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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex "Centro Ecologico Baiona" Via Baiona, 182 Ravenna (RA) - Update 2021

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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex "Centro Ecologico Baiona" Via Baiona, 182 Ravenna (RA) - Update 2021

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Final results of the tender offer relating to certain notes

2021-10-19 Sede Hera Following the press release dated 11 October 2021, notice is hereby given that today BNP Paribas S.A. announced the final results of the tender offer launched by it, in its capacity as offeror (the “Offeror”), on 11 October 2021 pursuant to the agreements entered into with Hera S.p.A. (the “Company”), addressed to qualified investors only and relating to (i) the €500,000,000 2.375 per cent. Notes due 4 July 2024 (ISIN: XS1084043451) (the “2024 Notes”), (ii) the Euro 400,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 14 October 2026 (ISIN: XS1504194173) (the “2026 Notes”), (iii) the €500,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 5 July 2027 (ISIN: XS2020608548) (the “2027 Notes”) and (iv) the €700,000,000 5.200 per cent. Fixed Rate Notes due 29 January 2028 (ISIN: XS0880764435) (the “2028 Notes” and together with the 2024 Notes, the 2026 Notes and the 2027 Notes, the “Existing Notes”) up to a nominal amount to be determined by the Offeror at its own discretion up to Euro 300,000,000, such amount being subject to the right of the Offeror to increase or decrease it in its sole and absolute discretion (the “Tender Offer”). The Existing Notes validly tendered for purchase pursuant to the Tender Offer are equal to Euro 352,910,000 and namely Euro 41,088,000 in principal amount of 2024 Notes, Euro 127,468,000 in principal amount of 2026 Notes, Euro 142,841,000 in principal amount of 2027 Notes and Euro 41,513,000 in principal amount of 2028 Notes. The Offeror has announced its intention to accept for purchase all the 2024 Notes, the 2027 Notes and the 2028 Notes validly tendered pursuant to the Tender Offer and to accept for purchase the 2026 Notes for an aggregate principal amount equal to Euro 74,557,000. The payments due pursuant to the Tender Offer are expected to be made by the Offeror on 20 October 2021. Simultaneously with, but separately from, the Tender Offer, the Company will purchase, through the Offeror, a portion of the €68,000,000 3.375 per cent. Fixed Rate Notes due 22 May 2023 (ISIN: XS0935948272) issued by the Company and privately placed to a limited number of investors for an aggregate principal amount equal to Euro 46,000,000. Press release.pdf 2020-07-02 17:56:00 Sede Hera
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Hera included in the new MIB ESG Index

2021-10-18 Being part of Italy’s first blue-chip index, launched today by Euronext and Borsa Italiana and dedicated to ESG best practices, gives Hera additional recognition for its focus on sustainability and creating shared value for all stakeholders Sede Hera The Hera Group has received yet another significant recognition, a reward for its way of integrating financial strategies and attention to sustainability: Hera has been included in the MIB ESG Index (Bloomberg gross return code: MIBESG), Italy’s first blue-chip index dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) best practices. Announced today by Euronext and Borsa Italiana, the MIB ESG Index combines measurements of operating performance with ESG assessments, in line with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Inclusion in this index is based on an analysis by Vigeo Eiris, a Moody’s ESG Solutions company, and is designed to meet growing investor and market demand for sustainable investment instruments. The creation of this index is an important step in accelerating the transition to a sustainable economy and allowing investors to fund high-impact projects and companies in Italy and Europe. The index’s methodology was designed in a collaboration with the financial community, public institutions and regulatory authorities. Its main goals include facilitating the adoption of traditional ESG investment approaches by public and private investors and gathering consensus for sustainable and responsible investments. After being included one year ago in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe, with recognition as the best multi-utility worldwide by S&P Global, with today's inclusion in the MIB ESG Index, Hera’s successful corporate strategy has been further confirmed. The combination of growth in results and sustainability, alongside creating value for all stakeholders, defines the path taken by Hera ever since it was founded, 20 years ago. The Group’s Business Plans themselves highlight its various sustainability objectives – circularity, decarbonisation, risk management – to 2024 and 2030. Broken down by business area, these goals are based on investments that increase asset resilience, innovation, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and big data. More specifically, the Hera Group’s greenhouse gas emission reduction target is one of the most ambitious among Italian companies: 37% less by 2030 compared to 2019, as certified by the prestigious international network Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). Hera aims in particular to meet the “Well below 2°C” objective, conceived to limit the increase in global temperature to significantly less than 2°C compared to pre-industrial data, in line with the path set out by the Paris Climate Agreement. In addition to steadily improving its operating and financial results, Hera’s focus on ESG factors is accompanied by its stable governance, unique in the sector and rewarded this year with the highest ranking in Italy in the Integrated Governance Index, compiled by ETicaNews. A pioneer in the field of sustainable finance since it launched Italy’s first green bond in 2014, Hera successfully issued a sustainability-linked bond amounting to 500 million euro only a few days ago. A high level of interest was shown by international investors, whose subscriptions came to roughly four times the amount offered. This non-convertible bond’s issuance is linked to targets in reducing emissions and recycling plastics. Two years ago, Hera was also the first company in Italy to launch a sustainable revolving credit line, introducing a bonus mechanism linked to achieving specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives. Green and, more generally, ESG financial instruments represent a fundamental lever with which Hera creates value and supports its commitment to increasingly regenerative and resilient development. Press release Hera included in the new MIB ESG Index.pdf 2020-07-02 16:27:00 Sede Hera
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Hera successfully launches its first sustainability-linked bond

2021-10-13 Strong interest shown by international investors towards the 500 million euro, 12-and-a-half-year bond. The issue is part of a strategy aimed at sustainability, intended to reduce emissions and recycle plastics. The subscriptions received totalled around two billion euro, four times the amount offered Sede Hera The Hera Group – a pioneer in sustainable finance in Italy – has successfully launched its first sustainability-linked bond, worth 500 million euro. This non-convertible bond attracted a great deal of interest from international investors, who made subscriptions coming to four times the amount offered. The issue is part of a strategy aimed at sustainability, intended to reduce emissions and recycle plastics. One of the first companies in Italy to issue a sustainability-linked bond, Hera continues to act as a point of reference for ESG finance nationwide, with innovative instruments capable not only of supporting its commitment to sustainable development but also attracting growing attention on the market. Hera – it is worth recalling – was the first company in Italy to issue a green bond, in 2014, followed by a second green bond five years later, as well as the first ESG-linked revolving credit line, in 2018. Hera’s first sustainability-linked bond follows up on the publication, last 6 October, of its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework (SLFF), with which the Group further strengthened the integration between its financial strategies and its attention to sustainability, outlining the metrics applicable to any financial instrument. The features of Hera’s sustainability-linked bond Hera’s first sustainability-linked bond, launched as part of the Euro Medium-Term Notes programme (last updated on 7 October) and reserved for qualified investors, amounts to a total of 500 million euro, repayable in 12 and a half years. The transaction saw significant participation coming from international investors (France, Germany, Netherland and United Kingdom), most of whom specialised in sustainable finance products. The strong demand, with subscriptions coming to around two billion euros, four times the offer, and the quality of the orders received, allowed the price to be set at an excellent level. An annual fixed rate coupon of 1.0% will be paid, while the yield at the time of issue is 1.077%. As of the interest payment date of 2032, a possible step-up (interest rate increase) has been included, should the Group fail to meet the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in tonnes of CO2 (rate increase of 0.20%), and the quantity of recycled plastic, in thousand tonnes (rate increase of 0.15%). The new issue, whose settlement date has been set for 25 October 2021, will be listed, as of the issue date, on the regulated market of Euronext Dublin, on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and, at a later moment, on Borsa Italiana’s ExtraMOT PRO multilateral trading facility. This sustainability-linked bond is also expected to be assigned a rating in line with Hera’s (Baa2 with stable outlook for Moody’s and BBB+ with stable outlook for Standard & Poor’s). Interventions aimed at reducing emissions and recycling plastics The sustainability-linked bond is part of the Hera Group’s strategy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the amount of plastic recycled. These activities have already been launched or are included in the Business Plan, and represent Hera’s commitment to achieving the objectives on the UN 2030 Agenda. The bond is linked, as mentioned above, to meeting the sustainability targets contained in the Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework, with respect to which intermediate Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) have also been defined, which will be reported annually for the purpose of transparency. More specifically, the Hera Group aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% within 2030 (compared to 2019), thanks to both the concrete actions taken within the Group and the involvement of suppliers and customers in electricity and gas sales. This is one of the most ambitious targets for a company in Italy, validated by the prestigious international network Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). As regards the second target, the Group aims to increase its amount of recycled plastic by 150% by 2030 (compared to 2017), thanks to factors including an increased plant capacity and an extension of the scope of action to include the recovery of rigid plastics. Hera is already a leader in this area, thanks to its subsidiary Aliplast, and is the only Italian multi-utility to have signed the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “New Plastics Economy Global Commitment”. “Our first sustainability-linked bond provides further confirmation of Hera’s commitment to sustainable development, with a focus on carbon neutrality and the circular economy, thanks to ESG financial strategies” states Stefano Venier, CEO of Hera Group “For some time, we have been committed to actions aimed at reducing emissions and recycling plastics, thus respecting our Business Plan and strategies for the energy and environmental transition. These issues are particularly relevant for us, considering the very nature of the businesses in which we operate, and we can make a real difference by responding to the many challenges we are currently facing, first and foremost climate change, and contributing to achieving the goals on the 2030 Agenda. Thanks to this new bond issued, we will be able to give further impetus to our activities in these areas.” The partners in the operation Hera’s sustainability-linked bond issue was coordinated and placed by BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole CIB, IMI-Intesa Sanpaolo, Mediobanca, Santander and UniCredit. The law firm Legance Avvocati Associati assisted Hera, while Linklaters supported the placing banks. Press release sustainability linked bond launch.pdf 2020-07-02 18:23:00 Sede Hera
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The BoD of Hera S.p.A. authorises the issue of new notes and the repurchase of certain notes

2021-10-11 Sede Hera The Board of Directors of HERA S.p.A. (the “Company”) has authorised the issue of new senior non-convertible notes, under its Euro Medium Term Notes Programme updated on 7 October 2021, up to an aggregate principal amount of Euro 500,000,000, to be placed with qualified investors only (the “Notes”), granting to the Chief Executive Officer the powers to decide on, and give effective execution to, the issue of the Notes, subject to market conditions. The Notes will be issued in the form of “Sustainability-linked bond” pursuant to the “Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework” published by the Company on 6 October 2021. Furthermore, pursuant to the agreements entered into today with the Company, BNP Paribas S.A., in its capacity as offeror (the “Offeror”), is in the process of announcing a cash tender offer addressed to qualified investors only and relating to (i) the €500,000,000 2.375 per cent. Notes due 4 July 2024 (of which €329,390,000 is outstanding as at the date of this announcement) (ISIN: XS1084043451) (the “2024 Notes”), (ii) the Euro 400,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 14 October 2026 (ISIN: XS1504194173) (the “2026 Notes”), (iii) the €500,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 5 July 2027 (ISIN: XS2020608548) (the “2027 Notes”) and (iv) the €700,000,000 5.200 per cent. Fixed Rate Notes due 29 January 2028 (of which €640,530,000 is outstanding as at the date of this announcemement) (ISIN: XS0880764435) (the “2028 Notes” and together with the 2024 Notes, the 2026 Notes and the 2027 Notes, the “Existing Notes”), up to a nominal amount to be determined by the Offeror at its own discretion up to Euro 300,000,000, such amount being subject to the right of the Offeror to increase or decrease it in its sole and absolute discretion (the “Tender Offer”). The purpose of the above transaction is mainly to manage the Company’s liabilities and extend its debt maturity profile. The Tender Offer, whose terms and conditions are set forth in the tender offer memorandum dated 11 October 2021 and available to the noteholders of the Existing Notes (the “Tender Offer Memorandum”), is, inter alia, subject to (i) the pricing of the Notes satisfactory to the Company, (ii) the signing of a subscription agreement for the purchase of the Notes (the “Subscription Agreement”) and (iii) such Subscription Agreement remaining in full force and effect as at the settlement date of the Tender Offer. The Offeror is not under any obligation to accept for purchase any Existing Notes tendered pursuant to the Tender Offer. The acceptance for purchase by the Offeror of Existing Notes is at the sole discretion of the Offeror and tenders may be rejected by the Offeror, in whole or in part, for any reason. The table below sets forth the terms and conditions of the Tender Offer. Notes Call date ISIN Outstanding Principal Amount Benchmark Purchase Spread Amount subject to the Offers / Final-Acceptance Amount €500,000,000 2.375 per cent. Notes due 4 July 2024 (the “2024 Notes”) N/A XS1084043451 €329.390.000 2024 Notes Interpolated Mid-Swap Rate 5 bps Subject as set out in the Tender Offer Memorandum up to a total aggregate principal amount of all Series of Notes validly tendered and accepted for purchase of €300,000,000 such amount being subject to the right of the Offeror to increase or decrease it in its sole and absolute discretion €400,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 14 October 2026 (the “2026 Notes”) N/A XS1504194173 €400.000.000 2026 Notes Interpolated Mid-Swap Rate 5 bps €500,000,000 0.875 per cent. Notes due 5 July 2027 (the “2027 Notes”) 5 April 2027 (the "First Call Date of the 2027 Notes") XS2020608548 €500.000.000 2027 Notes Interpolated Mid-Swap Rate 10 bps1 €700,000,000 5.200 per cent. Notes due 29 January 2028 (the “2028 Notes”) N/A XS0880764435 €640.530.000 2028 Notes Interpolated Mid-Swap Rate 5 bps 1For information purposes only, the purchase price for the 2027 Notes will be based on the First Call Date of the 2027 Notes. If the aggregate principal amount of the Existing Notes validly tendered for purchase pursuant to the Tender Offer is greater than the amount of the Existing Notes that the Offeror intends to purchase, the relevant tenders will be accepted on a pro rata basis. The Tender Offer, which starts today, will expire on 18 October 2021, subject to the right of the Offeror to extend, re-open, amend and/or terminate it. The settlement date for the Tender Offer is expected to fall on 20 October 2021. Further information on the terms and conditions of the Tender Offer are set out in the Tender Offer Memorandum. Simultaneously with, but separately from, the Tender Offer, the Company may also consider, at its sole discretion, to purchase, through the Offeror, in whole or in part, the €68,000,000 3.375 per cent. Fixed Rate Notes due 22 May 2023 (ISIN: XS0935948272) issued by the Company and privately placed to a limited number of investors. This notice does not constitute an invitation to participate in the Tender Offer in any jurisdiction in which, or to any person to whom, it is unlawful to make such invitation or for there to be such participation under applicable securities laws and regulations. This notice does not constitute an offer of securities for sale or a solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. The distribution of this notice or the Tender Offer Memorandum in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and regulations. Persons into whose possession this notice comes are required to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions. Specific restrictions are included in the Tender Offer Memorandum. Press release Launch of new issue.pdf 2020-07-02 09:56:00 Sede Hera
Shareholders’ meeting
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Communication of the overall amount of voting rights

2021-10-06 Communication of the overall amount of voting rights Bologna, 6 October 2021 - The following table contains the data concerning the shares outstanding and the number of voting rights representing the share capital as at 30 September 2021. Updated situation Previous situation Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Total, of which: 1,489,538,745 2,230,666,054 1,489,538,745 2,230,797,554 Ordinary shares (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0001250932 Current coupon: n. 20 748,411,436 748,411,436 748,279,936 748,279,936 Ordinary shares with increased voting rights (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0005159972 Current coupon: n. 20 741,127,309 1,482,254,618 741,258,809 1,482,517,618 Press release Communication overall amount of voting rights art. 85 bis 6 october 2021.pdf 2020-07-02 13:47:00 Communication of the overall amount of voting rights
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Hera: sustainable finance increasingly at the heart of corporate strategies

2021-10-06 Hera is among the first companies in Italy to publish its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework. An important point of reference also for issuing bonds in the future, its includes objectives linked to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and plastic recycling, in line with the Group’s Business Plan and strategies for energy and environmental transition The Hera Group – which pioneered sustainable finance in 2014, when it issued the first green bond in Italy – has further strengthened its integration between financial strategy and attention towards sustainability, with a focus on carbon neutrality and circular economy projects. The Group has in fact published – among the first companies in Italy to do so – its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework (SLFF), which sets out the guidelines of its commitment to sustainable finance. This document outlines the metrics applicable to any financial instrument, and in particular provides a reference model for future bonds linked to reducing emissions and encouraging plastic recycling. More specifically, the Hera Group has introduced two key indicators in its SLFF, in line with the strategies outlined in the Business Plan for energy and environmental transition, and representative of Hera’s commitment to achieving the goals on the UN’s 2030 Agenda. The first concerns reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Hera aims to lower these emissions by 37% within 2030 (compared to 2019), thanks to both concrete interventions within the company and the involvement of suppliers and customers in electricity and gas sales. This is one of the most ambitious targets defined by a company in Italy, validated by the prestigious international network Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). The second is linked to the quantity of plastics recycled by the Group, an area in which it already shows leadership, through its subsidiary Aliplast. The only Italian multi-utility to have signed the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “New Plastics Economy Global Commitment”, it will extend its commitment in this sector, through means including increasing its plant capacity and extending its range of action to the recovery of rigid plastics. The goal is to increase the amount of plastic recycled by 150% within 2030 (compared to 2017). In the spirit of transparency, which has always been one of Hera’s hallmarks, intermediate Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) have also been defined with respect to the 2030 objectives, which will be reported annually. The Hera Group’s published SLFF now stands alongside its Green Financing Framework (GFF) – adopted by the company in 2019 – and responds to the growing attention shown by international investors towards sustainable financial instruments. This is an area in which Hera has always invested: after issuing the first green bond in Italy in 2014, the Group in fact offered a second “green” bond in 2019 and, in 2018, was the first company to launch an ESG-linked revolving credit line in this country. “With the Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework, we have consolidated the link between our financial strategies and the attention to sustainability which has always characterised us, for reasons including the very nature of the businesses we manage”, states Luca Moroni, Group Manager of Administration, Finance and Control. “Green financial instruments and, more generally, ESG criteria are in fact a fundamental lever to create value and support our commitment to an increasingly regenerative and resilient development. In particular, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and recycling plastics are particularly relevant areas for us, where we want to and can make a real difference in order to respond to the many challenges we are currently facing, starting with climate change, and contribute to meeting the goals on the 2030 Agenda”. Sustainalytics, one of the leading ESG rating agencies, has issued a Second Party Opinion certifying the Hera Group’s Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework’s consistency with the main international reference standards, first and foremost the International Capital Market Association’s 2020 Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles. In structuring its SLFF, the Group was supported by BNP Paribas, UniCredit and Mediobanca. Press Release Sustainable Linked Financing Framework.pdf 2020-07-02 09:54 Communication of the overall amount of voting rights

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111