projects and optimisation of the processes involved in the treatment. There are two virtuous examples we are particularly proud of, the Modena treatment plant and that of Granarolo dell'Emilia (Bologna). THE SMART TREATMENT PLANT IN MODENA Blue water, clear water. This is the refrain that welcomes to Modena's smart treatment plant. Its new predictive system, unique in Italy, enables us to improve the quality of the water we return to the environment and to further reduce the energy consumption of our wastewater treatment plant. Here, technological innovation, integrated systems, and efficient use of resources are at the forefront. The project, developed together with Energy Way (the company that develops mathematical models for the efficient and sustainable development of businesses), created a system capable of controlling the oxidation process, a fundamental phase of the wastewater treatment cycle, anticipating the needs of the plant's activities. In fact, the requirements vary according to the water flow rate and the concentration of organic pollutants. The smart controller anticipates, 30 minutes in advance, the condition of the plant and acts beforehand to avoid the concentration of pollutants or energy peaks. The pilot project has yielded positive results, which we are proud of. The Modena treatment plant, which can cope with the needs of 500,000 inhabitants, recorded a 16% decrease in energy used in the oxidation process, compared to a traditional control system, and a further 8.1% decrease in the presence of nitrogen in the outgoing water (a parameter already below the regulatory limits). WELCOME TO CONSTANCE, PROTOTYPE OF THE GRANAROLO DELL’EMILIA TREATMENT PLANT It's just been born, but it's looking very promising. We are talking about CONSTANCE (COntrollo iNtelligente e geSTione Automatizzata per il trattameNto di aCque rEflue). The system is the fruit of a partnership between Hera Group and ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente), is based on machine learning technologies, and can reduce energy and water treatment plant management costs by more than 30%. The prototype has reached a level 7 technological maturity and is ready for industrialisation; the first tests were successfully carried out in our treatment plant in Granarolo dell'Emilia (Bologna). CONSTANCE's main innovative feature enables us to remotely manage multiple treatment plants and to estimate in real-time the percentage of pollutants entering the plant, such as nitrogen, reducing them and thus returning cleaner water. "At Hera, we place technological innovation among the fundamental pillars of our management and development strategy. With this in mind, in 2017 we formed a partnership with ENEA to build projects of common interest," says Franco Fogacci, Water Director of Hera. "The experimental test project of ENEA's CONSTANCE controller at our treatment plant will allow us both to further develop skills, know-how, and transfer new technologies into real applications on an industrial scale, for the benefit of citizens and the environment", he concludes.

What about your bill? Pay it with a click

What about your bill? Pay it with a click Once upon a time there was paper-based billing. As soon as you saw the envelope in your mailbox you would start the usual rant: get the postal payment order, find the cash, and above all, a lot of patience to face the endless queues at the post office or at the tobacconist's. Today: your bill is digital and you pay with a click, from the comfort of your home and with your smartphone. bolletta (1).png No, it didn't take a time-travel machine to get to here. What only a few years ago seemed unthinkable, was our commitment to make Hera an even more digital company. Our mission has always been to fulfil the needs and requirements of our customers, who nowadays show that they want to express themselves through smarter ways of consumption. Such as digital payments, which can transform a repetitive and even somewhat boring activity, like paying bills, into a fast, simple and safe routine; the environment also benefits because by doing so, we contribute to reducing the use of paper. Today, there are several digital solutions (add links to The Bill > Bill payment page) that we offer our customers to help them pay without queues, without wasting time and without any risk. Thanks to our partnership with Unicredit we were the first in Italy to generate no fewer than 6 million virtual IBAN codes, which we communicated in bills or invoices. Thanks to this customers can complete their payments directly from their Internet banking site, quickly and easily. Thanks to its multi-bank and multi-channel approach, CBILL also lets our users make payments from the dashboard of their online bank, providing complete and integrated coverage of the entire bill collection process, from notice issuance to settlement. Many customers have subscribed to the Online Services of the Hera Group or use our myHera app . For them we thought of two even smarter payment methods, such as Jiffy/Bancomat Pay, with which you just need to enter your mobile phone number to be debited from your current account, and Amazon Pay, which is directly linked to your Amazon account and your default credit cards. There are a total of 149 digital wallets that we have made available to our customers, such as Masterpass, Pay with Postepay, and Apple Pay, which simplify payments via smartphone or desktop, providing a transparent and straightforward user experience. The digitalisation of our services is one of the pillars of our path towards the UN’s 2030 Global Agenda, in line with the European Union's strategy for creating a digital single market. "In 2017 alone, we invested Euro 78 million in projects designed to spread digitalisation, in areas such as smart cities, data analytics, business intelligence, Utilities 4.0, circular economy, and customer experience. We are already the most digital utility company among the 13 examined in a survey by Utilitatis, but that's not enough. The service sector is constantly changing, and the partnerships we have entered into are crucial to making a quantum leap and addressing the needs of our customers”, explains Stefano Venier, CEO of Hera Group from April 2014 to April 2022. Servizi Online Hera My Hera Android My Hera Apple no
Circular Economy

Bus fuel from trash: Hera's pilot project with "START"

Bus fuel from trash: Hera's pilot project with "START" _PG_9554.1555590488.jpg To obtain clean energy to power Ravenna's buses by decomposing waste in landfills. We are not talking about the future, but about what has already come true, thanks to an innovative waste treatment plant in Ravenna. It adds another important element in the effort to reduce environmental impact and optimise waste management. The project is funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Administration and the European Commission, and is designed to highlight the advantages of using green natural gas. Which ones? It can contribute to replacing fossil energy sources with renewable energy sources; it can be used in the transport sector by contributing to achieving the 10% share of biofuels; it can provide logistics savings thanks to the extensive Italian natural gas network; and can be integrated with other renewable energy sources. The biomethane is collected from networks inside the landfill, and from there it is channelled into a container where it is "purified" by removing the carbon dioxide and other gases in it. From there, it reaches a tank and is used for refuelling. For now, the biomethane produced by the plant will power the buses of "Start Romagna" (Romagna's public transport company), and the pilot project will last about two years. But this is just the beginning. For the Hera Group, this is the second biomethane production facility, after the one in Sant'Agata Bolognese, which produces green energy by treating mowing, pruning and organic waste from separate waste collection. Landfill in Ravenna no

Asset Publisher


A source of clean energy from sewers and wet waste: Biomethane

An investment of Euro 37 million. A plant that disposes of 100 thousand tonnes of organic waste produced by separate waste collection and another 35 thousand tonnes coming from green waste and pruning material. 


Biodiesel has been developed also from used food oil

Fuel may also be extracted from vegetable oils. Used domestic vegetable oil (such as frying oil) which is recovered by multiutility services via roadside containers and drop-off points, is transformed into biodiesel, which in turn is used to fuel the vehicles used for urban waste collection.


Bus fuel from trash: Hera's pilot project with "START"

To obtain clean energy to power Ravenna's buses by decomposing waste in landfills. 


Data, the key to a smart future

From city to "smart city" thanks to data: with our detection systems we can monitor traffic trends, air quality and consumption of public parks. 


Dialogue with the urban context for new energy: the Borgo Panigale cogeneration plant

District heating is already in itself a "sustainable" and environment-friendly solution, because it can guarantee better performance than traditional domestic boilers. In addition, the plant located in Borgo Panigale ensures lower emissions into the environment, more reliability and greater availability of energy. The system can heat the equivalent of 8,000 residential units. Currently, the turbines can produce 35,000 MWh of energy per year, almost twice as much as in the past.


Ferrara, the city of "green" heat

What's Ferrara's green secret? It's underground, where a geothermal basin feeds its district heating system. The result? 87% of the thermal energy distributed in the city is "clean" and we avoid about 22 thousand tonnes of CO 2 emissions.


Hera and General Electric together for energy recovery

We have installed a turbo expander at the R&M stations of Ducati's factory in Bologna. The goal is to recover electricity from the decompression process of methane gas. 


Hergo Reti: the smart approach to emergency service and maintenance

More than 130 thousand emergency response reports involving 1,500 employees in 2019. More than 50 thousand emergency response operations in the first six months of 2020, in a local area that includes Emilia-Romagna, Triveneto and Marche.


Hergoambiente, waste bin speaking

Our 300,000 waste bins are talking. How? Thanks to a "tag" that always tells us where they are, how they are working and if they have been emptied. Find out more about the projects of HergoAmbiente, Hera Group's "smart" system to support waste management services.


Innovation takes flight and offers a variety of perspectives

Hera Group's drones are alternative and supplemental investigation tools to provide quality services to the areas we serve.

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111