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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex LVia Cavazza 45 Modena (MO) - Update 2021

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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex LVia Cavazza 45 Modena (MO) - Update 2021

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Hera Group: over 2.2 billion euro distributed to local areas in 2021

2022-05-05 Hera continues to create shared value by focusing on the principles underlying a “fair transition” and is able to support the communities it serves in achieving sustainable development. For the first time, the Sustainability Report also provides information on activities consistent with the EU taxonomy Setting challenging goals, growing and innovating by creating value for stakeholders and reporting the results achieved in a clear and transparent way: all of this has always guided Hera’s actions. It also includes protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development, and the Group has summarised it in its 2021 Sustainability Report, now available online ( Industrial growth and sustainable development, therefore, go hand in hand, nourishing one another. In full harmony with Brussels and the main international policies, Hera continues to take determined steps towards bringing about a “fair transition”. This model puts people at its centre and translates into a gradual process, planned so as not to leave anyone behind. On the contrary, it is designed to accompany the local areas served towards a more environmentally sustainable future, and also one that can concretely be achieved from an economic and social point of view. One of the most important new features of the 2021 Sustainability Report is the information provided for the first time concerning activities consistent with the European Union’s taxonomy, with particular reference to the objectives of mitigating and adapting to climate change, thus anticipating regulatory obligations that will only come into force in 2023. Creating value together with the communities served: more than 2.2 billion euro distributed to local areas The Group’s sustainable growth also involves the surrounding economic and social fabric, as is proven by the over 2.2 billion euro distributed in 2021 to the areas served. Hera guarantees them continuity and efficiency in its services, with significant investments made in innovating the infrastructure assets that will be decisive in facing the climate-related challenges of the coming years. Moreover, the total economic value for stakeholders rose to over 2.9 billion euro, including workers (592.8 million), shareholders (217.9 million), public administrations (115.1 million), and approximately 1.2 billion relating to suppliers. Shared value Ebitda rises to 570.6 million One of the most important results reported is shared value Ebitda, referring to business activities that also respond to the drivers of sustainable growth. This figure rose to 570.6 million, a significant increase over 2020 (+25.4%), corresponding to 46.6% of total Ebitda. This is a sign that the positive economic results achieved are accompanied by Hera’s increasing focus on sustainability, a result in line with the trajectory marked out by the Business Plan, which projects this value at 55.6% of total Ebitda by 2025, rising to 70% in 2030. Three main drivers guide this commitment: pursuing carbon neutrality, regenerating resources and closing the loop, and enabling resilience and innovation. Pursuing carbon neutrality For Hera, working on energy means first and foremost pursuing carbon neutrality. Overall, the actions taken by the Group move towards the energy transition and promote energy efficiency. Given that the concentration of greenhouse gases, largely caused by fossil fuels, continues to have a negative impact on the increase in the planet’s temperature, in the field of energy transition and renewable energy the Hera Group continues its commitment to producing increasingly sustainable energy sources. One particularly successful initiative is the S. Agata Bolognese plant, which in 2021 produced 8 million cubic metres of biomethane by transforming the organic waste derived from sorted waste collection coming from citizens, 22% more than in 2019. The goal, to be reached by developing new projects including one in the Modena area thanks to a partnership with the Cremonini Group, is to double the production of biomethane, reaching 16.8 million cubic metres per year in 2025. The relevance of the second area, energy efficiency, must also be considered in relation to the complex international scenarios for the supply and cost of energy, and the role that renewables will play in the sustainable future. The policy to increase the energy efficiency of Hera’s activities will continue, as is borne out by the ISO 50001 certification on energy management obtained for 11 Group companies, where 96% of the entire company’s energy consumption takes place. The Hera Group also supplies renewable electricity to all residential customers on the free market, and when considering all types of customers (residential and non-residential) the total renewable electricity sold on the free market rises from 33% to 40%. Finally, the Group is committed to improving the energy efficiency of condominiums, companies and public administrations, reaching important results, with savings of up to 20-40% of consumption. Regenerating resources and closing the loop No less challenging is the issue of the environment, a front on which Hera is working to regenerate natural resources and closing the loop to promote a more effective use of them. In concrete terms, this means going beyond a linear model to achieve the circular economy. This is the case with municipal waste management: in the areas served by the Group, the EU objective of a 55% waste recycling rate by 2025 has already been achieved, as has the 73% recycling rate for packaging (higher than the EU objective for 2030). This result is due to another important fact: the average sorted waste collection rate comes to 65.3%, higher than the national average for the sector. Moreover, among the 10 most virtuous Italian cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, as regards sorted waste collection per capita, 4 are managed by Hera, with Ferrara leading the national ranking in terms of percentage of sorted waste collection. And waste is not the only factor involved. Closing the loop is a rationale that is applied across the board, such as in the sustainable management of water resources. Here, we’re talking about 414 million cubic metres supplied down to the last cubic metre, of the highest quality. To make this possible, one must have an excellent set of plants. One example is the Val di Setta drinking water plant, in Bologna area, which has obtained AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship) certification, an acknowledgement received by Hera as the world’s leading multi-utility. But attention and protection occur first and foremost from within the Group, which in 2021, for example, achieved a reduction of approximately 17% in its internal water consumption, compared to 2017. Enabling resilience and innovation Hera operates locally to enable resilience and innovate, following a rationale of adaptation aimed at guaranteeing, among other things, continuity in services and the availability of resources, by extending infrastructures in the areas served through smart plants and networks. In this context, in line with international policies, digitisation and innovation in activities plays a key role, supported by an investment of 82 million euros in 2021 alone, with projects that involve not only the Group but also the local communities, helping them move towards the digital transition. Making communities more resilient also means working to promote social inclusion. For this reason, in 2021, almost 200,000 bills were paid in instalments, for a total value of 126.8 million euro. In February 2022, in order to consider the situation ensuing from the increase in commodity prices, Hera signed an agreement with consumer associations, in addition to national regulations, to go even further in helping customers in difficulty. 20220505_PR Sustainability report 2021.pdf 11:07:00 See the press release
Online dal 05/05/2022 alle ore 11:07:00
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
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Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2021 financial statements and dividend rising to 12 cents approved

2022-04-28 On the twentieth anniversary of its foundation, the Group continues along the path of growth that has distinguished it since its establishment, confirming its commitment to sustainable development by creating value for the areas served and all stakeholders The ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of Hera met this morning in Bologna to approve the 2021 financial statements and the payment of a dividend increasing to 12 cents per share (+9% compared to the last dividend paid), as further confirmation of the value created for stakeholders and local areas. Among the various resolutions passed, the Shareholders Meeting also approved an amendment to the Articles of Association, in compliance with the content of the new Corporate Governance Code. At the Shareholders Meeting, the 2021 Sustainability Report (a consolidated non-financial statement prepared pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016) was also presented. Financial statements for 2021 approved, with growth in results In the ordinary session, the Shareholders Meeting approved the 2021 financial statements, which showed growth in all main operating and financial indicators. Among the main results: Ebitda rose to 1,223.9 million euro (+9%) and net profit attributable to shareholders reached 333.5 million euro (+10.2%). Operating investments, including capital grants, amounted to 588.7 million euro (+16.3%), while net financial debt stood at 3,261.3 million euro, in line with the 3,227.0 million euro seen at 31 December 2020. The net debt/Ebitda ratio improved to 2.66x, confirming the Group’s financial solidity. These figures testify, once again, to the validity of the multi-business strategy adopted by the Group: a balanced mix of internal and external growth, with significant economies of scale and the extraction of higher synergies than expected, to the benefit of the local areas in which Hera operates. Despite the complex scenario, due to the ongoing Coronavirus emergency, in addition to the volatility of the energy market during the second half of the year, further progress occurred along the path of uninterrupted growth achieved by the Group, led since its creation in 2002 by Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano. In twenty years, in fact, Ebitda has increased more than sixfold and net profit has grown more than tenfold. In addition to achieving positive results, Hera has also constantly pursued sustainable development, supporting its stakeholders, first and foremost its customers, with concrete actions such as instalment plans for bills to enable them to meet their payments. Payment of a 12 cent/share dividend introduced The Shareholders Meeting also approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a dividend coming to 12 cents per share, up 9% compared to the last dividend paid. The ex-dividend date was set at 20 June 2022, with payment as of 22 June 2022. The dividend will be paid to shares recorded on 21 June 2022. The dividend paid, based on the Hera share price at 31/12/2021, corresponds to a 3.3% annual return. A strong focus on creating value for shareholders was therefore confirmed. This increase is consistent with the dividend policy set out in the Business Plan, which foresees a steady increase in dividends, reaching 14.5 cents per share by 2025. The Sustainability Report: Shared value Ebitda rises to 570.6 million During the Shareholders Meeting, the 2021 Sustainability Report was also presented, showing how improvement in operating and financial indicators goes hand in hand with creating shared value. More specifically, in 2021, shared value Ebitda, referring to business activities that also meet the drivers for sustainable growth, rose to 570.6 million euro, a significant increase compared to 2020 (+25.4%), corresponding to 46.6% of total Ebitda. This result reflects the direction set out in the Business Plan, which projects this figure at 55% of total Ebitda by 2025, rising to 70% in 2030, along a linear path that generates concrete benefits for the local areas and communities served, alongside the company’s own development. Articles of Association adapted to the new Borsa Italiana Corporate Governance Code The extraordinary agenda items approved by the Shareholders Meeting include an amendment of Article 17 of Hera’s Articles of Association, in compliance with the content of the new Corporate Governance Code, following a close analysis of international developments in corporate governance. In particular, the recommendation that administrative bodies should include a number of independent directors coming to at least half of the members of the Board of Directors was implemented. Therefore, with the reformulation of paragraph 17.3 of the Articles of Association, it is clearly stated that, within each list presented, at least half of the candidates must meet independence requirements. Other resolutions approved The Shareholders Meeting also approved a renewed authorisation for the Board of Directors to purchase treasury shares (and the procedures for their treatment), for a total value of up to 240 million euro for 18 months, at the same time revoking last year’s resolution for the non-executed part. The renewal of authorisation to use treasury shares was requested in order to pursue the purposes permitted by law and accepted market practices, in order to increase value creation in transactions carried out by Group companies as well, for whom investment opportunities arise, and for transactions involving the issue of financial instruments. Lastly, the Shareholders Meeting approved the Report on remuneration policy and compensation paid, in line with international best practices, and the Corporate governance report was also presented. “Over the Group’s twenty-year history, we have pursued a path marked by constant growth, leveraging our operating-financial solidity, with positive repercussions for all stakeholders, first and foremost our shareholders”, states Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Executive Chairman of the Hera Group. “We will continue to guarantee the highest quality and efficiency in our services, despite the complexities of the external scenario, as done for twenty years working concretely and coherently with the values that have always distinguished us. We are therefore carrying on with our commitment to further developing a highly innovative and original business model, capable of acting as a real driver of change for the local areas and communities we serve, with a strategic approach aimed at creating shared value.” 20220428_PR_HERA Shareholders meeting.pdf 11:48:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 28/04/2022 alle ore 11:48:00

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111