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New Eni company - Hera for industrial waste management in Ravenna

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Asset Publisher

Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Price sensitive
Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:35
Press releases
Price sensitive
Hera Spa

Hera Group acquires Soelia’s gas network

Through its subsidiary Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the Group was awarded the tender for the gas distribution plants and network serving the municipality of Argenta in Ferrara area

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:38
Press releases
Price sensitive
Financial Results
Hera Spa

Hera Group BoD approves results for 1Q 2024

<p>The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows improvement in the main operating and financial indicators. The Group’s financial solidity and commitment to sustainability and the ecological transition were confirmed, along with the creation of value for all stakeholders and significant investments in the areas served to improve our assets resilience and to guarantee service quality and continuity</p>
Online since 14-05-2024 at 12:41
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
Price sensitive

Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2023 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 14 cents

The Group continues along its path of uninterrupted growth, closing 2023 with record performance in the main operating and financial indicators, thus constantly creating value for its stakeholders.

Online since 29-04-2024 at 12:53
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group at the top of ARERA’s water service quality ranking

The multiutility confirms itself among Italy’s most outstanding operators, securing the first and third positions, with reference to all macro-indicators, as proof of the very high standards adopted by the Group in this field. A commitment that the Hera fulfils with significant investments to ensure the highest quality and continuity of service to around 3.6 million citizens and an increasingly efficient and circular use of resources. Important results have been achieved, particularly in Emilia-Romagna.

Other press releases
Hera Spa

Publication of the Draft Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31.12.2023, the Sustainability Report - Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, the Corporate Governance Report, and the Report on Remuneration and Compensation Paid

Hera Spa
Other press releases

Rigid plastics recycling: one of Europe’s most innovative plants to be built in Modena

<p><em>Thanks to investments totalling approximately 50 million euro, the Hera Group will build a state-of-the-art facility within its own plant complex. Starting from plastic waste that has so far been difficult to recycle, it will produce high quality polymers with characteristics similar to those shown by virgin materials, thus making sectors such as consumer electronics and the automotive industry increasingly sustainable</em></p>
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting to be held on 30 April 2024

Press releases
Other press releases
Hera Spa
Price sensitive
Financial Results

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

<p><em>The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule. The Group’s financial solidity and flexibility allowed it to continue along its path of industrial growth, increasing its investments and successfully grasping market opportunities, both internal and external, while continuing to generate value benefitting all stakeholders. The proposed dividend was raised, reaching 14 eurocents per share</em></p>
Online since 26-03-2024 at 12:47
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Green energy and a new urban forest: the Hera Group’s Energy Park arrives in Bologna

<p><em>Sustainability, decarbonisation, liveability and biodiversity protection are the keywords of this project, which will be developed in the northern part of the city and will contain a new urban park with facilities, complemented by areas dedicated to protecting animal and plant species, and an agrivoltaic field that will allow an annual saving of 6,000 tons of CO2.</em></p>
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
Other press releases

The passing of Hera S.p.A.'s Vice Chairman, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi

We hereby inform you that on March 3, 2024, the Vice Chaiman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi, passed away.

Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group among Europe’s leaders in sustainability and the fight against climate change

<p><em>The Group achieved the leadership band in the CDP questionnaire and was included among “TOP 1%” Multi and Water Utilities of the S&amp;P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2024. These recognitions prove Hera’s commitment to sustainable development and creating shared value for local areas.</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group: over 1 million new electricity customers as of 1 July

<p><em>With the 7 lots awarded in the tender for the Gradual Protection Service for non-vulnerable household customers, the Hera Group consolidates its position as the sector’s third largest operator in Italy.</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group expands in the industrial waste sector with TRS Ecology

<p><i><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:11.0pt"><span style="line-height:106%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"></span></span></span></i>With the acquisition of 70% of the Piacenza-based company, the Group reinforces its leadership in the waste management sector. This transaction, at full capacity, is expected to contribute to growth in the Hera Group’s Ebitda with approximately 6 million euro.<i><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:11.0pt"><span style="line-height:106%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"> </span></span></span></i></p>
Press releases
Price sensitive
Financial Results
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group presents Business Plan to 2027

<p><em>Development, resilience and creating shared value for stakeholders are at the heart of the Group’s new strategic document, which foresees investments totalling 4.4 billion to speed up the ecological transition and enhance asset resilience to climate change. The preliminary results for 2023 outperform the previous Plan’s goals that have been achieved three years ahead of schedule, thanks to the numerous development actions implemented and the Group’s ability to grasp market opportunities.</em></p>
Online since 24-01-2024 at 12:02
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
Other press releases
Price sensitive

Calendar of corporate events

Online since 22-01-2024 at 13:24
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Top Employer for the 15th Consecutive Year

<p><em>The company reaffirms, once again in 2024, its position among the best performers in human resources management, thanks to substantial investments in welfare, training, and skill development.</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group has obtained the “Gender equality certification”

<p><em>A further confirmation of the importance of Hera’s achievements in terms of gender equality and inclusion</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Modena’s Hydrogen Valley takes off: signed the memorandum of understanding centred around the IdrogeMO project of Hera Group and Snam

<p><em>With this agreement, Modena will become a European capital of renewable hydrogen. The goal is to contribute to Emilia-Romagna’s carbon neutrality in an area with a strong entrepreneurial presence, and the greatest benefits will be seen in the mobility sector, local public transport and industry.</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth year straight

<p><em>Group confirmed as one of the world’s sustainability leaders in both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, once again recognizing Hera’s decades-long strategy for long-term value creation for its shareholders and for all stakeholders</em></p>

Asset Publisher

New Eni company - Hera for industrial waste management in Ravenna

The agreement provides for the creation of a state-of-the-art environmental platform capable of handling up to 60 thousand tonnes of special waste per year. The initiative is an example of industrial symbiosis aimed at minimising waste disposal in favour of recovering materials and energy.

Eni Ponticelle

Eni and the Hera Group, through its subsidiaries Eni Rewind and Herambiente, have today signed, in the presence of the Mayor of Ravenna Michele de Pascale, an agreement to establish a joint venture which, by pooling the technical-management know-how of the two companies, will create a multifunctional platform for the pre-processing and processing of special waste in the Ravenna industrial area.

The initiative aims to make a concrete contribution to the structural shortage of special waste management facilities in Italy and to maximise the recovery of materials and energy.

In particular, the platform, the authorisation process of which will begin in 2021, will manage up to 60 thousand tonnes/year of waste produced by environmental and production activities, including those in the area, from a circular perspective and in line with the European directives of the "Circular Economy Package" implemented in Italy last September. The multi-purpose platform will be equipped with the latest technologies and built on a part of the "Ponticelle" site owned by Eni Rewind, near the industrial zone and the port of Ravenna. In relation to the development and operation of the plant, Eni Rewind will be responsible for the procurement process of solid and liquid waste processing services and Herambiente will operate the plant.

Mayor of Ravenna Michele de Pascale said "This is an important agreement to transform a formerly abandoned industrial area through the implementation of a technologically advanced project. This virtuous project demonstrates our leadership in the circular economy, which is important for the economic development of the city and will also be the subject of an in-depth study by the City Council. Today, a first fundamental collaboration between two important industry groups, Eni and Herambiente, has been put in place in our city, bringing with it significant benefits for employment and economic growth for the community in the future".

Paolo Grossi, CEO of Eni Rewind commented "The agreement with Herambiente aligns with the Eni Ponticelle project, which aims to regenerate an industrial zone according to the principles of circular economy. In Ponticelle, we are finishing the environmental works an area where, in the coming months, Eni will build a photovoltaic park and a plant for the biological treatment of the land, with an adjoining analysis and research laboratory. The Ponticelle project is emblematic of our operating model. It is sustainable and circular and was structured following constructive dialogue with local stakeholders".

Andrea Ramonda, CEO of Herambiente said "Growth and innovation are in Herambiente's DNA and alliances with qualified partners such as Eni, meet these values perfectly. The new platform, which will replace the existing one, integrates and further improves the already ample plant equipment dedicated to waste produced by companies and is perfectly aligned with our recently renewed mission. It will offer sustainable and innovative solutions to companies and communities creating value and new resources".

Online from 20 November 2020 at 11:23:00

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An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "static, String, Locale)" threw an exception; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: contentDate = hera_template_tool.getD...  [in template "20099#20135#57725658" at line 72, column 13]
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118                                                        <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
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164                                                        <#assign catName => 
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166                                                            <#assign checkcategory=1 /> 
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186                                                ${contentSummary} 
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192                                                <#if publishDate!=""> Online dal ${publishDate} </#if> 
193                                                <#--<#list oraPubblicazioneObj as ora_pubb>--> 
194                                                <#if oraPubblicazioneObj!=""> 
195                                                    alle ore ${oraPubblicazioneObj?datetime("HH:mm:ss")?string("HH:mm")} 
196                                                </#if> 
197                                                <#--</#list>--> 
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Pre-Footer Gruppo Media

Group Director of Communication And External Relations

Giuseppe Gagliano






Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127




Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127



Bilancio bs e be banner

Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

Pre-Footer Standard

Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111